John Marshall

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by Harlow Giles Unger

  Trail of Tears, 310–311


  Burr accused of, 238–250, 254

  Fries charged with, 159

  by Jefferson, 83, 97, 132

  by Wilkinson, 241–242, 248, 258

  witnesses to, 246–247, 251–255

  Treasury Secretary

  Hamilton, 61, 82–84, 104–109, 210

  Wolcott, 108–109, 129, 162, 176


  rule of maternal descent in, 74–75

  Senate’s power of, 109–110, 114–115

  as supreme law of the land, 58, 77, 323

  See also specific treaties

  Treaty of Ghent, 277, 279–282, 285

  Treaty of Paris, 76–78, 112

  Trenton, Battle of, 2, 20, 61, 87

  Trial by jury, 60, 63–65, 250–251

  Troup, Robert, 154

  Trumbull, John, 137

  Trumbull, Jonathan, 259

  Truxton, Thomas, 150

  Tucker, St. George, 174

  Twelfth Amendment, 185

  Tyler, John, 268

  Ultra-Federalists, 144, 146, 154–155, 166

  Unger, Baron Jean Louis de, 24

  Unicorn, 101, 105

  Union, liberty and, 313

  United States (U.S.)

  birth of, 71–72

  Britain’s commercial accord with, 285

  Code of Laws, 269

  Franco-English war and, 89–99

  navy, 142, 150, 277

  quasi-coups in, 210

  westward migration in, 285–286, 288, 291

  See also Capitol, U.S.; Civil War; Congress; Constitution; Quasi-war, with France; Revolutionary War; Supreme Court; War of 1812

  United States v. Burr, 251–255

  United States v. Peters

  Marshall, John, and, 261–264, 287, 322

  in new foundation for constitutional law, 294

  Supreme Court’s power to void state laws and, 264, 287, 322

  U.S. See United States

  U.S. Constellation, 150

  U.S. Constitution, 150, 193, 277

  Valley Forge, 22–25, 239–240

  Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 305

  Venable, Abraham, 104

  La Vengeance, 150

  Veterans, 38–39, 46

  Vetoes, 300

  Villette, Reine-Philiberte

  Marquise de, 137–139, 146, 154


  confiscation law, nullified, 286

  Dynasty, 289

  Jefferson as governor of, 31–32, 34, 36–37

  Legislature, 38, 40, 51–52, 111

  Monroe as governor of, 154, 188, 199

  presidents from, 275, 287

  Resolution, 145, 148, 199

  River Commission Report implemented by, 285–286

  state constitution reform convention, 307–308

  See also Cohens v. Virginia; Richmond

  Virginia Gazette and General Advertiser, 91, 147

  Virginia House of Delegates, 38, 40, 79

  Virginia ratification convention

  Henry at, 2, 7–10, 64–69, 71

  Madison at, 62, 64, 67–68, 71, 299

  Marshall, John, at, 2, 8–10, 61–69

  Monroe at, 62–64, 72

  slavery and, 68–69

  Wythe at, 65

  Wabash River, 272

  War, declaration of, 91–92

  War hawks, 272–274

  War of 1812

  Madison declaring, 273–274

  Marshall, John, against, 275

  McHenry against, 274

  Monroe in, 277, 281, 288

  New Orleans battle in, 280–282

  peace negotiations, 277, 279–280

  Richmond in, 277

  Supreme Court cases during, 283–284

  Treaty of Ghent ending, 277, 279–282, 285

  U.S. navy in, 277

  Washington, DC, burned in, 273, 278–279, 282, 290

  Wilkinson in, 258

  York burned in, 276, 278

  Ware v. Hylton, 76–79

  Warren, Earl, 294

  Warville, Jacques Pierre Brissot de, 106

  Washington, Bushrod, 35, 147, 158

  as Federalist, 269

  as justice, 149–150, 184, 211, 269, 271

  Life of George Washington by, 158, 184, 276

  Revolutionary War and, 270

  Washington, DC, 185

  Adams, John, leaving, 191–192

  construction of, 170–172, 174–176, 282

  Residency Act of 1790 and, 172

  in War of 1812, 273, 278–279, 282, 290

  White House in, 175–176, 279

  See also Capitol, U.S.

  Washington, George

  cabinet vacancies of, 107–109

  chaos in cabinet of, 84, 87, 89, 91, 103

  on Constitution, 60

  Continental Army led by, 16, 18, 21, 48, 125

  death of, 1–2, 156–159

  debts of, 76

  eulogy for, 156–157

  farewell of, 121–126

  first term of, 87–89

  foreign policy of, 122, 146

  Franco-English war and, 89–99, 103–104

  Hamilton appointed to Inspector General by, 144–146

  inland water route dream of, 275–276, 286

  Jay Treaty and, 114–115

  Life of George Washington on, 158, 184, 276

  Marshall, Thomas, Sr., and, 10, 43, 275

  at Monmouth, 25–28

  Monroe and, 1–2, 117–118

  mutiny ended by, 39

  national unity and, 51, 54–57, 91

  neutrality policy of, 3, 92–96, 103, 105, 272

  against political parties, 122

  popular Federalists supported by, 148–149

  presidential election won by, 72, 80–86, 153

  quasi-coup by, 210

  in Revolutionary War, 19–28, 31–32, 38–39

  second term of, 89–99, 121–125

  ship seizures and, 3

  against slavery, 267

  on Supreme Court’s importance, 178

  Wilkinson plotting against, 48, 239–240

  Washington, Martha, 124, 132, 158, 173

  Washington, William, 20–21

  Washington Federalist, 186, 234–235

  Waterways, navigation on, 213, 276, 285, 304–306

  Wayne, “Mad” Anthony, 26–27, 29, 31, 36

  Webster, Daniel

  on Constitution, 312–313

  in Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 295–296

  McCulloch v. Maryland and, 297

  Westward migration, U.S., 285–286, 288, 291

  Whiskey tax, 106–107

  White, Samuel, 216

  White House, 175–176, 279

  Wickham, John, 80

  Wilkinson, James

  Burr accused of treason by, 238–243, 246–249, 254

  cipher letter sent by, 246, 254

  court martial of, 258

  letter by Marshall, John, to, 48–49

  Spain and, 239–240

  treason by, 241–242, 248, 258

  in War of 1812, 258

  against Washington, George, 48, 239–240

  Wilson, James, 149

  Wirt, William, 297

  Wolcott, Oliver, Jr.

  on Marshall, John, 217

  as treasury secretary, 108–109, 129, 162, 176

  Woodford, William, 22

  Worcester, Samuel, 311, 325

  Worcester v. Georgia

  Marshall, John, and, 294, 311, 316, 325

  in new foundation for constitutional law, 294

  Wright, Robert, 222


  of habeas corpus, 246–247

  of mandamus, 206–209, 322

  Wythe, George

  at College of William and Mary, 13, 35–36, 174, 184

  Constitution and, 56, 65

  Jefferson studying under, 13

  Marshall, John, trained by, 35–36, 95, 174, 184
  at Virginia ratification convention, 65

  XYZ dispatches, 140–142

  Yazoo land sales, 265

  See also Fletcher v. Peck

  Yellow fever, 102

  York, buildings burned in, 276, 278

  Yorktown, Battle of, 38, 107




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