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Hot Single Daddy: A Second Chance, First Time Romance

Page 7

by Juliana Conners

  He puts his hands on me again and I’m so grateful I can’t help but moan.

  “There you go,” he says, spreading my pussy open wide so he can see it again. “Here’s your sweet little virgin cunt. It’s all mine for the taking, finally.”

  I like how he’s talking so dirty to me. It’s different than he was while we were in the office. Now that he’s finally going to pop my cherry.

  “It’s all yours for the taking,” I repeat.

  “What is?” he asks, in an authoritative, convincing voice.

  “My sweet little virgin cunt.”

  He picks me up with his strong arms and places me on the bed. He takes off his shirt to reveal his six pack abs, his completely toned pecs and tribal tattoos. He is just as sexy as I remember him being when we were younger— if not even more sexy.

  He takes off his pants so that I can see his cock— as wide and long as I remember it being, and seemingly even more so. I wrap my hand around it and lick its head. Then I take it all in my mouth and suck on it. It’s been so long since my mouth was on his cock. I hope I’m doing it well enough.

  “That’s it, baby. Suck my cock,” Wade says, raising his hips to thrust it deeper into my mouth.

  I try not to choke as I suck his dick as hard as I can.

  “You’re my dirty little virgin,” he says, as he slaps my ass and then my pussy while I play with his shaft and suck the head of his cock.

  Then I move my head down to suck on his balls while he thrusts his fingers into my pussy.

  “I love to feel your pussy,” he says. “It’s so nice and tight. I’m so lucky that you’re still a virgin. That you waited for me.”

  He pulls my hair so that my face is shoved even further into his cock. I love how rough he’s being, how in charge and sure of himself.

  He pulls his cock out of my mouth and plays with it some, slapping it on my face— but not too hard— and jerking off all over my breasts.

  “I love how you sucked my cock like the slutty little virgin you are for me. It was so good I almost came. But there’s something else I need to do. It’s time now, Emily.”

  He lifts me off the bed and turns me around. I nod my head to signal that I’m ready for him. Like I have been for the past five years. I’m at his command and will do whatever he tells me to do.

  This is it, I think. I’m finally losing my virginity. To the love of my life.

  My pussy drips with anticipation until I feel I can barely take it anymore.

  He unwraps a condom and says, “I’m going to fuck your sweet little pussy now. I’m going to take your virginity, which has been mine all along.”

  Once the condom is on and he’s standing behind me, I feel his large cock up against me once again.

  Finally, I feel his cock enter my pussy. It slides smoothly inside me but hits a bump and then keeps going. I let out a gasp, because it hurts, but in a good way.

  “My sweet little virgin,” he says, running his hands up and down my ass and back and then squeezing my ass while he thrusts his cock in and out of my pussy. “This is what I’ve been wanting to do to you for so long.”

  “I’ve been wanting it too,” I tell him.

  I lean back and relax as I gyrate against his cock inside my pussy. I feel so amazingly good I can hardly stand it.

  “Oh, my God, Wade, I’m coming,” I cry out, as I come all over.

  It feels so good that I feel like I might fall over. He steadies me with his arms and says, “Come on my cock, Emily. Come as much as you want.”

  I grind my pussy against his cock while he pumps it in and out of me until I finish coming.

  “This feels so good, Emily,” he says. “This feels even better than I thought it would.”

  He’s grunting now as he thrusts his cock deeper into my pussy. I feel a pulsing sensation that drives me to ecstasy again. I hear him say, “I’m going to come, Emily,” and at the same time, I tell him, “I’m coming again. I’m coming on your cock.”

  We reach climax at the same time. I look back and up into his eyes and I’m met with him staring back down at me.

  “This is amazing,” he says. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I tell him, leaning back into his muscular chest and resting my head on h is broad shoulder. “I love you so much.”

  “That’s good,” he says. “Because you’re all mine. I claimed you the way I should have a long time ago. All your curves and your entire voluptuous body are mine and only mine.”

  “I want to be yours,” I tell him, feeling my pussy dripping wet, aching and throbbing from the pleasure he just gave me. “I want to be with you for good.”

  “That’s good,” he says, as he spins me around and keeps looking at me. “Because there’s one more thing that I forgot to tell you.”

  “What’s that?” I ask him.

  “Well, I think it was pretty obvious that I wasn’t expecting my daughter to come to the office today, nor her mother either,” he says.

  I nod, and gulp, wondering what he’s going to say next.

  “The reason she showed up was to tell me that she just got a job offer in Texas.”

  “I see.”

