John Marshall

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John Marshall Page 39

by Harlow Giles Unger

  Washington, DC, construction supervised by, 174–176

  Wilkinson’s letter from, 48–49

  Wolcott on, 217

  Wythe training, 35–36, 95, 174, 184

  See also Chief Justice, Marshall, John, as; Law practice, of Marshall, John; Marriage, of Marshall, John

  Marshall, John James (son), 86, 147, 172, 289

  Marshall, Lucy (sister), 15

  Marshall, Mary (mother), 10, 12–13

  Marshall, Mary (sister), 15

  Marshall, Mary Ann (daughter), 81, 86

  Marshall, Mary “Polly” (daughter), 111, 131, 147, 172, 289

  Marshall, Mary “Polly” Ambler (wife)

  death of, 314, 317

  depression of, 45, 79, 132, 138, 258

  health of, 45, 73, 206

  Marshall, Edward Carrington, birthed by, 235

  Marshall, James Keith, birthed by, 172

  Marshall, John James, birthed by, 86

  Marshall, Mary Ann, birthed by, 81

  Marshall, Mary “Polly,” birthed by, 111

  Marshall, Rebecca, birthed by, 45

  Marshall, Thomas, birthed by, 42

  at Oak Hill, 205, 236, 258

  partial recovery of, 146–147

  vacationing with Monroe, 205–206

  See also Marriage, of Marshall, John

  Marshall, Rebecca (daughter), 45, 81

  Marshall, Thomas (son), 42, 81, 86, 131, 289, 317

  Marshall, Thomas, Jr. (brother), 15, 32, 34

  Marshall, Thomas, Sr. (father)

