Lisa's Little Lie: A Hotwife Novel

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Lisa's Little Lie: A Hotwife Novel Page 2

by Lexi Archer

  Some people broke up as soon as they found out they were going to different schools. Some people broke up after graduation night. There was one particularly messy breakup last month where the guy had proposed to his girlfriend even though they were going to schools across the country from one another. She'd accepted and then he decided it would be more fun to fuck some random girl at the first party he went to than to try and remain faithful or even give long distance a try.

  That had been an interesting couple of days. I'd been tempted to sit at my computer with a bag of popcorn and watch the updates. That's the kind of breakup it was. Public, messy, and full of delicious drama.

  Only it seemed like that was exactly what I was getting in my relationship with Matt now that he'd decided to let this jealous streak take control. Maybe it was karma for enjoying that other breakup so much.

  I sighed and fell back into my pillow. I looked at the glow of my phone sitting next to me. I didn't feel like playing a game. I definitely didn't feel like texting any of my friends or going out tonight. That would just remind me of the fun that I wasn't having with Matt right now. And I really did miss him even if he was acting like a first rate asshole.

  I don't know why I did it. Maybe it was because I was thinking about what had precipitated this argument in the first place. Maybe it was because on some level I wanted to prove to myself and to Matt that the exchange of phone numbers was completely innocent. That there was no ulterior motive there. And in my somewhat pissed off state of mind I also wanted to do something to get back at Matt.

  Considering what we'd just argued over what was the best way to get at back at him? By doing the one thing that would piss him off more than anything, of course. By sending a text message to the man who'd precipitated our argument in the first place.

  It was crazy, I knew in the back of my mind that I shouldn't be doing this even as I did it, but it was as though I was having an out of body experience as I watched myself pick up my phone, opened up my text messages, and fire off a quick text to my friend from the library.

  "Hi, this is Lisa, the girl from the library. What are you up to tonight?"

  I waited a minute thinking that I was acting like an idiot the entire time. Thinking that I needed to back out before this even started. Thinking that he probably wouldn't even remember who I was, or at the very least he was probably out enjoying his social life and wouldn't respond to my text message.

  "Hey Lisa from the library! Was wondering when I'd hear from you."

  "You mean you weren't going to text me first?" I said. I found myself smiling. That was so cute, being afraid to make the first move.

  "Well with a girl as beautiful as you…"

  I found myself blushing at that. He here he was laying it on thick again. I tried to think of the last time that Matt had laid it on that thick. Probably the first time he was trying to get laid, not that it had worked for him. Not that it was going to work for this guy either.

  "You're so sweet," I sent back.

  My thumbs were poised over my phone and I couldn't think of something to talk about that would go anywhere good, particularly since he'd already gone straight to talking about my beauty. I was actually starting to wonder if maybe this guy was only interested in hitting on me, but then he texted me back.

  "So what are you up to?"

  That seemed innocent enough. So I answered honestly. "Sitting in my dorm all alone."

  "That's too bad," he said.

  I waited not quite sure what to say. I realized that talking about being all alone probably was moving close to territory that was very dangerous. At least very dangerous if I wanted to keep my boyfriend happy and not thinking that there was something going on with this guy. Damn. Why was this conversation so difficult?

  Maybe Matt was right. I figured at any moment this guy was going to text me back and ask to come over. He'd prove my boyfriend right and then I'd be even more pissed off because not only was I stuck alone on a Saturday night but I was stuck alone on a Saturday night because of an argument that my boyfriend was about to win.

  I knew those feelings were ridiculous. I knew those feelings were childish. But I couldn't help it. That was how I was feeling in the moment.

  "That's too bad," he said. "A girl as gorgeous as you should never be alone on a Saturday. What happened?"

