Lisa's Little Lie: A Hotwife Novel

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Lisa's Little Lie: A Hotwife Novel Page 1

by Lexi Archer

  Lisa's Little Lie

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2015 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, June 2015

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  Table of Contents

  Part One: New Experiences

  1: Digits

  2: Fallout

  3: Forbidden Texts

  4: Snooping

  5: Hellacious Argument

  6: Regrets

  7: Temptation

  8: Good Girl Gone Bad

  9: Together Forever

  Part Two: Lakeside Confessions

  10: Watching Them Watching Her

  11: Processing

  12: My Wife the Camgirl

  13: Ghost of the Past

  14: Change of Heart

  15: Panic and Peace

  16: Revelations

  17: Indecent Proposal

  18: Consummation

  19: A New Chapter

  More from Lexi Archer

  Part One

  New Experiences

  1: Digits

  "Excuse me?"

  I turned to face the guy who'd just called to me. At least I was assuming he was talking to me. I was in the middle of the library atrium and it was pretty crowded in here, but I was the only person close to him. When I turned he was looking at me expectantly.

  I studied the guy for a moment. He was good-looking enough in a geeky sort of way. He looked like he spent time at the gym even if he didn't make a lifestyle choice out of it. And he had a goofy winning smile that made me feel at ease.

  Which was probably a good thing since I didn't recognize him at all, and some of the lectures I'd gotten during orientation just a month before were still rattling around in my head. People were out on campus trying to take advantage of naïve young freshmen, and I was still a very naïve young freshman no matter how much I tried to pretend that wasn't the case.

  "Can I help you?"

  His smile grew even wider. "I think you can, you see you're the most beautiful girl I think I've ever seen on campus."

  I blinked as my mind ran over what he'd just said. That was definitely the last thing I was expecting. I couldn't quite believe I'd heard him right. Guys didn't just walk up to girls and act that forward!

  "Excuse me?" I said.

  "I said you're the most beautiful girl I think I've ever seen on campus," he said, though he trailed off towards the end. "And I was just wondering, well…"

  He blushed and looked away and immediately I felt for the guy. He'd obviously put himself out on a limb here. It seemed like this was a big deal for him to approach a girl like this. He definitely didn't put off any sort of player vibe, and I felt my heart melting for him.

  "Well thank you for the compliment," I said. "It was very nice!"

  This strange guy smiled, the blush disappearing from his face as he seemed to gain just a little bit of confidence from my words. And that smile on his face couldn't help but bring a smile to my own face. I almost wanted to giggle, which was definitely weird considering this was just some random guy hitting on me in the library.

  Hitting on me? Was that really what was going on here? I didn't know.

  "So I was wondering if I could maybe get your number?"

  Okay so maybe he was That gave me pause. I thought about that. I really thought about it. Up until that question this had just been a little bit of innocent flirtation. Asking for my number though, well that was something a little more serious. And I had a feeling my boyfriend wouldn't appreciate it very much if he found out I was giving out my phone number to random guys who came up and hit on me in the library!

  And yet the way this guy was carrying himself. I couldn't help but feel like he was harmless. That this wasn't the kind of thing that he did very often. Giving him my phone number might be the confidence booster he needed to go and do this again, but with a girl who didn't have a boyfriend. And so I found myself reaching out for the phone he held out. I found myself reaching down and tapping my number and my name into it and then handing it back to him. It was done before I could really think about what I was doing, and that was probably a good thing for him.

  If I'd stopped to think about how crazy I was acting then I probably wouldn't have done it in the first place even if I was trying to give an obviously shy guy a confidence boost. It definitely would've saved me a lot of grief when I told Matt about it later this evening because I wasn't not going to tell him about something like this. It's not like he'd be that pissed off anyways. He'd understand. I hope.

  The guy looked down at the phone as though he couldn't quite believe he'd gotten my number and then back up to me with a huge goofy grin on his face that made me feel warm all over. Sure it was a little bit because I felt sorry for the guy, but he definitely did have a cute look about him. Especially when he had that dopey innocent grin plastered across his face.

  He held up his phone as though in salute and grinned even wider. "Great! Maybe I'll text you soon!"

  And then he turned and was disappearing into the crowd leaving me standing there with my mouth open about to tell him that I had a boyfriend and even if he did text me it would have to be strictly a friends-only sort of thing. Only I never got the opportunity to make that clear. Damn it. Not that it was probably going to be a big deal anyways.

  And as I stood there staring at the spot where he disappeared I was trying to process some of the confusing mix of emotions running through my head. Why had I gone and done something silly like giving that guy my phone number in the first place? I guess part of it was that I'd been disarmed by him being so direct. Part of it was the compliment which still made me blush as I thought about it. It'd been awhile since Matt had given me a compliment like that. Sometimes it felt like we'd settled into a routine even though we'd only been dating each other for a couple of years and neither of us had hit twenty yet.

