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Page 8

by Jana Leigh

  “Not really, just have to go to the bathroom.” She said and then Quin sat up at the same time. If it would not have hurt so badly, she would have laughed. The movement from both men toppled her onto the floor and she cried out as her shoulder hit the floor.

  Tey ran into the room ready for battle, Quin and Jaden, yelled in surprise. Cami waited for the worst of the pain to subside before she opened her eyes and looked at the men.

  “I am fine.” She grumbled pissed that she was so weak still.

  Jaden stood, bent, lifted her up in his arms, and walked quickly towards the bathroom.

  He set her down and waited until she had taken care of business, and then picked her up again and carried her into the bedroom this time.

  “We need to be more careful.” He said and gently sat her on the bed.

  “I feel better now. I just was taken by surprise. My shoulder is sore, but not too bad.” Cami said quietly.

  Jaden leaned down and frowned. “Let me look.” He said and pulled her shirt over so he could see the bandage.

  Cami winced, but refused to make another noise. She had told the truth that it was not as bad as before, but it still hurt. She figured she would have a big bruise from where the rock hit her.

  “How about a soak?” He said. “The doctor said it would be alright.” Quin walked in at that moment and announced loudly. “I will get the tub ready, and you will sit in there for a minimum of 30 minutes.” Cami nodded and smiled. Her men were taking care of her. She was not going to argue, especially when she felt like she had been hit with a two by four, no wait it was a rock, she laughed to herself.

  Jaden and Quin got the bath ready and then came to help her get undressed. She could not lift her arms above her head and so Quin cut her shirt off, then her pants, he grew more and more pissed when he saw the bruises on her back. He wanted to see how far they went down. Jaden growled, and then frowned when he saw the marks. Shit, she looked like she had been in a war.

  Cami frowned when she looked in the mirror across the room. Her front looked fine, but when she turned, she could see her back side was a spectacular shade of blue and purple. Quin gently led her to the bathroom and helped her into the hot water. She groaned with gratitude when the water hit her sore back. Quin had put something in the water to make it smell good; it felt like silk across her skin. She sunk into the water until all that was above the water was her head, and she leaned it back on a soft towel Jaden placed behind her.

  Both of the men sat on the side of the tub, and watched her. After a few minutes, she felt someone move next to her. She peeked out of her eyes, and saw that Quin had taken a wash cloth and was putting soap on it. She closed her eyes again and waited. She felt Jaden move to the other side of the tub and do the same. They both began washing her gently. Rubbing and massaging her skin. She smiled a little at the way they were being so gentle.

  Before she knew it, Quin whispered into her ear it was time to get out of the tub. She frowned, but allowed them to help her get out. The water had made her relax and once again, she was tired. They dried her off, took her into the bedroom, and pulled on a smooth and silky nightgown, before tucking her into bed. She protested when they kissed her, afraid they were going to leave her, but she felt them settle on either side of her.

  Soon she was asleep again and Quin watched as she drifted off. Jaden nodded and stood when they were sure she was asleep.

  “What happened?” Jaden asked.

  Quin shook his head and grimaced. He had tried to hide the fact that, Devon had called with bad news when he came into the room. He spoke loudly so Tey would remember not to follow and give them some peace. He had been prepared to tell both Cami and Jaden. But when he saw her beautiful little body marred by the bruises, he had seen red and did not want to talk until he had calmed down.

  “Devon found the Rogue's. They are holed up across town. He said that one of our Enforcers was able to track their smell. He is watching the building, until we can get back up in place. He has no clue how many we are dealing with, so they are going to set up surveillance around the clock. We will see if we can get the upper hand. Until then, we wait.” Quin said, and pulled him into a hug. He needed to feel a little contact from one of his mates. Over the last few hours, it had seemed like he had been pulled in so many directions. Right now, he needed to feel a connection.

  Jaden hugged him back and soon they were kissing one another, looking for comfort.

