Page 103
Aron, Raymond (1905–83), French philosopher, journalist, 554
Asa no tsutsuji. See Morning Azalea, The
Asahi Graph, 521
Asahi Journal interview of Mishima, 601
Asahi Shinbun, 46, 49, 127, 145, 152, 155, 157, 166, 205, 221, 232, 273, 399, 408, 412, 417, 427, 443, 523, 545, 585, 640; articles rejected by, 152; essay on Genda in, 558; filed with the CIE, 152; “On Wartime Premiership” article in, 127; review of A Wonder Tale: The Moonbow, 655; review of The Suzaku, 531
Asano Akira (1901–90), poet, 484
Asanuma Inejirō (1898–1960), Socialist leader, 385
Asari Keita (b. 1933), stage director, businessman, 417–18
Ashikaga Yoshihisa (1465–89), 9th Ashikaga shogun, 147
Ashikaga Yoshimasa (1436–90), 8th Ashikaga shogun, 133
Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (1358–1408), 3rd Ashikaga shogun, 254, 255
Asō Kazuko (1915–96), essayist, 654
Aspects of the Novel, 680
assassination, 108, 323, 381–408, 417, 534, 553–54, 560, 581, 594, 616, 709; of Asanuma Inejirō, 385; of high-ranking government officials, 364, 368, 369, 374, 378; by Patriotic Party member, 385; by rightwing killers, 385–89; of Shimanaka, 386
Association for Rebuilding Japan, goals of, 341
Association of Japanese Publishing, 102; objectives of, 101–2; “project application” requirement of, 102
Association of Tokyo Stock Exchange Regular Members, 3; advisorship to, 4
Atlas, Charles (1892–1972), bodybuilder, 261
atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 108, 122, 269, 433, 497, 501, 565, 783
Atsumi Mari (b. 1950), actress, 654
Aury, Dominique (Anne Desclos: 1907–98), French journalist, novelist, 432
Autumn at the Shūgakuin, The (Shūgakuin no aki), 119
Autumn: Two Pieces, 60–61, 74
Avantos, James (n.d.), stage director (?), 303
Aya no tsuzumi. See Damask Drum, The
Ayukawa Gisuke (Yoshisuke, 1880–1967), corporate executive, politician, 49
Azekami Terui (1906–89), restaurant proprietress, 355, 357; campaign fundraising efforts of, 352–53; Mishima’s visit to, 353; purchasing of Hannya-en (mansion), 352–53; “water trade” and, 352
Azuma Fumihiko (penname of Takashi, 1920–43), friend of Mishima, 66, 78, 101, 747–48; criticism of “Tinted Glass” by, 77–78; literary correspondence with Mishima, 77, 78–79; Mishima’s tribute to, 703–4; as writer, 78, 101, 747–48
Azuma Hiroshi (n.d.), editor, 720
Azuma Ryōtarō (1893–1983), governor of Tokyo, 351
Bad Poems, 63, 496
Baishō Mitsuko (b. 1946), actress, 654
Bajutsu tokuhon. See Equestrian Reader, The
Baka-hachi to hito wa iu. See They Call Me Hachi the Idiot
Baker, Josephine (1906–75), American-born French dancer, 306
Balanchine, George (1904–83), Russian-born choreographer, 307
ballets in New York: Apollo, 307; Cage, The, 307; L’Apre-midi d’un faune, 307; Western Symphony, 307
Balzac, Honoré de (1799–1850), French novelist, 545, 682
Ban Junzaburō (1908–81), comedian, 260
Bandai Kiyoshi (n.d.), editor, 482, 483, 484, 536, 627
Bandit, The (Tōzoku), 140, 244, 497; depiction of Yoshiko in, 184–85; Kawabata’s preface to, 168, 169
Bandō Minosuke VI (1906–75), kabuki actor, 397
Bandō Tamasaburō V (b. 1950), kabuki actor, 655–56
Bangkok, Mishima’s trip to, 384, 456, 521, 522, 528–29, 799
Bara to kaizoku. See Rose and the Pirate, The
Bara-kei. See Rose Punishments
Barnard, Christiaan (1922–2001), South African cardiac surgeon, 577
Bashō. See Matsuo Bashō.
