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The Rancher’s Bride Arrangement (Brides 0f Inspiration Book 1)

Page 7

by Maya Stirling

  During the brief encounters he’d had with her the day before, he’d ended up being intrigued by her. She was clearly a woman used to high standards in life. But, he also had a sense that there was more to her than just polite ways and a highfalutin way of talking.

  Maybe today he’d find out a little more about her.

  He tried to ignore that thought. He wondered why he’d agreed to this hastily arranged get-together, and couldn’t come to a clear conclusion. But Sophie Cameron was one determined woman. Zane had found it impossible to refuse her suggestion that he pay a call to the house today. It also gave him a chance to get away from the ranch for a part of the afternoon.

  Although, he wasn’t sure being around Johanna would make his mind any clearer than it was at the moment. Which was just about as clear as mud. He couldn’t make head nor tail of how things were changing back at the ranch.


  Zane shook his head and thought about what that would mean for him and his brothers. The next few months promised to be eventful. That was for sure.

  The truth was, Miss Johanna Henderson had made an impression on Zane yesterday. All morning, out with the herd, he’d tried to make sense of the easy way he’d agreed to Sophie’s suggestion. The only way he could make sense of it was by telling himself that he didn’t have a clue when it came to matters of courting.

  The instant that word came to mind, he felt a mild stab of panic. He wasn’t courting anyone, he told himself. He was only trying to be civil. Trying to be polite. There was no way he was ever going to see this through any kind of conclusion. Especially not the one which would please his father and mother.

  It was all moving too fast.

  Zane tried to ignore the quiet, certain voice which whispered to him about the sudden arrival of Johanna Henderson. When he’d taken some silent time this morning to reflect, seeking guidance as he usually did at the start of a new day, he’d been brought to consider the possibility that Miss Johanna Henderson’s arrival just might have been an act of grace. A blessing about which he was blinded by his own weaknesses. But it sure was significant that she had arrived at the ranch on the very day when the true nature of the family’s difficulties had been revealed.

  All his life, Zane had believed that when a crisis arose, God would provide a way. Sometimes that way seemed perplexing, even incomprehensible. But, in this instance, he wasn’t sure he could ignore the possibility that Johanna Henderson had been sent to him.

  Right at the moment of his family’s greatest need.

  Maybe he needed to remember to practice humility, he told himself. There were things beyond his understanding. Maybe this was one of them.

  In addition to all of that, and just to confuse him even more, Zane had seen the way Johanna had looked at him yesterday. There had been no interest in her eyes. No sense that she was in any way curious about Zane. In fact, he’d seen quite the opposite. In those eyes he’d seen something else. An unreadable blank mask. Maybe the whole visit had been overwhelming for her. Zane knew how his family could affect people. He knew they were a close family, tied tight by loyalty and bonds that no-one could break.

  Johanna had seemed shocked by what she’d seen. Maybe that explained her demeanor. But, Zane couldn’t help thinking there was more to her.

  What was she trying to hide? It was a question which had run over and over in his mind as he’d sat on his mount this morning.

  For the moment he pushed all those considerations to one side. He was about to make the turn into the street where Sophie and Nathan lived when Zane saw a familiar face. Zane’s heart sank. This was the last person he wanted to see, right now, he told himself. The source of all their future trouble.

  Brett Calhoun was standing on the corner of the street directly facing back up in the direction of the jailhouse. He held some fixings in his fingers as he prepared a smoke. Calhoun looked casual and completely at ease. Just like always.

  Zane figured Calhoun was waiting on something. Maybe one of his crew had wound up in the cells for the night. Nothing unusual about that, Zane reflected.

  Zane drew his horse to a halt and peered down at Calhoun.

  Calhoun grinned at Zane and tipped his dark hat. “Buchanan. Mighty fine day, don’t you think?”

  Zane was immediately suspicious. He tightened his features into an impassive mask. “What’re you waiting for Calhoun? One of your boys make a fool of himself again?” Zane prompted.

  Calhoun shrugged. “You know how zealous our sheriff can be. It doesn’t take much for him to act. Even when he knows he’s wrong.”

  “I don’t consider that to be a bad thing,” Zane replied. “Especially since the likes of you keep testing his patience.”

  “Shucks, Buchanan,” Calhoun said sarcastically and grinned. He wasn’t even slightly upset, Zane told himself. Calhoun was a weasel who always liked to put on an act. “Why are you always so hard on me, Buchanan?” Calhoun asked.

  “Maybe because you deserve it, Calhoun?” Zane snapped.

  “Why’re you in town today. Thought you’d be with your herd. Calhoun lifted a brow. “Visiting someone?” Calhoun asked suddenly.

