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Accepted Fate

Page 15

by Charisse Spiers

  The next two hours went by in a bit of a blur. Between hauling out hundreds of candles and other meaningless items, I'm ready to get to this party. If it wasn't for Kinzleigh being so freakin' hot, I would have never agreed to this. The girl seems to have me doing all kinds of random things I would never in a million years do, without even asking me to do it; I just volunteer. With all the constant trips back and forth to the truck, I'm sweating. We stopped about an hour ago and grabbed something to eat from Subway to replenish some of this lost energy.

  Finally in the truck, I turn to Kinzleigh, "Please tell me we're done." At this point I'll tell Presley personally that she can do it herself.

  Kinzleigh shyly smiles over at me, "Yes, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let you tag along. It was a lot of work." What she doesn't know is there was no way I wasn't coming along. Any excuse to spend more time with her, I'll take.

  "Nah, it's okay but Presley can do the rest herself. I'm just not used to parties entailing so much work. Y'all do things a lot different around here. I didn't have anything better to do; I'm just giving you a hard time."

  "We still have a little while until the party starts if you want to just drop me off at Presley's and come back later, when the party starts. She always times it to start in the afternoon and continue into the night, where she can turn on the pool lights and light up the tents." There is no way I'm letting her go this early. I can only imagine what kinds of dickweeds I'll have to go through to get her attention once everyone shows up. If what Ryland said was true, every male with something swinging between their legs will want to get close to her in a swimsuit.

  The thought of someone else trying to touch her is starting to infuriate me. I let out a deep breath trying to get a grip. "How about we drop this stuff off and you can come with me. I have to go by Ryland's and get my swim shorts anyways. I didn't think about it when I left this morning. Ryland's parents were going to some kind of company BBQ so it'll just be us most likely. We can hang out for a bit and change there, then head over to Presley's a little before it starts, to make sure she doesn't need help. I think Ryland was helping her anyways."

  "Are you sure? I don't want to take up your entire week here. I know there are probably other things you'd rather be doing. You don't have to occupy your time by the likes of me." The sheer fact that she actually is humble enough to think she is keeping me from something better than being in her presence makes me like her all the more. The girl could have any guy she wants and she really doesn't see it.

  "I'm sure," I say pulling into Presley's driveway. That same Porsche is sitting in the drive from earlier, but now in the open garage. I wonder whose car that is. Just as I pull up, a guy walks to the driver side door and opens it. He looks about twenty or twenty one. When he looks at the truck, his eyes focus into the passenger side, clearly recognizing Kinzleigh. A snarling look comes across his face. "Who is that guy?"

  She sighs as if not wanting to enter into this discussion. "That's Preston, Presley's older brother. He's home for the summer from UC Berkeley." Oh hell no. She stayed the night with that guy in the same house. I know that look on his face. He wants her and he is willing to do whatever it takes to get her. I've seen that look before. Now, I want to hurry up and get her out of here. The way he is staring at her is pissing me off.

  Ryland's yellow jeep is sitting in the driveway beside me. "Will you be alright long enough for me to switch keys with Ryland?"

  She nods, looking slightly confused. "Why wouldn't I be?"

  "Well for starters, that guy is still standing there staring at you and looking like he wants to tear my head off every time he glances in my direction." I look back over and see him standing with the door open and he is clenching his fists by his sides. I normally don't like to fight or start any trouble; at least not over a girl, but if he wants to start anything over this one, I'm all in.

  We seem to be having one of those man to man stare offs. The one where you both understand what the other is after and she is the prize. May the best man win. My hands tighten around the steering wheel, my knuckles turning white. I may have to leave her to him in a few days but right now she's mine. I will stake my claim if he doesn't back off. I hope this clown doesn't intend to hang around the party, trying to get her attention. He may be older and taller, but not by much and I'm twice his size.

  "Preston won't hurt me; we just have some...unfinished business. It's fine, I'll go ahead and take my bags to the jeep. Let Presley know her stuff is here, will you?" She looks at Preston and opens the door. Great, now I don't want to leave her side. The faster I go get those keys, the faster I can get back.

