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REVENGE (Kenshaw Legacy Book 2)

Page 9

by Piper Frost

  “Uh...” He laughs, shaking his head. “Sorry, monkey, no can do. I’m swamped.”

  I growl at that fucking nickname my mom thought was so cute my entire childhood and snatch the phone from his hand.

  “They won’t take long and we don’t have to be anywhere anytime soon.” I set the phone on the counter. “We can wait.”

  “I’m booked solid for a few weeks, Leena.” He glances at Sutton. “Sorry, man.”

  “Uncle Chase, come on!” I whine. “We’re family! I’m your favorite and this is so kickass!”

  He chuckles and shakes his head. “No can do. Wait a few weeks and if you still want it then, come back and we’ll see what we can do okay?”

  I huff, wanting to scream at him that he inked my siblings at my age no questions asked but with me he suddenly ‘can’t’.

  “Fine.” I snatch my phone off the counter and shove it in my back pocket. “Let’s go, Sutton. I’ll find another shop to give my money to.” That’s a lie. There isn’t another shop within a few hours of here and I don’t have that much time tonight.

  I hear my uncle bitching about teenagers when we leave, but I don’t stop to retaliate.

  “Fucker,” I bitch, slamming my car door and looking over at Sutton who hasn’t said a thing.

  “You want a tattoo that bad, I’ll show you how we did them in juvie,” he says leaning over to kiss my cheek. “Won’t be the gear, but I’ll give you a heart or something.” He chuckles.

  “You’ll give me a tattoo?” I can’t stop the grin that’s spreading on my lips. “Like, a permanent one?” I thought the high from skipping school with him was amazing. But this feels exhilarating!

  “Yeah.” He chuckles then smirks. “I’ll do you, you do me.” When I roll my eyes he pulls me toward him for a quick kiss. “Can you snag some of those hair dying gloves from your mom?”

  “Yeah, absolutely.” I glance at the time and it’s almost the end of the school day so going there won’t be a big deal. I grab his hand and don’t let go the whole drive back to my mom’s salon. “So how do we do it?”

  “Get the gloves and we’ll go to your sister and Fenton’s. I’ll show you. If you don’t want to do it, we don’t do it.” He shrugs.

  “Of course I want to do it!” I stop the car in the driveway and hop out. “You wanna come in?”

  “Nah, hurry up though.”

  I run inside and manage to grab the gloves without running into my mom, then I’m back at the car full of nerves and excitement. I take us to Fenton and Paige’s house, thankful that neither are home, and grin at Sutton once we’re sitting at the kitchen table.

  “So, how’s this work?”

  “I’ll be right back. Wash your hands with that antibacterial soap shit your sister has.” He walks outside.

  I scrub at the sink, scared and so fucking excited. He’s giving me a tattoo!

  “What are we getting?” I ask, watching him walk back inside. My eyes fly to what he’s carrying. “What’s all that?”

  “I sterilized them with my torch.” Setting down the towel, he opens it to an Exacto knife and a razor blade. “I don’t have a machine, babe.” He smirks and points. “But this is how I got this shit.” Lifting his shirt, he points to the M tattooed on his ribs. I cock my eyebrow, not even wanting to know why he has the letter M tattooed on him. It’s big and looks like it was done by a machine, not a razor blade.

  “Okay,” I whisper. “Awesome. Cool.” I look at the blade. “I mean, I’ve practically been preparing for this moment my whole life.” I chuckle and rub my finger over the cuts on my arm. “So what’re we getting?”

  “That shit’s not fuckin’ funny, Leena,” he grumbles while he washes his hands. “Whatever you fuckin’ want. I’m not good at drawing so keep it simple. You want a heart or something?” He puts the gloves on then grabs the pen and I start thinking quickly so he can draw it on me, but he cuts it open and starts to squeeze the ink out into a shot glass. Holy shit, this is really like prison tattoos.

  “Uh, an S.” I watch his eyes fly to mine. “Just an S? Can you do that?” My heart’s hammering and he’s staring at me like I might have made the wrong choice.

  “It’s not gonna be pleasant, but they’ll be cool. Open your hand.” When I do, he sits down and pulls my hand closer, apparently picking the spot. His eyes lock on mine. “Ready?”

