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REVENGE (Kenshaw Legacy Book 2)

Page 4

by Piper Frost

  I curse myself the entire walk home. I should've put two and two together when I saw him in gym class the other day. And my sister’s been blabbing non fucking stop about Fenton’s brother coming back. Not that I didn’t expect to run into him. But I didn’t expect him to look so good. Real good. The minute he said he lived there I knew something was up, but it didn’t click until I thought about who else lives with my sister. Sterling. How I didn’t remember that name when the teacher called out for him the other day, I’m not sure. Not my finest moment, apparently.

  But he’s back. And he’s hot. And he just touched me in ways I need to be touched. Sutton’s got it better than any of the guys at our school, and I can tell that from one quick grind on his very hard dick. Jesus, he’s got a good body. One I could touch, and lick, and ride all night...

  “Where have you been?” My dad stops me in the kitchen as soon as I close the door. My eyebrows shoot up and I pray he didn’t see Sutton out there. Thank god for mind reading not being a thing, because the images in my head are not family friendly.

  “Nowhere,” I blurt and roll my eyes, “Paige’s. Why?” I’ve already disappointed my dad once this week and if he found out about me skipping today it’ll tally up another mark against me. But the look he’s giving me right now tells me something else is going on in his head.

  “Just wonderin’ why you're coming in the back door after dinner time and you smell like beer.” He narrows his eyes and I give him my best show as of yet.

  “I don’t drink, Daddy,” I say with so much resolve I almost believe it. Ha! Good one, Leena. “I was just hanging out at Paige’s. It sucks not having a girl here to talk to anymore.”

  “Yeah,” he mutters, rubbing his head. “Hey, was Fenton’s brother there?”

  “Sutton?” I try not to grin too wide. “Yeah, I think so. Why?”

  “Ah, he uh.” He laughs nervously. “I know you were young when it happened, Leena, but he really screwed us over. And I know you probably don’t remember because we kept a lot from you, but he’s not a good kid. And I’d hate for the family to be in danger again now that we’ve finally settled down and gotten back on our feet. Maybe, just stay away from him. Let Fenton deal with him.”

  My eyes go wide because he’s actually standing here telling me not to talk to Sutton.

  “Dad, that was a long time ago,” I say, almost laughing at him but he looks like I’ve just spit in his face. Shit.

  “And he’s a bad kid, Leena. He’s been in juvie for years. He's grown up around other bad kids. Do you really want your little brothers watching him and thinking it’s okay to be like he is? A felon?”

  And there’s that look. The one I’m sadly getting used to. The look of disappointment. One my dad’s probably already used to wearing when it comes to me. Well screw that. I don’t have to be around Sutton. I’ll teach my dad I’m not that big of a screw up. Maybe he’s right. I mean, I just spent an hour with him. My dad’s probably been keeping tabs on him for years figuring he’ll end up back here with his brother. He’s gotta know what he’s talking about.

  “Okay sure,” I whisper. “I'll stay away from him.”

  My dad’s face looks like he’s relieved and I smile because it’s not a look I’m used to. And it felt...good.

  All I have to do is stay away from Sutton Sterling. How hard can that be?

  The next couple weeks at school suck even worse than they usually do. I fail a pop quiz in math and manage to sleep through the lunch bell during study hall twice. The teacher had to wake me up and she didn’t look too happy about it. Add to it, as much as I’ve wanted to go over and talk to Sutton during gym class I can’t, because I’m really trying to do this for my dad. I’m really trying not to disappoint him. I don’t like that look on his face and I want, for once, to maybe be the reason he smiles. But good fucking Christ, ignoring Sutton in one class is hard. After weeks of it, I’m at my wit's end.

  After putting up with listening to Carrie McShaw talk about how she needs more awesome people like me, I walk out towards the football field with a fucking camera in my hand like the biggest nerd in the school. But I needed a reason to come to practice tonight and as happy as it would make the coach, there’s no way in hell I’m joining that god forsaken cheer squad. So I joined yearbook.