  "I'll let her know when I tell Ryland to come unload everything. I'll be right back." I jump out and head for the back yard, where the pool sits, in the opposite direction of the garage. I get to the back and see Ryland almost immediately. "Hey Rye, come here man," I say wavering him over in a sprint towards him.

  "What's up? You look pissed."

  "It's nothing; me and Kinzleigh are running by the pool house and we'll be back in about an hour. I need your jeep keys. I'm just going to let you unload everything from the truck."

  Handing me the keys, he runs his other hand through his curly hair. "What's up with you? You cool?" I keep looking back towards the front of the house as if I could actually see what was going on with the two of them.

  "Yeah man, I got to go. I'll be back." I grab the keys and take off towards the driveway. When I round the house, I see Kinzleigh leaned up against the jeep with her arms crossed over her chest and that Preston guy has a hand on each side of her head, against the door of the Jeep. They seem to be having some kind of conversation. Seeing him that close to her has me raging to hit something. I close my eyes and pop my neck to the side, trying to calm down before I lay him out on the ground and freak her out.

  As I get closer to the Jeep, I grab her bags from the ground beside her feet and look at her. "You ready to go?"

  He pushes off the Jeep, but doesn't put any more distance between them. "Where are you going? You're not missing the party are you?" His voice is deep but he sounds a little panicky. That's right, I think to myself, she's going with me.

  She rolls her eyes as if she's slightly aggravated. "Preston, this is Ryland's cousin Breyson. Stop being rude; it's not like you. He's visiting for a while." She looks over at me. "Breyson, this is Presley's older brother, Preston. I'm sorry, he's not usually like this," she says crinkling her brows in confusion.

  In the split of a second, his face smooths out and he holds out his hand. "Kinzleigh's right. My apologies." He has a cocky grin and I know why. In all of that information he heard one thing; I'm visiting. He knows he has the lead because I'm leaving soon and he's not stupid enough to piss her off. Well, two can play at that game.

  I hold out my hand grasping his, "Nice to meet you." His handshake says it all. My dad gave me the course on a man's handshake and what it means. He's overbearing in his grip. He's telling me she's as good as his. Well, assume away, because we shall see who she ends up with. I tighten my jaw as I look him in the eyes.

  Kinzleigh clears her throat. "I hate to break up this little bromance that's brewing, but we need to go if we're going to get back in time." I can't help but to smirk, standing before him. I feel like a UFC fighter that's just won his match. Yeah she's coming with me. I drop my hand and open her door.

  "I'll be waiting for you," he calls out as I shut the door, backing towards the garage, and just like that my temporary victory was just shattered. I should have known better. Of course he's going to hang around a bunch of high schoolers to be around her.

  "I wouldn't count on it," I mumble, after closing the door. I get in and start the ignition, backing out of the driveway.

  The drive to Ryland's was short and silent. I was mad and trying to sort through all these emotions pumping through my body. I've never had to deal with jealousy and rage when it comes to a girl and I sure as hell have never had to compete.

  As I park and k
ill the engine, she looks at me from the passenger seat, "Are you okay? You haven't said anything since we left."

  I really need to get my crap together. "Yeah, I was just thinking about some things. Come on and grab your stuff."

  As we walk into the door, she sets her bag down. "We need to get going in about thirty minutes," she says walking around to the front of the couch.

  Awesome! I just can't wait to get back to the spoiled little rich boy, trying to one up me. "We'll be ready." I sit down and reach for her hand, pulling her into the opening of my legs. "I just want to sit with you for a while. Will you do that?" She nods her head and I notice the slightest blush appear on her cheeks.

  I grab her waist, pulling her closer to me. She places her hands on my shoulders, looking down at me. "What do you want to talk about?"

  "Tell me where you're moving," I say. She starts to open her mouth, but then closes it again. Clearly it caught her off guard.