Bataille, Georges (1897–1962), French thinker, 376, 581, 715, 790
Baudelaire, Charles (1821–67), French poet, 498
Bazin, André (1918–58), French film theorist, 607
Beardsley, Aubrey (1872–97), British illustrator, 179, 360, 560–61, 788
Beastly Entanglements (Kemono no tawamure), 362
Beatles, The: mania, 468–69; performance at Budōkan, 468
“Beautiful Death,” 512, 513
Beautiful Star, The (Utsukushii hoshi), 396, 397
“Beauty of Action, The,” 644
Beauty’s Assaults (Bi no shūgeki), 400
Beauvoir, Simone de (1908–86), French writer, 403
Beckett, Samuel (1906–89), Irish writer, 436
Beginning Dutch Learning (Rangaku koto-hajime), 445
Benares: Kalighat, 525–26; Mishima’s description of, 521, 525–27; Manikalnika Ghat, 526–27
Benedict, Ruth (1887–1948), American anthropologist, 566–67
Bennett, John (1928–2005), English actor, 303
Benten musume meo no shiranami, 350
Berlin Crisis, 395
Bernhardt, Sarah (1844–1923), French actress, 413
Bernstein, Leonard (1918–1990), American composer, 306, 441, 591
Bessel, Friedrich (1784–1846), German astronomer, 396
Bi no shūgeki. See Beauty’s Assaults
bi no sōransha, 570
Bierce, Ambrose (1842–1913), American writer, 609
Bigot, Georges (1860–1927), French cartoonist, 279
Bikini Atoll, 335, 501
“Birds and Beasts,” (Kinjū), 398–99
Birth of Tragedy, The, 235
Bitoku no yoromeki. See Virtue Falters
Black Lizard (Kuro-tokage), 215, 216, 392–93, 557
Blind’s Tale, The, 79–80
blood oath, on 32nd anniversary of 2.26 Incident, 540–41
Blue Age, The (Ao no jidai), 193, 197, 201, 244
Blue Mountain Range, The (Aoi sanmyaku), 245
Blum, Léon (1872–1950), French prime minster, 445
Blyth, R. H. (1898–1964), English teacher, authority on haiku, 754
“Boats for Feeding Hungry Ghosts” (Segaki-bune), 263–64
bodybuilding, 260–62, 299, 325, 334, 380, 431, 437, 492, 574, 728
Bōjō Toshitami (1917–90), writer, 61, 62, 77, 78, 96–97, 368, 481, 635; daily letter-writing to Mishima, 65–66, 717–18; “Dance” (Mai) story of, 74–75; meeting Mishima in school, 61–62; relationship with Mishima, 96–97; Spring Snow’s influence on, 635
Bom Dia Señora, 229
Bombs and Ginkgo (Bakudan to ichō), 673, 674
Book of Changes, The, 41
Book of Documents, The, 41
Book of Five Elements (Gorin no sho), 562
Borges Jorge, Luis (1899–1986), Argentine writer, 436
Bōshi no hana. See “Flowers on a Hat”
Botsford, Ann (n.d.), Keith Botsford’s wife, 303
Botsford, Keith (b. 1928), American/European writer, 294, 300, 302, 303, 306, 308, 310; on Gorelik’s design, 302; Mishima’s reunion with, 438
“bottle keep” custom, 468
Bourget, Paul (1852–1935), French novelist, 510
Bowers, Faubion (1917–99), “savior of kabuki,” 141–42, 383, 391, 431
Bowie, David (b. 1947), English musician, 391
Bownas, Geoffrey (1923–2011), 375
boxing, 262, 467, 469, 492
“Boy, The” (Shōnen), 66, 75, 174–75
“Boy Who Writes Poems, The,” 64, 74
Brando, Marlon (1924–2004), American actor, 303, 306, 390
Brazil, Mishima’s trip to, 228–29; Carnival, 230; gay life, 231; Japanese immigrants, 229; at Lins, 229; at Sao Paulo, 229
Brialy, Jean-Claude (1933–2007), French actor, director, 518
Brilliant Backlight, The, 70–71