  I don’t say anything else because I’m afraid to say the wrong thing. I’m not sure what this means. He’s moving to Texas? He’s staying here and has to fight for custody of his daughter?

  “Like I said, things have always been pretty amicable between us, so she came to ask if I’d be okay with Charity finishing out the school year here so as not to disrupt her life too much,” Wade continues. “After that, we’ll take it from there and decide how custody should be arranged.”

  “So, she’ll be living with you?” I ask. “Full time?”

  I suppose I don’t know how this is different from whatever arrangement they had before, since I didn’t even know he had a daughter until today. But I like that he’s stepping up to the plate and taking care of his responsibilities. I’m just not sure what it means for us.

  “For now,” he says. “Which is a bit more than the 50/50 custody deal we currently have. I know it will be a big adjustment for both you and Charity but I’d really like to try to make this work. I want— no, I need— both of you in my life.”

  “I want that too,” I tell him.

  “Okay then, it looks like things will work out well for us after all. Finally.”

  “Finally,” I say, smiling up at him.

  I need to shower and head to class, although I wish I could lie in bed with Wade for the rest of the day, basking in our new— or, old turned new again— relationship. But I have a feeling they’ll be plenty of time for that later.

  I can’t wait to call Jessica back and tell her that I got that second chance we weren’t so sure I would get. And also, my happily ever after with Wade.


  Six Months Later

  “I’m so happy to be celebrating the completion of your project and your Master’s Degree,” Professor James tells our class.

  We’re at dinner, and Stacy is beside me.

  “I really like how you added in the app stuff,” Stacy Peterson tells me, chewing a bit too loudly on her salad. “That’s what got us more investors, I think.”

  That and the fact that my boyfriend is a billionaire and got his billionaire buddies to donate money, I think, but I don’t say it.

  Even though Stacy is still annoying, I get along with her a lot better these days. Among many other things, Wade has taught me not to judge a book by its cover. Not everyone is what they seem to be on the surface.

  Once I got to know Stacy and talked to her about her motivations and goals, I realized she wasn’t in this class just because she was hot for teacher. Sure, I think, as I see her batting her eyes in his direction, that’s definitely part of it. But she also has a real desire to help her community— all parts of it, rich and poor. And for that she is a better person than I started off being, before Wade came back into my life and changed me for the better.

ongratulations, Emily,” Charity says, in her sing-songy voice. Her blond curls bounce up and down as she bobs her head. She is so friggin’ cute.

  She turned five years old not too long ago, and she and I get along great. Wade is certainly a good father who, with the help of her mother, has raised her to be charming, witty and kind.

  “Why thank you, Charity,” I tell her, and then Wade raises his wine glass to me.

  “To our future,” he says. “And our past.”


  Our glasses clink and we smile at each other.

  “Well, I’m going to head out,” Professor James announces. “But thank you all for the hard work you’ve put into this program. It’s been the most successful one yet, in terms of its launch, and now we just have to do the hard work of running it.”

  I’m going to be the Director, and I’m so excited. Even though it means leaving the cushy job I’ve had at Covington Enterprises for the past six months. It’s okay, though, since I can go there any time I miss it— since I happen to be dating the founder.

  One by one, my classmates get up to leave. Some are going to Effex, a popular night club downtown, to celebrate the end of the semester and of our entire graduate program. But Wade and I have Charity to take care of, and there’s nothing else I’d rather be doing right now than that.

  Next week, she’ll go to her mother’s for the summer and Wade and I will be free to do all the partying we desire. But we’ll probably just take advantage of the opportunity to have a lot of sex, which is all I really want to do. As I see him wink at me, I know the feeling is mutual. Charity’s a great kid, but Wade and I could use some one on one time.

  Soon, it’s just Wade and Charity and I at the table and I’ve said goodbye to all my classmates who have left. Charity is a notoriously slow eater, her latest hobby being mixing all her food together in the middle of her plate and then separating it back out again along the edges, according to type: vegetables, which she says are “yucky,” potatoes, which are “yummy,” and meat, which is “A-okay.”

  But as Wade clears his throat and looks at me with a gleam in his eye, it begins to dawn on me that Charity’s crazy toddler eating habits aren’t the only reason we’re still sitting her.

  “Emily,” he says, that handsome dimple of his appearing when he smiles. “I have had the best six months with you, after five long years of being a part. I want to make sure we’re never apart again.”

  “Hey!” Charity says, a similar dimple appearing in her cheek. Like father, like daughter. “I’ve had a good six months too!”

  “Yes you have, honey,” Wade says, smiling at her now. “And that’s why I want you to be a part of this.”

  He turns his gaze back to me.

