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− Neipperg, Comte de, Aperçu militaire de la Bataille de Marengo (Saint-Amand: Imprimerie Scientifque et Littéraire Bussière, 1906).
− Perrin, Claude-Victor, duc de Bellune, Extraits des memoires inédits de feu (Paris: J. Dumaine, 1846).
− Petit, Joseph, Maringo, ou Campagne d’Italie, par l’armée de réserve, écrite par Joseph Petit, … Seconde édition, revue et augmentée par l’auteur (Paris: Favre, 1800).
− Plon, Henri (editor), Correspondance de Napoléon Ier: publiée par ordre de l’empereur Napoléon III, Vol.10 (Paris: J. Dumaine, 1862).
− Radetzky, Erinnerungen aus dem Leben des Feldmarschall Grafen Radetzky. Eine Selbstbiographie. Mitteilungen des K. und K. Kriegsarchivs, Neue Folge, Vol.1 (Wien: L.W. Seidel & Sohn, 1887).
− Rapp, Jean, Memoirs of General Count Rapp, Aide-de-Camp to Napoleon, Written by himself, and published by his family (London: Henry Colburn & Co., 1823). – Rauch, Josef, Erinnerungen eines Offiziers aus Altösterreich (München: Georg Müller, 1918).
− Sand, George, Histoire de ma vie, Vol.2 (Paris: Michel Lévy Frères, 1856).
− Savary, Anne-Jean-Marie-René, duc de Rovigo, Mémoires du duc de Rovigo, Vols1 & 4 (Paris: Bossange, 1828).
− Savary, Anne-Jean-Marie-René, duc de Rovigo, Memoirs of the Duke of Rovigo, Vols1 & 4 (London: Henry Colburn, 1828).
− Skarstein, Karl Jakob, Under fremmede flagg: nordmenn i utenlandsk krigstjeneste 1800‑1900 (Oslo: Forsvarsmuseet, 2002).
− Soult, Napoléon Hector, Mémoires du maréchal-général Soult duc de Dalmatie, Part 1, Vol.3 (Paris: Librairie d’Amyot, 1854).
− Thiébault, Paul Charles François Adrien Henri Dieudonné, Journal des Opérations Militaires du Siége et du Blocus de Gênes (Paris: Magimel, 1801).
− Titeux, Eugène, Le Général Dupont, une erreur historique, Vol.1 (Puteaux-sur-Seine: Prieur et Dubois et Cie, 1903).
4. Select Bibliography
− Anon., Eine Denkschrift Zach’s aus dem Jahre 1798 in Mittheilungen des k.u.k. Kriegs-Archivs: Dritte Folge, II Band (Wien: L.W. Seidel & Sohn, 1903).
− Anon., Mitteilungen des K. und K. Kriegsarchivs, Dritte Folge, Vol.6 (Wien: Seidel & Sohn, 1909).
− Bancalari, Gustav, Beiträge zur Geschichte des österreichischen Heerwesens, Band 1 (Vienna: L.W. Seidel & Sohn, 1872).
− Bonnal, E., Histoire de Desaix: armées du Rhin, expédition d’Orient, Marengo, d’après les archivs du dépot de la guerre (Paris: Dumaine, 1881).
− Bülow, Dietrich Heinrich (trans., Sévelinges, Charles Louis de), Histoire de la campagne de 1800, en Allemagne et en Italie (Paris: Magimel, 1804).
− Chandler, David G., The Campaigns of Napoleon (London: Macmillan, 1966).
− Charles (Archduke of Austria), Oestreichische militärische zeitschrift, 1811‑13, Vol.2 (Wien: A. Strauss, 1835).
− Closuit, Léonard-P., Passage de Bonaparte au Grand-Saint-Bernard en mai 1800 (Martigny: Association Saint-Maurice d’études militaires, 1999).
− Colin, J., La Tactique et la Discipline dans les Armées de la Révolution. Correspondance du Général Schauenbourg du 4 avril au 2 août 1793 (Paris: CHAPELOT & Cie., 1902).
− Corréard, F., Desaix (Paris: Hachette, 1882).
− Costa de Beauregard, Charles, Mon Oncle le general – Douze ans d’émigration en Autriche, La Revue Hebdomadaire, Vol.9 (Paris: Librarie Plon, 5 September 1908).
− Criste, Oskar, Erzherzog Carl von Österreich: Ein Lebensbild, Vol.2 (Vienna: Braumüller, Wilhelm, 1912).