Britannicus, 285, 292
British Council, 437
Britten, Benjamin (1913–76), British composer, 233
Broadway plays, Mishima’s critiques of, 304–7
Brown, Holloway (n.d.), friend of Donald Richie, 228
rundage, Avery (1887–1975), American IOC president, 430
Brunswick (gay bar), 181, 189, 209; bartender trainees at, 214; Mishima’s companions at, 214, 216
Buck, Pearl (1892–1973), American Nobel Prize–winning writer, 435
Buddhist postmortem limbo, 42
Bulganin, Nikolai (1895–1975), Soviet prime minister, 501
Bullock, Alan (1914–2004), British historian, 580
bunbu ryōdō (both literary and martial arts), 35, 741
Bungakukai, 256, 333, 386, 451, 582, 789; My Friend Hitler published in, 582; symposium on “overcoming modernity,” 130
Bungaku-za, 193, 239, 262, 278, 285, 316, 360, 393; Chinese opposed Mishima’s creation of, 411; founding managers of, 193–94; left-leaning of, 411; members lost by, 414–15; Mishima as planning advisor of, 360; play (The Joyful Koto) on hold, 417; production of Sardou’s play, 414; rebuilding by Mishima, 412; resignation of Iwata from, 414–15; revolt in, 409–11; shortlisting of La Tosca, 412–13; size of, 410; tour of China, 411–12
Bungei, 418, 515
Bungei Bunka, 100, 131; “Imperial Declaration” in, 94; objectives of, 85; penname proposed during editorial meeting of, 91–92; poems contributed by Itō to, 105; “Spring Snow” in, 95
Bungei Shunjū, 17, 288, 347, 394, 449, 465, 531, 559, 560, 565, 588, 593, 595; lawsuit against, 779–80; plan for “modern Japanese literature,” 565; “What Is Japan?,” 636
bunjaku no to. See “Literary feeble fellows”
bunraku. See jōruri
Bunshō tokuhon, 344
Burckhardt, Jacob (1818–97), Swiss cultural historian, 235
Bush Warbler, The (Uguisu), 73
“Bushidō and Militarism,” 697
Byron, Lord (1788–1924), English poet, 233
Bywater, Hector (1884–1940), British journalist and writer
Cage, The, 307
Calta, Louis (1913–90), American theater critic, 382
Camera Geijutsu, 400
Camp Ichigaya, 692, 693, 695, 698, 700, 706, 718
Camp Takigahara, 486, 546, 631, 705; Mishima’s diary-keeping at, 633–34; spy training at, 549–53
Camus, Albert (1913–60), French Nobel Prize–winning writer, 239
Čapek, Karel (1890–1938), Czech playwright, writer, 117, 118
Caribbean tour, 297–98
Carmichael, Stokely (1941–89), American political leader, 577
Carracci, Ludovico (1555–1619), Italian painter, 225
Castro, Fidel (b. 1926), Cuban revolutionary, 403, 577
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, 349
Cates, Clifton B. (1893–1970), US Marine Corps general, 465
“Cdr. Hirose” (Hirose kaigun chūsa), 545
Celtic Twilight, The, 573
censorship, 63, 127, 138, 152; of kabuki and other plays, 140–41; of Kamakura Bunko, 151; of open sexual expression, 173; “project application” and, 102
Chamberlain, Basil H. (1850–1935), British Japanologist, 652
Charter Oath, 143, 144, 145, 470
Chi to bara. See Le Sang et la Rose
Chiang Kaishek (1887–1975), Chinese military and political leader, 649
Chichi no bōshi. See My Father’s Hat
Chichibu Yasuhito (1902–53), prince, major general, 368
Chijin-ron. See On the Earthman