  I drop my bag on the bleachers and scan the field looking for Sutton, because apparently I like to torture myself, but he’s not out there. With a roll of my eyes, I take the cap off the lens and start snapping pictures of the team and, only because the assignment was getting the cheerleaders too, I wait until they look like assholes before snapping pictures of them. Bitches. Serves you right for being such shallow dickheads.

  A set of hands grabs my hips from behind and I swing around, ready to throat punch anyone in this school who thinks that’s okay to do to me.

  “The fuck!” I blurt, being met with Sutton’s green eyes and smug ass face. “I should throat punch you for that.” I yank away from him.

  “You’d have to put the camera down. What’s up with that? That your camera?” He thinks I’m stupid but his eyes aren’t on the camera, they’re on my tits.

  “It’s the yearbook girl’s,” I throw it back on my shoulder. “She did an assignment for me and I owe her,” I lie. “Why aren’t you out there?” Not that I mind much. He’s nice to look at up close like this, but dangerous and a territory I know I shouldn’t go to but I can’t stay away.

  “I had to stay after in science for setting the table on fire. So I’m late, and Grant.” He pauses to find him out of the field. “He’s gonna kick my ass so I should get out there, but I saw you.”

  “You’re the one who set the fire alarms off?” With a laugh, I nod. “That’s fucking awesome. Thanks, too, because we were about to take a pop quiz in English and it got cancelled because, and I quote from my teacher, ‘some dumb ass kid.’” I don’t like that I want to smile around him so much but he’s the only person in this damn school that doesn't judge me for not being a perfect Kenshaw.

  “I’m a dumbass to some, and a hero to others.” His crooked smile makes me stare at his mouth too long and when he reaches up to touch the ends of my hair, I flinch back. He chuckles and shakes his head. “I gotta get out there. You gonna take my picture?” He hops down a couple bleachers and turns, posing for a picture like he’s straight out of a magazine.

  “Ew, stop.” I laugh. “I’ll wait until you’re not looking and your face looks like you’re constipated before snapping anything for the yearbook.” I throw my hands to my hips. “So go on. Shoo.” Go away before you make me laugh again and I want to be around you more.

  “You’re gonna be a distraction, Leena. You’re too hot!” he calls out before jogging across the field toward Grant who looks pissed he’s late. I stick around to hear Grant rip him a new asshole and smirk to myself as I snap pictures of it. This is gold.

  I don’t mean to stick around for their entire practice, but watching him feels good. It feels even better when he gets tackled by his teammates because he won’t stop watching me.

  In my car, I toss the camera on the passenger seat and check my messages on my phone. Another night, another family dinner, and another excuse.

  LEENA: Study night at Kate’s. I’ll eat there.

  I hit send and head for the lake. It’s not that I hate my family but I hate dinner time. Let’s all gather around and talk about how awesome we are!

  No fucking thanks.

  I pull onto the back road that leads towards the lake and see someone walking.

  “Fuck,” I mutter. That’s not just someone. That's Sutton. I’d recognize that sexy goddamn frame anywhere. He filled out over the last few years and I hate it. “Hey,” I yell, rolling my window down. “Didn’t get enough exercise at practice?” This is a long fucking walk for him and I hate myself because this is not what I told myself I’d do. This is not staying away.

  “Something like that.” He walks toward my car and opens the door. I reach for the camera b
ut he grabs it first and sits down, trying to figure it out.

  “I mean sure, come on, I’ll drive you,” I mutter. “Don’t break that or you’ll be paying for it. I shouldn’t have even brought it home but I like it and wanted to take some shots tonight when the sun goes down.” I don’t know why I told him all that. I’d be in a shit ton of trouble if the school found out I took this...but that didn’t stop me. I just don’t want to have to explain how it got broken by a dumb oaf.

  “Sun shots, huh?” He aims it at me and snaps my picture at least thirty times. “You get good pictures of my ass?”

  “Nah, I got better ones.” I grin, remembering how red Grant’s face was as he was screaming at Sutton. “Way better ones,” I laugh.

  “I don’t remember my dick falling out of my pants. Not sure how you got better ones.” He gently sets the camera in his lap.

  I shake my head and turn down towards the lake. “I’ll drop you off but don’t beg me to come inside. I know you’re pathetic and all with not having any friends, but I have shit to do tonight.” Like stay away from you.