  “Emily, I’ve already talked to your dad on the phone but I want to make sure I have Charity’s blessing too. Because I want us to be a family.”

  “Oh, my God,” I practically shriek, tears welling up in my eyes. “Oh, my God.”

  Is this really happening? Six months ago I thought he was out of my life for good and now he’s proposing to me. Talk about second chances. Life is certainly full of twists and turns.

  “I couldn’t be the man I am today without either of you,” Wade says. “And I want to spend the rest of my life pampering my two princesses.”

  He stands up and walks over to me, and then gets down on one knee. Some other restaurant guests are beginning to notice, as they smile and point in our direction. He’s holding up a small box with a very large ring inside.

  “Emily Jane Mason, I let you go once but I will never do that again. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? And Charity’s step- mother?”

  “Yes!” I exclaim, as he stands back up. I throw my arms around him and openly cry tears of joy. “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.”

  He picks my feet off the ground and swings me around.

  “She said yes!” he announces to the other guests at the restaurants, as if there had been any doubt about what my answer had been. It’s cute though. And I love him so much. “She said yes, she said yes, she said yes.”

  “Hey!” Charity cries out again, looking up at us. “What about me?”

  “Come here, you,” he says, picking her up as well. Now he’s swinging us both around. And this is the best day of my life. I know that now that Wade and Charity are guaranteed to be in it forever, it’s only going to keep getting better from here.


  Thank you for reading. Enjoy the bonus books that follow. They are from The Bradford Brothers and Friends Series, so that you can find out more about Jensen’s and Harlow’s stories, characters who were mentioned in this book.

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  JENSEN: Book # 1 in The Bradford Brothers Series

  Chapter 1

  “Hey pretty lady, what are you doing here?”

  An inmate in an orange jumpsuit presses up against the gate of his jail cell as he spits this question at me. Then he spreads his index and middle fingers across his mouth and wags his tongue at me through them.

  I try not to grimace as I recoil at his leering gaze. Then I quickly turn my head away so as not to display my disgust and fear to the man’s face.

  But the prisoner’s question is valid, and one that I’m asking myself right now in fact.

  What am I doing here?

  I’m not the kind of lawyer who works in a jail. Correction: I wasn’t that type of lawyer. Yet the fact remains that here I am walking into a gritty jail instead of a fancy high rise like I have for the past four years of my legal career.

  I’m supposedly an up and coming lawyer at the law firm of Holt, Mason and Davis. My goal has been to make partner within the next couple of years. And I think I’ve achieved my goal so far, since I’m not only on the partnership track but according to my bi-annual evaluations, I’m doing sprints around all my fellow associates.

  Except for my fiancé Brian, of course. But he doesn’t have to make much of an effort, considering that he’s the son of the firm’s founding partner Jack Holt. He doesn’t think I should be volunteering here, but he doesn’t understand what’s at stake if I don’t.

  “Ms. Morrell, keep following me, this way please,” says Tim McDonald— or is it O’Donald?— as he leads me through the prison complex I’d never before entered. “We’re almost there.”

  He must know that I’m strongly considering turning around and leaving. Maybe Brian was right— I don’t need to go to these lengths to impress the firm. There has to be something I can do that doesn’t involve trips to the local jail where I’m accosted by lecherous criminals.

  But ever since my latest performance evaluation at the firm, Jack Holt’s words have been ringing in my memory.

  “Your billable hours are great, your work is so
lid, your networking is as expected,” he’d told me. “But your pro bono hours are not on track with the other associates’, and the only misgivings expressed by any partner have related to your fit here with the firm.”

  “My fit?” I’d asked, squirming in the oversized leather chair in the large conference room that had been occupied only by Mr. Holt and myself.

  I’d wanted to ask how I was supposed to find time to do pro bono hours— volunteering to represent clients for free— when I already billed more hours than any other associate, year after year. But I assumed he expected me to figure that out on my own.

  And I was intrigued— if not dismayed— by his use of the word “fit.” I needed to fit in at the firm; I needed to make it work. My parents had spent a lot of money on law school and would be furious at me if they knew I didn’t make partner because I didn’t “fit in.”

  “As you know, Riley, this firm has a strong and proud military tradition,” Mr. Holt had continued. “And you’re the only associate who doesn’t have some tie with the military.”

  I’d thought about it and realized he was right: many of the partners had served in the military before going to law school, and many of the associates were in the Reserves. There were lawyers who had gone to West Point, the Air Force Academy, who had been in JAG before being hired by the firm, and who regularly volunteered at the VA, helping with disability cases or access to health care.


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