  Ambler, Jacquelin, and, 33

  death of, 203

  Fairfax Manor Lands and, 113

  in Kentucky, 11, 34–35, 46, 276

  Oak Hill home of, 14–15, 38, 44, 46–47

  reunion with, 32, 113

  in Revolutionary War, 15–16, 18–19, 21–22

  surveying by, 10–13, 35, 43–44

  Washington, George, and, 10, 43, 275

  Martin, Luther, 251

  Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee

  Hite v. Fairfax and, 286

  jurisdiction in, 323

  Marshall, James Markham, in, 286

  Marshall, John, and, 286–287, 323

  in new foundation for constitutional law, 294

  Story on, 286–287, 323

  Maryland. See McCulloch v. Maryland

  Maryland Gazette Extraordinary, 218

  Mason, George, 56, 59

  Mason, S. T., 214

  Maternal descent, rule of, 74–75

  Mazzei, Philip, 113–114

  McCulloch, James, 296–297, 323–324

  McCulloch v. Maryland

  implied powers in, 294, 298, 300, 324

  Marshall, John, and, 294, 296–301, 323–324

  in new foundation for constitutional law, 294

  state sovereignty in, 296–301, 323–324

  taxes in, 300–301

  McHenry, James, 214

  as secretary of state, 109, 129, 166, 168

  against War of 1812, 274

  Meade, Cowles, 249

  Merry, Anthony, 171

  Mexican War, 299

  Midnight Judges, 180, 195

  Minutemen, 16–17

  Mitchell, Samuel Latham, 235

  Monmouth Courthouse, Battle of, 2, 87, 121

  importance of, 21–22

  Men of, 28, 57, 120, 249

  Washington, George, leading, 25–28

  Monopolies, 304–306, 324

  Monroe, James, 37, 39, 57, 251

  aging of, 289

  Agricola pseudonym of, 95–96

  as antifederalist, 104

  death of, 308–309

  in Era of Good Feelings, 291

  as governor of Virginia, 154, 188, 199

  Hamilton challenging to duel, 120–121, 222–223

  inauguration of, 287–289

  Jefferson and, 62, 119, 186–187

  Louisiana Purchase by, 213–214

  Marshall, John, as friend of, 13–14, 117–118, 288–290

  Marshall, John, at odds with, 62–64, 72

  as minister to France, 104, 117–119

  oath of office taken by, 288–290

  presidential election won by, 287–288, 291

  retirement of, 304

  in Revolutionary War, 20–23, 26, 28–29, 87

  as secretary of state, 277, 281

  slavery and, 74–75

  vacationing with Marshall, John, 205–206

  at Virginia ratification convention, 62–64, 72

  at Virginia state constitution reform convention, 308

  in War of 1812, 277, 281, 288

  Washington, George, and, 1–2, 117–118

  wife of, 205–206, 308

  Moore, Alfred, 184, 211

  Morris, Gouverneur, 171, 197–198, 200

  Morris, Robert, 82, 112, 131

  Muhlenberg, Frederick, 104

  Murray, William Vans, 153–154

  Napoléon Bonaparte, 134, 142–143

  Barras and, 126–128, 133

  British fighting, 150–152

  defeat of, 151–152, 277–278, 282

  Louisiana Purchase and, 212–213

  Nash, Thomas, 160–163

  National Intelligencer, 190, 283

  Naturalization Act, 145

  Naval Committee, House, 272

  Navigable waters, 213, 276, 285, 304–306

  Navy, U.S., 142, 150, 277

  Necessary and proper clause, 57, 66, 177, 298

  Negro Seamen Act, 304

  Nelson, Horatio, 151

  Nelson, Thomas, 37

  Nereide, 284

  Neutrality policy

  of Adams, John, 3, 144, 154

  of Spain, 284

  of Washington, George, 3, 92–96, 103, 105, 272

  Neutrality Proclamation, 92–96, 103, 105

  New Jersey, duels legal in, 226, 240–241

  New Orleans, 212–215, 239

  Burr in, 242

  War of 1812 battle at, 280–282

  New York

  duels illegal in, 226, 240–241

  Gibbons v. Ogden and, 304–306, 324

  New York Citizen, 226

  New-York Evening Post, 199, 220

  New-York Journal, 93

  Nicholas, John, 206

  Nicholas, Wilson Cary, 203

  Nicholson, Joseph H., 218–219

  Nullification, 315–316

  Oak Hill

  home of Marshall, Thomas, Sr., 14–15, 38, 44, 46–47

  home of Marshall, John, 46–47, 205, 236, 258, 317

  Marshall, Polly Ambler, at, 205, 236, 258

  Off-shore commerce, 54, 57, 67, 135, 259

  Ogden, Aaron, 305–306

  Ohio, Burr in, 244, 247–248, 252

  Ohio River, 275–276

  Olmstead, Gideon, 261, 263

  Page, Mann, 110

  Paine, Tom, 137

  Patent Office, 278, 281

  Patterson, William, 184, 211, 236

  Paulus Hook, 31


  French overtures, in quasi-war, 152–156, 163, 166

  War of 1812, 277, 279–280

  Peace commission, to France

  Adams, John, appointing, 130–133, 135, 139–141

  Gerry in, 130, 132, 134, 139–140

  Jefferson and, 131–132, 140–141

  Marshall, John, in, 3, 131–145

  Pinckney, Charles, in, 123, 131–140, 144–145

  Talleyrand-Périgord and, 127–129, 133–140