  I blinked at my phone. That definitely wasn't what I was expecting when I started reading that sentence. I went back and read through it again just to make sure I was correct in my assessment. He was asking me why I was home alone tonight, but he wasn't offering to come over. After the argument with Matt, after what had been running through my head, that was definitely unexpected. It was a pleasant surprise that he wasn't using the opportunity to try and get an invitation over to my dorm. It was really nice to be proven right.

  Not that I was ever going to tell Matt just how handily I'd won this particular argument. No, something told me that me texting this guy at all would be enough to get Matt really pissed off.

  But still, in the meantime I could at least talk to this guy. He seemed nice enough. And so my thumbs flew as we texted, as I told him about the argument and how ridiculous I thought Matt was. As I really poured out all of my feelings and how hurt I was.

  And for a wonder he listened. He actually listened. That was something Matt rarely did and it really pissed me off.

  To say it was a pleasant change would be one hell of an understatement. I found myself staying up late into the night losing track of time texting with him. Before I dozed off early in the morning I reflected that it really was one hell of a pity that I could never show Matt this conversation. That I could never prove to him once and for all how completely wrong he was. There were nice guys out there. There were guys out there who were interested in more than just getting laid. More than just getting into my pants.

  4: Snooping

  I took a deep breath as I stood at Lisa's door. I hadn't talked to her since last weekend. A whole week without texting. Without talking to each other on the phone. Without seeing one another in person. Not seeing her was driving me absolutely wild, but the entire week I'd been stewing over her and that guy. I'd resolved that I wasn't going to be the first person to blink. I wasn't going to give her any ammunition to win this argument.

  And yet here I was with a dozen roses I'd bought on the cheap down at the grocery store. Here I was about to give up the argument in a major way because I missed seeing my girlfriend. No matter how ridiculous she'd been giving that guy her phone number, I figured it wasn't as huge a deal as I was making it. Especially if she was just giving her number to the guy to be nice, to throw him a bone, and had no intention of ever actually talking to him.

  Yeah, that was something I could get behind. That was something I could tolerate even if I wasn't exactly thrilled about it.

  And yet here I was hesitating as I stood in front of her dorm. I was really hoping she was in there alone. It was a Friday night which meant her battle ax of a roommate was probably off with the poor son-of-a-bitch she'd managed to rope during the first week of school. Chances are it was just Lisa in there, but I was still reluctant to knock for some reason.

  Part of me, a crazy part of me, wondered if she was in there with him. I wondered if they were in their making out even as I stood on the other side of the door. It was a thought that had been jumping into my mind unbidden ever since that night. Thoughts of her talking to him. Thoughts of her kissing him. Thoughts of him running his hands all over my girlfriend's body.

  They were crazy thoughts, and I wasn't sure what to make of them. They'd pissed me off whenever they entered my mind. It seemed like it was an obsession that I couldn't get away from. And yet even as I was pissed off at those thoughts, at the same time there was also another odd reaction I was feeling.

  An odd reaction I was feeling even now as I stood in front of her dorm room with my free hand poised to knock. Down below my cock was rock hard, and all I would have to do was thrust my hips a couple of
times and I'd be knocking on her door down below rather than up above. As hard as I was feeling right now with those crazy thoughts running through my head it would probably be just as loud as if I'd knocked with my knuckles.

  I needed to get ahold of myself. I needed to get those thoughts out of my head. They were definitely unwanted. Weren't they? And yet they kept popping into my head. They kept filling my mind.

  What the hell was wrong with me?

  It had to be that I hadn't gotten to see Lisa for a week. I was used to us making out, used to us having a little bit of fun together, at least a couple of times a week. Quitting cold turkey because we were in the middle of a heated argument was probably just too much for my poor cock to take. All the more reason for me to knock on her door and get on with the process of making up with her. Even if I was half terrified and half anticipating finding another guy in there.

  Only the initiative was taken from me. I heard her door click, saw the handle move, and then she was standing right there wearing a pair of tight pajama bottoms and an even tighter pajama top. From the way her nipples were pressing out it seemed like she wasn't wearing a bra. That was almost enough to make me blow a load inside my shorts as I looked her up and down.