  There was also just something about that guy, though I was reluctant to admit that to myself. Something about him that made me feel safe giving him my number. Something about that cute smile. Wait, cute smile? I'd just told myself I was feeling sorry for him. I definitely wasn't thinking about his cute anything when I gave him my number.

  Was I?

  It was all a confusing jumble. And it's not like it mattered, because nothing was going to happen anyways. I had a boyfriend and if that guy, I realized I didn't even get his name, texted me I'd let him down easily. Tell him we could only be friends. That was all there was to it.

  I figured Matt wouldn't mind too much when I told him anyways. We'd been dating long enough that he should be secure enough in our relationship. Two years was practically an eternity considering neither of us had hit twenty yet.

  Yeah, everything would be fine. I'd be honest, we'd have a good laugh, and that would be the end of it.

  2: Fallout

  "You did what?"

  "I didn't think it would be such a big deal! God, why are you reacting like this?"

  I was angry. It wasn't a good thing to get in an argument when I was angry. Particularly when Lisa had that angry look on her face. Though I couldn't for the life of me figure o
ut why she had the angry look on her face. She was the one who'd given her phone number to some random guy who hit on her in the fucking library!

  And she had the gall to get angry with me? What the fuck was she thinking?

  "You gave your phone number to another guy!"

  "Another guy who's completely harmless," she said.

  She had her knees drawn up as she sat on the small twin bed in her dorm. Looking at that bed just reminded me of some of the fun we'd had there since we got to college a month ago. I still thought it was really lucky that we not only both got into the same school but decided to go to that same school. I knew so many people whose relationships had fallen apart when they made the transition from graduating to going to college, but so far we'd avoided that.

  Only with things like this, with her giving her phone number to random guys she was meeting on campus, it was making me seriously wonder if our relationship wasn't just delaying the inevitable rather than falling apart right away like so many others I'd seen fall apart both slow motion and seemingly overnight thanks to the magic of social media letting me stay connected to the friends in those relationships that were crumbling.

  "Let's walk through this," I said.

  Lisa crossed her arms under her breasts. Never a good sign. And it only served to draw my attention to her tits. Exquisite tits. Perfect cones with delicious pink tips and I had so been looking forward to getting a chance to enjoy them this evening, only now with our argument heating up I was starting to wonder if that was actually going to happen. Probably not with that look on her face. I'd given up on any fun the instant I started getting mad at her over this.

  "Fine," she said. "But I don't think there's anything to go over."

  "Oh there's plenty to go over," I said as I started pacing across the room. It was a dorm room, her roommate was out for the night visiting the poor son of a bitch who could somehow tolerate her long enough to date her, and it didn't take much pacing before I reached the end and turned around. I held up a finger.

  "You gave your phone number to some strange guy who walked up and hit on you," I said.

  "He wasn't really hitting on me," Lisa muttered.

  "He said you were gorgeous and asked for your phone number!"

  "So? It's not like I plan on dating the guy or anything!"

  I rolled my eyes and threw my head up to the ceiling. It was a yellow tile number that looked like it hadn't been updated since this particular dorm was built several decades prior. You'd think with all the money they were charging us for tuition and housing they'd be able to afford new ceilings in some of these dorms. For some sort of remodeling that made the place look somewhat modern.

  "It doesn't matter that you don't plan on anything happening with the guy! It's the principle of the thing!"

  "I don't think I like the tone of your voice Matt," she said.

  "You don't like the tone of my voice? I don't like you giving your phone number to random guys who hit on you!"

  "If you're going to be like this then you can just leave," she said.

  I stopped and stared at her. My mouth worked without anything coming out. We had arguments in the past where she'd been so mad that she told me to leave, but it hadn't ever happened here at college. I'd never been exiled back to my own dorm room on a Friday night like that.

  The last time she'd been angry enough to tell me to just go home was last year when we both still lived at home. We'd gotten into an argument that was actually very similar to this one. It was around prom and we'd already been dating for a year, but that didn't stop her from telling known dork Eric Thompson that she'd consider going to prom with him. She'd said she had no intention of doing that, that she was just being nice to him, but at the time I'd argued that it was the principle of the thing. It wasn't an argument she'd understood then and it didn't seem like it was an argument she was going to understand now.

  "Fine," I said. "Maybe I should just go back to my dorm for the night."

  "Fine," she said, her voice filled with frost. "You do that asshole!"

  It wasn't entirely my fault that her dorm door slammed just a little louder than I'd intended. Those things were heavy.

  I couldn't believe we were having this argument again. I thought we'd settled it last year. Were we really treading the same old territory?

