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Accepted Fate

Page 17

by Charisse Spiers

  "Thanks Preston. Look, can we talk later, just me and you? Right now is kind of a bad time. I promise I'll give you my undivided attention." At this point, I don't know what else to do. How did I get myself into all this mess? I guess I can't totally avoid men forever.

  Presley is still standing here, listening to everything we're saying. If they weren't brother and sister it would be awkward. "Okay Kinzleigh, I can do that. I really need us to talk though. Last night didn't go exactly as I planned, then when I got up this morning you were gone." He sounds almost sad. I've never really seen Preston this way. He's usually cocky and arrogant, with a different girl on his arm every time I see him.

  I look at Presley, trying to hint for her to leave for a minute so I can make sure he's okay. She, of course, doesn't get the memo because she is the teacher of drama and gossip 101. "Okay Preston. I promise I'll come find you later." He nods and walks off. I notice he looks at Breyson on the way to the house. To actually think boys call us impossible to figure out is just crazy. I've been close to Preston since I was a kid and still thought boys had cooties. In all those years, he's never once acted like we were anything more than friends. Now, suddenly he's throwing at me dating and forever. The thought of settling down forever makes me physically ill. If more women would be worried about making themselves happy instead of being at every beckon call of a man, there would be less heartache in the world.

  I have my life planned out. I want to travel the world and spend my younger days cheerleading in the NFL. When I'm older, I want to start a cheerleading company and be known across the country for training the best cheerleaders around. No one got to the top with a baby on their hip doting on a man.

  I start towards my lounger and Presley is keeping pace. "You, missy, have some explaining to do," she says with a devious grin on her face.

  I lay down the towel I've been carrying and sit down. Presley really does have the coolest pool around for pool parties. It's a full sized pool but the difference is, there is a platform completely surrounding the inner edge of the pool that rests a couple inches below the water. It is lined all the way around with leaf shaped wicker loungers made for the water. I love it in the summer, because you can lay just barely in the water while you tan.

  In one corner there is a rock formation wall, suspended in the air for a waterfall that harbors a small cave like opening behind it. Diagonally across the pool is a water slide formed into the same kind of rock. Presley's house is known for her pool. Her parents had it built for this sole purpose; to entertain. They also had an outdoor kitchen put in for their adult gatherings. We are always at Presley's, with and without parents present.

  "What is it that you want me to explain to you? Did I leave my sunglasses here?" There is no way she knows that I was slightly naughty earlier. That is my secret.

  She dangles a pair of black Versace sunglasses in the air with an evil gleam in her eye. "Oh you mean these sunglasses?" I begin to reach for them and she pulls them back out of my reach. I hate that she is shaped like a model; tall and thin with arms and legs for days. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, you know what you have to do to get them back. I want information and I want it now."

  My four hundred dollar sunglasses are my favorite accessory and she knows this. I'm very particular about my things. My parents work hard to give me the things that I have. "There is nothing to tell you," I whine reaching for my sunglasses again. She pulls them higher than before. I huff and look out at the pool. The boys and some of the girls have a volleyball game set up in the middle of the pool. My eyes land on Breyson, as he jumps in the air to spike the ball back over the net. Water beads trickle down his back as his muscles flex.

  His tattoo almost looks like it waves as his shoulder muscles protrude, with the rotation of his right shoulder, as he smacks the ball with the palm of his hand. I bite my lip as I think of being wrapped in those strong arms. "Uh huh, someone got some action. It's written all over your face. You must really think I'm stupid. I know you better than you know yourself. I could see it when you got here and now you just confirmed it. Spill."

  I look over to Presley, now that I've been caught gazing at his body. I can't help but to smile thinking about earlier. "Why must you know everything? One of these days your brain is going to explode from all of the information that lies in there."

  I look around to see who all is listening. I have never been one to advertise my business, no matter what it is. When I turn back to Presley, Lexi is standing behind her. "Hey girls...what have I missed?" She has a malicious look on her face. I wish I knew what was wrong with her.