  Damn it had been too fucking long. Way too fucking long. I just wasn't used to going that long without feeling her body against me, without getting to explore the delicious pleasures that were my girlfriend. Well, everything she'd let me explore other than having sex which was a point of frustration, but one argument at a time was enough for me.

  Lisa blinked in surprise when she saw me there and once more I found myself wondering what I was walking into. I found myself wondering if she had a guy in there. I also resisted the urge to peer into her room and make it obvious I was looking for a guy in there. Yeah, that was the last thing I wanted to do. That would just set off the argument again, and I wanted to avoid that at all costs.

  "What are you doing here?" she asked.

  Her tone wasn't exactly hostile, but she didn't exactly sound like she was happy to see me standing in front of her door either. And once more as I heard that tone my mind started to wander. I started to wonder if she maybe was expecting somebody to join her. Maybe that was why she wasn't happy to see me here. What kind of girl wouldn't be happy to see her boyfriend after a week with no contact?

  The kind of girl who'd gotten into an argument and then been ignored for the better part of a week. That's what the rational side of my brain told me even as the irrational side of my mind was screaming that she was up to something. That she was definitely waiting on that guy to come over. I forced that side down. That wasn't going to help anything. It's not like there was a chance she was actually going to be meeting that guy at her dorm where I could come by at any moment.

  For that matter it's not like she'd be meeting that guy or any guy anywhere on campus. Lisa loved me, she was completely faithful to me, and I was being an irrational prick when I got upset about her giving out her phone number. Even if thinking about her giving out her phone number still filled me with an irrational mix of lust and anger a week later.

  "I'm sorry?" I said. I held up the flowers, though whether I was holding them up as a peace offering or as a shield to prevent her from hitting me over the head was anyone's guess.

  She stared at the flowers then back to me. Finally she sighed, rolled her eyes, and for a wonder she actually smiled which sent a wave of relief flooding through my body. She jerked her head into her dorm.

  "Fine, you can come in," she said.

  I breathed a sigh of relief as a tension I didn't even realize was filling my body let go. At least I was getting into her dorm room. That was a start. Then we could really start working on making up. And I had a few good ideas as to exactly what kind of fun we could have to make up, let me tell you!

  "So how was your weekend?" I asked as I sat on her bed.

  My mind was flooded with thoughts of her on that bed. Thoughts of her rolling around naked, only I wasn't thinking of memories of the two of us rolling around naked and making out with one another. No, I was filled with thoughts of her with some strange muscular faceless guy, his cock pumping in and out of her even though that was impossible considering that we hadn't even fucked yet. She wouldn't do something like that with some complete stranger!

  I also winced as soon as those words were out of my mouth. The first thing I said to her was a reminder that we hadn't been talking for a week. Sure it was as much her fault as it was mine that we hadn't been speaking, but I'm sure that in her mind it was entirely one hundred percent my fault. The last thing I wanted was open up that particular wound. Only I'd said it. I put my foot in my mouth. And so I just looked up at her and waited for her reaction not expecting anything pleasant let me tell you.

  "Nothing much," she said. "Mostly studying and catching up on schoolwork since I didn't have any social engagements."

  Her tone was icy as she said that last bit, but I felt a wave of relief. No social engagements meant she hadn't been going out. In particular she hadn't gone out with that guy. So why was I also just a little disappointed as I realized that she'd been faithful? There was that weird obsessive thinking again. Damn it.

  I needed to get over that, and I needed to get over it pretty damn quick. The last thing I needed was to be obsessed with my girl getting with another guy if the one thing I was trying to do was prevent her from getting with another guy!