  “Yeah,” I whisper. I’m nervous but not because of what I’m getting. I’m nervous because it looks like it’s going to hurt. Not like superficial hurt...but really fucking hurt.

  With a smirk on his lips, he gets closer and presses the tip of the blade to the inside of my middle finger. “So when you flip people off, I’m there,” he says then pushes harder. Much harder than when I cut myself. It burns like hell while he boxes out an S into my flesh. Blood drips to the table and I grit my teeth right up until the end when he dips his finger in the pen ink and smears it thoroughly. Blood and ink covering my finger.

  “Shit,” I whisper then clench my jaw at the sting. “Wow. Okay.” I grin at him. “So...what now?” I laugh a little, my finger on fire but my adrenaline high so it doesn’t hurt as bad as it probably should.

  “Let me wrap that for a few.” He grabs plastic wrap and circles my finger. “Tonight we’ll take it off and you can wash. Usually it doesn’t take the first time but I went deep and used a shit ton of ink.” He starts cleaning up the blood.

  “Am I giving you one?” I want to. I’m nervous, but I want to...if he wants me to. Shit, my finger’s throbbing. Is this how bad a real tattoo hurts?

  “Yeah.” He smiles. “Let me clean this shit up and I’ll sterilize the razor again.”

  I stare at the red and black mess wrapped up on my hand while he goes outside. That's it. I’ve been permanently marked with Sutton. Forever.

  When he comes back, he sets everything down again and grabs a new shot glass for ink. It’s insane we trust each other like this. This is so fucking dangerous as far as diseases go, but...I trust him. He wouldn’t do something that would get me hurt. Plus, half a bottle of rubbing alcohol and he told me a welder can get over three thousand degrees Celsius, I think that’ll kill all germs...I hope. “You gotta push hard. Don’t be scared of the blood.” Sticking out his middle finger he says, “Leena.”

  “Yes?” I smirk at him as I grasp the blade. “What am I doing?”

  With a chuckle he shakes his head before his green eyes are on me again and a lazy smile is set on his full lips. “Leena.” He nods to his finger.

  “I’m listening.” I don’t know how I'm going to push hard enough and not really hurt him, but he did it to me so I can do this. “But you gotta tell me what I’m doing. And I'm not an artist like you so don’t make it hard.”

  “Baby.” He’s laughing at me. “How much easier can I make this for you? Cut L E E N A into my fucking finger, babe. Leena.”

  “Oh.” I pause. “Oh.” I look into those eyes. “My whole name? Sutton, you want my whole name?” I bite down on my lip so I don’t smile too wide. But he wants my entire name on him! That's huge!

  His eyes narrow a bit. “What’re you gonna tell people that S is for?”

  “Sex.” I try not to laugh at the look on his face.

  With a nod he looks away, trying not to laugh too. “Put your fucking name on my skin, babe.”

  I grin and take his hand, probably spending too much time making sure my position is perfect and my angle isn’t too awkward for me to get this right. When I push the blade into his skin I glance up at him but he’s staring at me like it didn’t hurt at all.

  “That okay?” I look back at his finger and slowly pull the blade down to make the L. Slowly. So slowly.

  “You’re doing perfect.” He puts his hand over mine and pushes harder, guiding me to do the E, much faster than I did the L. “Okay?” he asks after his tutorial.

  “Yeah.” I huff. “Got it.” I suck in a deep breath and push on, finishing the letters in my name with more confidence than when I star
ted. There’s way more blood than I had from my S but it’s also a much larger area I just covered. When I finish the A, I drop the knife and look up at him. “Ink? Ink, right?”

  “Rub it in hard. Don’t worry about the blood.” He’s pouring blood but it’s like it doesn’t faze him.

  I do just as he said, wincing when I have to push because I feel like this should hurt him.

  “I think I’m done,” I whisper, looking at the mess of his finger. “Oh my god, I hope I didn’t screw you up.” I laugh lightly, wanting to clean up the mess on his finger.

  “You did it like a pro.” He winks and stands, wrapping his finger. “Let’s clean this shit up before my brother and your sister get home. Hey.” He says and when I look at him he tells me, “If anyone sees that and gives you shit, like your dad or something, just tell him it was my idea.”

  “It’s no big deal.” I laugh, knowing if my parents see this it will be a huge deal. “I’m not throwing you under the bus like that, Sutton. I want them to like you.”