  It was at that moment that Zane realized that Calhoun maybe knew more than he was letting on.

  “You know I visit the sheriff from time to time,” Zane replied.

  “He isn’t at home, right now,” Calhoun said. He flicked his head in the direction of the jailhouse. “He’s been there all morning. Taking care of Cyrus, I guess,” Calhoun said.

  “Is that right?” Zane said, trying not to sound to interested. “Seems like you know a bit too much, Calhoun.”

  Calhoun grinned. “I like to stay informed, Buchanan.” He shrugged and lifted a sardonic brow. “That’s the kind of man I am. I only have the happiness of this town at heart.”

  Zane felt a jolt of anger well up within him. “Sure you do, Calhoun. You’re a real benefactor for this town.”

  Zane shook his head and moved his horse on. He saw Calhoun grin as he watched Zane move off.

  Zane moved his horse on up the street toward the Cameron residence. He was glad to be rid of Calhoun. It was best that the man knew nothing about why Zane was visiting the Cameron house.

  Zane pulled his mount up next to the open gate, dismounted and tied the horse to the post alongside the fence. He fussed with his jacket and tugged on his waistcoat. His mother had insisted he wear this getup. Something about making a good impression, she’d told him. Just like Johanna had done the day before at the ranch. It seemed like good impressions were important these days. It was all anyone seemed could think of.

  He knocked on the door and waited. It opened and he was welcomed into the house by Sophie, who was dressed in a plain white gown. In the hallway Sophie ran her gaze up and down Zane and nodded.

  “Pretty neat, Zane,” she said.

  Zane straightened. “You think so?”

  Sophie nodded. “I’m impressed. You’ve gone to quite a lot of trouble.”

  “You make it sound like I’m always a slob,” Zane joked.

  Sophie scrunched up her features with obvious good humor. “Did I say that? You’re a rancher. Most of the time. It isn’t like you work behind a desk all day long.”

  Zane frowned. “I don’t think I’d take to well to that kind of work.”

  Sophie smiled. “I think you’re right, Zane.” She lifted a brow. “You’re home is on the ranch. Out on the range. With the herd.”

  Zane reflected that Sheriff Cameron’s wife sure had a wicked sense of humor. Maybe she was just trying to lighten up the mood.

  She waved to Zane to follow her. In the sitting room he found Johanna standing by the fireplace, already dressed in a pleasing green gown. Her eyes widened when Zane walked into the room. He thought she looked instantly nervous upon seeing him.

  “Afternoon, Miss Henderson,” he said, his voice taut with nerves.

  “Johanna!” Sophie exclaimed.

  Zane nodded. “Johanna,” he added. />
  Johanna smiled. “Afternoon, Mr Buchanan.” Her eyes widened at Sophie. “I mean, Zane,” she added with a smile.

  Sophie looked satisfied with the introductions. Zane wondered where the luncheon was. He couldn’t see any sign of food. Nor could he smell any aromas coming from the kitchen.

  Sophie gathered up some of her belongings from the nearby cabinet. She handed a matching green bonnet to Johanna and turned to Zane. “I thought we’d go for a little stroll before we have lunch,” she announced.

  Zane’s brows rose. “Stroll?”

  Sophie nodded and glanced at Johanna. “Seemed to me that it would be a good idea for Johanna to get acquainted with the town. Seeing as how she’s going to be settling here.”

  Of course that made sense, Zane told himself. He glanced at Johanna and saw her nodding in agreement. After all, this was her first full day in town. She seemed enthusiastic about the prospect of walking out with Zane and Sophie.

  Sophie glanced out through the window. “Looks like there’s a bit of sunshine. I’ll bring our parasols,” she said and left the room.

  Now that he was alone with Johanna, Zane found that his mind had turned into a complete blank. Just like it had done out in the garden the day before.

  It was Johanna who broke the silence. “Sophie sure knows what she wants, doesn’t she?” Johanna said.

  Zane thought about how Sophie had brought Johanna to the ranch yesterday. And that had been within hours of Johanna’s arrival.

  Zane smiled and played with his hat as he held it in his hand. “Sophie looks like she’s on a mission.”

  Johanna nodded and smiled. Now she looked really nervous. Zane chided himself for his choice of words. He never had been expert when it came to social niceties. And now was no exception.

  “I think she’s planning on treating us to lunch at the hotel’s restaurant,” Johanna explained.

  “Really? Zane asked. The thought of him and Johanna being on very public display made him instantly nervous. But maybe that was why Sophie had chosen to do that. Just to let everyone in town know that there was a budding relationship between himself and Johanna.

