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Accepted Fate

Page 34

by Charisse Spiers

  I look down and see Breyson sleeping with his arms crossed over the bed and he is holding on to my hand. He doesn't look comfortable. Bless his heart. Surely he didn't sleep all night like that. I sit up and feel like crap. My body is sore and I'm tired. I just want to go home and crawl in my bed.

  My fingers are cramped up from being interlaced with Breyson's. I try to slip them apart without waking him but it doesn't work. Instead, it has the opposite effect. He jumps up causing his chair to tip over. When his eyes connect with mine they look red and puffy like he's been crying. What on earth happened? He looks scared to death. "Breyson," I say slowly trying not to wind him up more than he apparently already is. "Are you okay?"

  He exhales and his shoulders relax. "I am now. I was so scared baby. I never want to see you like that again." My forehead scrunches and he begins moving closer to me. Leaning over the bedrail he kisses me on the lips. I keep them closed at the worry of having morning breath.

  Grabbing the edge of the blanket and scooting to the side, I fold back the covers and pat the bed for him to lay beside me. Looking down, he looks unsure if he should. "Breyson," I pat the mattress harder to initiate what I want. He begins shaking his head and I give him my best pouty face. "Please...don't make me beg."

  He rubs his face and begins taking off his shoes. Works. Every. Time. I should feel bad but I don't. A girl has to have a secret weapon for times when she wants something. This is mine; the pouty face. He sits on the side of the bed with the lowered rail and puts his feet under the blanket. He lays backward on his back, his arm flat across the mattress and I lay back down on my side, resting on his shoulder, draping my arm across his stomach. "Why am I here Breyson?"

  He takes a deep breath. "Natalie put ecstasy in your punch behind my back and you panicked when it took effect and went into a full panic attack. It was an overload on your brain and it reacted by putting you into a full seizure." His voice sounds pained; torn as he tells me what happened. I know exactly why. He's blaming himself. My hero. Always trying to take the fall for the bad seeds of the world.

  He turns slightly, looking at me face to face. "I'm sorry baby. I'll never let anything happen to you again. I swear it. Please give me a second chance. I know I failed you and didn't protect you. I didn't know. Please believe me. I love you. God as my witness right now, Kinzleigh, I love you more than my life." He can't actually think I would blame him for her behavior. After all, I knew she was a little off her rocker from the conversation she just had to have prior. Surely he doesn't think I would break up with him over this. Would he?

  "Breyson." I purse my lips and narrow my eyes to signify my aggravation. "Would you stop trying to be perfect? It's irritating me and frankly unnecessary. You have put me up on this pedestal and I have no idea why. I am no more special than any other person. As long as you have me up there, this relationship is going to be set up for failure. You will never be perfect and neither will I. Bad things are going to happen Breyson. You can't control it or stop it." His jaws are clenched and I realize I'm probably being a little bitchy; more so than I intended.

  I place my palm on the side of his cheek and brush his jaw muscle with my thumb. "This is coming out wrong. Breyson I love you. You know I mean it because I've never said it to anyone. I don't need perfection to be happy. I need perfectly imperfect. The imperfections in life are what make things beautiful. Perfect would be boring. I need you to keep me on my toes. You've already been my saving grace on several occasions. I wouldn't be living life to its fullest if it weren't for you. You have shown me how to love someone. That to me is all I'll ever need." Screw morning breath. I need him.

  I pull him to me and kiss him. His warm tongue slips in my mouth and sends a sensation jolting through my body. A moan escapes me and I throw my leg over him, pulling myself to straddle him. I don't even consider where we are. He places a hand on each thigh and moves up my legs underneath this horrid gown. Our lips break free as his tongue trails down my neck before he lingers at the base and sucks the skin into his mouth. "Make love to me Breyson. I need to feel you; all of you." Lifting up on my knees, I unbutton his jeans. I feel needy; withdrawing from the absence of him. I can't even wait long enough to get his clothes off and I don't need to. I'm ready and feeling him pressed against my entrance so is he. I've never been brazen enough to take what I want, but something about him has me trying all sorts of things. I take hold of the area that I want, bringing it out of hiding.

  He puts his hand through my hair and tugs to pull me back to him. "Kinzleigh, your parents are supposed to be coming back and I don't really want them walking in on me violating their daughter." His voice is panting. I have him right where I want him. The noble guy is sweet and all but right now it's not going to work. I know what I want.

  I bite his bottom lip and suck it into my mouth before releasing it. "Are you really going to bring up my dad during sexy time?" I raise my brow and continue my plan of seduction, kissing him on the chin and down the front of his neck as I lightly rub the body part I have come to love. I don't know what I'm doing, but I can pretend. "It's your fault you know; the reason I can't get enough. You can't ruin someone by giving them the best their first time and expect them not to want more. It would be kind of wrong of you to turn me down after that. A lot like taking candy from a baby. You don't want to be known as that guy do you?" I purr against his neck and he clenches my hips in his hands, grinding me against him. He lifts his butt off the bed and I pull his jeans and boxers down to his thighs; just enough for total access to his man parts.