  “I don’t give a fuck if they like me.” Walking over to me, he lightly kisses my lips. “Just as long as you do.”

  “I really do.” I pull him closer for the kiss. “Think we can get this cleaned up and fuck before someone gets home?”

  He doesn’t respond, just starts moving quickly, clearing all traces of what we just did, except for the very permanent proof on our hands.

  Leena’s not like any other girl out there. She’s wild. She’s untamed. And she doesn’t second guess me, even when my ideas might not be the smartest. She’s been my girl a few months now and I still get the fucking rush straight to my dick every time I think about her. And I don’t think that’s ever going to stop.

  I haven’t told her where we’re going yet, but I know she’ll be down. That’s what’s awesome about her. She doesn’t ask too many questions, she just trusts me. When I stop her car in front of a bar called TURN UP, she glances at me.

  “You want to go in?” I ask her. We don’t have fake IDs but a friend of my dad’s used to work here and I know he’ll let us drink.

  “Um, yes.” She looks at the building then back at me. “Can we? Are we old enough?” She’s grinning and her eyes are sparkling with excitement. I love that she’s up for crazy shit.

  “We’re not twenty-one,” I say getting out. “But we can. I know a guy that works here.” I take her hand and head for the entrance. The bar is packed so that’ll make this easier. I pull her to the bar top and wink at her. “Hey, is Larry here?” I ask the woman behind the bar.

  She stares at us a minute before walking away. She comes back with Larry and he’s looking at me like he doesn’t know me, until I tell him my name.

  “Shit, how old are you now? Twenty? Twenty-one?” Larry’s always been a drunk.

  “Yeah. And this is my girl Leena.” I pull her closer before we sit. “Can we get a couple drinks?”

  “What’ll you have, missy?”

  “Red bull vodka,” she says like she’s ordered it a million times then smiles at me, snaking her hand to my thigh.

  “Same.” I put money on the bar before he asks for IDs. Sooner or later it’ll hit him that the last time he saw me I was fifteen and that was only three years ago, but hopefully we’ll be a few drinks in before then. “Think you can tell your parents you’re staying at a friend’s tonight?” I slide my hands up her thighs after spinning toward her.

  “Oooh, I like the sound of that.” She watches my fingers dancing on her thighs and takes a deep breath. “Where did you have in mind?”

  “I don’t know.” I shrug and glance when Larry puts our drinks down. “Probably your car. Or if you can be quiet, I’ll sneak you into my room.” I grin at her.

  “We know how well that always goes.” She giggles and picks up her drink, taking a sip. “I don’t care where we go, Sutton. As long as we’re together.” She pulls her bar stool even closer to me.

  I grin and kiss her jaw before picking up my drink. Larry doesn’t slack and he has another waiting by the time we finish our first.

  “You want to dance?” she asks, downing her second drink in a few long gulps. At the jukebox she feeds it money then turns and looks at me with a grin on her face as she walks back over. “Let’s go.”

  I begrudgingly follow ‘cause I don’t dance, but I’ll do it for her. Grabbing her hips, I pull her closer then glance around, trying to get an idea of how these fucking people are dancing to this. All I really want is her grinding on me, and luckily she takes the lead. She twists and turns and grinds to the music, never losing contact with my body. It’s like we’re the only two out here when she turns and raises her arms around my neck.

  “Thanks for bringing me out tonight,” she whispers.

  “Nothing else I’d rather do than get into trouble with you.” I kiss her until someone bumps into me. I give the drunk asshole a shove so he gets the hell away from us.

  “Get your fuckin’ hands off me, man!” the guy yells, shoving Leena to try and get to me. It’s all over from there.

  I charge, grabbing him up by his shirt and slamming him back down. Fuck warnings and empty threats. Touch my girl and die. I get in a few good hits before someone grabs me and when they do, he gets me in the jaw. I try to get back to him but a cop has me around the neck and he’s dragging me outside. I’m shoved against the building and cuffed. I’m instantly calm. Maybe not calm, but I don’t want to fight anymore. I just want to get Leena out of here before she gets in deep shit.

  “ID?” the cop barks.

  “I forgot my wallet at home.” I don’t have a license and I never carry my state ID.