  "Hey Lex. Are you okay? You don't seem like yourself today." She looks out at the pool. Her eyes begin to glass over. When I turn to see what she is looking at, it's Breyson. They did act like they knew each other earlier. Maybe I'm missing something.

  "So he's trying to screw you now too huh?" I whip my head back towards her. I couldn't have just heard her right.

  "Excuse me? What do you mean?"

  "Awe, that's so sweet. You really thought he liked you," she says sarcastically. "Poor thing, we really need to teach you a thing or two about boys. It's not your fault; you aren't used to the dating thing. They can be hellacious creatures. Always after one thing and not thinking of the destruction it causes in its path."

  "Lexi, what are you talking about?" I'm starting to panic at this point. I hate being out of the loop on things.

  "I met him the other night at Logan's. He was drunk and all over me. I was about to go upstairs with him until he accidentally mentioned he had a girlfriend. It's sad really. She's probably sitting at home waiting on his return and he's out here hooking up with other girls. I don't really care, but sloppy seconds just aren't my style."

  Presley has her eyes narrowed at Lexi. "You're lying. I know you Lexi Callahan. What I can't figure out is why. Kinzleigh has never done anything to you. Why would you be such a conniving little bitch?"

  She pulls her sunglasses down from their resting place on top of her head, as a smirk begins forming on her lips. "Don't take my word for it, just ask him." She looks out at the pool one last time and prances off. How could I be so stupid? I feel sick. I think I'm about to go into a panic attack. There is one thing I will not tolerate and that is cheating. I may not be the relationship type, but I will not be the floozy either. My brother has been shattered over a cheating little harlot and I will not be the cause of someone else's pain.

  "I need to go. Presley I'm sorry." I am just staring down at my feet, trying to breathe.

  "Okay sweetie. Do you need me to give you a ride? Don't let her get to you Kinzleigh. She probably isn't telling the whole truth. You know she is a spoiled little brat and will do anything to get her way."

  I look out in the pool and see Breyson. The color drains from his face. That was all the answer I needed. It said enough. It doesn't matter if some of what Lexi said was a lie because he just answered the one part I'm interested in. "That's okay. Stay here with your party guests. I'll find Preston and get a ride. Call me later, 'kay?" Breyson is making his way across the pool. I've got to get out of here.

  I stand quickly and step out of the pool. "Kinzleigh, hold up," he calls out. I begin running. I can feel a panic attack coming on. I've been getting them since the day Grams died, but have had them under control for the last year. I don't even have to take medication anymore and in the last few days they are starting up again.

  I make it to the patio door when I feel a hand on mine. "Kinzleigh stop. What's wrong? What did she say to you?"

  I'm angry as it all starts to set in. Turning around to face him, he steps back. "Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend? Do I look stupid to you? Did you think I wouldn't find out? I may be inexperienced, but I have boundaries. I am not a cheap whore you can just use and run back to your girlfriend in a week. I didn't care that you've been with several girls, but this crosses the line. I guess I should have known. People like you are all the same. You really should all stick together; cheaters and liars. I
am not one to judge, usually, but my brother was destroyed over a girl just like you." I'm yelling at this point, but I can't help it. This is a very sensitive issue with me. I've watched what's left of my brother day in and day out, trying to piece himself back together.

  Preston opens the sliding glass door, "Kinzleigh, are you alright?"

  "I need a ride home. Can you take me?" My heart is pounding in my chest and I feel like I'm going to pass out.

  "Of course, let me grab my keys." He turns and disappears out of sight.

  Breyson is tightening his fists by his sides. "So that's it then? You're not even going to let me explain? You won't even hear the story from both sides before just believing someone else? I thought you were different than that, Kinzleigh."

