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Lisa's Little Lie: A Hotwife Novel

Page 4

by Lexi Archer

  My breath caught. Jared looked different somehow from our first meeting in the library when he'd seemed so hesitant. So unsure of himself. Sure he was obviously the same guy I'd met in the library, but at the same time he was different.

  He had some sort of gel in his hair and it had a tousled look to it as though he'd just rolled out of bed but I knew he must've spent some time working on it. He was wearing a polo shirt that was tight enough that it showed off the definition on his muscles. He wasn't exactly bodybuilder huge or anything, but he definitely looked like a guy who worked out. There was also just something about the way he carried himself. There was a casual confidence that hadn't been there last time.

  I actually found myself wondering if that last meeting had been an act, but quickly dismissed it. I was starting to sound as paranoid as Matt when I thought things like that!

  "Fancy meeting you hear Lisa," he said with a lopsided grin.

  I found my breathing pick up and I had to get myself under control. This was just a guy coming over to talk. Someone to hang out with for the night because I was in a vulnerable place and I really didn't want to spend another weekend night alone. Plus all of my friends were already out. At least I told myself that's why I hadn't called any of my girlfriends.

  "So do you want to come in?" I asked.

  Jared stepped into the room and as he brushed past me I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I needed to get control of myself. I was just acting like this because of what had happened with Matt tonight. That was all. And Jared definitely wasn't interested in me like that, no matter what my jealous boyfriend said!

  Jared moved over and sat on my bed. I was painfully aware of how wrong that was having him on my bed. How pissed off Matt would be if he knew there was another guy on my bed. So I pointedly moved over and sat down at my desk chair as far from him as I could get in the small room and wondering why I felt the need to get as far from him as I could. Yet I didn't want to sit on the bed near him. That was too close to some of the accusations Matt was making even if nothing was going to happen between us.

  "Nice room," he said.

  I found myself blushing. I wanted to kick myself for blushing. This was just a guy I'd taken pity on! Sure he looked a little different now, sure it turned out he'd been a great listener and a good friend over the past week, but that didn't change the fact that I was… Well I had a something. Matt was still something to me. I wasn't sure what exactly the status of our relationship was, but there was enough of a relationship status there that I still felt a pang of guilt at even inviting Jared over here in the first place. I definitely felt a pang of guilt that he was sitting here in my dorm. I felt a small measure of terror at the idea that Matt might come back and find the two of us here which would definitely blow up any chance of a reconciliation!

  In short I was wondering what the hell I'd been thinking inviting him over here even as I got even more pissed off at Matt for making me to feel that way.

  "So it was a bad argument?" Jared asked.

  I sighed. "You have no idea! It's like he doesn't think I can be friends with a guy without hopping into bed with that guy! Isn't that ridiculous?"

  I glanced over at him to see his reaction and it definitely wasn't what I was expecting. I'd expected him to nod in agreement, but he just shrugged and smiled. "A beautiful girl like you? I can see where he'd think guys would be after you."

  I giggled just a little. "Yeah, but it's so ridiculous, right?"

  Jared cocked an eyebrow and again his reaction wasn't quite what I was expecting. "Is it? You're a beautiful girl and there are lots of guys out there who'd love to get with you. Lots of guys who wouldn't care that you have a boyfriend. You do still have a boyfriend, right?"

  I rolled my eyes. "I think I do? He made it sound like he wanted to take a break, but he couldn't have possibly been serious about that. I'm just not sure though. I'm not sure how I feel about it!"

  "Well it is ridiculous that he doesn't trust you," Jared said.

  "I know! It's like he thinks I'm going to hop into bed with a guy right after talking with him, and I've been so good too. I'm being accused of a crime I didn't commit and that pisses me off!"

  While I was talking Jared stood and started making his way around the room. He stopped to examine a shelf of knickknacks I had hanging on one wall, though I was constantly terrified they were going to fall down when the sticky stuff keeping the shelf up there eventually gave way. No nails in the dorms.

