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Accepted Fate

Page 25

by Charisse Spiers

  "That's fine mom. I'll look in a bit. I think I'm going to check out the patio and pool." I can see the glass doors that lead outside across the room. If it stays as hot as it is outside right now, I'm sure the pool is going to be where I'm at when I'm home and not sleeping. The heat here is ridiculous. It's hard to breathe compared to the California heat.

  Walking outside, I stop on the patio in front of the pool. Well it definitely doesn't have the view of the California Hills but I guess it isn't so bad. It could have been worse from the things that my mind had imagined up. I sit down in the lounger on the edge of the pool and pull my shades over my eyes. Maybe I can go find my box of swimsuits. I'm sweating profusely.

  "You must be my new neighbor," is yelled across the pool. "Is it okay if I come through the gate?" Turning my head towards the gate to the backyard, I see a girl that looks about my age standing in the opening of the now open gate. She has long, dark red, freshly curled hair bouncing as she walks. She is tall with slender arms and legs but she still has curves. Some girls just get all the good genes; height plus the perks of a curvy figure. She is tan too and it doesn't look like fake and bake tan, but natural. She is definitely the most gorgeous red head I've ever seen, hands down.

  "Sure. I'm not doing anything. We just arrived a little bit ago." She picks up pace and sits in the lounger beside me. Turning towards her I lean my side against the back of the chair. "I'm Kinzleigh, what's your name?"

  She holds out her perfectly manicured hand toward me. "Aren't you the prettiest thing. I'm Adalynn and it's nice to meet you." Yep, I'm definitely not in California anymore. It's going to take a while to get used to that accent. It was sexy on Breyson, but I guess it's going to be different on everyone else. I grab her hand. Apparently this is a common thing amongst southerners because I remember Breyson doing the same thing, but this time I'll try not to look like an idiot.

  "It's nice to meet you too Adalynn. Don't take this the wrong way, but you're different than the type of girl I expected to meet. You're gorgeous."

  "That's okay hun, trust me, being from the south you get used to the stereotypes that come our way. Where are y'all from? I'll have to admit, I've been dying to see who's moving in since the house sold." You can tell she is high maintenance. Maybe a friendship is in the works. I definitely need something to keep me busy.

  "I'm from California. My dad moved here to expand his business." Her brows dip in between her eyes and she looks like she is thinking something over. "What's wrong? Did I say something bad?"

  "What did you say your name was?"

  "Kinzleigh. It's Kinzleigh Baker. Why?" Her eyes light up and a small smile begins to form on her face.

  "Do you know anyone around here Kinzleigh?" Why on earth would I know anyone around here? I shake my head at her. "What part of California are you from? I've always wanted to go there but my parents don't like to travel much."

  "Ever heard of Laguna Beach? Like the MTV show." Her eyes widen and she has a mischievous gleam in her eyes. If she is anything like Presley I am in trouble. Then again, maybe it'll be easier to be away from her with someone like her.

  She nods. "Well the boys are going to love you; a few particular ones especially. You're beautiful and we don't get new girls that often; especially that look the way you do." She grins. "Are you going to be at Oak Grove in August?"

  "I think so. Honestly, I've been so upset about this move I haven't asked that many questions but the name sounds familiar. Is that where you go to school?" Please say yes. I think I like this girl.

  Nodding, she asks, "Are you a cheerleader? I can usually pin point them pretty far away."

  "I am actually. I just tried out for a national squad and was supposed to be captain at my school senior year and now everything is getting pulled out from under me."

  "Well Kinzleigh Baker, it's your lucky day because I happen to be the squad captain and I think we have room for another person. What do you say; you up for it?"

  I'm grinning so hard I can't even speak. Is this really happening? I actually can continue cheering. Maybe everything will work out after all. Without much thought, I grab her up and give her a big bear hug. "YES!" I release her and cover my mouth not meaning to scream so loud. "Sorry, you don't realize how much you have just made my day. You don't need me to show you anything or try out though?"