  "You're damn right I am going to ruin you," he growls. His eyes become heated. He presses back against the bed and sits me up just enough to position himself below me. Once in position, I sit down, allowing him to enter me. Oh man, this is amazing. For some reason it feels different than before. "No one else will ever touch you here or this way as long as I'm alive. Do you understand me? This is mine; you are mine Kinzleigh." He begins moving me up and down. "Say it," he says huskily. "I need to hear it." He places his thumbs on each end of my tattoo and reads it aloud while making love to me.

  Oh...hearing him read my tattoo to me is sexy. This isn't going to take long at all. I love seeing his wild side come out and play. I love this boy. Normally, I would never like to be told I'm someone else's because I hate to be assumed as someone's property, but coming from him, it sends a want and need through my body I can't explain. I want to be his. I need to be his; always. "It's always been yours Breyson. I belong to you; forever. I don't want anyone else. You fill me entirely; physically and emotionally. There isn't room for anyone else."

  Pulling me down by my neck, he kisses me greedily. "You feel so good. I love you so much. Go with me?" He begins rocking me back and forth, hitting against my insides and I nod as the sensation begins inside my core. My toes curl and everything feels like it's in slow motion as it takes over. A whimper escapes my lips as they crash against his and we both reach climax together.

  He is my rock. He is my necessity. "I love you too. More than you will ever know" It's the truth; completely and whole heartedly.

  A knock sounds at the door and I scurry to get off of him. Breyson jumps off the bed in a panic and runs to the bathroom to clean up I suppose. Throwing the blanket back over me, the door opens and a middle aged man in a white coat walks through the door. The doctor I presume.

  He looks at the screen by my bed and jots something down on his clipboard. Looking at me he introduces himself and fills me in on information that really makes no sense to me. Breyson walks out of the bathroom and when the doctor sees him he looks at me with a raised brow. I feel like I'm being scolded. Finally it clicks. Oh my gosh, the little heart symbol on the monitor is beating rapidly from our little tryst a few moments ago. How embarrassing!

  "Miss Baker, I hope you're getting the appropriate amount of rest that your body needs. You did just have a major seizure." He gives me a stern look like my father would and I want to hide under my sheets.

  "Yes sir.
" He watches Breyson take a seat beside the bed. His face is flushed and his hair is messy. Can this be any more humiliating? What am I supposed to say? The door opens and in walks two more adults in lab coats. Who are these people? The two men shake hands and Breyson stands, rubbing his hand through his hair.

  The man is handsome and tall, muscular but lean. He has the same blonde hair as Breyson and Braxton, but his eyes are a hazel color. Now that I look at him, he resembles Breyson. The woman is stunning. Her hair is Auburn and she has big beautiful blue eyes. Wow, these two would make some pretty babies. They look like Hollywood actors. The woman takes me in and smiles kindly. I notice Obstetrics and Gynecology on her jacket and my brows bunch. I think she's definitely in the wrong room.

  Breyson stands and takes my hand before looking at the two that just entered the room. "Mom, dad, this is my girlfriend Kinzleigh." He looks back at me with an apologetic smile. "Kinzleigh, this is my parents." My eyes widen and he mouths I'm sorry. Yes. The answer to my question earlier; It can get more humiliating and it just did. Looking at her closer, she has the same features as Briar. I was in no way prepared to meet his parents. Oh my gosh, I don't even know what I look like. I probably look awful.

  In a panic, I run my fingers through my hair attempting to make myself presentable. I need a shower and I need to brush my teeth. His mom moves towards me, extending her arms in front of her. Oh please don't let me stink.

  She wraps her arms around my shoulders and whispers in my ear. "You look beautiful sweetie. No worries." Leaning back, she winks, smiling angelically. "I'm Ava, Breyson's mom. I hear you're leaving quite the impression on my son. I'm glad someone finally got his attention." She kisses me on the cheek and already I adore her. Looking at Breyson, he looks like he may hurl. His face has gone pale and he's squeezing my hand. Why is he nervous? I'm the one that should be nervous having to meet his parents looking like crap and laying in a hospital bed. "Son, you didn't tell me she was this beautiful and sweet. You've been holding out on us."

  The doctor informs me that he is going to schedule a few more tests before he releases me and excuses himself from the room. Breyson's dad walks over beside his mother and gives me a sideways hug. His coat says Cardiology and Cardiothoracic surgery. Geez a family full of doctors is a bit intimidating. "I'm glad you're doing well, dear. You gave Breyson here quite a scare," he says genuinely concerned. "I'm Brooks and I expect to be called Mr. Brooks not Abercrombie; makes me feel too formal." He teases and winks playfully. Ah, there is where all the B names come from. I knew it had to be a pattern.