  “Yeah, like meet the sun to take pictures of it. Got it. I’m busy anyway. Don’t really have time for you to annoy me.”

  “Whatever,” I snort. “You love my annoying ass,” I punch him in the arm and slow the car to a stop in front of my sister’s house. “So what’s it like living with them? Is it as bad as I’m picturing it? Roses and rainbows and gag me romance?” Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for my sister, but how can someone be that happy all the fucking time?

  “I don’t know. They leave me alone and I leave them alone. My brother thinks he’s my dad now and that’s kind of funny, but he hasn’t bothered me too much. Paige cooks even if she’s not home, so that’s cool.” He stares at the tiny house.

  “She’s probably scared of you,” I whisper, laughing. “An ex con living under her roof? Gotta keep him fed so he doesn’t murder me!” I whine like a princess, making fun of my sister with a jab to Sutton. I don’t know why I like making fun of him, but it feels really good. And makes ignoring him and staying away a little easier when he’s mad at me.

  “God, you’re hilarious,” he drones.

  “Hey, what’s that pile of junk?” I nod towards the side lawn where a pile of scrap metal is laying that wasn’t there a couple days ago.

  “Don’t know.” He gets out. “Thanks for the ride. I know it was out of your way and all. You and the sun suck it easy.”

  Not able to stay the hell away from him, I get out and walk over to the metal. Someone’s started placing them together into some type of sculpture. “This is awesome.” I turn on the camera and start angling to get the best pictures of it. “Sutton!” I call over before he gets inside. “You see this?”

  “Yep. I gotta go eat. Don’t want to piss the murderer off.”

  “God, you pout easily.” I grab his arm. “Look at this though.” It’s half-finished but it’s starting to take on shape. “What do you think it’s going to be?”

  He scowls at me. “It’s obvious.” Stepping closer, he points. “It’s a fuckin’ horse. Just leave it the fuck alone, okay?”

  I squint and look at it closer. He’s right. The legs are there and they’re starting to connect at a body. “Man, your brother’s really fucking talented,” I mutter, moving in closer to take more pictures. “I mean, he’s been hiding this from us all these years. This type of thing could make him some good money.”

  He’s glaring at me when I look at him and the pissed off look on his face makes me cock my eyebrow. “Fenton couldn’t-” He stops and shakes his head before heading for the house again.

  “You got your panties in a bunch,” I mutter, stomping in after him. “I thought messing with you would be more fun.” Rolling my shoulders, I set the camera on the kitchen table. I don’t know why I’m still following him and when he looks back at me, I blurt “I’m waiting for the sun to get lower and don’t want to go home just to have to come back.” Sitting in the chair and kicking my feet up on my sister’s kitchen table, he stares at me from across the room.

  “That’s fuckin’ gross. I eat there,” he bitches before turning to the cupboard and grabbing bowls. The crockpot’s going and he serves two bowls of food. When he walks to the table, he shoves my feet off and slides me a bowl. “Nasty.”

  “Oh come on, you’ve done way worse than eat off a table that’s had shoes on it.” I pull the bowl towards me. Of course my sister would cook even when she’s not here to eat it. “Ever lick a girl’s pussy?”

  He stops mid bite and looks up at me with a quirked eyebrow. I hate that look. I hate that I like it so much. “Yeeeeah. Have you?” He goes back to eating.

  “No.” I laugh. “No tacos here.” I shouldn’t have brought this subject up because now all I can think about is his face between my legs. And that’s most definitely not staying away from him.

  “I like tacos. Want me to lick your pussy?” He pushes his bowl forward and sits back in the chair, staring at me for my answer.

  Yes. Duh, asshole.

  “I don’t know. You spent three years around dudes. Maybe try it out on some poor subject then come back and we’ll talk.” I lean forward. “This taco’s only for experienced tongues.”

  “I’ve eaten enough pussy to have you coming in minutes. Take off your pants.” He stands and puts his bowl in the sink and my stomach flutters. Fuck him for being able to do that to me with just words. Not fucking fair.