  At the same time I was wondering why I reacted that way. Why I got so mad when she pulled something like that considering I actually did believe her that she had no intention of dating the guy. No intention of doing anything with him. Just like last year.

  It really was the principle of the thing though. If she was with me, if she loved me like she said, then why would she even consider giving her number to another guy who was obviously hitting on her? Wasn't I enough for her?

  Damn I was so mad! And I also had another problem. I thought about what that must've looked like at the library. The smarmy look on his face. That stupid line that Lisa fell for. I could even imagine the look of disbelief on his face when he realized the line was actually working.

  And there was no doubt in my mind that it was a line. Guys didn't go up to girls saying things like that unless they were working an angle. A guy like what she described? Chances were he was going around campus using that line on any pretty wide-eyed hot freshman girl he saw, that Lisa wasn't anything special in the grand scheme of things beyond the fact that she'd caught his interest. And that she'd fallen for it of course. I wondered how many girls actually fell for that crap.

  Probably not many, but apparently I was lucky enough to date the most naïve girl on campus. Damn it.

  I was also developing a surprising problem as I thought of some random guy hitting on my girl. For some reason I had the world's weirdest erection. My cock was absolutely rock hard as I thought about Lisa getting hit on. As I thought about the action that I wasn't going to get tonight. That had to be why I was hard. That was the only reason I could think of. Why else would I have a hard on right now?

  What I really needed to do was get back to my dorm room and see if anybody was up for going out to some house parties around campus. I had a few other friends who ended up at this college but usually when we went out Lisa was there right along with me. The guys gave me shit about being whipped, but I knew they were just jealous that I was always with the hottest girl at the party. I saw the way they looked at her sometimes even though they were supposed to be my friends and damn it why was my cock twitching like that?

  It might actually be fun to go out and hit some parties without Lisa. Sometimes it felt like I was settled down before I'd even managed to make it to college. Not that I regretted that. Not much. Lisa was so beautiful, and I was lucky to have her.

  Lucky except for the annoying times when she decided to let guys hit on her, but whatever.

  I'd have to make sure and jerk off of in my dorm room before I did anything though. The last thing I wanted was to go out with a loaded weapon. No sir. Then I might do something silly like let some girl who said I was the hottest guy in the world convince me to go back to her dorm room and have some fun with her instead of my woman.

  Ha. As if that would happen. I've never be unfaithful to Lisa. Now if only I could figure out why the hell she was so casual about being unfaithful to me, however innocent and silly that unfaithfulness might be.

  3: Forbidden Texts

  Saturday night. Usually I was going out with Matt. Usually I'd be getting ready, putting my makeup on, checking my text messages from girlfriends and seeing where all the good parties were. This was our first year on campus so it's not like we could hit the bars which is where the real fun was at, but there were still plenty of house parties where people didn't care about serving freshmen. At least we'd never had any trouble! Mostly it was all people we'd went to school with, a lot of them ended up going to this university, but occasionally we met fun new people as well.

  Meeting new people. I sighed. It seemed like meeting new people was precisely the reason why I was lying back in my bed lookin
g at my phone and ramming birds into obstacles instead of answering text messages from my friends. There wouldn't be any text messages tonight. I'd made it clear to everybody that I was staying in.

  No, there was only one person who could get me to go out tonight, and he definitely wasn't sending me any messages. I hated getting the silent treatment, but I hated even more the idea of being the first person to send a message. After the argument last night, particularly after he'd been such a dick, I definitely wasn't going to be the first one to blink.

  That was being entirely unreasonable. So what if I'd given another guy my phone number? It's not like the guy actually had a chance in hell of taking advantage of that phone number or having any of the sort of fun that Matt seemed to think the guy was hoping for when he got my digits. It was just a quick friendly encounter. I was just trying to be nice to a guy who'd obviously gone out on a limb. I didn't want to crush his confidence entirely.

  And now here I was sitting alone in my dorm staring at my phone, not having a social life and paying the price for trying to be nice. Why the hell couldn't Matt just be secure in our relationship? Why couldn't he be secure in the fact that I loved him, and that I didn't want any guy other than him! Why couldn't he understand that I was going to meet guys now that we were at college and he couldn't react this way every time?

  Besides, all I was really doing was meeting new people. Isn't being in college all about meeting new people? It's not like I was offering to fuck the guy or something. It was just a phone number. It was about as innocent as you could get.

  And Matt keeping me from meeting new people, getting upset about something as innocent as sharing a phone number, really had me worried.

  In short, why did my boyfriend have to be such a jealous asshole? It definitely wasn't a very good trait, and it made me wonder about the long-term prospects of our relationship. I'd seen so many other relationships falling apart as people went off to college.


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