  "I'm sorry about that," I said. "I don't know what I was thinking. I just got so upset when I thought about some strange guy hitting on you and you encouraging him…"

  The words were spilling out of my mouth. That wasn't a good thing. No, words spilling out of my mouth were never a good thing. That meant they were spilling out faster than I could think about them. That was usually when I put my foot in my mouth. And I could tell from the way she was looking at me, a mixture of worry and hostility, that I was definitely sticking it in my mouth right now. I needed to just shut up and let her talk.

  "I can't believe you," she said. "Are you still stuck on this? I thought you wanted to apologize!"

  "I am sorry babe…"

  "What pisses me off the most isn't that you were upset about me giving out my phone number. So maybe that was a little stupid. No, what really pisses me off is that you don't trust me to text some other guy without wanting to hop into bed with him! Even if he wanted to, it's not like I'm going to cheat on you or something."

  Each word hit me like a slap. She had a point. Assuming the guy wanted her was one thing, but also assuming that she was actually going to take the opportunity to cheat on me was another thing entirely. Of course she never would.

  Then something about how she'd worded that struck me. I didn't trust her to text a guy? It was a subtle difference, but it sounded suspiciously like she'd actually been in touch with him. It was different from last weekend when she said she had no intention of even sending the guy a message in the first place. Even as I was suspicious, even as I was a little pissed off at that realization, I also felt a tingling down between my legs. I felt my cock twitching with interest.

  Only I had no way to prove it. I very much wanted to prove it. I wasn't sure if I wanted to prove she was talking to another guy because that would help me win this argument or if I wanted to prove it because the idea of her talking to another guy was suddenly turning me on in a major way. It was a convoluted and fucked up mess of emotions running through my head, and I wasn't sure what to make of them.

  I glanced over to her phone sitting on her computer desk. If she was texting the guy then they'd probably be on there, assuming she wasn't smart enough to delete them. Only I couldn't very well go over there and start tapping through her phone and looking through her text messages without causing an even bigger blow up. Even if I did end up having a reason for causing that blowup.

  "You're right honey," I said. "And I'm sorry. I should trust you."

  Trust was the last thing that was on my mind, but I needed to play a pa
rt. I needed to make sure she thought I was contrite. Even if I wouldn't be truly contrite until I'd checked her text messages and confirmed or denied the sneaking suspicion worming its way through my head. It was like there was a monster roaring inside me, and whether that monster was jealousy or arousal was anyone's guess.

  She crossed her arms under her breasts which just served to accent how incredible they looked in that shirt. Her nipples were still poking out, and I wondered if they were poking out like that because it was a little cold in her dorm room or because she'd been texting some guy and getting hot and bothered. I really wished I could stop those thoughts from running through my head, but no matter how hard I tried they just kept popping up over and over.

  "Do you really mean that?" she asked.

  "Of course I mean it babe!" I replied. Of course I meant it if it turned out she hadn't been texting that guy. If she had then there was going to be another blowup, I just knew it. I was powerless to stop it.

  I waited for a moment, wondering if she was going to buy it. Wondering if I looked sincere because I definitely wasn't feeling it. Then her face broke into a smile and I knew I was in the clear for the moment.

  "Fine," she said.

  She moved the short distance across the room and leaned over me giving me a good look down her tank top in the process and the first look at paradise that I'd had in close to seven days which just had my cock roaring with desire. She leaned in and kissed me, her soft lips pressing against me and then her mouth opened to mine as our tongues swirled around one another and dueled back and forth in an impromptu make out session that had my blood boiling.

  Lisa pulled back from the kiss. "It feels like somebody missed me."

  Her hand reached down to grab my cock and I groaned. My eyes rolled into the back of my head. We hadn't actually had sex yet, she was frustratingly the waiting for marriage type and I'd always respected that, but she was willing to do a hell of a lot right up to actually doing the deed. And I'd really missed doing a hell of a lot right up to actually doing the deed over this past week. It had driven me absolutely crazy being separated from her. And as her hand ran up and down my cock all of that pent up desire came rushing back.


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