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Hungry Mountain Man

Page 16

by Charlize Starr

  He slipped inside of me, bringing my feet against his chest as I held in my cries. It felt amazing.

  I couldn’t believe how much time flew when my days were filled with Riley and Max. I took care of her part of the time and worked in the lab the other days, making advances in my research as I thought about opening my own lab again. The contract stated that I’d get my payment after we were married or expecting a baby, and we weren’t there yet. I knew that I’d love every moment until that day came. I was happy with our future no matter what happened.

  It was a month later that I noticed I’d been sick for a solid week. The nausea lasted all day. I assumed it was the flu until I realized that my breasts were sore one night when he was sucking on my nipples.

  I did some research online and went to buy a pregnancy test. I took it at my apartment in private, unsure of how to handle it. It was what he’d planned, but did he love me? Did he want me as well as the baby? There was still so much left unsaid between us.

  The test was positive and I tucked it away into the trash. I guessed from my research that I was six to eight weeks along and reached for my phone to call my doctor.

  I wouldn’t tell Max yet. The court date was in just over a week and I could see that Max was worried about it. He faked it well with Riley, but his parents and I saw the stress once she was out of the room. We all assured him that it would be fine, but his parents didn’t know about our arrangement. They didn’t know the lengths that he went to to keep their granddaughter in their lives. They didn’t know that I was pregnant with his second baby.

  Nobody did but me.

  Chapter Sixteen – Max

  I dressed in a suit for court as Lucy put on a conservative wrap dress in a shade of green that made her eyes pop. We were both doing our best to look like mature and loving adults in order to keep Riley in my life. Though we were doing a good job, nerves shuffled around in my stomach.

  Liam assured me that this would be a victory for me. He didn’t see any improvement in Blake other than the fact that she had moved into a two-bedroom apartment and seemed to have steady job. If she was smart, she wouldn’t need one. She could survive on my money and do something that she loved. She only loved herself and her lifestyle.

  I’d dropped Riley off that morning at my Mom’s and hugged her with a big smile on my face. I left feeling apprehensive and sipped coffee before I got ready with Lucy at my side. I knew that I’d call my parents afterward to tell them how I thought it went. Then, I would wait.

  We headed to the courthouse in silence, Lucy playing with her hair. I knew that something was different with Lucy and I studied her. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m nervous. I haven’t been in front of a judge before and this is critical. I don’t want to mess up,” she told me as she reached for my hand.

  “You won’t,” I promised her as I pulled forward again. The judge would see that she was a good person and recognize the feelings between us. When would we confess our love?

  Liam was waiting outside with a smile on his face. He shook my hand and hugged Lucy. He liked her a lot – and for a lot more than being my fake wife. He thought that we were perfect together.

  I watched as Blake walked in with her lawyer. Her hair was a lighter blonde now and she was thinner than before, giving her a bit of a gaunt appearance. What did I ever see in her? I clutched Lucy’s hand as Blake pulled off her expensive sunglasses and looked at our joined hands with disdain in her eyes.


  We made our way in. Blake was on the left side and we were on the right. Liam set up some folders on the table. Blake was wearing a classy pair of gray trousers and a white blouse, but that wasn’t her style. I knew that and I hoped that everyone in this room could see through her act.

  I hoped that nobody could see through our own arrangement. I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning to see Lucy looking at me with a nervous smile. “You’ve got this,” she mouthed to me before we both leaned in for a slow kiss. Nothing about it felt fake to me. It all felt so real.

  It started. I was impressed with what Blake presented, working at an optometrist’s office for six months now. That was impressive for her, but then Liam gave the judge my proof of employment and I noticed the look that he gave me before setting them aside.

  He asked why Blake wanted sole custody and she explained that she only let me have Riley so she could get her life together. Her alimony wasn’t enough for her to support two, so she got the job to supplement that. I wanted to tell her what a lying bitch she was. I countered by saying that I offered her joint custody and she wouldn’t accept it.

  I hated the part of Riley that reminded me of Blake, yet I pushed that thought away. They were two different people. We started to talk about our homes and I presented the proof that I’d lived in the same house for four years now in a safe and quiet part of New York state. Blake had only owned the two-bedroom for a month in a questionable part of the city after living in the smaller unit before that. The judge looked over her finances, asking her what else she spent her money on. There should have been plenty to move somewhere more secure.

  I watched as Blake’s eyes flashed and she tried to save herself. It felt good to watch her backpedal. I looked over at Lucy as Blake continued. She sounded worse and worse as she spoke, and Liam grinned at me all the while.

  The judge asked about any romantic relationships that we had. Liam went first, introducing Lucy as my fiancée. He explained how we ran into each other after not seeing one another for twelve years. He outlined how close we were in the past and the whirlwind relationship that we were enjoying now. The judge asked Blake about any relationships that she had, and she faltered when she stated that she was single. She was relying on the fact that custody often went to mothers.