  "Nope. I get the vibe you know more stuff than some of the girls on the squad. We need someone else to whip them into shape. I have a good feeling about you; a feeling you and I will be best friends. Actually, I am sure of it. I've got to go to some family thing, but I'm picking you up in the morning to show you around a little bit. Have your measurements when I get here so we can put in a rush order for your cheerleading uniform. Wear a swimsuit. A bunch of us are going to the creek."

  She stands to leave. Oh my. Did she just say a creek? Ewe. She notices the look of disgust on my face. "Don't worry, I'll have you broken in before long. You'll be a southern girl in no time. Get ready Miss Southern Belle in training." She gets to the gate and stops. Turning back to me, now with a serious demeanor on her face she says, "Oh and Kinzleigh. I think you'll like it here. Give it some time and you'll see." She leaves without another word. Maybe, just maybe, I will like it here. If everyone is like her it can't be that bad.


  I stayed up late last night unpacking. I was also slightly nervous about meeting new people today. I've been in my own little bubble with people I know all my life and now I have to completely start over, knowing no one. There are only a couple of weeks left until high school starts back, which means football games and cheerleading. I cannot believe I am going to be a senior. The thought of everything being so new scares me, but all I care about is cheering. At least I have the opportunity.

  It's almost time for Adalynn to be here. The thought of swimming in mucky, snake infested water keeps running through my mind, setting off red flags. I can't believe people actually swim in creeks. The only time I have ever seen one is on country music videos, which I rarely watch. Digging through my box of swimsuits, I'm not sure what to wear. I definitely am not wearing white or designer because there is no telling what it will look like after being in a dirty, murky creek. I'm not even sure that I'm getting in the water.

  I settle on a basic bright blue and mint green bikini from Victoria's Secret. At least it's not one of my expensive ones but it still bothers me because I take really good care of my things. What do you even take to a creek? Surely we're not laying in the dirt.

  Playing twenty questions in my head, I hear the doorbell chime throughout the house. Running in the bathroom, I change into my swimsuit quickly. "Kinzleigh, you have company!" Mom yells up the stairs from the bottom.

  "I'll be right down. Give me a few minutes," I yell in return. Moments later, a knock sounds at my door just as I'm coming back into my room. "Come in."

  The door opens and Adalynn is standing on the other side, looking just as gorgeous as ever. The girl could be a model and it makes me feel plain and ordinary. "Hey girlie. You about ready?" She looks me over and whistles. "Dang girl, check out that body. You're nothing but muscle and curves. I can't wait to show you off," she says playfully.

  "What are you talking about? Look at you. You're beautiful. I don't even compare to you." Her face is clearly amused by my comment.

  "I feel honored that you see me that way but stop it. You really don't see it do you?" Did I miss something?

  "What do you mean?"

  "Girl you are hot. I have no idea why you are so humble but it just makes me like you more. The guys are going to be drooling at your feet. You're a really likable girl but we need to bring you out of that shell. You need to use what you've got to your advantage. This modest, shy girl vibe you give off has got to go." She teases as she steers me to stand in the mirror and begins talking at our reflections. "You're wasting that gorgeous figure. Own it and show it off, because it rocks." I swear the girl could be Presley's long lost twin; at least by the aspects of her pers
onality. I don't know how I draw these types of people. It's like I have a stamp on my forehead, flashing.

  I roll my eyes. "What exactly are we supposed to take to a creek?" Every time I say it, I have the same reaction.

  She looks at me and bursts out laughing. I don't really know what I said that was funny. "I love this. I can't wait to teach you the ways of the country kids. You take the same thing you take to the beach silly. Go put some shorts and a tank top on and let's go."

  When we walk outside there is a Chevrolet Avalanche sitting in my driveway. Looking at Adalynn, I raise my brow. "I wouldn't have taken you for a truck kind of girl.

  "Hey never judge a book by its cover, but this," she points at the truck. "Is not mine. This is my dad's. Where we're going my car might not be able to handle it. Come on California. Time's a waistin' and you have people to meet." I'm guessing I just figured out my nickname. Original, I think sarcastically.