  "What is there to hear Breyson? Lexi told me you were all over her at Logan's, until she found out you had a girlfriend. Did you think you were just going to move on to me next, since she wouldn't give you what you wanted?" My voice is starting to break. The stress is starting to take over my body and I can feel tears stinging my eyes, trying to break free. I only cry when I'm severely angry. I guess it's my body's way of releasing the toxins roaming through my veins. "I broke rules for you because I thought you were different. I was okay with a casual fling, but I will not be the cause of someone else's heartache and I will not be used against my will."

  "I don't have a girlfriend Kinzleigh. I did, but it's not what you think." He starts pulling at his hair. "Can we please talk and I'll explain?"

  "Did you or did you not have a girlfriend any of the times you have kissed me?" It's a simple question and the only one I'm interested in. He just stares at me, as Preston appears back in the doorway and the look on Breyson's face gives me my answer. "Goodbye Breyson. Have a nice life." I turn and walk inside, behind Preston, leaving him standing in the doorway.

  When Preston gets to the garage door, he turns towards me as he grabs the doorknob. "Are you sure you're okay? I can make him leave if you want to stay. This is just as much your house as it is mine."

  Preston always was thinking of me first especially now that I stop and think about it. I feel kind of like the story I learned in church of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. I've went all this time blinded to everything around me and now that I've tasted the fruit, my eyes are open. Now, I want to go back to being blinded and it's impossible. It's too bad that I am not one of those girls that want to be in a relationship, because Preston honestly would be kind of perfect.

  He's sexy and our families are really close. We've been friends since we were kids so there are no surprises. Him and Konnor have always been and are still close friends when he's home from school, so he knows what he's going through and how I feel about it. I don't know, but it's not enough.

  If I was going to give my virginity to anyone else, I might consider Preston since I'm moving, but with him bringing up some of that crazy talk, I don't think he can handle it without expectations. I can't risk messing up our tight knit family circle. Plus, I don't get the butterflies when I'm around him like I do with Breyson. He doesn't make me weak in the knees or short of breath. Maybe it's stupid to compare, but I don't know, I kind of liked the way being around Breyson affected me.

  "That's okay Preston, just take me home. I don't really feel well and I promised you we would talk anyway. We can knock out two things at one time." He nods his head and starts out the door.

  "Nice car," I say taking a seat in the sleek white Porsche with black, leather interior. Even though it's a sports car, Preston has made it his own with black star like rims and spoiler on the back. He backs out of the garage with a smile on his face.

  "You could have one, you know. All you have to do is say the word the day I graduate. I get a big bonus when I walk across that stage and receive my business degree." I roll my eyes. He is not helping calm me down by trying to buy me. It just freaks me out more.

  "Preston, you know having this conversation is having the opposite of the desired effect right? You know I'm not that kind of girl and I never will be. I don't want to live off someone else. I want to be my own person. If I wanted a new car I would buy it myself. Are you forgetting I'm only seventeen? I still have to graduate high school and go to college. You act like we're on the same page and we're reading two different books. Where is all this coming from? I'm pretty sure there are plenty of girls that would love to be your trophy and spend your money."

  He is deep in thought as we drive down the road, listening to the purr of the engine. It really is a beautiful car. He passes my house and I wonder where we are going, but I keep quiet. Obviously, he has things he wants to say and I promised I'd listen. I owe him that much. He has always been there for me, no questions asked.

  He pulls in the harbor and I know now where we are. The yacht our parents bought together is anchored here. He kills the engine and looks at me, resting his left hand on the door handle. "I know you don't feel well, but I wanted to talk. This is one place we can do that."

  We exit the car and begin walking down the dock, passing a string of boats in various shapes and sizes. We finally reach the end of the dock, where ours sits at anchor. We haven't been on it in a while, since summer vacation just started. We pretty much live on this boat during the summer because our parents use most of their vacation time then. It's been a tradition since we were kids.

  Preston steps across the space between the dock and the boat, planting both feet on the other side. He turns around and holds out his hand. This part always scares me a little, no matter how many times I've been thrown or suspended in the air. Something about the boat being so high and rocking as you're trying to get a good balance with the possibility of falling in freaks me out. I take his hand and cross the barrier, but he doesn't release my hand.

