Accepted Fate

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Accepted Fate Page 14

by Charisse Spiers

  I begin inching forward, when mom grabs my shoulder halting me. I look at her, but she shakes her head at me. "Why don't you go get dressed honey. Time's wasting. He will be fine. This is just something that every dad looks forward to; don't take it away." She smiles at me. "Run along baby girl. I'll be here to supervise. I've been where you are, it's fine." No she hasn't been here before because dad is the only man she's ever been with. I, however, have no intention of taking this farther than a week and sending him on his way. Him meeting my family will just further complicate things because mom is already making it sound like he is a prospective boyfriend.

  "Well son, what are your intentions with my daughter since you will be gone in a week?" Dad speaks out, breaking me from my stare off with mom.

  "Dad!" I yell out completely humiliated that this is happening. Why can't they just be normal and talk about football or something?

  Konnor looks at me with a smirk on his face. "What's the matter Kinzleigh? You know we have to keep your best interests at heart."

  Breyson looks at me, giving me a reassuring smiling. "It's okay Kinzleigh, go get ready. I'll get to know your family a little." I really don't feel good about this but what other choice do I have? I can't go to the party like this.

  I move towards the stairs, dragging my feet. "Dad, please don't embarrass me. Behave," I say pointing my finger at him.

  "Kinzleigh, I believe you have a shower calling for you. We'll be fine down here. I don't need tips on how to parent, but thank you for your concern." Sighing, I run upstairs to get ready, quickly, so we can get out of here before he tries to give him the daddy with the shot gun speech or something else completely crazy. Dinner with the fam was just crossed off the to do list. I don't care what he says. Manners went out the window when words like intentions went flying through the air.

  I'm standing in the middle of my room, showered and in my bra and panties, staring at the clothes spread across my bed. What do I wear? I already know I have to take my swimwear but what do I wear before then? Now that I may want to go through with this losing my virginity thing at some point, I should probably put forth some effort in getting ready.

  My two choices, as I stand here pondering, are my black one shoulder mini-dress that stops halfway to my knee and is fitted but not tight with a butterfly style sleeve opening as it falls. I usually pair it with my beige canvas wedges and gold hoops. The other choice is my chevron shift dress in mint green and white with quarter length sleeves, that I usually pair with a pair of my white gladiator sandals topped off with a splash of red in my jewelry.

  "Hmm...what to wear," I say tapping my index finger to my lips. Just then mom slips in my door.

  "You always look beautiful in the mint green one. It really does wonders with your blonde hair. Plus all that walking may be uncomfortable in those heels. You don't want to try too hard. The black one says take me to dinner and the other says I'm cute but comfy." I always did love my mom's eye for good fashion. Send us shopping and we always put a dent in dad's wallet. He has limited our mother-daughter outings to a minimum.

  "You really think so? What should I do to my hair?"

  "I know so," she smiles and comes to my side, brushing my curls off my shoulder. "It brings out the green in your eyes. You always were my little princess. You're growing up so fast. I guess at least you've waited this long to bring boys around. You're making me feel old you know," she winks at me playfully and sits on the bed. "Now put on that dress and bring me that comb and some bobby pins and I'll do your hair."

  It’s been a really long time since mom has done my hair. It kind of makes me feel like a little girl again. I pull the dress over my white matching bra and panties, made from lace with baby pink trim. Grabbing the container of bobby pins and the comb, I sit between her legs on the floor. "What are you going to do to it?"

  "You just sit still and let me worry about that. I will make sure that boy's jaw drops when he sees you." My hair is parted down the left side of my head, the biggest portion of hair laying over to the right. She begins to braid loosely from my part down the right hairline, beside my face. Just behind my right ear, she ties the braid with a small hair tie.

  I close my eyes, as the light tugging of my hair makes me want to go to sleep. She used to brush my hair each night when I was little. "What are they doing to him down there? Is dad behaving himself? Is Konnor freaking out?"

