Accepted Fate

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Accepted Fate Page 13

by Charisse Spiers

  "I have goals and dreams. None of them entail being a trophy wife and having kids. I highly doubt I'll even get married at all. I don't even date."

  He is now looking over my body. He must realize I'm wearing male clothing. He is clenching his jaw. "Whose clothes are you wearing Kinzleigh? Are you sleeping with him?"

  Now I'm started to get angry. "How is any of that your business? What if I am? I'm not yours to have and control, first of all. Secondly, you sleep with everything walking that is female, pretty much, so how dare you question my sexual activity."

  He stands upright; closing his eyes and rubs his hands over his face, releasing a breath in aggravation. "I won't give up until I convince you. We belong together. You may not think so now, but I'll show you. I know about your cheerleading dream and I can help give that to you. You don't want to get married a while, fine, but I will make you mine. I don't stop when there is something I want and you, Kinzleigh, are what I want. You don't want me to sleep around..." He walks closer cupping my face in his hands, lifting my head to look at him. "Then fine, consider it done. I don't need another girl to satisfy me. I was just buying my time until I could have you. They aren't satisfying me anymore anyway. You're almost eighteen now." He lines my body with his. "I will claim you as mine sooner or later. You deserve the best and I have the means to give it to you. The sooner you realize that, the sooner we can stop playing these games and I can start giving it to you."

  I'm stunned speechless. He brings his head in closely, tilting his head. "I want you to be mine." He touches his lips to mine and I try to pull away but I can't even move. His lips aren't as soft as Breyson's. He kisses a little rougher and faster. He slides his tongue inside the opening of my lips. I can't bring myself to kiss him back. It doesn't feel right. None of this feels right. He nibbles on my lower lip and then releases my lips from his. "You may not kiss me back now, but one day you will. I will wait until that day. I won't try to kiss you again until then, but know that I will never stop chasing until I catch you." He's going to be chasing a long time, I think.

  Just then Presley walks in the door. "Babe, what on earth is taking you so long? Did you fall....oh." She looks like a person would look, who just walked in on her parents going at it, terrified and freaked out. "Am I interrupting?" She is standing with one hand on the door frame and the other on the door knob.

  "No, I was just finishing up in here." I push Preston by the chest so he will get the hint and move. As he backs up, I jump off the counter and take off towards Presley's room almost knocking her over to get through the door.

  "Think about what I said," he calls out as I come barreling through the door.

  Presley peeks into her bedroom before she walks in the bathroom door saying, "I'll be right out. Find something to watch okay?" I nod and the door clicks shut. I have no idea what she's up to because all I hear are hushed whispers. I can only imagine what that looked like with him standing between my legs, holding my face in his hands.

  I sit on the bed's edge and place my hands over my face, shaking my head. What just happened? Is he insane? He can't possibly think I'm going to change my mind. Can he? Somehow, I need to rectify this or our family gatherings are going to be really awkward.

  After all that and the first thing that passes through my mind is Breyson. His kiss felt perfect, not rushed. My lips tingle at the memory of his touching mine. I'm really tired. I need to go to bed and maybe I'll wake up and none of this Preston stuff will be real. Maybe I'm asleep and just dreaming it all up. The subconscious can be a deceiving thing. What time is it anyway? I get up to charge my phone and realize I don't have it. Maybe I left it in Presley's car. Thinking about it, though, I know exactly where it is; on the bedside table next to one hot country boy that's gotten my attention.

  I guess I'll just have to go get it tomorrow. I crawl up to the head of the bed, turning back the covers and nestling beneath them. As I close my eyes a smile forms. I get to see him again after all. His face flashes through my mind as I drift off to sleep.


  I'm standing on the beach wearing a white monokini swimsuit. My blonde hair is blowing in the breeze, but it's cut shorter; just below my shoulders. I'm staring out at the water, enjoying the warm sunny day. I don't recognize this place. It's absolutely beautiful. The sand is bright white and the water is a crystal blue, revealing the ocean floor at a glance from the shoreline. Two arms wrap around my waist, resting on my stomach. "It's beautiful here isn't it?" I close my eyes, loving the sound of his voice. It's so soothing.

