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Vegas, Baby: Volume 2

Page 21

by Fiona Davenport

  Knox led me to the couch directly across from his desk that he’d had brought in just for me. Then he kissed my forehead before striding over to his chair and taking a seat. “What’s the problem, Anna?” he inquired, the wild man from my dressing room suddenly replaced by the calm, almost scary (to everyone but me) head of security.

  “Julian Storm!” she snapped, halting in her pacing and facing my husband with her hands fisted on her hips. “You need to do something about that, that…jerk face!” I covered my mouth so I wouldn’t laugh at her choice of insult for the sexy magician.

  “Calm down, Anna,” Knox said patiently. “What did he do that has you so worked up?”

  She started pacing again, giving me a view of her screwed-up expression. “I’m not worked up,” she protested. When her blush intensified, I suspected her definition of “worked up” was different than Knox’s. Then she snapped, “He doesn’t have any effect on me,” and I had to stifle another laugh at her clear denial.

  “Okay,” Knox agreed. “What did he do to upset you?”

  “He kidnapped me!” she shouted. Knox’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline. We knew Julian pretty well, and it was hard to believe that he would…she broke my train of thought when she continued. “He was supposed to make me disappear for the show, but then the box was moving, and when it opened up, I was locked with him in his dressing room!” Her cheeks were bright red now, and she started to fan her face with one hand. I was convinced there was more to that story but stayed silent, deciding there would be a better time to drag it all out of her. Besides, I’d seen the way Julian watched Anna whenever she was near him. It reminded me of how Knox looked at me.

  Knox’s face was impassive, but the slight crinkling around his eyes betrayed the fact that he was amused. I buried my face in a pillow, trying to keep from bursting into laughter.

  “While I can understand why you’re upset, I’m afraid this isn’t a security issue,” he drawled as he leaned back in his chair and tapped the fingers of one hand on his desk. “Therefore, not my problem.”

  Anna faced him again and stomped her foot. “Of course, it’s a security issue!” she argued, her voice pitched high. “He can’t just go kidnapping women from the audience. Someone is going to call the police…and…and”—she seemed to be grasping for more to say—“it’s a publicity nightmare!”

  I snorted, and they both swung their heads in my direction. “I disagree,” I chirped happily. “I think it’s marketing gold.”

  “Pardon?” Anna asked incredulously.

  I nodded and grinned. “If word got out that the incredibly sexy and talented Julian Storm was kidnapping women and locking them in with himself, the audience would be sold out every freaking night.”

  Knox growled, and I glanced over to see him scowling adorably at me. I winked at him and put an innocent expression on my face. “What?” He narrowed his baby blues on me, and I barely kept from squirming at the warning in them. “Seriously, he’s gorgeous, and women fall all over him. We should capitalize on that.” Knox’s glare held a wealth of dark promise, making me shiver in anticipation. I was going to pay for this later, and if I’d been wearing panties, they would have been drenched from the thought of my punishment. Why was his jealousy so damn sexy?

  I glanced at Anna and clocked the stunned expression on her face. “ themselves at him?” she asked quietly, sounding dejected. “Does that mean this isn’t the first time he’s done something like this?”

  I shook my head and frowned as I thought. “Not to my knowledge. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen him with a date.” I peered up at Anna and couldn’t help smiling at the mollified expression on her face. Then it was like she remembered she was supposed to be mad, and her lips twisted as she threw up her arms and exhaled sharply.

  “This is crazy! You’re crazy! It doesn't matter how hot he is; he can’t just go around snatching women and making out with them in his dressing room!”

  That was it. I couldn’t hold back anymore. I dissolved into a fit of giggles and wasn’t able to get my composure back before she stormed from the room.

  Finally, I managed to catch my breath just as I was carefully scooped up from the couch and settled in my husband’s embrace. I rested my head on his chest and sighed in contentment as he strode from his office into the hall and down to the staff elevator.

  “I’m telling Drew to fire his ass,” Knox growled as he stepped into the car and punched the button for the floor where we still kept a private suite.

  “You know I was teasing, babe,” I said as I lifted my head enough to place a kiss on his jaw. He grunted but didn’t say anything until we were locked inside our suite and he had set me on my feet next to the bed.

  “You were baiting me, baby,” he accused. “Don’t think for one second that I didn’t know you were trying to get a rise out of me.”

  I grinned and cupped the very large bulge straining to be released from his pants. He’d definitely risen. “Obviously, it worked.” I smirked.

  Knox growled and put his hand over mine so I was gripping him tight. “My dick is always standing at attention whenever you're near. Whenever I think of you.” The next thing I knew, I was on all fours on the bed, and Knox was shoving up my skirt. “But before you get what you were clearly begging for, I think this beautiful ass needs a good spanking.”

  I pushed my face into the bedspread to hide my glee as I wiggled my bare bottom. I loved being bad.

  Later, as I lay in bed, panting and coming down from the last orgasm he’d given me, I had no idea how many that was because he’d driven me out of my mind with need before allowing me to come the first time. Now, I felt like a satisfied, boneless heap, wrapped up in warm, strong arms. “I love you, baby.” Knox’s declaration spread warmth throughout my body, and I melted even more.