  “Whoa, that is so hot.” They heard coming from the bed. Both men sprung apart, and looked at their mate who was on the bed smiling at them. “Don"t mind me; I am just enjoying the show.”

  Quin chuckled and said. “You don"t mind?”

  “Ohh…let me think. I am mated to two men who are werewolves, and extremely hot and sexy. Why would I mind? Until I feel better, then of course I would not mind joining you.” She teased.

  Jaden smiled and looked at Quin. He knew his friend was still a little leery of the whole thing, but he wanted him more than anything right now. Of course, Jaden had a little experience in this area whereas Quin had just realized he was attracted to a man.

  “So, how do we do this?” Quin whispered to Jaden.

  “Let"s get on to the bed. Cami can at least have a front row seat.” Jaden grinned when he saw Cami nodding her head in agreement.

  Quin nervously went toward the bed and lay down next to Cami. He leaned over and kissed her gently, before turning and seeing Jaden sitting next to him waiting.

  Cami said softly, “It"s okay. I do not feel like you are cheating on me. It seems natural that you and Jaden would mate too.”

  Jaden smiled, leaned in, and kissed his best friend again. He groaned when his friend took control of the kiss and pulled him until he was lying next to him on the bed.

  They kissed each other slowly, making sure that they explored every inch of each other"s mouth before breaking, and looking into each other"s eyes. Jaden reached between them and unbuttoned Quin's shirt. With the release of each button, Quin could feel the urgency rising inside. The need to claim his other mate was becoming urgent.

  Jaden obviously was feeling the same thing, because he began to move a little quicker.

  Cami murmured her encouragement, which made him even harder.

  Soon, he had been stripped of his clothes, without even realizing it. Too caught up in kissing and exploring Jaden, Quin stopped and growled when he realized Jaden was still fully dressed. “Clothes off.”

  Jaden chuckled and stood, then quickly took off his clothes and threw them on the floor in impatience. Cami laughed when he got caught in his pants in his haste, and almost fell on the floor.

  “So much for sexy.” He grumbled.

  “Baby, you could be sexy in a paper sack.” Quin said and reached for him.

  Cami nodded in agreement, leaning in, and kissed both of her men. Her shoulder was hurting a lot, but she could not help herself. She leaned back and rested against the pillows again. She knew she needed more pain meds, but she refused to stop her guys until they mated too.

  Jaden reached down, took Quin"s cock in his hand, and began stroking him. It was so sexy watching them together. She hoped when she felt better she would be able to be more involved. The thought of being in between both of them was enough to make her come without any help.

  “I am not going to last.” Quin groaned against Jaden"s neck.

  “I want you to come all over me.” Jaden said.

  Jaden stroked him faster and harder, he slid down his lover"s body and licked his thick hard cock as if it was a lollipop. “Shit.” Quin yelled when he felt his mouth on him.

  Jaden pulled his sac out a little so his mate would last a little longer while he sucked him off. He ran his tongue over his small slit and tasted his pre-cum. It tasted glorious on his tongue. Taking the tip of his cock in his mouth, he slowly sucked it into his mouth until his huge cock hit the back of his throat. He had been unable to take the whole thing in one swallow, but Jaden refused to admit defeat.
He slowly drug his teeth over Quin's cock as he drew him back out, then took a deep breath and proceed to make sure this time he swallowed his mate whole.

  Cami watched as her mates satisfied each other and she began to get hot. Seeing Jaden suck Quin's cock was amazingly erotic. She never thought she would have gotten off on seeing two men together, but she was. Gosh, if she had this to look forward to for the next hundred years, she would be happy.

  Jaden moved quicker and quicker, swallowing each time his cock hit the back of his throat. Quin groaned each time and grabbed Jaden"s hair and tried to make him move faster. Soon Quin cried out as he released his seed into his mate"s throat. Jaden continued to suck and drink, until all of his mate"s cum had been cleaned up.