  I close my eyes and rest my head against his chest. I place my hands over his. "Mmm hmm," I sigh in contentment. He picks me up, cradling me in his arms. I interlock my arms around his neck. On my left hand lies a beautiful large square cut diamond surrounded by small diamonds embedded in an antique white gold band, wrapped around my tiny finger.

  As I look around the beach, there isn't another person in sight; just a small hut on the vacant private beach. He walks me over to a bed, covered in white linens, sitting in the sand. Hanging from the canopy are sheer white sheets, blowing in the breeze. He lays me down gently in the center of the bed before removing his shorts then kneels on the bed over me. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

  He pulls the straps of my swimsuit down my arms, slowly freeing them before peeling the rest of it from my body. He lays over me, holding his weight with his arms beside my head. He spreads my legs apart with his knees. He kisses me gently. "I'm going to make love to you: today, tomorrow, and forever. Today is the best day of my life. Here's to forever. I love you, Kinzleigh Abercrombie. Promise me you'll never leave me; until death do us part."

  He slowly thrusts inside of me and stops, knowing I'd be ready without question. I'm always ready for him. "Promise me."

  "I promise," I say. "I'm yours forever." He begins to move slowly, thrusting in and out. This moment; it’s beautiful and it's ours; the first day of our forever. I bite my lip trying to hold on to the tightening that is starting to take place in my body. "Let it go baby," and just like that, I fall into an orgasm, tightening around him.

  He picks up pace and a few thrusts later, releases his seed inside my womb. He leans down and kisses me, a smile across his face as he pulls my left ring finger to his lips. I love seeing him this happy. "I love you, Breyson; my husband."


  My eyes pop open. I'm breathing heavily and covered in sweat. I look around the room; the sun's beginning to peep through the window. Everything in the house is completely quiet, meaning it's still early. I'm still tired from being up late, but after a dream like that, I'm scared to go back to sleep. Why on earth I would dream about...that? I'll never know; I can't even say the M word. Talk about your subconscious going haywire. I look beside me and Presley is still sleeping peacefully. I sit up and throw my legs over the side of the bed. Only one thing is going to make me feel better right now; to run.

  I get up and walk to Presley's dresser. Pulling the drawer out I know she keeps her yoga clothes in, I grab a pair of black yoga pants and a lavender racer back tank. I fold the clothes I'm wearing and neatly place them on her dresser to take them home later. I walk into her closet, quietly, not to wake her up and grab a pair of running shoes and some socks.

  Dressed, I walk to the door as lightly as possible, since we're on the second floor above her parent's bedroom. Opening the door, I peek out into the hallway. Everything is still dark and quiet. Tip toeing down the steps I make it to the front door. I look around one last time, to make sure no one is up. Finally making it out the door, I take off running through the neighborhood. This is the best way to clear my head because it's just me and the pavement. The sun hasn't fully risen yet, so there shouldn't be too many people out.

  I don't know how long I've been running and I don't care, because it's far better than my thoughts running into places it has no business wandering to. It's just a few more days. A few more days and a certain someone that has invaded my thoughts will be across the c
ountry. Just enjoy having some fun and then everything will go back to normal.

  The sun is now fully up and my clothes are drenched in sweat. I finally stop running. I look around and realize I've run about ten miles from Presley's house. I have no idea what time it is and I still have to shower and pick up some of the stuff for the party.

  I'm looking around, realizing how long it's going to take me to get back and it's no longer cool since the sun is at its peak. Crap! Leave it to me to end up ten miles from my car. I guess I better get started. I turn around and begin running back towards Presley's house when I hear a truck slowing to a stop. I don't think much about it until I hear a door shut followed by shuffling of feet on the pavement. "Kinzleigh, wait up."

  I stop abruptly, turning towards the all too familiar voice. He is walking around the truck with his hands in his pockets. He's wearing a pair of plaid shorts, polo and a pair of Sperry shoes. Just when I get him out of my thoughts, he waltzes right back in and takes them over, yet again. "What are you doing here?"