  She chuckles as she swoops all of my hair to the right side. She piles all of my curly hair, including the loose braid in one hand and ties it with a pony tail holder at the bottom of my hairline, below my right ear. She begins forming a messy bun with the pony tail. "Honey, every man dreads the day they have to share their little girl with another man. You'll see one day when you have a daughter. I would say dad is doing pretty good considering he had no warning. Usually, it's when you're sixteen and come home asking to go to the prom, months in advance, and he has a chance to get used to the idea before a boy shows up at the front door. You've always surprised us though; never going by the book on anything. As relieving as it is that you never give us an ounce of trouble, I was beginning to wonder if I was going to get to take you prom dress shopping and other mom daughter things that I have been waiting to do with you."

  She almost sounds kind of sad. I guess this isn't the time for me to announce I don't plan on having kids, ever. Kids are a blessing from above and everything, but it's just not for me. I have too many desires and wants to be tied down to children or marriage. She puts the last of the bobby pins around the bun to hold it loosely and gets up to grab the hairspray. "Come here. Let me finish you off."

  I stand up and walk to the mirror. I'll have to admit my mom is one awesome fashionista to be a mother with two grown kids. It's a loose bun of curls on the lower right side of my head beneath my ear. "I have something for you." She pulls a handkerchief from her pocket, holding it in her hand. She unwraps the cloth, revealing a small pair of diamond hoops. My eyes widen as they lay perfectly still, glimmering in the light. "Your father gave these to me one year from the day we started dating. I had them cleaned and put up for you for this occasion. The first day my little girl became a woman. To me, that day is today. You have blossomed and have shown your maturity, so I think you're ready."

  I really feel bad that I have no intentions of becoming serious about dating. "Mom, you don't have to do this. You know we're not serious right? I just met him. I'm just showing him a good time and taking him around while he's visiting, but nothing more."

  She holds up her hand to stop me. "Honey, I know you're not holding out your hand waiting on a diamond ring, but this is a big step for you. Take them they will look beautiful on you."

  I give her a hug, "Thank you. I love them." She releases me and watches me put the earrings on, one by one.

  "You're very welcome. Now let's get you finished. You have one handsome boy down there waiting on you. You sure do know how to pick a cute one. Hurry up or your brother may not let him leave with you in hand. He seems a little on edge," she winks again and sprays my hair. Just like that I pick up pace. I know Konnor and I've seen him in protection mode when his friends used to show an interest in me. I don't want to rehash those times.

  Putting on my gladiator sandals, I grab my mint green clutch purse I bought to go with this dress and put my necessities inside. Handbags and shoes are my personal weakness among fashion. I have a bag for everything. I run to my closet and pull my mint green and gold tote from the shelf. I place my black mono-kini swimsuit and matching sheer coverup skirt in the bag as well as my black shimmery flip flops. Walking into my bathroom, I grab my black and pink beach towel.

  As I come back out, mom is standing at the doorway holding on to the knob. "You look beautiful. He isn't going to let you out of his sight. You ready to go baby girl?"

  Smiling, I nod and start for the door trailing behind my mom. As we're coming down the stairs, everyone looks my way standing to their feet. I feel like a princess being announced at a ball. It's stra
nge. I don't usually like being the focal point, but right now, knowing I'm the focal point to a guy that looks like that really isn't all that bad.

  A big smile spreads across Breyson's face at the same time a scowl spreads across Konnor's. I walk beside my dad and he puts an arm over my shoulder. "You sure are gorgeous just like your mother," he says kissing my cheek. He turns to Breyson, "Son I expect you to take special care of my baby girl. You do that and we won't have any problems. Understood?"

  Breyson nods, "Yes sir. That won't be a problem." He looks over to me, "You ready to go?"

  I can tell Konnor wants to say something the way he is looking at me. I look him in the eyes, telling him I'll be fine. We've always had a way of communicating without actually speaking. He nods his head in response to my silent message. I look back to Breyson, "As ready as I'll ever be."



