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John Marshall

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by Harlow Giles Unger

  Adams, John, 83, 86, 97, 114

  Burr supported by, 243

  cabinet of, 129–130, 166–168

  in Continental Congress, 16, 24

  death of, 307

  death of Washington, George, and, 1–2

  federal judiciary packed by, 3–4, 177–180, 195

  against France, 129–133, 135, 139–142

  French peace overture accepted by, 153–156

  Fries and, 159–160, 168, 173

  on Hamilton’s death, 227

  Letter from Alexander Hamilton, Concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq., President of the United States on, 173–174

  Lyon criticizing, 148

  Marbury appointed by, 208, 322

  Marshall, John, appointed as Chief Justice by, 4–5, 180–182

  appointed as secretary of state by, 170

  Marshall, John, supporting, 146, 155–156, 160–163, 176

  neutrality policy of, 3, 144, 154

  peace commission to France appointed by, 130–133, 135, 139–141

  presidential election of 1800 candidacy of, 3, 163–167, 172–174

  presidential election of 1800 lost by, 177, 185

  presidential election won by, 123–127

  quasi-war with France and, 125, 127–130, 146, 150

  ship seizures and, 3, 128–129

  Washington, DC, left by, 191–192

  on White House, 175–176

  on yellow fever, 102

  Adams, John Quincy, 176, 265, 310

  on Burr, 222

  on death of Marshall, John, 317

  on impeachment, 215–216, 228, 231–232

  War of 1812 peace negotiations by, 277, 280

  Adams, Samuel, 16

  Adet, Pierre-Auguste, 122

  Agricola pseudonym, 95–96

  Alien and Sedition Acts, 192, 210

  Callender and, 168, 230

  Constitution breached by, 145, 147–148

  Federalists and, 145–148, 176

  Marshall, John, against, 147–148

  Ambler, Eliza, 33–34, 36, 45

  Ambler, Jacquelin, 32–33, 113

  Ambler, Polly. See Marshall, Mary “Polly” Ambler

  Amelia, 193–194


  Eleventh, 324

  First, 145, 230

  process of adding, 58, 68, 303

  Sixth, 253

  Tenth, 299

  Twelfth, 185

  American constitutional law foundation of, 294, 321

  legal and political issues in, 162

  as pillar of legal system, 269

  American Revolutionary War. See Revolutionary War


  Burr, 120–121

  Henry, 52, 56, 59–60, 67–68

  Madison’s argument against ratification, 67–68

  moderate, 71

  Monroe, 104

  Appellate court, 197, 208, 287, 293

  Arbitrary confiscation, protection against, 295

  Aristides pseudonym, 96

  Arnold, Benedict, 36, 276

  Articles of Confederation, 52, 55–56

  Aurora, 122–124, 264

  Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 122–123

  Bank of the United States, 296–297, 300

  Barbecue Club. See Quoits Club

  Barras, Paul, 125–128, 133–134

  Battle at New Orleans, 280–282

  Battle of Brandywine, 11, 21–22, 26, 95

  Battle of Germantown, 21–23, 26

  Battle of Iron Hill, 21

  Battle of Long Island, 19

  Battle of Monmouth Courthouse. See Monmouth Courthouse, Battle of

  Battle of Saratoga, 24

  Battle of Stony Point, 29, 31

  Battle of Trenton, 2, 20, 61, 87

  Battle of Yorktown, 38, 107

  Batture lands case, 267–269

  Bayard, James, 189–190, 199, 217

  Bellamy, Pierre, 135, 140–141

  Bentham, Jeremy, 257

  Bicameral legislature, 58–59

  Bill of Rights

  failure to include, 60

  First Amendment, 145, 230

  Madison and, 71

  Sixth Amendment, 253

  stripped from Constitution, 2

  Tenth Amendment, 299

  Black cockade, 141–142

  Black robes, worn by Marshall, John, 184–185

  Blackstone, William, 14–15

  Boston Gazette, 93

  Boston Tea Party, 15

  Bradford, William, 103, 106, 108

  Brandywine, Battle of, 11, 21–22, 26, 95

  Breckenridge, John, 200, 237

  British Debts Case. See Ware v. Hylton

  Bryce, Lord, 4, 183

  Buchanan, John, 79–80

  Burr, Aaron, Jr.