− Crowdy, T.E., Napoleon’s Infantry Handbook (Barnsley: Pen & Sword Military, 2015).
− Crowdy, Terry, The Enemy Within: A History of Espionage (Oxford: Osprey Publishing, 2006).
− Cugnac, Gaspar Jean Marie René, comte de, La campagne de Marengo (Paris: R. Chapelot, 1904).
− Daunou, Pierre-Claude-François, Rapport fait par Daunou sur un message des consuls relatif à la victoire remportée par l’armée de la République à Maringo. Séance du 3 messidor an VIII, (Paris: Impr. nationale, 1800).
− De Castres, (General), Rapprochement entre diverses relations de la bataille de Marengo, Journal des Sciences Militaires des armées de terre et de mer, Vol.12 (Paris: M.J. Corréard, 1826).
− Dumas, Mathieu comte, Précis des Evénements Militaires ou Essais Historiques sur les Campaignes de 1799 à 1814, Campagne de 1800 (Paris: Treuttel & Wurtz, 1816).
− Esposito, Vincent J., and Elting, John R., Military History and Atlas of the Napoleonic Wars (London: Faber and Faber Limited, 1964).
− Furse, George Armand, Marengo and Hohenlinden, 2 Vols (London: Clowes, 1903).
− Gachot, Edouard, Histoire militaire de Massena: le siége de Gênes, 1800 (Paris: Plon-Nourrit, 1908).
− Gachot, Edouard, La Deuxiéme Campagne d’Italie, 1800 (Paris: Perrin & Cie, 1899).
− Heller von Hellwald, Friedrich, Der k.k. österreichische Feldmarschall Graf Radetzky: Eine biographische Skizze nach den eigenen Dictaten und der Corresp
ondenz des Feldmarschalls (Stuttgart: J.B. Cotta, 1858).
− Herrmann, Alfred Julius Moritz, Marengo (Münster: Aschendorff, 1903).
− Hollins, David, (illustrated by Hook, Christa), Marengo 1800: Napoleon’s day of fate (Oxford: Osprey Military, 2000).
− Kellermann, François-Christophe-Édouard de, Campagne de 1800 (Paris: J. Dumaine, 1854).
− Le Roy, Albert, Georges Sand et son amis (Paris: P. Ollendorff, 1903).
− Mras, Karl, Geschichte des Feldzuges 1800 in Italien (Wien: Oesterreichische Militarische Zeitschrift, 1822‑1823).
− Oliva, Pietro, Marengo Antico e Marengo Moderno (Alessandria: Giacinto Moretti, 1842).
− Pittaluga, Vittorio Emanuele, La battaglia di Marengo, 14 giugno 1800 (Alessandria: G. Chiari, 1900).
− Rothenberg, Gunther E., Napoleon’s Great Adversaries: Archduke Charles and the Austrian Army 1792–1814 (London: B.T. Batsford Ltd, 1982).
− Sargent, Herbert Howland, The campaign of Marengo, with comments (Chicago: McClurg & Co, 1897).
− Six, Georges, Dictionnaire biographique des généraux et amiraux français de la Révolution et de l’Empire, 1792‑1814, (Paris: Librarie Historique & Nobiliaire, 1934).
− Sparrow, Elizabeth, Secret Service: British Agents in France, 1792‑1815 (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 1999).
− Vaccarino, Giorgio, I Giacobini Piemontesi, 1794‑1814, Vol.2 (Rome: Ministero Per I Beni Culturali E Ambientali, 1989).
− Wilkin, Bernard, and Wilkin, René, Fighting for Napoleon: French soldiers’ letters 1799–1815 (Barnsley: Pen and Sword Military, 2015).