  “You can’t just demand a girl to take her pants off.” I huff, walking my bowl to the sink. He could though. He can. And if I wasn’t so dead set on proving my dad wrong, my clothes would have melted off me the instant he offered to lick my pussy. “It’s called foreplay, Sutton.” I pat his cheek but he snatches my wrist and brings my hand down between his legs. I grip him over his jeans and smirk. He’s already hard and my pussy’s tingling with need from it. “Yeah, that’s definitely not your cell phone.” God. Why do I like to torture myself?

  “No, but you can get on your knees and talk to it. Foreplay is for when I actually like someone, Leena. This is strictly on principle now.” His hand goes to the button on my jeans. “Sit on my face or shut the fuck up.”

  My pussy definitely likes how he’s talking and I’m having a hard time talking myself out of this. He’s Sutton. It’s not like we haven’t done this before. And my dad doesn’t need to know.

  Good. Then it’s a deal. I’ll just turn off the warning bells that are going off in my brain and let my lady bits do the driving. Nothing wrong with a little release. Not like we’re getting ourselves into a relationship or anything. I’d probably murder him if we ever tried that. Right after I fucked him senseless.

  “You’re really fucking rude, you know that?” I mumble but let him slowly move the zipper down on my jeans before going for his.

  “Yeah, and you’re annoying.” When he gets my pants undone, he pushes his palm against my pelvis and slowly starts sliding it downward, staring me in the eyes. I think I’d call this foreplay. I also would call this failing, but I can’t stop what’s happening and I don’t want to. I need this release more than he knows.

  “Oh Jesus!” Fenton blurts and me and Sutton separate. “Every time! What is it with you two!” he yells at us.

  “Your brother’s a whore,” I snap, glaring at Sutton while buttoning up my pants and trying to shake the need. God, I wanted that from him.

  “You two can’t just keep screwing in our house!” Fenton’s flustered as he moves around the kitchen. “You two shouldn’t be screwing at all!” He serves himself some food then plops down at the table.

  “I feel kind of bad for your sex life if your brother’s hands down my pants offends you.” I walk by and slap him on the back of the head. “You want me to have a talk with my sister and maybe help you guys spice shit up?”

  “Leena, go home before I call your dad,” he says with disappointment, like he doesn’t want to scold me but feels like he has to because he’s older. I�
�m fuckin’ eighteen, I can fuck who I want. But I also really don’t need him bringing my dad into this.

  “Whatever, loser.” I grab the camera. “Oh hey, I saw your pile of trash out there.”

  “What trash?” He looks back at me.

  “The metal?” I grab the camera and show him the pictures. “That shit. Your brother said it looks like a horse but it took me a while for that visual.”

  “It is a fuckin’ horse,” Sutton snaps from behind us.

  “Right. Either way it’s a waste of time, dude. Maybe you should work on treating my sister right before wasting more time melting fucking trash together.” I laugh at him only wanting to lash out because he stopped something awesome, and he’s threatening to tell. “Hey, I’m just looking out for my sister here.”

  “Your sister is taken care of. But that’s not mine. I wish I could do that. I don’t have that talent. Sutton does. He makes sculptures out of old metal and scrap. He made a ballroom scene last year. Won awards.” He starts pulling out his phone but Sutton walks up.

  “Shut up, Fenton. Bye, Leena,” he says and starts pushing me toward the back door.

  “Wait,” I blurt, looking over at Fenton then to Sutton. “That’s yours? Why the hell would you let me think your brother did that?”

  “I uh.” Fenton rubs the back of his neck then grabs his bowl. “I’ll be in the living room.” He quickly walks away and I look at Sutton again.

  “Because I don’t give a shit what you think. I don’t need to explain my hobbies to you.”

  I want to slap him. He can’t even tell me something so minuscule and yet I was going to let him screw me in the kitchen mere minutes ago. What the fuck is wrong with me?

  “No, you’re right. You don’t need to explain anything to me. And you don’t owe me anything, either. Excuse me. I have a date with the sun.” I try to shove past him to get the door open but he blocks it with his arm. I just want out! I need away from him because he makes me feel fucking psycho! I want to hate him but I want his body on mine at the same exact time!


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