  accused of expedition against Spain, 249–255

  accused of treason, 238–250, 254

  Adams, John, supporting, 243

  Adams, John Quincy, on, 222

  as antifederalist, 120–121

  at Chase’s impeachment trial, 221–222, 227–228, 231–233

  death of, 318

  death of family and, 258

  death of Washington, George, and, 1–2

  farewell to Senate by, 234–235, 240

  in France, 257

  Giles and, 246–247, 250

  in Great Britain, 257

  Hamilton no longer friends with, 163–164

  Hamilton’s duel with, 120–121, 222–227, 242

  Jackson honoring, 241–242, 244

  Judiciary Act of 1802 and, 198

  Louisiana Purchase and, 214

  Marshall, John, on, 245, 249–250, 253–255

  in New Orleans, 242

  in Ohio, 244, 247–248, 252

  in presidential election of 1800, 3, 163–165, 186–192, 223

  in Revolutionary War, 18–19, 27–28, 85

  secession and, 238–244

  in United States v. Burr, 251–255

  Caldwell, Elias Boudinot, 278, 282–283

  Callender, James, 120, 180

  Alien and Sedition Acts and, 168, 230

  Chase presiding over trial of, 168, 228–230

  Jefferson and, 119, 168, 201–202

  The Prospect Before Us by, 168

  Campbell, Archibald, 13–14

  Capitol, of Richmond, 168–169

  Capitol, U.S.