  "Presley woke up and you were gone. When she called your phone to see where you were, it started ringing and woke me up." He pulls my phone from his pocket. "I saw it was her so I answered it. She started to panic since you were supposed to be picking stuff up for the party. I told her I'd come find you so she could finish up there. She said you shouldn't be far since your car is still parked out front."

  Of course she did. She knew good and well if my car was parked out front that I wouldn't be far. There is only one street in front of her house. She could have looked herself. She knows I run to keep my body fat down since I'm always a flyer in cheerleading, but instead she sends him after me looking awful and sweaty, in need of a shower. "Will you just run me to Presley's to pick up my car? I can go home, shower and meet you in town."

  "There is no need for two vehicles. Ryland took his jeep and left his truck with me. I can come by and pick you up. Is that okay?" Whatever is fine as long as I can get cleaned up. I don't usually argue with people; I never seem to win. This is a tad bit embarrassing. I really hope my deodorant holds up; although, its Sunday and my parents will be home so I'm not really sure how to explain him. I guess I better be figuring it out.

  I place my hands on my hips. "That really isn't necessary. My parents will be home and possibly my brother. Unless you want to go through an interview, I can just meet you there." I can't even imagine what my parents would say at me bringing someone home, because it has never happened.

  He stands there looking back and forth between me and the truck. He interlocks his hands behind his neck. I'm really hoping he is just going to make this less complicated and meet me there. "Nah, that's okay. I'll just come pick you up." I sigh, defeated. Well this should be interesting. "Come on, get in."

  It only takes about five minutes to get back to Presley's. I hurry to my car, because Preston's car is still in the drive. I guess he is partaking in the party festivities today. After last night, I really don't need any drama from him. I've known Preston all my life. Other than the age difference, I'm as close to him as I am Presley. With our parents being such good friends, we were constantly around each other growing up so it comes with the territory. If it would have been anyone else last night, I would have been thoroughly creeped out, but I know that's not how he meant it so I can let it go, for now. He is a little spoiled and a bit of a control freak, in the non psychotic way, so when he is losing something he's after, he tends to panic and get desperate.

  I pull out of the driveway with Breyson following behind. It took some maneuvering to get out, since Preston's car was behind mine, but I managed. I would hope that my parents are gone, but that's just not the case. If I were one of those kids that were always sneaking out and getting into trouble, it would be easy because my parents are predictable. They are always home on Sunday and we always go to church. They are conservative. My dad has always said that he has pulled the company this far because he doesn't work on Sunday and he reserves it for a day of rest as it was intended.

  Pulling in my driveway, I glance in the rear view mirror. Breyson is pulling in right behind me. I press the remote on my visor, raising my garage door. I might as well get this over with. I'm starting to feel nauseous from the nerves as I hear him shut the truck door behind me. My hands are starting to sweat and my breathing is becoming impaired. I've never once in my life introduced my parents to a boy. I have no idea what to expect.

  Closing my eyes and resting my forehead on the steering wheel, I breathe deeply, trying to calm down. A moment later, I hear tapping on the window. Opening the door for me to get out, Breyson is standing there with a cocky grin on his face. "What's the matter? Are you scared your mom and dad won't like me," he asks teasingly.

  Walking towards the garage door and twisting the knob I stop, "They may be a little shocked since I've never...uh...brought anyone home before. I really hope Konnor isn't here," I say opening the door.

  Konnor is in a really bad place right now and bringing a guy home for the first time, knowing he is going to think the worst, scares the crap out of me. The garage door leads into the laundry room and from there into the kitchen.

  Opening the laundry room door, mom looks up from the island in the kitchen, towards me. She is standing over the cook top, stirring inside a pot with one hand on her hip. She is wearing her glasses which means she has been reading, probably case files or a book. "Hey baby girl. Did you and Presley have a good time?" Breyson was closing the garage door so she didn't see him at first. As he comes through the door following behind me, her mouth drops slightly.