  But was there?

  He cleared his throat and gazed around the room, determined to avert his eyes from the attractive woman standing over there, by the fireplace. Somehow, she looked different today. Maybe she’d slept well because she looked rested. Her features were more relaxed and there was a pleasing color to her cheeks.

  Moments later, Sophie strode back into the room carrying two parasols. “Ready?” she asked looking from Zane to Johanna.

  They both nodded at Sophie. Both women readied themselves quickly and then Zane was heading out of the Cameron house wondering just what he’d let himself in for.


  “I guess you haven’t had much of a chance to see Inspiration,” Zane said as all three of them turned the corner and stepped up onto the boardwalk. “Now is your chance to see it at its best,” he added.

  Johanna gazed along the length of the Main Street. She had to admit there was something pleasant about this little town. The bright sun shone down on the dusty street. The stores were all open and there was a healthy crowd of townsfolk going about their business. The boardwalk was busier than she’d seen it late yesterday. It seemed like everyone had come out to take care of their chores and get some fresh air.

  It wasn’t like anything she’d imagined before coming out here on the train. Sophie’s sister had sung the praises of Inspiration, but Johanna had put that down to her trying to persuade Johanna to make the long and probably perilous journey to Montana.

  “It is a pretty little town,” she agreed.

  “And it’s going to just grow and grow,” Sophie said. “If I have anything to do with it.”

  Johanna smiled. “Are you planning on bringing more mail order brides out here?” she asked.

  Then Johanna realized just what she’d said, the admission she’d just inadvertently made. She felt her face flush red. Was that what she was? A mail order bride. Only a different kind from the usual. She supposed she was, even though she’d come out here without knowing exactly who she’d be marrying. That part of things was being left in the more than capable hands of Sophie Cameron.

  “I am going to busy over the next few months,” Sophie admitted. She glanced at Zane. “Apart from anything, I hear marriage is in the air up at the ranch,” she said. “The whole Buchanan clan.”

  Johanna glanced at Zane and saw his shoulders stiffen. “I don’t know where you heard that,” he said. It didn’t sound too convincing.

  Who was he trying to kid? There was no other way to explain the welcome Johanna had received up at the ranch yesterday. And Zane knew it.

  “I couldn’t get a straight answer out of Caleb,” Sophie asked. “But, am I wrong?”

  “There might have been discussions,” Zane admitted. “You know how it is,” he added, sounding mysteriously uncommitted. “Family business.”

  Johanna glanced at Sophie and saw her shake her head.

  Johanna knew that most mail order brides came out with their husbands already arranged, usually with their passage paid. But Sophie was doing things different. She’d told Johanna that it was because of her own experience when she’d come out to marry Nathan. Luckily that had worked out, but Sophie had heard tales of things not going so well for other women. She was determined to fix that, and increase the population of God-fearing married couples in Inspiration. That all sounded fine and dandy, as far as Johanna was concerned. Sophie’s heart was in the right place.

  So, her situation was different. But, not that different. She’d barely gotten off the train and she’d already found herself being the focus of attention of a prospective husband.

  Zane Buchanan.

  Johanna was under no illusions about the reason Zane had come to town today. She wondered just how serious he was about the whole thing, or if he was just going through the motions to keep everyone happy.

  All three of them continued along the boardwalk. Johanna figured Sophie had everything already worked out. All it needed was some time and pretty soon, Johanna knew she would be marrying someone. The question was, who exactly would take her as a wife?

  Every once in a while, a passerby would say good afternoon. Everyone was so friendly. They passed the saloon. Just as they passed, the swing doors flew open and a cowboy stepped out, tripping on his heels. As if by instinct, Zane stepped in front of Johanna and Sophie and placed a hand in front of the cowboy. The cowboy blinked at the bright sunlight and then his gaze settled on Johanna and Sophie. Johanna could tell that the man was clearly under the influence of alcohol. She frowned at Sophie. At this time of the day?

  “Move along now,” Zane ordered.

  The cowboy stiffened for a moment and peered into Zane’s eyes. “Sure about that?”

  Zane nodded. “Quite sure,” he stated firmly.

  Both men stared at each other for a long moment. Johanna could feel the sudden tension in the air and wondered if she was going to witness her first fistfight in Inspiration. That was unthinkable as far as she was concerned. Surely this couldn’t be the only town in the West where trouble never broke out.

  Finally, the other man waved a dismissive, heavy hand at Zane, ducked his head, stepped off the boardwalk, and started to make his way across the dusty Main Street.

  Zane glanced at Johanna and Sophie. He shook his head. “Some men just can’t handle their liquor.”


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