  “I love you too, Knox. More than anything.”

  He grunted his approval and gave me a tender squeeze. He was quiet for a moment, then he softly asked, “Will you sing for me? The song you wrote for me?”

  I smiled and snuggled deeper into his embrace as I began to sing the melody that hadn’t left my head since the moment I’d met him, and I was sure never would.



  Our house was as loud as it had ever been, filled with the sound of stomping feet and childish shouts. My brothers-in-law were roughhousing with all the kids in the basement while my gorgeous wife was grabbing the cake from the kitchen with some help from my sisters. She’d sent me out to the garage to grab the gallon of chocolate ice cream—our youngest daughter’s favorite—from the extra freezer we kept out there.

  Whatever the birthday girl wanted, she got. Addilyn liked to say our baby girl learned how to wrap me around her little finger from her, and I didn’t try to deny it because I’d spent the past ten years working hard to make sure she had everything she ever wanted. When her eyes lit up at Teresa’s request, it wasn’t a surprise to anyone that I readily agreed to host an impromptu family celebration tomorrow, the day before our daughter’s big party with all her classmates from school at a local trampoline center.

  As I walked back inside the house, the first thing I heard was my wife’s laughter. Pausing in the mudroom, I eavesdropped on her conversation with my sisters.

  “You wouldn’t believe how crazy Maddox got yesterday when he thought a customer was trying to flirt with me. All the poor guy did was ask me how my day was, and my hubby practically ran him out of the bakery for it,” Ariel complained.

  “What’s not to believe about that,” Aurora snorted. “We’re all married to cavemen. Each and every one of us.”

  “It still cracks me up how different Will is from the straitlaced lawyer I thought he was when you first met him,” Belle said. “I was a little worried you would walk all over him with your bossy ways, but it turned out to be a total non-issue because that man doesn’t let you get away with anything.”

  “Like you can talk. Your rock star barely l
ets you out of his sight,” Aurora retorted.

  “Back to your corners, sisters,” Ariel instructed. “Before there’s bloodshed in Addilyn’s kitchen and big brother kicks all our asses for upsetting her.”

  “Yeah, even his love for us wouldn’t save us then,” Belle agreed.

  “C’mon, he’s not that bad,” Addilyn insisted.

  “Uh-huh.” Aurora’s tone sounded doubtful.

  “You don’t hear me complaining. I love my big caveman,” Addilyn insisted even though she still pretended to give me a hard time when she thought I was being too protective.

  “That’s a good thing since our big brother somehow became the most ridiculous of them all, which is funny as heck since he gave our guys such a hard time before he met you,” Belle teased.

  “I like how protective he is with the kids and me,” Addilyn added.

  “You better,” I rumbled as I strode into the kitchen and over to her side. After I plopped the ice cream on the counter, I pulled her close and devoured her mouth in a kiss that was hot enough to have my sisters pretending to puke. Ignoring them, I bent my head to her ear, and murmured, “Because you’re stuck with me forever, and I’m going to give you a very thorough reminder of why when I have you all to myself in our bedroom later tonight.”

  My wife’s eyes were hazy and heavy-lidded when I pulled away. “Like you ever need an excuse,” she whispered.

  “Not when it comes to loving you, baby.” I brushed my lips over hers. “That’s what I was born to do.”

  Her eyes were heated as she nodded her head. “And you do it so well.”

  “Compliments won’t stop me from heating your ass up tonight,” I warned in a low tone.

  Addilyn had been quick to defend me...but that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to spank her anyway. Not when she loved it as much as I did. A happy wife meant a happy life, after all. And ours was fucking joyful.

  Extra Epilogue


  “Twinkle twinkle, little star. How I wonder what you are.”

  “Twinkle twinkle wittle sthar. are.”

  I froze as I walked into our bedroom and heard my husband’s off-key singing over the baby monitor. A laugh bubbled up as I watched the little screen. My big Hulk of a hubby looked adorable changing our two-year-old daughter’s diaper while they sang the nursery rhyme together.

  A particularly out of tune note made me wince before I dissolved into a fit of giggles.

  “Gen, Daddy!” Amber squealed as he picked her up and twirled her around. “Wheeeeee!”

  “One more time, then nap,” he told her with a soft smile. Then he did another spin, laughing when Amber screamed with joy. He set her on the ground and patted her little butt. “Pick out a story, princess.”

  My uterus skipped a beat, and I sighed at how cute they were. Smiling, I grabbed Amber’s blanket off of our bed, where she’d left it this morning after some snuggling. Holding her precious “bubby,” I hurried down the hallway to the nursery and walked in just as Knox was settling his massive frame in the rocking chair beside the crib.

  “Mommy!” Amber came running, and I scooped her up into my arms, smacking a kiss on her chubby little cheek.

  “Here’s your bubby, baby.”

  “Thanks, Mommy!”

  I set her on her feet, and she took off toward Knox, who lifted her onto his lap. He winked at me as he opened the book she’d picked out, and butterflies fluttered in my tummy.