  She quickly recovers, beginning to smile. Wait for it goes. She places the spoon down on the counter and heads toward us. Looking straight at me, but closing in on Breyson she says, "Who is your friend honey?" Breyson is slightly behind me off to the side.

  I look at him apologetically, mouthing 'sorry', as she opens her arms to give him a hug. "It's so good to meet you dear. I guess Kinzleigh has lost her manners. I'm Leigh Baker, Kinzleigh's mom." I'm standing here, speechless, watching the interaction. This is really awkward. What am I supposed to say? How am I supposed to introduce him? 'Hey mom, this is the guy I just met and may let de-flower me before he heads back home to...where is he from anyway?' He's not my boyfriend and he's really not a friend either so what am I supposed to say? Nothing is coming to mind.

  Breyson is looking at my mom with a grin on his face. "I think she may just be a little caught off guard. It's nice to meet you Mrs. Baker. I'm Breyson Abercrombie; Ryland Reeves cousin. I'm here visiting and met Kinzleigh at the beach Friday. I'm just helping her get everything ready for this pool party of Presley's that I keep hearing so much about."

  She releases him and looks at me with a big smile on her face. "Ah yes, of course, I know Ryland. He's a sweet kid and comes from a good family too. Well it's great to have you here sweetie. I'm glad Kinzleigh is meeting new people. I'm just cooking some lunch." She releases him from her grasp and looks at me. "By the looks of you, you still need to shower. The food should be ready before you leave." No way am I sitting around having a family meal with him here. I just need to hurry up and get showered so we can be out of here.

  "Mom, we're kind of in a hurry. We can just grab something in town." I look over to Breyson, "Right?" He doesn't even look uncomfortable. Am I the only one freaking out right now?

  He shakes his head at me, smiling, as if he knows what I'm trying to get out of. "Where I come from, you don't turn down home cooking for fast food. Presley told me what time we needed to be back and gave me the run down on what your duties are. I think we have time to eat before we go." He looks back at my mom. "We'd love to eat Mrs. Baker, thank you."

  My mom wraps her arm over my shoulders, steering me towards the living room. I can hear the golf announcer coming from the television. "You go on and get dressed. I'll introduce Breyson to your dad and brother."

  I begin biting my nails, "Konnor is here?" Great this is just what I need; not. I should hav
e just showered at Presley's and borrowed some clothes.

  My mom looks at me as if I'm being ridiculous. "Of course he's here, it's Sunday. We always hang around here on Sundays together. We haven't been home from church long. Everyone missed you this morning." She stops in the doorway and turns back to Breyson standing at the dining room table. She waves him over toward the living room. He walks over and she wraps her other arm around his shoulder, towing us together. "Ken we have some company; turn that television volume down."

  Breyson looks over at me with a smirk on his face, raising his brow questioningly. I guess he just figured out where I got my name from. Dad always wanted a little girl and when they got pregnant so soon after having Konnor, they thought it would be cute to combine their names; hints the name Kinzleigh. Konnor was named after Gramps middle name. George Konnor Baker was my dad's father, also founder of G. Baker and sons contracting L.L.C.

  Dad is sitting in his recliner, hidden behind the Sunday paper that is spread across his lap. He lowers the page, raising his brows as his eyes lock on Breyson. He looks at mom. "Who do we have here, Leigh?" Oh brother, he has that tone. He's not too thrilled. Awesome, I think sarcastically. Right then, Konnor turns around from the couch he's sitting on. One look at Breyson and I can tell he isn't pleased either. How am I supposed to leave him down here with these two?

  "Ken, this is Kinzleigh's friend Breyson." She pats him on the back. You know Joe and Susan Reeves. This is their nephew."

  Konnor looks at him, his eyes slightly narrowed. "You're Ryland's cousin? I don't recall seeing you around here before."

  Why do they have to make this such a big deal. So what; I've never brought home a guy before, big deal. At the rate they're going, this will be the last time as well. Breyson walks towards my dad and brother. He stops at my dad first, holding out his hand, "Breyson Abercrombie, sir. I'm here visiting family for a week. Third summer now and I love it here."


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