  “Fenton Sterling. Where’s my girlfriend? Paige Kenshaw?” I look around for Leena and spot her being blocked by a different cop. “Listen, he fucking put his hands on her.”

  “Let the man go,” Larry blurts, busting through the doors. “He was defending the girl.”

  I look over at Leena and her arms are crossed in front of her looking pissed off at the cop. The guy I was fighting is pulled out by another cop and I grit my teeth.

  “Easy,” the cop warns. “What’d you say your name was?”

  “Fenton Michael Sterling.” I make eye contact with Leena, hoping she heard me.

  “You don’t plan on driving home, do you? ‘Cause you smell like you’ve been drinking for a couple hours.” He undoes the cuffs then looks at the cop blocking Leena. “What’s your name, miss?” He’s waiting to call our names into his walkie, and luckily my brother and Paige are on the straight and narrow, but if Leena doesn’t say she’s Paige, she’s going to be taken in and that can’t happen. I almost make a run for it to get the attention off her, but my girl’s smart.

  “Paige Kenshaw,” she says with a nervous hint to her tone. “Sir.” She looks him in the eyes after watching me. “He didn’t do anything wrong, officer.”

  “Yeah, yeah, they never do. Hang tight.”

  When he walks away I grab her and pull her closer. “If he lets us go, we gotta call someone for a ride. They’ll be watching us to make sure we don’t drive,” I quietly tell her, keeping my eyes on the guy I want to keep pounding.

  “I’ll have my sister come get us. It’s fine,” she whispers, wrapping her arm around my waist. She’s trembling and I hate making her scared but that guy has a lot more coming to him than what he got already. He’s lucky these cops are here.

  “Sterling. Kenshaw.” The cop waves us forward. He holds out two tickets that are written out to my brother and her sister. “For not having your IDs. Bar’s gonna get in a lot of trouble for serving you two.”

  “That’s my uncle.” I nod at Larry who’s talking to the cop that’s holding the asshole I want to pound.

  “Whatever. I suggest getting a ride out of here. We watch this place like a hawk,” he says with a threat and I glare at him.

  It was a pretty stupid idea to come here and get drunk then drive back home, but that was the plan.

ure thing.” I pull her toward her car noticing he’s still watching us. We sit on the trunk and I glance at her. “I think my brother would be cooler than your sister. Your sister will tell your dad,” I tell her quietly while the crowd starts to die down.

  “Yeah. But those two are inseparable so good luck getting him to drive an hour from home to get us without telling her what he’s doing. My sister owes me anyway. She won’t tell my dad. Hopefully.”

  “Give me that ticket.” I take it from her and fold them both up. I’ll mail in the money and they won’t find out...unless they ever get into trouble.

  She pulls her phone out and sighs, then hits call to call her sister. “Hey, can you give me and Sutton a ride?” She nods, her hand taking mine while she talks to her sister like nothing’s wrong. “Uh, my car won’t start.” She nods again and rolls her eyes. “Yeah, well I don’t want to talk to Mom and Dad about it. Just come get us.” With a huff she looks around. “Uh, we’re in front of a place called Turn Up...Fenton should know where it is.” She closes her eyes and nods again, listening to her sister. “’Kay thanks.” When she ends the call she grins at me. “I think she bought the whole my car died thing. But we’ve got an hour and can’t go back inside there sooo...”

  “So get in.” I jump off the trunk and wait until she does the same. Getting in, I throw the keys on the dashboard then glance around. The parking lot cleared out, everyone’s back inside, but I know those cops are waiting to see this car leave the lot. I don’t think making out with your girlfriend in a car is illegal. As long as we keep it PG-13.

  She crawls over to straddle me on the seat and I know it’s going to be hard as hell keeping this minimal. Her lips crash to mine and she grinds on me hard, pushing the hem of my shirt up.

  “That was really hot,” she whispers, sliding her hands up my abs. “Watching you defend me was such a turn on.” She kisses down my neck. “And seeing you in handcuffs? I got so wet. I think something’s wrong with me.” She laughs before pressing her lips to mine again.

  I groan, trying not to remove her clothes, but it’s hard. “Everything I like.” I can’t help myself and slide my hand between her thighs, finding she wasn’t lying about being wet. I can feel it through her underwear. I slide my hand around the fabric and shove my middle finger inside her. The one that says her name in thick black letters. I love that fucking tattoo.


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