  Peck, John, 265, 322

  Perry, Oliver Hazard, 277

  Peters, Richard, 261–263, 313

  Philips, Josiah, 9

  Physick, Philip Syng, 313, 317

  Pickering, John, 216, 231

  Pickering, Timothy, 108

  firing of, 166–167, 173

  secession called for by, 200, 214, 260

  as secretary of state, 109, 117–118, 129, 132, 143

  Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, 217

tters to, 191–192, 204, 220

  in peace commission, 123, 131–140, 144–145

  quasi-war with France and, 119, 125, 131

  Pinckney, Thomas, 123

  Pitt, William, 146

  Plato, 83

  Plumer, William, 217, 222, 231–232

  Political issues, legal issues and, 162

  Political parties, 122, 291

  See also Federalists; Republicans

  Polk, James K., 299

  Potomac River, 275

  Precedent. See Stare decisis

  Presidential elections

  of Adams, John, 123–127

  of Jackson, 314

  Jefferson in, 123, 125, 228

  Marshall, John, not running in, 274–275

  of Monroe, 287–288, 291

  of Washington, George, 72, 80–86, 153

  See also 1800, presidential election of


  executive orders by, 299

  Jefferson’s ambitions to be, 94, 113–114, 122–123

  Marbury v. Madison restraining, 207, 210, 227

  powers of, 57, 60, 91–92, 145

  subpoenaed, 254

  Supreme Court decisions

  enforced by, 262, 264, 311, 316, 325

  vetoes by, 300

  from Virginia, 275, 287

  See also Proclamations


  Constitution and, 91–92, 299

  Neutrality Proclamation, 92–96, 103, 105

  against nullification, 315

  See also Executive orders

  Propertied class, 285

  Property rights, 86, 112, 180, 295–296

  Property taxes, 159–160, 230

  The Prospect Before Us (Callender), 168

  Quasi-coups, 210

  Quasi-war, with France, 145–146

  Adams, John, and, 125, 127–130, 146, 150

  Alien and Sedition Acts passed during, 145

  Barras in, 125–128, 133–134

  French peace overtures in, 152–156, 163, 166

  Marshall, John, and, 116–118, 146

  Monroe and, 117–119

  Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, and, 119, 125, 131

  Talbot case in, 193–195

  XYZ dispatches from, 140–142

  See also Peace commission, to France

  Quoits Club, 79–80

  Randolph, Edmund, 44, 56, 103, 108, 117

  Randolph, Henry, 13

  Randolph, John, 230–231

  Ratification, of Constitution

  in Article VII, 58

  Jefferson on, 62

  See also Virginia ratification convention

  Reeve, Tapping, 214

  Republic (Plato), 83

  Republicans, 3, 88, 111, 261

  Chase victory chastening, 234

  against federal judiciary, 206

  Federalist divisions helping, 154

  as “French Party,” 140

  Fries supported by, 159–160

  in history’s dustbin, 290

  Nash supported by, 160–161

  presidential election of 1800 and, 163–164, 185–192

  on Supreme Court, 268–269, 271

  Residency Act of 1790, 172

  Revolutionary War

  Arnold in, 36, 276

  Burr in, 18–19, 27–28, 85

  Hamilton in, 26, 28, 37–38

  Henry and, 15, 17, 24–25, 37

  heroes, 2, 11, 28, 61

  Jefferson and, 23–24, 28, 32, 34, 36

  Marshall, James Markham, in, 32, 34

  Marshall, John, in, 15–25, 28–29, 31–32

  Marshall, Thomas, Sr., in, 15–16, 18–19, 21–22

  Monroe in, 20–23, 26, 28–29, 87

  Olmstead and, 261, 263

  Story and, 270

  Supreme Court ties to, 270

  Treaty of Paris ending, 76–78, 112

  Valley Forge in, 22–25, 239–240

  veterans, 38–39, 46

  Washington, Bushrod, and, 270

  Washington, George, in, 19–28, 31–32, 38–39

  See also Continental Army; Declaration of Independence; specific battles

  Reynolds, James, 104–105, 120–121

  Reynolds, Mrs. James, 104–105, 119–121, 223


  Capitol of, 168–169

  circuit court, 249, 268–269

  Franco-English war and, 91

  house of Marshall, John, in, 72–73

  in War of 1812, 277

  Richmond Examiner, 180, 202

  River commerce, 212, 275–276

  River Commission Report, 275–276, 285–286

  Roane, Spencer, 286–287, 302–303

  Robes, judicial, 179, 184–185

  Robespierre, Maximilien, 126–128, 177

  Rodney, Thomas, 249

  Ross, James, 214

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 84

  Rule of maternal descent, 74–75

  Rush, Benjamin, 243

  Rutledge, John, 155

  Saratoga, Battle of, 24

  Secession, 4, 68, 185, 264

  Burr and, 238–244

  Jefferson calling for, 3

  Kentucky, 239–242

  Pickering, Timothy, calling for, 200, 214, 260

  Secretary of state

  Jefferson, 83–86, 97–98, 102

  Madison, 196, 208, 236, 262

  Marshall, John, 170, 172–180, 195