  She shakes her head, "No specifics. Remember? That was the deal to hang out."

  She is so stubborn. "What will it hurt? Maybe it's close enough to me that we can meet up some. It can't be too far from..." She slaps her hand over my mouth before I can say Mississippi.

  "I don't want to know. Look, this can't go further than the time you're here. I can't afford any complications in my life or to veer from the path I've set for myself. I've worked too hard for everything, to let anything get in the way now. Me moving doesn't change anything. A year from now, I'll be back in California. Nothing or no one, my parents included, will change that. My heart will and always be in California. I will forever own it and the right to it. I can give you my body and a few days while you're here and that's it. There is no reason to try and kid ourselves with some illusion to create some kind of attachment that is not necessary. I've thought about it and I want to give my virginity to you; not because I want anything from you, but because it's what I want. I always do the right thing. I have no intentions on wasting my time on love or anything that it entails. I'm doing this for me. When I have to leave here for a year, I'll have something beautiful to take with me."

  Well I'll be damned. I'm staring at the female version of myself. Where has she been all my life? Of course the one time I find someone exactly like me, she has to be across the country. There are just too many people wrapped up in the illusions of falling in love. Here as I sit, I have finally found someone that doesn't care one thing about it. Someone who actually wants to live and go after the things she wants. I love that she knows what she wants and will let nothing stop her. I, on the other hand, have lived under my father’s shadow all my life. He pushes me to be a doctor just like him and my mom, but I would rather play sports. It's something I'm good at. The one day of the year I wait around for is the NFL draft. During the fall, I live, breathe, and sweat football.

  To dad, sports are just a part of high school and college, but nothing more. He is always riding me about keeping perfect grades. To him, professional sports are for the people that cannot excel academically. No one stands up to him on how he believes. Everyone just goes along with it. Since my mom is an OBGYN at the largest women's clinic in town, she's pretty much just like dad.

  To me being drafted in the NFL, senior year of college would be a dream come true. The main reason I'm dad's lab rat when it comes to training and cardiovascular health is because I want to be recruited to one of the best colleges in the country. I keep straight A's in case he has to pay for school at the college of my choice. I don't care if I have to be a biology major like he wants, as long as I can play football. All I have to do to keep dad happy is major in what he wants, then hopefully I'll get drafted before I have to worry with medical school.

  I'm the fastest running-back around and started getting college scouts last year. I've been first string running-back since freshman year. I've never been benched a single game. One more year and I can start working towards my dream. My top three choice colleges are Louisiana State University, Florida State, and Alabama.

  I realize I haven't said anything back because I'm still utterly shocked we're having this conversation. It's like someone handing you a million dollar loan and telling you not to worry about paying it back; no strings attached. "I don't know Kinzleigh. As much as I want you and I want to claim you before any other male, I'm not a virgin. I haven't been one for a while. As a matter of fact, I've been with enough other girls, you probably wouldn't want your first time to be with me. Isn't that supposed to be a special moment to share with someone else that's never done it before either?" I cannot believe I am actually trying to talk her out of this. Maybe I should check and make sure my dick is still down there.

  What red-blooded male turns down an opportunity like this? I lay my head against the back of the couch, looking her in the eyes, trying to read her emotions. She almost looks annoyed. "Are you done rambling yet? If you haven't noticed already, I don't usually go by the traditions of everyone else. I would actually prefer this way, because I don't need any expectations after, such as dating. This is kind of perfect," she says as she straddles me on the couch.

  "You can teach me what I don't know and then you'll be free to go back home without worrying of an attachment forming; to do whatever you please with whomever you please." My breathing becomes ragged as I place my hands on each side of her waist. She grabs my hair in her fists, causing me to close my eyes. She lowers herself, closer to my lap. I have never been turned on so fast by a girl and I'm trying to calm myself down. I haven't even touched her yet. My jeans are becoming so tight, the seems are about to bust. The compression against my genitals is painful; it needs to be freed. She lightly rubs against the zipper back and forth. She is getting bold and I like it.