  My husband was sexy as hell all the time, but watching him dote on our daughter melted me every time.

  After he finished the story, we gave her kisses and hugs, and he put her in her bed. Then he took my hand and led me out of the room before flipping off the light and whispering, “Night night, princess.”

  “Nigh nigh, Daddy. Nigh, nigh, Mommy.”

  “Love you, baby,” I said and blew her a kiss.

  I shut the door quietly, and without saying another word, I took the lead and practically dragged Knox back to our bedroom.

  “I want another one,” I breathed right before I attacked him.

  “I’ve been trying to talk you into letting me knock you up for months,” he mumbled as he swiftly divested me of my shirt. “Why now?”

  I undid his buckle and pants, then yanked them down as I answered. “It’s your terrible singing,” I teased. “My uterus can’t handle it.”

  Knox chuckled and lifted me under the arms. He speedily removed the rest of our clothes before tossing me on the bed. “I’ll give your uterus something to handle, baby,” he grunted.

  “If I weren’t so freaking hot for you right now, I’d give you endless grief over that lame line.” He shut me up with a deep kiss, eating at my mouth like he was starving.

  His hand slid over my hip and into the apex of my thighs. I bit my lip to muffle a cry when he pushed two fingers into my pussy. “Always so ready for me,” he growled. “You want my cock, baby?”

  “Yesss,” I moaned.

  “You want me to stuff you full of my come and put a baby in this sexy belly?”

  “Stop teasing me, Knox,” I whined, wiggling so his fingers would sink deeper.

  “Do you?” he pressed, his mouth curving in a wicked smile.

  “Yes. Do it.”

  Knox wrapped his lips around one of my nipples and swirled his tongue around it, driving me wild. He pumped his digits a few more times before gliding them out. My pussy was fighting hard not to let them go, and I was so wet that the sound was audible when he pulled them out.

  “Fuck,” he grunted as he switched to the other right peak. “I need to feel this pussy squeezing me.”

  I moaned some sort of agreement and felt the tip of his cock at my entrance. My husband knew me well enough to place his hand over my mouth to stifle my cry of pleasure when he drove forward until he was balls deep.

  He buried his head in the valley between my breasts and groaned. “So good.” Slowly at first, he pumped his hips in and out but quickly gained speed until he was slamming into me.

  I bucked up to meet his every thrust, glad his hand was muffling my screams.

  “Come, baby,” he demanded in a raspy voice. “I’m not going to last this time. The thought of planting my seed in you again is making it hard to hold back.”

  He licked the tip of a nipple before blowing gently, making it harden even more. Then he bit down while he slipped a hand between us and pressed his thumb firmly on my clit.

  His hand suddenly disappeared from my mouth, only to be replaced with his own. I shattered into a million tiny shards, and he swallowed my cries in a kiss that touched my soul.

  His hot release spread through me, and it set off another, smaller orgasm. He kept pumping in and out and filling me with his come until it was spilling out onto my thighs. And still, he had more.

  By the time he finally came to a stop, I had no doubt he’d gotten me pregnant. He gave me a tender kiss before collapsing on top of me. He kept most of his weight off of me with his elbows, but his pelvis stayed glued to mine, keeping as much of him inside me as possible.

  “There’s no way you could put that much come inside me and not get me pregnant,” I joked.

  “Maybe. But I’m gonna do it again as much as possible until we know for sure it worked.”

  I giggled and shook my head. “How is that different from any other time in our life? Except now, you won’t be wearing a condom.”

  Knox grunted and rolled to the side, taking me with him, so he continued to stay buried inside me. I snuggled into his warmth and sighed, completely content.

  “Sing for me?” he requested softly.

  I sang his tune and the words I’ve eventually written to go with it. When I finished, we were both ready to drift off.

  “Moooooooommy!” Blared through the monitor, jerking us both up in the bed. “All done nap!”

  I glanced at the clock to see that it had only been thirty minutes since we put her down. Knox growled playfully at the interruption. I smiled
and patted his chest. “I’ll just go sing to her for a minute.”

  He silently followed me out of bed and threw on his pants. Then he went with me to the nursery and leaned against the wall, watching us as I rocked and sang to our baby.

  When she fell asleep, he carefully transferred her to her crib.

  The next thing I knew, we were back in bed, and he was doing his damndest to make another one.

  Just over two weeks later, he walked around with a smug grin when we found out he’d been successful. He was adorable, and every day, I was even more grateful for the day he burst into my life and gave me a happily ever after.

  Want to find out what led up to—and happens after—Julian kidnapping Anna? Show Me, Baby is available!

  In the mood for another tattooed hero? Give I’m Yours, Baby a try! Wes doesn’t just have tattoos…he has a piercing, and the heroine is the only one who ever gets to experience it.

  And don’t forget to join Fiona’s Smutaholics on Facebook for new release news and giveaways!

  About the Author

  The writing duo of Elle Christensen and Rochelle Paige team up under the Fiona Davenport pen name to bring you sexy, insta-love stories filled with alpha males. If you want a quick & dirty read with a guaranteed happily ever after, then give Fiona Davenport a try!

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