  We pass over a bridge; on what road, I have no clue, before turning down the grass worn path just after it ends. The trail was clearly made by cars driving on it repetitively over time. The trail goes down a slight hill and curves around to the left, continuing underneath the bridge. It kind of reminds me of something from a scary movie. There is graffiti painted on the cement of the bridge and if you look down another slope you can see running brown water. If it wasn't the middle of the day, I would be looking for someone to pop out of the bushes with a knife, or worse, find a dead body in the brush.

  As I stumble out of the truck and shut the door, a black lifted truck pulls in behind us. It instantly makes me think of the night in Ryland's truck. The bed of the truck is filled with shirtless guys wearing ball caps that I assume is part of the football team by the solid muscle on each one of them. After they park, three other girls exit the cab of the truck. Great, I already get awkward around people I don't know. Last time I was around one unfamiliar body, it didn't go so well and now I am graced with a whole slew of them.

  The guys start descending from the high truck bed, whistling as they take us in. "Who's your new friend Adalynn?" I turn to the guy that was driving, stopping in front of us. "I don't think I've seen you around here," he says scanning my body. "I usually know most people within a fifty mile radius."

  He's cute enough with his ash blonde hair that has a natural cow lick in the front. He has honey brown eyes and a pair of dimples that does his smile wonders. He appears to be about five foot ten with defined muscles that obviously states he works out. Hello six pack. He's no Breyson, but he's definitely sexy. I never imagined southern guys would be so hot. One of the girls moves closer to him, clearly staking her claim.

  Adalynn comes up beside me, putting her arm over my shoulder. "Simon, this is Kinzleigh. She just moved here from California and is my new neighbor. I'm showing her some fun." She looks at me but points as she introduces everyone. "Kinzleigh, this is Simon, along with half of the football team and some of your new squad members." Pointing to the girl with the scowl on her face, next to Simon first, she begins naming them off. "This is Dallas, Layne, and Kristen."

  Looking at each of them, I attempt to smile and be polite. The Simon guy keeps looking me over with a big grin on his face, making me slightly uncomfortable. "Oh we can show her some fun," he says and when he does, that Dallas girl narrows her eyes at him and begins to pout. I am going to assume she has made her claim on a boy that is not claimable. That's exactly the type of girl I will never be. Look at her puppy dog face and love-struck eyes. It's really sad more than anything else and clearly it doesn't work on him anyway because he is still staring at me.

  I continue to look between everyone, wondering if we're going to just stand here or actually do something. This is really awkward and I'm not trying to make enemies with the girls I'm about to be surrounded by daily, over a guy that doesn't mean anything to me. Simon grabs my hand and begins pulling me toward the creek bank before I can even respond.

  As I'm being pulled away, I look back at Adalynn, pleading for her not to leave me with him. She is saying something to Dallas. The only thing I can make out is her saying, "Pull the claws back in Dallas, she's not after Simon; although, it doesn't really matter if she is because he's not yours. I don't know why you do this to yourself. You know he only uses you for one thing and it's your fault alone. I have the suspicion this one is claimed by someone else anyway." I'm not sure what she means by that, because no one will ever claim me. I'm a free spirit; a mustang breed. I'm not meant to be tamed.

  We reach the edge of the water and I stop, trying to pull my hand free from Simon's. Standing ankle deep in water he turns to me with a smirk on his face. "What's wrong? You can swim right?"

  I nod but scrunch my nose as I take in my surroundings. There are empty beer bottles and random pieces of trash lying in various spots on the edge of the creek. "Yes I can swim. I lived across from a beach all my life but do you guys really swim in this kind of water? It makes me feel dirty just looking at it. It's brown."

  He smiles and looks from me to the water. When he returns the glance, his dimples are deep set in his cheeks from the grin on his face. Wow. He really is attractive. His bottom lip is pouty with a thin upper lip. He could be a good distraction from...him. My chest tightens at the small remembrance I allowed passage into my thoughts. I will not think about him. "This is cleaner than ocean water, believe it or not, because it's running water. You coming girl or do I need to help you out," he asks as he winks.