  I needed to focus. I was getting distracted by things that weren't important. This was a time for concentrating, not decorating.

  He continued around until he was close to me, leaning against my desk and looking down at me with that lopsided grin. I looked up at him and once again I felt my breathing picking up even though that was ridiculous. I felt my pulse quickening as I looked up at him even though that was impossible. Wrong. He really was far more handsome than I'd given him credit for at our last meeting in the library, and he seemed far more confident now.

  "You're doing the time without doing the crime…"

  That distracted me rather quickly. Matt was such a prick!

  "It's so unfair!"

  His eyebrow cocked and his smile grew even wider. I felt like I was going to melt in my seat, and I was seriously thinking it was time to tell him to get out of here before I did something that would prove Matt right. I was starting to really see things from my boyfriend's point of view, even though I hated to admit it. Even though it was a little too late now.

  "So have you ever considered just doing the crime?"

  I blinked. Jared got down on his knees in front of me and his hands moved to my thighs. It was as though electricity was rushing through my body where his hands made contact with my skin. His hands were soft and smooth yet strong and it was so incredible feeling him against me precisely because it was so forbidden.

  I shook my head to get control of myself. What was happening here? How was I losing control of the situation so quickly? Why couldn't I stop thinking about how his hands felt on my legs?

  More than anything I found myself getting really pissed off that it seemed like I'd stumbled right into the exact situation that Matt had been warning me about. That more than anything is what helped me regain my control. Just a little.

  "What are you talking about?"

  He moved up so that his body was so close to mine. So that his lips were inches from my own.

  "Your boyfriend is being irrational, he's accusing you of stepping out with another guy, you're getting yelled at for something you didn't do, so why not just do it and have fun?"

  I turned away even though I felt an overwhelming and inexplicable urge to lean forward and press my lips against his. What was wrong? What was going on here? How had things spiraled out of control so quickly?

  "I can't… I have a…"

  "A boyfriend?" Jared chuckled. "From the way you were talking it didn't sound like you have a much of anything. It sounds like you don't know what he is anymore."

  His words just served to stoke the angry fires burning inside me while I was arguing with Matt. They'd gone down since then, but hearing Jared talking about that just made me pissed off all over again. It had me pissed off at my boyfriend, not at the cute guy on his knees in front of me, so very close, who was encouraging me to do the very thing that I'd been denying for the past week.

  I don't know if it was the anger I was feeling towards Matt, how messed up in the head I was feeling after this whole ordeal, the fact that Matt said maybe we should reconsider our relationship and told me to go ahead and have some fun, or maybe it was how sexy Jared was feeling it pressing against me now that he was this new confident guy who was so different from the hesitant guy I'd met in the library.

  Whatever it was, I did something very out of character. Something very stupid. Something that I had a feeling I was going to very much regret later but I couldn't help myself in the moment.

  I leaned into him, into those lips that were
just inches away from my own, and I wrapped my arms around his head as I pulled him against me and kissed the first man since I started dating Matt.

  8: Good Girl Gone Bad

  I couldn't believe it. I was kissing another man. I was actually kissing another man!

  It felt so different from kissing Matt. And it was so intense. Perhaps it was intense precisely because it wasn't Matt that I was kissing, because it was a new experience, because it was so wrong.

  Matt. I couldn't believe I was doing this to Matt. And yet at the same time there was a part of me that wanted to do this to Matt. There was a part of me that felt like I was taking revenge on my asshole boyfriend by doing the very thing that he'd been accusing me of. By acting as slutty as he'd accused me of being.

  There was an elegant logic to what Jared said. If I was going to do the time then why not do the crime and have a little bit of fun? Wasn't that what college was all about? New experiences?