Chikamatsu Monzaemon (1653–1725), jōruri and kabuki writer, 117, 188, 498
Chinsetsu Yumiharizuki. See Wonder Tale, A: The Moonbow
Chopin, Frédéric François (1810–49), Polish composer and pianist
Chou Enlai (1898–1976), Chinese political leader, 404
Christianity, Shinpūren Revolt and, 470
Chronicle of Great Peace (Taiheiki), 719
Chrysanthemum and the Sword, The, 566–67, 568, 569, 571
Chrysanthemum Day, 374, 556
Chūō Kōron (company and magazine), 353, 408, 555, 563, 566; Mishima afterword to Japanese literature series by, 685–86; Enomoto Takeaki in, 531; Mishima’s taidan with Ishikawa Jun in, 706; “On Defending Culture” in, 563, 566; rightwing pressure on, 385; self-censorship by, 388; Shichirō’s short story published in, 385
Chūsei. See “The Medieval Period”
Ciampi, Yves (1921–82), French director, 383
CIE. See Civil Information and Education Service
“Cigarette, A” (Tabako), 153, 154
“Circus” (Sākasu), 114–16, 496, 591
City and the Pillar, The, 227, 277
City of Night, 699
Civil Information and Education Service, 152, 189, 199, 219, 246; censorship of kabuki and other plays, 140–41
class composition, 37
class system, 695; after collapse of Tokugawa rule, 24
Claudel, Paul (1868–1955), French diplomat, writer, 204
Clausewitz Carl, von (1780–1831), Prussian military theorist, 553, 788
Cocteau, Jean (1889–1963), French poet, artist, 180, 281, 350, 383
Colette (1873–1954), French novelist, 518
Collection of Corals, 676
Collection of Poems for a Week, 64
Comedie Française, 213, 413
comic books. See manga
communism, 161, 165–66, 198, 339, 366, 529, 581, 657, 768; Mishima’s opposition to, 534, 553, 570, 600–601, 620; opposition to US war against, 516; rise of, in China, 223; suppression of, 581. See also anticommunism
Communist Party, China, 223
Communist Party, Japan, 72, 198, 485, 516, 538, 548, 616, 618–19, 694, 768; agitation against The Joyful Koto, 416–17; nationwide rallies organized by, 616, 639; revolt against Chinese Communist Party by, 516; Zengakuren split with, 514, 534
Conde, David (1906–?), US Occupation officer, 247
Conde, Raymond (1916–2003), Filipino-Japanese musician, 347
Conder, Josiah (1852–1920), British architect, 279
Confessions of a Mask (Kamen no kokuhaku), 7, 12, 16, 19, 41, 99, 108, 109, 124, 157, 158, 159, 244, 333, 438; demotic title of, 172–73; depiction of love for Kuniko in, 185–86; depiction of Maizuru in, 260; English translation of, by Weatherby, 227, 275; epigraph in, 171–72; Fukuda’s afterword to, 192; glass cover for, 704; Hanada Kiyoteru’s review of, 177–78; Hirschfeld’s reference in, 181–82; homosexual yearnings in, 174–78; initial response to, 175; I-novel format selection for, 169–70; Jinzai’s review of, 176–77; limited luxury edition of, 704; manuscript submission for, 171; narrative gap in, 179; notes on kissing Kuniko in, 183–84; opinions of writers and critics on, 177; pricing of, 202; reality and fiction in, discrepancies between, 183–88; self-advertisement for, 172; sexual confession in, 172–74
Conflagration (Enjō), 322
Confusion of Feelings, 190
Constant Nymph, The, 239