  As we walk across the upper deck of the yacht and down the stairs, I take in its beauty. I love it here. It's decorated in reds and browns and is so homey. I guess I should take advantage of my last month to come here. He sits down on the couch and pulls me down beside him. "What's on your mind pretty girl?" He was always so much easier to talk to than Presley; maybe because he's a lot like me and Konnor. He's laid back and can talk forever or just listen. He's probably the only person aside from my brother I really would go to if I had a problem.

  "Just thinking of how much I'm going to miss this place," I say. I guess I might as well let the cat out of the bag. Then he will realize anything he is about to say is probably a waste of breath. "Mom and dad are moving us across the country. I don't want to go, but I have no choice. As much as I want to kick and scream in a tantrum, they are pretty set that it's a done deal." Just thinking about this all over again is depressing. "I have no idea what I'm supposed to do about cheerleading and my national all-star tryouts are the same week we move I think."

  He just sits there looking at me, waiting to make sure I'm finished before he talks. Typical Preston. He's a very patient person, which will make him a good business man. He following in his dad's footsteps is exactly where he should be. "Dad mentioned that the other night. They are kind of freaking out about it too. He left telling Presley up to mom, so I don't know if she knows yet. By her behavior, I would say probably not. She will most likely have a meltdown, since you two are pretty much twins separated at birth."

  "So you already knew? Then where is all this nonsense coming from about you and me? You've never once made any attempts at a relationship outside of what we've always been and now you're acting like you're planning your wedding." We are sitting sideways on the couch, facing each other.

  He has his right leg resting against the cushion and his left leg planted on the floor, mirroring my opposite. His right side is leaning against the back of the couch, with his elbow propped on the top of the couch back. His hand is resting just below is nose, knuckles facing the ceiling. His index finger is resting against his lips. He is smiling as if he is amused. He lifts his head slightly, ready to speak. "Are you done yet? You always were headstrong about everything. If you will g
ive me the floor, I will explain everything; however, I need you to promise not to say anything until you've heard me out and keep an open mind."

  Well I have to give him credit where credit's due. He seems to have this all planned out. "Okay, I promise; although, I'm not sure what I'm getting myself into."

  He turns his body to the left, facing frontwards, with both feet now pressed against the floor. He leans forward and rests his elbows right above his knees, looking at the floor. "Kinzleigh, you've known me a long time. You know I would never lie to you. I think I've had plenty of moments to prove myself worthy of your trust, wouldn't you agree?" He looks up at me for a response. I just nod for him to continue where this is going.

  "I know you're still seventeen and I know you still have to finish high school and college. I know everything there is to know about you. I've spent a lot of time learning what makes you, you." He looks back down at the floor as if he's nervous. "I've wanted you, Kinzleigh, since we were little. I want you to listen to what I have to say before you freak out or say anything in return. I've loved you since we were kids. I will always love you Kinzleigh. You're it for me. I've waited around, silently, because of our age difference. I know you don't want to fall in love because you have dreams; I get it. I have been buying time by being with other girls, but they don't satisfy me anymore. You will be eighteen in a few months. I know how you are and I know you won't be in a long distance relationship. That's not what I'm asking, anyways." He takes a deep breath. I cannot believe I'm hearing any of this. I have to be mentally unstable.

  "All I'm doing is planting a seed. I want you to think about it this year, while you're gone; think about us. I know you're not the kind of girl to cave to the wants of a man. I've seen many guys crash and burn in an attempt to capture your heart. I just want you to know how I feel. It's always been you Kinzleigh. You're the only girl that's ever stolen my heart. I'm not telling you this in hopes of getting a response today or anytime soon. You won't ever hear me tell you I love you after today, unless you choose to be with me. I only tell you now, because you deserve to know. I don't want to lose my chance to someone else because I was too scared to tell you how I felt."


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