  Well this was one hell of a new experience! And as his mouth opened to mine, as our tongues snaked out to each other, as I felt his hands starting to run up and down my thighs and then getting more brave as I desperately wanted him to get more brave and feel more of my body, I couldn't help but think that it really wasn't so bad. I was just kissing a guy after all. It's not like I was fucking him. It's not like I had any plans on fucking him. I was a strictly waiting for marriage kind of girl and that wasn't changing for this guy if it hadn't changed for Matt!

  I wasn't as sure that marriage would be to Matt as I'd been even a week ago, but still. That didn't change the fact that I had no plans on going for a roll in the hay without a ring on my finger first!

  I let all those thoughts flee away from my mind though. I concentrated on the feeling of making out with this guy as he pulled up ever so slightly, as he started pressing his body against me even as his hands ran up under my tight tank top.

  God, I thought it would be Matt who'd be running his hands up under my tank top tonight, not some strange guy! It made me feel lightheaded as I considered that this was another man who was tracing his fingers along my hips, along my sides, tracing a circle around my belly button along my tight stomach as he moved up to my breasts which definitely weren't protected by a bra.

  Briefly I considered putting a hand out to stop him. Putting a stop to this entire thing, but his hands felt so incredible, so electric as they danced along my body. And so instead of stopping him I sighed as one of his hands moved up and closed around my breast.

  Again I was telling myself that this wasn't really so bad. It was just feeling a tit. It was just like any other part of my body, really, even though there was a part of me screaming that couldn't be farther from the truth. And he was so good. He was so incredibly talented.

  My nipples were always extremely sensitive, and the way he was tracing his finger around them with just a slight tickle but without actually squeezing down was driving me crazy. It was so fucking incredible!

  I sighed as I felt something else pressing against me. Then my eyes went wide. We were still making out hot and heavy, and he was pressing against me, but he moved up so that something very hard was pressing between my legs. Something incredible. And it felt like it was bigger than Matt's.


  How had I gotten myself into this situation? How was I sitting here in my computer chair with some strange man's cock pressing against my pussy? And all I wanted was more of it. I wasn't pushing him away and telling him that I had a boyfriend. Because honestly I wasn't sure if I even had a boyfriend anymore. I wasn't sure if this was wrong even if it felt so damn wrong. Even if it felt so damn good precisely because it felt so damned wrong!

  I was so preoccupied with Jared grinding against me, so preoccupied with thoughts of what I was doing and how crazy all of this was, that I hardly noticed when his hand pulled away from my tits. Sure I sighed into his mouth in disappointment, but that was it. I felt his hands moving down and I yelped in surprise and pulled away from our intense kiss as he lifted me up and carried me over to the bed.


  "No worries Lisa," he whispered. "I just thought we'd be more comfortable over here."

  I thought about that for a moment and then I shrugged. I suppose he did have a point. Sitting in that chair was starting to get a little uncomfortable, and I could only imagine how ridiculously uncomfortable it was for him considering he was on his knees on the hard tile floor leaning forward at an odd angle.

  It only occurred to me after he laid me gently down on the bed and then climbed in beside me, there wasn't much room on dorm beds so we were right up against one another, that I was already thinking in terms of this makeout session continuing. I wasn't thinking in terms of stopping it.

  Because hell, I was having fun. I was intrigued by that monster between his legs. And more than anything I was enjoying the idea of getting just a little bit of revenge on Matt for accusing me of doing just this even though I knew it was fucked up to get revenge for being accused of something by doing that something. Knowing how fucked up this was wasn't enough to stop me. No, not at all!

  Jared eagerly picked up right where we'd left off. There was a hunger burning in his eyes that made me feel like the sexiest woman in the world. That look sent a thrill running through my body, and as he rolled on top of me I also felt a moment of panic at the idea of another man climbing on top of me, but then he pressed that delicious cock against me and all of that panic disappeared. All I could think about was how incredible this felt despite how naughty it was. Maybe exactly because of how naughty it was!