  burning of, 273, 278, 289–290

  construction of, 171–172, 183, 282

  Supreme Court’s new quarters at, 265–267

  Case law, 269–270, 303

  Chase, Samuel, 184, 211

  at Callender’s trial, 168, 228–230

  death of, 268

  Declaration of Independence attacked by, 218

  at Fries trial, 159, 228, 230

  impeachment trial of, 217–222, 227–234

  Jefferson and, 205, 218–220, 233

  Marshall, John, supporting, 219–221, 228, 233

  Cheetham, James, 226

  Cherokee Acts, in Georgia, 309–313, 325

  Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, 310–313

  Chesapeake, 259

  Chief Justice, Marshall, John, as

  Adams, John, appointing, 4–5, 180–182

  black robes worn by, 184–185

  Bryce on, 4, 183

  on Burr, 245, 249–250, 253–255

  case law rendered by, 269–270, 303

  Chase supported by, 219–221, 228, 233

  Cherokee Nation v. Georgia and, 310–313

  circuit court ridden by, 201, 203–205, 241, 249

  Civil War influenced by, 5, 10, 182, 286, 296, 311

  coach accident of, 270

  Cohens v. Virginia and, 294–295, 301–302, 324

  on Constitution not lasting, 293, 312, 318–319

  Dartmouth College v. Woodward and, 295–297, 323

  effigy of, 255, 258

  on Embargo Act, 260–261

  in Era of Good Feeling
s, 291

  federal government stabilized by, 298

  Fletcher v. Peck and, 265, 294–295, 322

  Frank on, 4, 183

  gall-bladder operation of, 313–314

  Gibbons v. Ogden and, 304–306, 324

  inalienable rights defined by, 295

  Jackson’s oath of office administered by, 314

  Jefferson’s oath of office administered by, 191–192, 234

  Livingston, Brockhorst, friends with, 236–237

  as longest-serving Chief Justice, 294

  Louisiana Purchase and, 214

  Madison’s oath of office administered by, 262–263

  Marbury v. Madison and, 196, 206–212, 217, 322

  Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee and, 286–287, 323

  McCulloch v. Maryland and, 294, 296–301, 323–324

  Monroe’s death influencing, 309

  Monroe’s oath of office administered by, 288–290

  on Negro Seamen Act, 304

  on Nereide seizure, 284

  oath of office taken by, 183–184

  official portrait of, 182

  presidential candidacy turned down by, 274–275

  Talbot case and, 193–195

  total decisions of, 4, 321

  United States v. Peters and, 261–264, 287, 322

  at Virginia state constitution reform convention, 308

  against War of 1812, 275

  Worcester v. Georgia and, 294, 311, 316, 325

  writs of habeas corpus issued by, 246–247

  Childhood home, of Marshall, John, 11–12

  Church, John Barker, 120

  Cipher letter, 246, 254

  Circuit courts

  as Court of Appeals, 197

  Marshall, John, riding, 201, 203–205, 241, 249

  number of, 149, 178, 196

  Richmond, 249, 268–269

  Supreme Court riding, 149, 178, 196, 203–205

  Citizenship rights, 58, 301, 324

  Civil War, 199, 307, 319

  decisions of Marshall, John, influencing, 5, 10, 182, 286, 296, 311

  Henry on, 78

  Jefferson and, 10, 164, 182, 188, 190

  Knox on, 54

  South Carolina in, 286, 315–316, 318

  Claxton, Thomas, 175

  Clay, Henry, 245, 272, 280

  Clinton, George, 223

  Code of Laws, 269

  Cohen, Mendes, 301

  Cohen, Philip, 301

  Cohens v. Virginia

  inalienable rights ensured by, 295, 301–302

  jurisdiction in, 301–302, 324

  Marshall, John, and, 294–295, 301–302, 324

  in new foundation for constitutional law, 294

  College of William and Mary, 20

  Marshall, John, and, 35, 72, 95, 147, 174, 184

  Wythe at, 13, 35–36, 174, 184

  Commentaries on the Laws of England (Blackstone), 14–15


  interstate, 57, 305–306, 324

  off-shore, 54, 57, 67, 135, 259

  river, 212, 275–276

  Commonwealth v. Randolph, 75–76

  Compact theory, 145, 287, 297, 312

  Confederation Congress, 39

  Confederation of American States, 65–67

  Confiscation law, 286

  Congress, 68, 92

  in Article I, 57, 298, 306

  First, 71, 299–300

  interstate commerce regulated by, 57, 305–306, 324

  Marbury v. Madison restraining, 207, 210

  quasi-coups by, 210

  See also House of Representatives; Senate


  Alien and Sedition Acts breaching, 145, 147–148

  all citizens protected by, 58, 301, 324

  Article I

  Congressional powers in, 57, 298, 306

  contracts and, 265, 296, 322–323

  Article II, 57, 197

  Article III

  federal judiciary and Supreme Court in, 58, 198, 207

  on treason witnesses, 246–247

  Article IV, 58

  Article V, 58, 68, 303

  Article VII, 58

  Bill of Rights stripped from, 2

  breaches of, justified, 300

  as compact between states, 145, 287, 297, 312

  creation of, 56–60

  declarations of war and, 91–92

  Hamilton on, 60–61

  Henry despising, 61–62

  Jefferson violating, 203, 206–208, 210

  Judiciary Act of 1802 and, 196–199

  lasting, 293, 312, 318–319

  liberty and, 63–64

  necessary and proper clause, 57, 66, 177, 298

  political war over meaning of, 182

  proclamations and, 91–92, 299

  as proposal, 298

  Supreme Court changing, 207–210, 294

  as supreme law of the land, 4, 58, 324

  Webster on, 312–313

  Wythe and, 56, 65

  See also Amendments; Article I; Article III; Bill of Rights; Ratification, of Constitution