  The judge called Lucy and I forward to the stand, and we held hands as we walked. The air felt heavy as silence settled over the court room and he surveyed both of us, seeming to smile at her nervousness. He asked how long we’d been together and I told him, knowing that it wasn’t a mark against me. He asked how we met and Lucy laughed as she told him that she moved in next door to me. She attested that she knew Riley and how sweet of a little girl she was. She told him how happy and well-adjusted Riley was and how much I focused on her in my life with shining eyes.

  The judge finally asked Lucy if she loved me. She looked at me as she licked her lips. “I have always loved Max, your honor. I am blessed to have this second chance with him as well as Riley. She’s the icing on the cake.”

  The judge nodded and looked at me. “Very well. And you?”

  “I have always loved Lucy as well, though I was too young and stupid to know that twelve years ago. Meeting her now was a shock, but I knew that she was it for me. Seeing how she is with Riley made me realize how much of a perfect fit she was in my life and I thank God every day for bringing me back to her.”

  The proceedings were ending when Liam asked for permission to approach the judge. He carried a folder to him and handed it over. We all watched the man that was in control of my life for a few more minutes read it before he gave Liam a nod. He looked over the small court room for a moment before standing and looking right at me.

  He left the room. Blake stood with her lawyer to leave as well, looking miserable. I watched as she left the building, hoping that I’d never see her again. She didn’t deserve her own daughter. I joined Liam and Lucy in the hallway and grinned at him as I pulled her into my arms for a tight hug, kissing her softly. I asked Liam what he gave the judge and he smirked as he told me he came across Blake’s criminal record, which included a DUI. I asked him why he didn’t bring that up right away, and he looked at both of us, telling me that he wanted to see us finally admit our feelings for each other.

  We all left and I drove Lucy to my house, needing some quality time alone with her. I’d get Riley later and we’d do something together since I was certain that I’d won custody of her today. I unlocked the door and pulled Lucy through it, into my arm

  Lucy kissed me as she wrapped her legs around my body and I took us to my bed. It felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders as I dropped her onto the bed and reached for the tie of her dress. Lucy helped me out of my suit and dropped to her knees to take me into her mouth. I reached for her wild curls. She was a beautiful woman, yet I could still see the girl that I knew all those years ago. I looked down, thankful for our second chance.

  I moved her to her back, kissing her from her thighs to her mouth as she moaned my name. She was so hot and ready for me. I sucked on her nipples as I cupped her breasts. I could have sworn that her breasts were bigger as I drew her between my teeth and she let out a slow moan. “Max,” Lucy moaned as I moved to her lips and kissed her hungrily before sliding inside of her. We both cried out with feeling as I filled her perfect body. Lucy started moving with me and I realized that she’d been particularly eager with me as of late.

  We rocked together as she wrapped herself around me, finding my lips as I continued to thrust into her. I was on the edge of coming when she tightened around me and screamed my name. I followed suit as she clawed my back and wept my name, coming hard right before I did.

  We made love again before she dropped her face to my chest and laughed. “I have something to tell you, Max.”

  “That you love me?” I asked as she looked at me with warm eyes before kissing my skin.

  “That too, but I’m pregnant.” I pulled her closer as she laughed. “I’ve known for a week or so, but we had this court date and I wanted to focus on that. I was scared. I don’t know.”

  I kissed her and slid my hand between us. “I’m so happy. We’re going to have a family. There’s no way the judge will give Blake custody of Riley. Still, though, I’ve been wanting to tell you that I love you for a while. Today was perfect.”

  “It was,” she agreed as our lips met again.

  Epilogue – Lucy

  The decision came in a week and I hugged Max as he told me that Riley was ours. We were starting to go to hospital visits for the new baby and Riley couldn’t have been more excited once we told her about it.

  We had a BBQ to celebrate everything a few weekends later. The neighbors and our parents came with plenty of food to go along with the meat that Max was grilling. I made an apple pie in his forgotten cast iron pan as well as some salads and Max smiled at me as he walked into the kitchen for a beer and the platter of chicken, tri-tip, and sausages.

  We decided to keep his current house. It had four bedrooms we could work with for now and it was in a perfect place for our kids. We were in the process of moving my things over from the apartment, though Violet assured us that she wasn’t going to be renting it out any longer. Since I came here with so little furniture, I sold what was in a storage unit and we kept Max’s things.

  The party ran late into the night, with kids swimming, adults drinking and talking, and music playing through the air. I sipped my sparkling water and watched it all happen, happy beyond belief.

  Once everyone started drifting home for the night and we tucked an exhausted Riley into bed, he took me back outside. I looked at him as he surveyed the yard, messy with play and the party. He licked his lips and looked back at me. “This is the best day of my life,” he told me. I agreed and nodded. “I want this for the rest of my life, Lucy. I want this with you.” He dropped to the grass on one knee as I gasped. “Will you marry me?”

  “I already said yes,” I told him as I showed him my ring finger.

  “I know, but I want to do this for real. I want you to know how much I love you and want to marry you,” he said as he pulled something out of his pocket. “I bought that ring with court in mind – it looked like you. I want you to keep it somewhere. But I bought this new ring for Lucy, the love of my life.” He opened the box and I saw another ring of small diamonds with a square stone as the focal point and a matching diamond band. It had a vintage look to it. I smiled at him as he reached for my left hand.