  Once more he was exploring my body, only this time instead of just running a hand up under my tank top he was pulling it up. Once again I thought about reaching down and putting a stop to it, but I was so caught up in the moment, so caught up in how wrong and how hot this was, that I couldn't bring myself to stop him. No, I just sighed as he continued pulling up and then I felt a familiar bounce as the tank top moved up over my breasts and they were free.

  Only not for long. I scrambled down with my own hands and started pulling up on that skin tight polo shirt. I enjoyed the feeling of his hard body. Yeah, this was definitely a guy who worked out. I needed to feel his warm skin against my body. Feel it pressing against my tits.

  And so I pulled up, telling myself this was as far as it was going to go. We were going to roll around half naked a little bit and then I'd put an end to things. I'd have my revenge. I'd have my walk on the wild side. I'd have my crazy college experience. That's all this was. At least that's what I was telling myself even though my desire was building to something far bigger, something far more intense than simply rolling around half naked on my dorm bed.

  I pulled up and he was pressing down against me, our naked bodies coming together. At least our half naked bodies coming together. And as I felt his body pressing against my own, as I felt that contact against my nipples, all I could think to do was sigh. It felt so fucking amazing. It was as though his entire body was a hot branding iron that was being pressed against my own body. It was as though I was losing control, as though I was a woman possessed as this man took possession of my body in a way that only Matt ever had before.

  Even as our bodies came together I could feel his cock pressing against me once more. Pressing inexorably against my own body with only pajama shorts and his shorts separating us. It was so intense. I was lightheaded. I was a woman out of control. I found myself thrusting up to meet him, desperately needing to feel his body grinding against my own. Desperately needing to feel that cock pressing against my pussy. My pussy which was so damp, so wet, so overcome with the desire I was feeling. With the desire that was threatening to overwhelm me. With the desire that had me completely losing control!

  And I really was losing control, because my hands were moving down in between his legs. Down to that cock that was pressing between us. Sure he was pressing against me, but the instant he felt a hand down there he shifted just slightly. He adjusted so there was enough space for my ha
nd to move in between us and run up and down the length of his cock.

  I felt lightheaded once more as my hand danced up and down his hard shaft. I felt the need to take it further even though I knew it was so wrong. I told myself it was just a little bit of innocent fun. I was just sowing some wild oats. That was all it was.

  So I slipped my hand into the band of his pants. He wasn't wearing a belt or anything which made it easier for me to get inside. And in a moment I felt the spongy tip of another man's cock. I felt his shaft and I started jerking my hand up and down its length.

  I was gratified to see him up pulling away from the kiss and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. He still had that cute look about him, but now that I was in the moment with him, now that I had a hand wrapped around his cock like this, I had to admit that he wasn't just cute. No, it was fucking sexy watching his reaction to my hand on his cock as I continued pumping my hand up and down the length of his shaft.

  And damn what a cock! It was so much bigger than anything I'd experienced with Matt. I could feel it twitching in my hand as I continued moving up and down. I could feel precum gathering at the tip of his cock as I ran my thumb up and down that tip. I couldn't believe I was doing this, couldn't believe I was feeling another man's cock.

  "I can't fucking believe this…" I said.

  "I can't fucking believe it either!" he gasped.

  This was fun, but what I really needed was to get a better angle so I could get at his cock. Now that I had a hand on another man's member like this I wanted to enjoy exploring. I told myself that's all I was doing. Allowing myself this one occasion to go a little crazy in college. Things would probably blow over with Matt in a couple of days or maybe a week and I could just chalk this experience up to a little college craziness. I told myself it wasn't a big deal. Not yet. That it wasn't really cheating as long as we weren't doing…

  Well I wasn't sure where to go with that. As long as we weren't making out? That barrier had already been crossed. As long as I wasn't grinding against him? That ship had also already sailed. As long as I wasn't feeling his cock? Ditto on that. I'd pretty much done everything with this guy that I would've done with Matt if he was over here. Everything but the big show. As long as we weren't fucking? Well it's not like that was going to happen anyways.


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