  Constitutional Convention, 56–59, 62, 67, 130

  Constitutional law. See American constitutional law

  Continental Army

  sufferings of, 38–39

  supplies for, 23–25

  Washington, George, leading, 16, 18, 21, 48, 125

  Continental Congress, 16–17, 20, 24

  Continental Prize Court, 261, 322

  Contract law

  Article I and, 265, 296, 322–323

  in Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 295–296, 323

  in Fletcher v. Peck, 265, 295, 322

  inviolability of, 322–323

  Cornwallis, Lord, 21, 36, 38


  appellate, 197, 208, 287, 293

  Continental Prize, 261, 322

  district, 149, 178, 196, 249, 261

  supremacy of, 322

  Supreme Court jurisdiction over, 301–302

  See also Circuit courts; Supreme Court

  Cushing, William, 184, 211, 267

  Dartmouth College v. Woodward

  contracts and, 295–296, 323

  inalienable rights ensured by, 295

  Marshall, John, and, 295–297, 323

  in new foundation for constitutional law, 294

  Daveiss, Joseph Hamilton, 244–245

  Davie, William R., 153–154

  Dayton, Jonathan, 216

  Declaration of Independence

  Chase attacking, 218

  deaths on anniversary of, 307, 309

  Jefferson coauthoring, 17, 83

  signing of, 17, 23–24, 35–36

  Declaration of Paris, 284

  Delaware, 150

  Democratic Societies, 88, 94, 105–106

  Democrat-Republicans, 192

  See also Republicans

  District court, 149, 178, 196, 249, 261

  Dred Scott decision, 300


  as crime, 226, 240–241

  between Hamilton and Burr, 120–121, 222–227, 242

  between Hamilton and Monroe, 120–121

  legality of, 226, 240–241

  Dunmore, Lord, 16–17

  Duvall, Gabriel, 268, 270, 316

  Economic disputes, among states, 53–54

  Education, of Marshall, John, 12–15, 35–36

  Edwards, Jonathan, 18, 186

  Effigy, of Marshall, John, 255, 258

  1800, presidential election of

  Adams, John, losing, 177, 185

  Adams, John, running in, 3, 163–167, 172–174

  Burr in, 3, 163–165, 186–192, 223

  Federalists and, 163–164, 185–192

  Hamilton and, 164–165, 185–186, 189

  House of Representatives deciding, 185–190

  Jefferson winning, 3, 163–167, 185–192, 223

  Marshall, John, and, 186–189

  Republicans and, 163–164, 185–192

  Election ca
mpaign, of Marshall, John, 149, 153–154

  Elections, presidential. See Presidential elections

  Electoral College, 163–164, 181

  Eleventh Amendment, 324

  Ellsworth, Oliver, 153–154, 178, 180


  Act, 259–263, 275

  of British exports, by France, 273

  Madison and, 261–263, 273

  Eminent domain, 297

  England. See Great Britain

  Enquirer, 255

  Era of Good Feelings, 291

  Evidence, withholding, 253–254

  Executive orders, 299. See also Proclamations

  Fairfax, Denny, 44, 111

  Fairfax, Lord, 10–12, 42–44

  Fairfax Manor Lands, 109, 111

  Marshall, James Markham, and, 44, 112, 131, 133, 286

  Marshall, Thomas, Sr., and, 113

  See also Hite v. Fairfax

  Farmer rebellions, 47–49, 51, 55, 106–107

  Farmicola, 41–42

  Fauquier White Sulphur Springs, 205–206

  Federal Coasting Act, 305

  Federal government

  Marbury v. Madison restraining, 207, 210, 227

  powers of, 294, 298, 299, 324

  stabilized, 298

  See also State sovereignty

  Federal judiciary

  Adams, John, packing, 3–4, 177–180, 195

  in Article III, 58, 198, 207

  creation of, 58, 60

  Federalists and, 3–4, 177–180, 195–196

  Giles against, 196, 215–216

  impeachment of, 215–220, 258, 303

  independence of, 263–264

  Jefferson against, 179–180, 193–200, 205

  Jefferson’s appointments to, 231, 236–238

  Republicans against, 206

  supremacy of, 294

  Federal justice system, Marshall, John, as father of, 4–5

  Federal laws

  ranking of, 58, 287

  Supreme Court voiding, 209, 212, 215, 287, 300, 322

  Federal troops, Supreme Court decisions enforced by, 316, 325

  Federalist essays, 82–83, 85, 89, 199

  Federalists, 88, 121

  Alien and Sedition Acts and, 145–148, 176

  black cockade of, 141–142

  divided, 154–155, 192

  federal judiciary and, 3–4, 177–180, 195–196

  France and, 144–146

  Hamilton’s scandal threatening, 104, 121

  in history’s dustbin, 289

  Jay Treaty supported by, 115

  Louisiana Purchase and, 214

  Marshall, John, as, 54, 72, 131, 155–156

  presidential election of 1800 and, 163–164, 185–192

  on Supreme Court, 268–269

  ultra-Federalists, 144, 146, 154–155, 166

  Washington, Bushrod, 269

  Washington, George, supporting, 148–149

  First Amendment, 145, 230

  First Congress, 71, 299–300

  Fletcher, Robert, 265, 322

  Fletcher v. Peck

  contracts in, 265, 295, 322

  inalienable rights ensured by, 295

  Marshall, John, and, 265, 294–295, 322

  in new foundation for constitutional law, 294


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