  I can feel heat radiating from between her legs, making it worse. She presses a cheek against mine, her lips barely touching my ear. "So you up for it, or are you going to leave the job to someone else?" She is playing with fire as if she knows I can't stand the thought of another guy touching her. One specific guy comes to mind.

  I can't take it anymore; to hell with everything. I press her tight against my jeans, allowing her to feel what she's doing to me. She is breathing heavily as well, acknowledging that I'm having the same affect on her as she is on me. I take her face in my hands, looking her directly in the eyes. "Are you sure you want to do this? You have one chance to change your mind and I'll never bring it up again or attempt to kiss you." I'm shaking and my voice is deeper than it usually is. I feel like I'm about to combust with need. "If you don't change your mind right now, this will happen before I leave. I will claim your body. This is your one chance. You're making me crazy. After this, I will not be able to stop anymore."

  I can't read her thoughts. She can hide them like a professional poker player. "I've never been surer of anything. I want you. I've never been interested in sex before," she says as her face is starting to flush a mild shade of red. "I don't know what these feelings mean or what to do with them. I may not be any good, but I can learn if you will teach me."

  That was the last straw. She hasn't even touched me yet and she has me wound up so tight, I feel like I can't breathe. I can't fathom her being bad at anything, especially not sex. It then dawns on me, "Kinzleigh have you ever had an orgasm?"

  Her cheeks brighten in color. "I told you I've never been with a guy like that; that meant as in nothing at all." It's really cute that she doesn't fully get what I'm asking.

  "I remember you saying that, but that's not all I'm asking. You have never given yourself one? You know, to find your likes and dislikes." Her eyes widen and she bites her lip, shaking her head.

  "I've never wanted to do that. It's kind of weird to think of touching myself." I thought this conversation would calm these raging, Kinzleigh induced, hormones but it's not. It's having the reverse effect.

  "Kinzleigh, had you ever kissed someone before the night on the pier?" That conversation with Ryland is coming back loud and clear. I can't believe he was actually right.

  She closes her eyes as I pull her closer to me. She is holding onto my wrists. When she opens her eyes, I get the answer to my question. I can see it all over her face. "Not since I played spin the bottle at Presley's thirteenth birthday party. I'm a quick learner, though; just teach me."

  What she doesn't know is, I haven't kissed a girl since I lost my virginity at the age of fourteen. I haven't wanted to...until her and it was damn near perfect. I'm not interested in emotional attachments. I watched Beau lose his life over a girl. Me, him, and Ryland were really close. I saw how one girl could destroy an entire family because she didn't have the decency to break up with him before she gave herself to another man. The day we laid him in the ground, was the day I promised I would never become breakable at the hands of a woman.

  I pull her in for a kiss. She will be mine; maybe only for a week, but a week nonetheless. Her lips are full and moist. I suck in her bottom lip. She tightens her grip in my hair. Slightly parting her lips, I slip my tongue inside. The menthol in her gum cools my tongue, as it connects with hers. She twirls her tongue around mine perfectly, only plunging slightly into my mouth.

  I place my hand on the back of her neck and then run my hands down the spine of her back before stopping at the bottom hem of her dress that is resting on top of my legs. Taking hold of her thighs, I trail my callused hand up her legs, beneath her dress. Her skin is as smooth as molasses with a sun kissed glow. I get to her perfect, round bottom covered in lace. She lightly bites my bottom lip, causing me to pull her closer to me in need. I run my tongue along her bottom lip. I kiss her chin and trail my tongue along her jaw line. When I reach the end of her jaw, I suck in her ear lobe, causing her to roll her head back revealing her neck in full.

  Her breathing picks up and she begins to rock back and forth in my lap. I continue kissing down her jugular vein as my fingers brush up her body lightly, continuing up the skin of her back. As a result, she arches. Her breasts press into my chest. Her bra must be lined of lace because her excitement is noticeable through the thin fabric. Her dress travels upward, along with my hands.


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