  Jaden sat up and smiled at Quin and Cami. “Awesome.”

  “Better than awesome.” Quin said and reached up and kissed Jaden, tasting his own seed on his mate"s tongue. It turned him on again and he felt his cock start to harden all over again.

  “Now you.” Quin said into Jaden"s mouth, turned over, and knelt on the bed on his hands and knees.

  “I am going to ream that ass.” Jaden said and slapped Quin on his butt cheek, before leaning down and picking up the lube from the floor.

  First, he greased up his fingers and then Quin felt him put some on his virgin hole.

  Slowly he pushed one finger into his ass. Quin groaned when he felt the burn of something new being pushed into him. It felt weird and amazing all at once, and he thought he was going to cum again. Slowly he worked in another finger, and Quin felt the stretch and burn.

  “More.” He moaned and waited while Jaden began to slowly scissor his fingers to make room for him. He felt the tips of his fingers brush a spot inside him and he jerked.

  What the hell was that?

  “Ahh, your sweet spot.” Jaden whispered and then brushed his fingers over the same rough spot and Quin yelled “FUCKIN" A!”

  Then a third finger was added, and Quin could not hold back anymore and he cried out loudly, he felt Cami reach over and begin stroking his hard cock.

  “Ready.” Jaden grunted and withdrew his fingers and replaced it with the tip of his cock. Quin nodded and relaxed.

  Slowly, Jaden pushed inside him, and held his hips firmly. When he was seated fully inside him, Quin felt the man lean over and kiss his neck.

  “Move damn it.” He demanded and heard his mate chuckle.

  Withdrawing slowly, Jaden pulled almost all the way out of Quin before slamming back in. Cami continued stroking him at the same pace as Jaden. The stimulation was too hard to resist and Quin came hard.

  Jaden continued to rock in and out of him for a few more times, before following him over the edge. When he was starting to come, he leaned over and bit his friend in his neck, marking him as his mate.

  Cami felt the bond form with all of them, even though she had not been marked again.

  It was as though they could feel everything each other was feeling.

  “Baby?” She heard in her head and she sat back quickly surprised.

  “What the hell?” She exclaimed.

  “The mating bond.” She heard Jaden say, and then she heard Quin laugh in her head.

  “We can communicate now without being in the same room. The bond will only strengthen as we are together more.” Quin said out loud.

  “Cool.” She whispered and then reached over and kissed both of her men as they settled into the bed next to her.

  Together they laid and spoke softly about the future, and what they were going to do in the present. Before long, they all drifted off into a contented sleep.


  Cami was not sure what woke her up; it may have been the fact that she was no longer cuddled between two hot men, but she could not be sure. She stretched and moaned a little when she felt the pull on her shoulder. Damn it, it still was incredibly sore. She wanted to get back to the book store and see the damage. She may have to postpone her opening. It had looked so promising when she had started out yesterday. She had hoped to be ready by the end of the week, and repairing the window would take that long. She could not open the store with a busted out front window.

  Sighing she tried to slowly get up, to get ready for her day, but her body refused to help her. Cami struggled and pushed until she was almost in the sitting position and then she tilted back again.

  “Baby, you need to rest.” Quin growled from the doorway.

  “I can"t, the store has so much to do, and I just can"t lay here.” She grumbled and tried to sit up again.

  Quin quickly came to her side, and helped her sit up. “Nothing is that important. I think you should laze here in bed for the day. When Jaden is back from his meeting with the security, we can get you up and showered.”

  “Is there any word yet on the Rogues?” She asked hoping they were going to have good news.

  Quin shook his head and smiled at her. “Not yet, Jaden and Devon are over there now, looking to see if there is anything new. I just got off the phone with my father and mother. They are excited to meet you, and are just as excited that Jaden and I are mates too. They are planning a trip over here to see us. We will have to prepare for them.