  I wasn't prepared for what came walking down the stairs. Sure, I've seen her dressed in several different ways at this point, but what she looks like now, barely allowed me to breathe. If I thought it was hard to contain myself before, it just got harder. This girl puts any other girl to shame and today she's mine. She has legs to die for. It brings back the memory of them wrapped out me in the pool.

  Usually, I would never come to a girl's house and meet her family. It's too intimate and gives off messages that I never want made, but this girl has a way of making me want to do things I never do without even trying. I will have to admit, that now I know why I never do this.

  After sitting down in the living room with her family, listening to the I've got a shotgun and I'm not afraid to use it speech, I wasn't all that disappointed to leave without eating. I don't want to forget to mention her brother staring daggers at me, like he wanted to kick my ass. I can't say that I blame him, though, because I have a fourteen year old sister. I imagine if a guy like me was thinking about her in the same way that I'm thinking about Kinzleigh, I'd want to beat his ass too.

  We walk outside and get in the truck. "Do you realize how beautiful you are?" I don't pride myself on being romantic because I'm not, but if this girl doesn't realize how gorgeous she is, she needs to be told. It blows me away that someone hasn't tried harder to claim her. If I lived here, I wouldn't let her out of my sight. The fact that she actually wants to let me claim her body for the first time gives me chills. Instead of it freaking me out as it should and normally would be, now I'm imagining how much I want to claim her; to go where no other man has gone. I've never been with a virgin before. I've always stayed far away from them; it's an unspoken rule of mine. A girl that loses her virginity is looking for love and I am not the place to find it. Apparently, she is the one person that could make me break my rules. Now, the thought being her first is consuming my mind, and probably more much than it should. Is it normal for it to thrill me; give me a surge of an adrenaline rush?

  She blushes as I sit here staring at her. I can't help it; I can't take my eyes off of her. "Thanks, I guess," she says. "Where to first? You said Presley gave you the rundown so I take it I don't have to?"

  "Yeah, I got everything covered. Let's go." We pull out of her driveway and head toward town. According to Presley, we really didn't have much to get. The food is being delivered by a catering company and a rental company is setting up all of the tents and tables. A DJ will set up his own equipment as well. I think it was really just extras and stuff for her. Presley said there was a party planner setting up the decorations and making sure everything ran smoothly.

  Personally, this is all a little new to me. Where I'm from, a party doesn't get put together by party planners. Most people just get together and do their own thing. I wish I could take her back home and show her how it's done in the south. The guys would be falling all over her. Wait, what the hell am I thinking. That's exactly why I wouldn't want her back at home. I like not having to share her. I'm just going to enjoy the extra hour with her alone, before we head back to Presley's and I no longer have her all to myself. "I have to run to the mall and pick up Presley a new swimsuit," she says breaking the silence.

  "Seeing Presley's house and car, I find it hard to believe she doesn't have a swimsuit," I say teasingly.

  "Girl rule number one," she holds up her index finger. "Always have a new outfit for every occasion," she replies sarcastically with a smile on her face.

  "You're telling me she hasn't already picked it out? Don't girls do that stuff weeks in advance?" I don't know much about girls other than physical anatomy, but I know enough from girls at school that those things are topics for weeks on end, prior to the event.

  "Presley is a little...different I guess. She knows that the new swimwear line comes in today. She refuses to have on the same swimsuit as anyone else, since it's her party. Don't ask me why, because I have no idea."

  I just shake my head. Women are like a species from an alien planet. You can't live with them and you can't seem to live without them either. "I'm just the driver, tell me where to go."

  We come to a stop light. Take a few right turns and Laguna Hills mall isn't far on the left. "You remember how to get to Bj's right? It's in that same location." I nod and follow her directions.

  It really doesn't take as long as I thought to get here. Pulling in the parking lot, I find a spot and kill the engine. "What all do we have to get again?"

  She hops down from the side step, upon getting out of the truck. "Just pick up the party favors and Presley's stuff. That's all unless something calls to me," she says with a smile on her face. "She called ahead for the party favors so we just have to pick them up. It may be several trips, though, for the party favors alone between three or four different stores. I think for the girls it's candles and cosmetics and for the guys I don't even know. I may have to call her. Probably sports memorabilia or watches or something."