19. Officer of the Consular Guard, by Hoffmann. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
20. Officer of the Horse Chasseurs of the Consular Guard, by Hoffmann. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
21. French horse artilleryman. (New York Public Library)
22. Gunner of the Consular Guard. (New York Public Library)
23. Officer of the 12th Horse Chasseurs in walking out dress. (New York Public Library)
24. French heavy cavalry. Throughout the battle, Kellermann’s heavy cavalry outfought the numerically superior Austrian cavalry. (New York Public Library)
25. French dragoon. (New York Public Library)
26. French line infantry grenadier, 1800. (New York Public Library)
27. French infantry captain. (New York Public Library)
28. Flag awarded to the ‘Incomparable’ 9th Light Infantry in reward for leading Desaix’s counter-attack at Marengo. (New York Public Library)
29. Hungarian line infantry in 1799, by Kininger. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
30. Austrian jäger light infantrymen. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
31. Austrian (left) and Hungarian (right) grenadiers. These infantrymen were the most formidable in Melas’ army. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
32. Austrian artillerymen. The Austrians’ numerical superiority in artillery was a key advantage at the beginning of the battle. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
33. Austrian light dragoon. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
34. Imperial Austrian hussar trooper. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
35. The General Adjutant – a position held by Radetzky in 1800. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
36. View of Marengo from the north-east. (Author’s photograph)
37. The Fontanone in front of Marengo. (Author’s photograph)
38. The Tower of Theodoric at Marengo. (Author’s photograph)
39. View towards Castelceriolo, where Ott’s forces deployed. (Author’s photograph)
40. Torre Garofoli – Bonaparte’s headquarters during the battle. (Author’s photograph)
41. Desaix’s mausoleum at the monastery on the Great St Bernard (detail). (Author’s photograph)
1. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821) in 1800 after Appiani. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
2. Alexandre Berthier (1753–1815), commander-in-chief of the Army of the Reserve. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
3. André Masséna (1758–1817), commander-in-chief of the Army of Italy. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
4. Jean Moreau (1763–1813), commander-in-chief of the Army of the Rhine. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
5. Michael Friedrich Benedikt, Baron von Melas (1729–1806), commander of imperial forces in Italy. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
6. Anton von Zach (1747–1826), quartermaster general (chief of staff) of the imperial army in Italy. (Gian Lorenzo Bernini)
7. Joseph Graf von Radetzky von Radetz (1766–1858), the general adjutant. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
8. General Bonaparte on the morning of the Brumaire coup (10 November 1799). With him are his wife Josephine, brothers Joseph and Lucien, General Berthier, Murat, his son-in-law Eugene and politicians. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
9. The First Consul reviews his troops at the Palace of the Tuilleries, Paris. The core of the Army of the Reserve was composed of fresh troops stationed in Paris and the interior. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
10. Bonaparte crossing the Great St Bernard with the monks. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
11. French army crossing the Alps. Gun barrels are mounted onto hollowed logs and dragged across the ice. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
12. Consular Guard grenadiers and a hussar at the monastery on the Great St Bernard pass. (New York Public Library)
13. French artillery convoy snaking its way down from the Alps towards Fort Bard. The Austrian defence of Bard severely hampered the arrival of artillery and ammunition. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
14. The Battle of Casteggio-Montebello, 9 June 1800. This unexpected clash set up the Battle of Marengo, five days later. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
15. Louis Charles Antoine Desaix de Veygoux (1768–1800). (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
16. Adam Albert, Count von Neipperg (1775–1829). (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
17. The French counter-attack at Marengo, 14 June 1800. (Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection)
18. Horse grenadiers of the Consular Guard at Marengo. They delivered the knockout blow to the retreating Austrian army. (New York Public Library)
Table of Contents
Picture credits
Author’s Preface
Prologue On the battlefield of Marengo
Chapter 1: 1799: A Secret History
Chapter 2: Brumaire
Chapter 3: The Savona Plot
Chapter 4: French Preparations
Chapter 5: Melas Attacks
Chapter 6: Over the Alps
Chapter 7: The Fall of Genoa
Chapter 8: The Armies Concentrate
Chapter 9: ‘This time we have this Bonaparte’
Chapter 10: That Miserable Ditch
Chapter 11: The Battle for Marengo
Chapter 12: The March of the Consular Guard
Chapter 13: This New Thermopylae
Chapter 14: Vengeance!
Chapter 15: Victory
Chapter 16: The Convention of Alessandria
Orders of Battle
Author’s note on the sources
Plate section
Table of Contents
Picture credits
Author’s Preface
Prologue On the battlefield of Marengo
Chapter 1: 1799: A Secret History
Chapter 2: Brumaire
Chapter 3: The Savona Plot
Chapter 4: French Preparations
Chapter 5: Melas Attacks
Chapter 6: Over the Alps
Chapter 7: The Fall of Genoa
Chapter 8: The Armies Concentrate
Chapter 9: ‘This time we have this Bonaparte’
Chapter 10: That Miserable Ditch
Chapter 11: The Battle for Marengo
Chapter 12: The March of the Consular Guard
Chapter 13: This New Thermopylae
Chapter 14: Vengeance!
Chapter 15: Victory
Chapter 16: The Convention of Alessandria
Orders of Battle
Author’s note on the sources
Plate section