  This will be the first of the European Alphas to come over here.” Cami sat and looked at him. His parents? Wow, she had not even given a thought to parents. Since her mother was not in the picture, she never even assumed she would have to meet them. She was human; they were the most powerful Werewolves in Europe. She had a lot to learn.

  “When?” She asked nervously.

  “Not for a few weeks, we have to make sure all the security is ready for them. Jaden's parents are coming as well.” Quin said.

  “What? Two sets of parents. Great, now I have to worry whether they will accept me.

  What if they hate me? What if they think I am too weak to be your mate?” She cried and buried herself back into the pillows.

  “Honey, you have nothing to worry about. They will love you as much as we do. They know the fates would not have chosen you if it were not for the fact you were strong.

  You are mated to two Alphas after all.” He grinned and leaned down and kissed her gently. “Let's try and get you at least fed before Jaden returns. I really do not want him to think I was not looking after our mate.” Quin leaned down, scooped her off the bed, and carried her into the living room. He sat her on the fluffy couch and covered her with a blanket. Then he fussed around the kitchen heating up food she assumed Grace had left for her. She smiled and leaned back into the couch. She could seriously get used to being pampered.

  Quin brought out soup and a sandwich, and fed her after she had grimaced when she tried to lift the spoon with her sore arm. This is what it was like to feel loved and protected. He explained the news they had heard while she was sleeping.

  The Rogues had taken to hiding in the abandoned buildings on the other side of town, in the warehouse district. Cami asked questions she thought were important about the safety of the Pack. He grinned and answered them patiently. She wanted to make sure the children were safe. Time seemed to fly and Cami was surprised when she saw that they had been talking for over two hours.

  “When was Jaden due back?” She asked. She loved finally getting to know her mates, after all, the last few days had been a whirlwind. Cami wanted to know everything about Jaden and Quin. She would feel a little more secure in the relationship, if she did not feel like her husbands were strangers.

  “Uh, let me see if Tey has heard anything.” Quin smiled indulgently and went to the door. Tey was standing guard since Cami was still in the apartment. She felt a tinge of guilt that he had been standing there while she had eaten. What kinda of leader was she, that she did not even care about the welfare of her guards? Disgusted with herself, she called to Quin to tell Tey to come in and have something to eat. She wanted to be known for her caring nature for members of the Pack, she wanted them to know they could come to her if they need to. She did not want to seem like a spoiled little human
who was trying to take over.

  Quin yelled back to her that Tey was going to come and eat with her because he had to go the office. Soon, she heard Tey rummaging in the kitchen, and then he came and sat in the living area with a plate full of food.

  “Tey, sorry if forgot to call you in sooner, you must be starved.” She said to him sadly.

  The big man grinned at her and then finished the bite he had in his mouth before saying,

  “No worries. I am always this hungry. Quin and Devon used to say they needed a semi to go grocery shopping for me.”

  “Well, regardless I want you to feel free to come and eat when you are hungry, or talk if you need to. I feel like there is so much to learn, and I really am at a disadvantage here.

  Tell me about yourself.” Cami smiled at her guard and encouraged him to talk about himself.

  For the next hour, they talked about his family still in France, and about his sisters and brothers. He explained why he had chosen to follow Quin to the United States, and how the Pack in France was one of the best there was.

  She learned about some of the history of the Pack. Tey was very knowledgeable about Quin and Jaden. He explained he grew up with both men. His father was an Enforcer too. When Quin's father had announced that Quin was going to come to the United States and start a new Pack, Tey had jumped at the chance.

  He explained the Council of Elders, and what they were trying to do here. By the time they were done with talking Cami felt like she had been given a crash course in the Werewolves do"s and don"ts.

  For instance, she had not realized the mate to the Alpha was such a treasured role. She knew that being mated to the leader held some responsibilities, but she had had no clue that it was so important. Cami thought she was going to have to start thinking differently. She had been so worried about the bookstore, she had never thought about the rest of what she needed to do. Being the Alphas mate was going to be time consuming. She hoped she could do both.


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