  McHenry, 109, 129, 166, 168

  Monroe, 277, 281

  Pickering, Timothy, 109, 117–118, 129, 132, 143

  Sedgwick, Theodore, 19, 155, 162

  Sedition Act. See Alien and Sedition Acts

  Seeman, Hans, 193–195


  Burr’s farewell to, 234–235, 240

  impeachment and, 215–216, 221–222, 228–243

  payment of, 171

  treaty power of, 109–110, 114–115

  Shays’s Rebellion, 47–49, 55

  Ship seizures

  Adams, John, and, 3, 128–129

  France and, 3, 128, 150, 175

  in Franco-English war, 2–3, 92, 175

  by Great Britain, 2–3, 175, 282

  Nereide, 284

  in Talbot case, 193–195

  by U.S. Navy, 150

  Sinclair, John, 101

  Sixth Amendment, 253

  Slavery, 152, 197, 304, 308

  Jefferson and, 85, 201–202

  Louisiana Purchase and, 214–215

  Marshall, John, and, 42, 46, 73–75, 81, 131

  Monroe and, 74–75

  Virginia ratification convention and, 68–69

  Washington, George, against, 267

  See also Spurlock, Robin

  Smith, Mrs. Samuel Harrison, 282–283

  Snyder, Simon, 263–264


  McCulloch v. Maryland angering, 300

  resistant to Supreme Court, 313, 315–316, 318

  South Carolina

  in Civil War, 286, 315–316, 318

  state sovereignty of, 293, 304, 315–316

  Sovereignty. See State sovereignty

  Spain, 146, 212

  Burr accused of expedition against, 249–255

  neutrality of, 284

  Wilkinson, James, and, 239–240

  Spurlock, Robin

  bill inspired by, 81

  market trips by, 235–236

  talents of, 46, 73–74, 131

  Stare decisis (precedent), 270

  “The Star-Spangled Banner” (Key), 279

  State laws

  ranking of, 58, 287

  Supreme Court voiding, 264–265, 287, 290, 300, 322

  State sovereignty, 321–322

  of Georgia, 293, 309–313

  in McCulloch v. Maryland, 296–301, 323–324

  of South Carolina, 293, 304, 315–316


  Constitution as compact between, 145, 287, 297, 312

  economic disputes among, 53–54

tion by, 300–301

  territorial disputes among, 52–53

  Statutory law, 269

  Steamboat monopoly, 304–306

  Stoddert, Benjamin, 274–275

  Stony Point, Battle of, 29, 31

  Story, Joseph, 110, 185, 271, 304, 312

  death of Marshall, Polly Ambler, and, 314

  eulogy for Marshall, John, by, 317–318

  on Jackson, Andrew, 316

  on Livingston, Brockhorst, 237

  Marshall, John, praised by, 313

  on Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee, 286–287, 323

  Revolutionary War and, 270

  as youngest justice, 268

  Stuart, Archibald, 99

  Supreme Court, United States

  as appellate court, 208, 287, 293

  in Article III, 58, 198, 207

  at Caldwell’s house, 282–283

  cases during War of 1812, 283–284

  checks on, 303

  circuit court ridden by, 149, 178, 196, 203–205

  as coequal branch of

  government, 5, 207, 210, 212, 263, 316

  Constitution changed by, 207–210, 294

  creation of, 58, 60

  enforcement of decisions by, 262, 264, 311, 316, 325

  federal laws voided by, 209, 212, 215, 287, 300, 322

  Federalists on, 268–269

  as final arbiter, 287, 293–294

  Hall of Justice, 266

  Jackson’s appointments to, 316

  Jefferson against, 193–200, 215–219

  Judiciary Act of 1802 and, 196–199

  on land disputes, 291

  legitimate criticisms of, 303

  library, saved, 278

  limited public expressions of, 234

  Madison’s appointments to, 267–268

  mediation by, 195

  new quarters of, 265–267

  original space of, 183

  Republicans on, 268–269, 271

  Revolutionary War ties to, 270

  seven justices in, 255

  South resistant to, 313, 315–316, 318

  state laws voided by, 264–265, 287, 290, 300, 322

  as supreme law of the land, 4, 58, 321, 323

  Washington, George, on importance of, 178

  See also Chief Justice, Marshall, John, as; Impeachment; Judicial review; Jurisdiction, of Supreme Court; specific cases

  Surveying, 42

  by Marshall, John, 275–276

  by Marshall, Thomas, Sr., 10–13, 35, 43–44

  Taggart, Samuel, 233

  Talbot case, 193–195

  Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de, 212

  peace commission and, 127–129, 133–140

  peace overture by, 152–153, 159

  Tariffs, 315–316

  Tassel, George “Corn,” 310


  in McCulloch v. Maryland, 300–301

  power of, 67

  property, 159–160, 230

  by states, 300–301

  whiskey, 106–107

  Tecumseh, 272

  Tenth Amendment, 299

  Territorial disputes, among states, 52–53

  Tiffin, Edward, 247

  Tippecanoe River, 272

  Todd, Thomas, 237, 270–271

  Tracy, Uriah, 214, 228


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