  “This is so me,” I agreed as I kissed him softly. “I love you.”

  “I love you. We’re setting a wedding date soon. I’m sick of waiting,” he told me and I laughed. We switched rings and made our way back into the house, locking the door and going to the bedroom so he could prove to me how much he loved me.



  The Boss's Secret Baby


  Money and chicks – that’s all I’m interested in.

  And my f-list competition with my buddy.

  I always win. Of course I do.

  I’m the CEO. And sexy as sin. Who could ever say no to me?

  The next target at the top of my list? The new PA I’m gonna hire tomorrow.

  She’ll come on a business trip with me.

  Oh, and pretend to be my wife.

  I’ll show off my fantastic abs and instruct her how to please me.

  Her panties will be on the floor before she knows it.

  And she’ll want only more.

  Did I mention we’ll be sharing a room?

  Piece of cake.

  Until I see who she is.

  Until I find out she has a son.

  With green eyes.

  My grandmother’s eyes.

  Could it be?

  Chapter 1 - Vivian

  I pulled my blonde curls into a low ponytail, cursing the fact that I didn’t have time to take a shower again. I always tried to clean up when Mason was at school. I lived just far enough from the school to send him on the bus, though I’d rather drive him. I felt safer seeing him walk into the building but we’d moved to New York from Vermont and it wasn’t a small town living anymore. I had to adjust. The jobs were there for me and everything was dried up in my small town back home. I didn’t want to rely on family and as hard as it was being a single mom, I had too much pride to ask for help.

  Mom always called me stubborn and she was right. Once I found out I was pregnant, Mason’s dad had already left town in a rush to make it big here in the city and I refused to call and ask him for help. That and I was scared. We had ended things abruptly after two years of dating at the end of high school and a bit into college. I didn’t want to make him come back just because I was expecting a baby. I had plenty of help and that worked for me until I knew I couldn’t find a good job and would have to rely on the support of family.

  In addition to Mason’s father living here in the city, another friend made the move as well. Lainie and I were close in school. She went to college and moved to Brooklyn to run an art gallery. Once she knew I was having financial issues, she invited me to join her in New York and even got us a good deal on rent in a one-bedroom apartment near her place. If I got a job quickly, I’d make it here just fine.

  I looked out of the window in the tiny kitchen as I pulled bread from the top of the small fridge. I was going to make my son grilled cheese. It was his favorite right now and easy and affordable. The bus pulled up and I grinned as I walked out front and watched him climb the stairs with a huge smile on his face. “Hi, Mommy.”

  “How was your day, Mase?” I asked him as I hugged him and ruffled his dark tousled hair.

  “We had fun at school. Can you make me my sandwich?” he asked. I chuckled and followed him inside.

  “You got it,” I replied as he hung his backpack on a hook by the door and went to wash his hands. Mason was a good boy and I smiled as I locked the door and headed into the kitchen to start cooking for him.

  I knew that tomorrow I had a job interview and that this routine would change, but I already set it up with the school for him to stay at the discovery club until I finished work, if I got the job at all. I’d been at the discovery club a couple of times and it seemed like a fun environment for Mason while I worked. He could make friends and play like he loved to do, even if I’d miss him. “Did you have a good day, Mommy?”

  I placed the sandwich and added some grapes and sliced strawberries to the plate as he sat down. “Here you go, baby. I did have a
good day. I have a job interview tomorrow,” I told him as I grabbed my green tea and moved to sit down at the small table with him. He looked at me with wide dark green eyes as a frown crossed his mouth and I took a slow breath in. “It’s a good thing, Mase. We can get a bigger place and you’ll get to spend some more time with your friends after school. Remember that place we visited a few times?” He nodded and I reached out to cover his hand with mine. “It’s just an interview but this job would be great for us. I could take us to a better doctor and dentist and we could do more around the city.”

  We’d discussed this and he nodded with a solemn expression on his face. He looked so much like Carter and I fought the urge to sigh as I gazed into his handsome face. What I wasn’t telling Mason was that the interview was with the company that his father started here in New York. The job I had applied for was to assist a manager far lower than Carter. His firm employed thousands of people and we’d likely never see one another. That’s what I hoped for anyway. The job was too good to me to pass up.

  “I know, Mommy. I want to go to the zoo more so I hope you get the job,” Mason said. He reached for his sandwich to take a bite and I smiled gratefully.

  “Me, too. There’s a lot of stuff to do here and we’ll go see everything once I get a job.” Another benefit to living here was that Lainie worked from her apartment in this building and was willing to watch Mason if I ever needed her to. I expected to be able to drop him off and pick him up from the after school care myself, but it was nice to have a backup plan.

  I’d been a single mom since he was born. I didn’t even date after Carter left and focused wholly on Mason, even though my family urged me to start dating again. But it hurt too much to think of another man touching me when I still had lingering feelings for Mason’s father. Now that Mason was older, I could work and start to build a life for myself again.


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