Constitution of Japan. See Japanese Constitution; Constitutional revision; MacArthur Constitution; Shōwa Constitution
Control Faction, 369, 370
Cooper, Duff (1890–1954), British politician, 437 Corpse and Treasure, The (Shibito to takara), 195
Counterrevolution Manifesto, 600–604
Countess of Ségur, Sophie (1799–1874), French writer, 687
Country Girls, The, 438
Cranach, Lucas (1472–1553), German painter, 687
Creemers, Wilhelmus (n.d.), historian, 754
Criticism of Lyricism (Jojō no hihan), 379, 380
Cros, Guy-Charles (1879–1919), French poet, 90
Crossing All the Bridges (Hashi-zukushi), 347
Crouse, Russell (1893–1966), American playwright, librettist, 304
Cuban Missile Crisis, 388
Cultural Revolution, 515; Joyful Koto, The and, 516; slogans of, 593; Yamamoto Kiyokatsu’s fear from, 542
Dahl, Robert (b. 1915), American political scientist, 568
Daibosatsu Pass Incident, 641–42
Daiei Studio, 322
Daigo Fukuryū Maru, 336
Daiichi no sei. See First Sex, The
Daiichi Seimei Building, 140
, 329
Daimatsu Hirobumi (1921–78), volleyball coach, 403–4, 571
Dai-Tōa Sensō kōtei-ron. See Affirming the Greater East-Asian War
Dali, Salvador (1904–89), Spanish painter, 506
Damask Drum, The (Aya no tsuzumi), 285, 294–97, 412
Damie garasu. See “Tinted Glass”
Dan Ikuma (1924–2001), composer, 555
Dan Kazuo (1912–76), novelist, 190–91
“Dance” (Mai), 74, 75
dandyism, 16–18, 691, 694
d’Annunzio, Gabriele (1863–1938), Italian writer, soldier, 435, 444–47
Daolong. See Dōryū
Darkness in Summer (Natsu no yami), 444
Darrieux, Danielle (b. 1917), French actress, 383
Date Munekatsu (1928–88), journalist, 584, 669, 721, 732, 735; Mishima’s letter to, 708–9
Daudet, Alphonse (1840–97), French novelist, 520
Dazai Osamu (1909–48), novelist, 261, 273, 275, 335, 498, 519, 601, 632, 662, 759; background of, 160–61; literary encounter with Mishima, 161–64; reputation and image of, 164; “self-caricaturization” in works of, 160; suicide of, 170
de Gaulle, Charles (1890–1970), French president, 548, 554
de Noailles, Anna (1876–1933), French poet, 675, 676
de Paul, Gene (1919–88), American composer, 305
Dean, James (1931–55), American actor, 303, 766
death, thoughts on, 495–508, 590–92
death and eroticism, 358, 376, 377, 591–92
“Death by Drowning,” 592
“Death in Midsummer” (Manatsu no shi), 210
“Death of Baldassare Silvande, The,” 117, 118
Debussy, Claude-Achille (1862–1918), French composer, 307
decadence: and national defense, 560–63; special issue of Hihyō on, 560–61
Decadent Art, 561
Decay of the Angel, The (Tennin gosui), 685, 700, 701
Decline and Fall of the Suzaku, The (Suzaku-ke no metsubō), 136, 529–32
Deer Cry Hall. See Rokumeikan, The
Deer Garden Temple. See Kinkakuji
del Rio, Dolores (1905–83), Mexican actress, 303, 304
Delon, Alain (b. 1935), French actor, 404, 562
DeMille, Cecil B. (1881–1959), American film director, 304
Democratic Youth League, 596
Den Hideo (1923–2009), journalist, politician, 535, 580
Descent of Winter, The, 580
Desiderio da Settignano (1428?–64), Italian sculptor and painter, 560
Dewey, John (1859–1952), American philosopher, educator, 169
Diable au corps, Le, 80, 236, 237, 423