  Refocusing on Simon, I have clearly amused him. Well I'm glad someone finds this funny because I am really freaking out about this cloudy brown water. What if I see a snake? Oh my, or something even worse. What if I don't see if because of the color of the water? "I don't know if I want to. Maybe I can just sit out and watch you guys. I don't have to get in."

  I begin to back away from the water. His eyes never leave mine but a smirk pulls up on the corner of his mouth. I'm not sure what he is making that face for until I run into a hard bare chest, causing me to squeal in surprise. "Where you going sweetheart? We haven't even started having fun yet." I turn around to a guy that is a little more of a stocky build and shorter, but still has a nice body and obviously a football player; probably a lineman. He is more scruffy looking with his facial hair, stating he hasn't shaved in a several days. He has reddish brown hair and brown eyes. "I don't think we've had a proper introduction. My name's Jared."

  "Hi." I hold up my hand and slightly wave. I could hit myself. I always get awkward around guys. Maybe I shouldn't have acted so dumb when it came to hanging around guys back home, because it really shows now. I really need to make friends being in a new place.

  Adalynn finally appears with the other girls following behind, loaded down with floats and towels. Some of the other guys set down a cooler; cooling who knows what, but I can only guess. I hope they have some water in there. It's scorching hot out here. The gross brown water is starting to sound pretty good with this beaming heat boring into my skin; leaving a rosy color in its wake. I can't even remember the last time the sun left me slightly burnt. Normally I just tan a brown color. The sun here is brutal.

  "Jared stop harassing my new friend. You're going to run her off and I need her for my squad," she says teasingly giving him a light shove. She links her arm with mine towing me towards the water, but I stop at the edge that I can't seem to get past. "Come on hun. I swear it's not as bad as you think. If you don't like it, you can have one of the floats.

  Before I even have time to respond, Simon picks me up from behind, cradling me. He takes off running into the water until we are submerged almost completely. It happened so fast I didn't even get a chance to fight it. I splash water in his face, "You butthole!" I try to act mad, but when he flashes that set of dimples I end up laughing instead.

  He raises his brow questioningly. "Hey, someone had to get you in the water. Did you just call me a butthole? I don't think I've been called that in years. You must not swear." He laughs. It's not that I have never said a curse word o
r have anything against those that use them, I just choose to do so very rarely. My mother was never fond of curse words. She thought they devalued an individual when used in excess. I guess we pick up a lot of the things that we're taught throughout the years.

  "Not usually. You can put me down now," I say as everyone else joins us in the water. Instead of releasing me he swings me up on his shoulders. Grabbing his hair in my hands to avoid falling off, I lock my feet around his waist. Geez, he is strong. "What are you doing?"

  I look around and Dallas is staring daggers at me. Great, I'm in a new place and I've already got someone that looks like she wants to rip me to shreds. "Chicken fight!" Jared yells into the air with his hands formed around his mouth to portray a megaphone. "Do we have any challengers?"

  "I'll do it," Dallas calls out as she wades through the waist deep water. This should be interesting. She is about my size and I'm good at sports so I should be able to take her but I learned a long time ago, not to judge someone by their size. I've pissed her off without even trying so she is most likely going to try and make me look stupid. Jared looks like he is about twice Simon's size so I'm going to have to try and knock her off. I don't see him going down easily. "Squat down Jared and let me on."

  Simon grips my thighs above my knee, but it's close enough to my hips it makes my stomach flutter. How am I supposed to concentrate with his hands right there? "You ready?" He looks up at me and winks with that dang smile glued to his face again. "Don't let her intimidate you," he says low so only I can hear. "She is only doing this because of me. It's not your fault she thinks I'm hers. I have never given her reason to think she has a claim on me. Show her what you got."

  I'm not sure why he felt the need to give me that tidbit of information but it does make me feel more comfortable. I really don't want to be classified as a boyfriend thief when I have only been here a day. So far, I really like most of the people here. Simon really makes me feel at ease around him. I feel like I've known him for years instead of thirty minutes. I think Adalynn was right. Maybe I am going to like it here. At least, I hope so.


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