  "She really puts a lot of money into this doesn't she?" I don't know why it has to be so extravagant for a pool party. I'm really out of my realm on this one.

  We begin walking to the huge mall standing before us. "Well her birthday is during holiday season and cooler weather so it's never a big deal. This is her way to make up for it I guess. She's had one every year since she was fifteen. It's just become a tradition now. I don't know what everyone will do when she graduates. I guess her little sister, Paxtyn, will take over. By the time we graduate, she will be in high school," she says shrugging her shoulders.

  As we walk into the mall, I notice just how busy it is. Walking through the crowded interior I ask, "Where to first?"

  She looks at me as she weaves through the mass of people. "I don't know, I guess Victoria's Secret is the best place to start."

  I stop abruptly, before realizing there are several people behind me. A woman with a stroller almost slams into the back of me. I begin walking quickly to catch up with Kinzleigh. "You did not say anything about Victoria's Secret. Victoria can keep her secrets because there is no way I'm walking in that store."

  "I don't know where you're from, but here you better keep pace or you'll become a floor mat." She laughs and keeps walking, not even fazed by the fact I'm silently as well as outwardly freaking out about walking in a lingerie store. For such short legs, she sure can walk fast. When I catch up to her she is at the edge of the store about to walk in. "Well, are you coming?"

  I stand there looking into the store, filled with racks upon racks of lingerie and underwear. I have no experience underwear shopping; only removing the already purchased product. I begin running my fingers through my hair. I have never in my life been to a woman's lingerie store. Do men even go in these types of stores if they aren't married? She raises a brow at me, "Scared something is going to jump out and bite you?"

  I cannot believe I'm so hung up over a hot girl that I'm fixing to walk in this place. It's a little intimidating. Sighing, I say, "You owe me for this and once I decide what it is, I will collect."

  She rolls her eyes at me. "Whatever you say, lover boy, now come on," she says sa
rcastically. Funny, I actually like the sound of that. She is halfway through the store when I realize I'm still standing here, at the entry of the store. Putting my hands in my pockets, I walk quickly in her direction. Bypassing the store associates and bystanders, smiles begin turning up on each of them and they all ask me, "Is there something I can help you with?"

  Smiling politely, I pick up pace to catch up with her. Shaking my head I reply, "No thank you. I'm just along for the ride," I say awkwardly, pointing at Kinzleigh digging through swimsuits on a table in the back.

  I walk up beside her, smiling. "That is two things you owe me. Shall we continue to add favors?"

  She looks at me, scrunching her nose. "Uh, how do you arrive at that assessment?"

  "You just left me to fend for myself in a woman's lingerie store. The associates are eying me like flying vultures and I am the road kill in the middle of the road. They are waiting to swoop down and pick at me."

  "Oh don't be so dramatic. Your uneasiness makes you stick out like a sore thumb. They sense your nervousness. Just play it cool and watch," she says holding out a swim suit top. I just eye it stupidly. How is this supposed to help? "Hey babe, hold this for me okay?" She says it loud enough the store associate closest to us hears.

  I awkwardly take the swimsuit looking her in the eyes. She turns up one side of her mouth and has a mischievous look in her eye. "Okay..." Sure enough, as I take the swimsuit, the girl close to us wrinkles her nose in a look of disgust and stomps off like someone just stole her toy.

  "You can thank me later," she says teasingly and goes back to rummaging through the pile of swimsuits. Thirty minutes later, we're checking out with two arm fills of items. One for Kinzleigh and one for Presley.

  This is not changing my mind about wanting to do this again. I think I'll leave shopping to females. Usually, I just let my mom buy my clothes or run in one of a couple stores and have an entire new wardrobe in thirty minutes tops. The amount of money a girl can spend on underwear and swimsuits is insane to me. Five hundred dollars later, we're leaving the store ready to finish getting everything for the party.


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