  "It's nice to meet you both. I'm sorry it had to be under these circumstances." I'm slightly overwhelmed and Breyson is standing here speechless not making it any easier. I look at him and narrow my eyes, trying to break him from his little trance he has put himself in. "Are you okay? You don't look so well."

  "I think he's scared we'll embarrass him. You are the first girl we've had the pleasure to meet and I have to give him some credit. He did well. I'm having a proud parent moment," his mom says looking at him and just like that he smiles from ear to ear, as if he just made a winning touchdown. I bite my tongue and press my lips together trying not to laugh. My beautiful boy; I guess he's a mama's boy at heart, always needing her approval.

  Another knock sounds at the door and in walks my parents. My mom is towing a duffle bag in her hands. Thank goodness, clean clothes. I've had enough of the hospital gown. Our parents seem around the same age and have apparently already met by the way they are conversing. How long was I out? It sure seems like I've missed a lot. What a way to spend a perfectly good weekend.

  I really need a shower, but I don't want to be rude and kick everyone out. Our parents have been chatty for about an hour now and Breyson is apparently eating every bit of it up. Leaning my head back against the bed, I close my eyes and listen to the different voices around the room. "I think we should let her get some rest Brooks. I'm sure she's tired."

  Opening my eyes, Breyson's parents stand and head towards the door after to leave after giving me another hug. Reaching the door, his mom turns to me. "Kinzleigh we always have thanksgiving dinner at our house and I hope so see you there, if I don't see you before. It seems Breyson is being stingy with you." She turns to my parents as well. "You all are more than welcome to join. I've got rounds to make and babies to deliver. It was nice to finally meet you Kinzleigh." She smiles and exits the door closing it behind them.

  My parents soon take their exit as a hint to leave as well, when the doctor said all my tests came back good and I could leave at lunch. My parents wanted to take me home but Breyson insisted he wasn't leaving so my parents gave up trying.

  "Finally, we're alone at last." He kisses me sweetly on the lips and rubs his thumb over my cheek. "My parents loved you," he says and his face gleams.

  "Were you worried?" I love toying with him.

  "Never. Everyone loves you Kinzleigh. You are special, you just don't realize it." He's so passionate when he speaks to me. It moves me. I have got to be one of the luckiest girls in the world.

  "I think that's a matter of opinion don't you? After all, you are the one getting the goods." I wink trying to break his serious demeanor but it doesn't work.

  "It doesn't matter if we never had sex again. My stance would remain the same. The fact that you don't even see it makes you that much more lovable." I roll my eyes at him and throw the covers back in an attempt to get out of bed.

  "Whatever you say babe but I need a shower." When my feet hit the cold floor, he scoops me into his arms and kisses the tip of my nose. "I can walk to the bathroom, Breyson. I had a seizure, I didn't break my legs."

  "That may be so, but I want to take care of you. Let me take care of you. It's something I need as a guy. Just humor me, okay?" How does any woman stay independent with a man like this? I have a feeling, I'll never be able to deny him anything he wants; not even myself.



  I knock on Adalynn's door as the sun is going down. It's Halloween and Simon is having a costume party. I have never been to a costume party so I am nervous but excited. Between everyone’s excitement over costumes, I don't think I could get out of it if I wanted to. The door opens to Adalynn standing on the other side. "How many times do I have to tell you not to knock," she asks me as if I should know this already. "My parents worship the ground you walk on and you have become like a third daughter to them. Stop acting like a house guest. I'm almost positive mom buys you something every time she buys me something now."

  "It still feels rude to just come in, not knowing what everyone is doing. I was always raised to be invited before going to someone's house and once there to be respectful. It's second nature to me. Blame my parents." I walk in carrying my bag full of everything I need for tonight.

  "You want anything to drink before we head upstairs?" She shuts the door after I come through.

  "Water please." Adalynn's house is beautiful on the inside. Everything is done in creams and browns from ceiling to floor. It's cozy but classy with a masculine feel; neutral to the gender. Everything is completely top of the line.

  The door bursts open a few minutes later with Londyn waltzing through. "What's up bitches," she says with a smile on her face. "Are y'all ready to drop some jaws? Briar has no idea what we have planned and that says a lot because I am horrible at keeping secrets." She looks at me from head to toe. "I can't wait to see Breyson's reaction. This is going to be video worthy. It's about time to show off that gorgeous body."

  Adalynn laughs. "I second that. Someone has got to record the reaction on his face. It's going to be priceless. Luckily, I don't have to worry about that. Braxton could give two shits less." She is crazy. I see the way they look at each other. Londyn has noticed too. We're just waiting for them to notice and do something about it, other than taking the frustration out on each other in bed. Those two are going to end up together. I can almost guarantee it if they ever stop living in denial.

"Oh please. Breyson does not care about what I wear. Why are you guys making such a big deal about it? You'll see. You're both being overly dramatic." They both look at each other and burst out laughing. It kind of angers me. He knows better than to question me. "Come on let's go."

  Once we get to the top of the staircase, we pile through the doorway to Adalynn's room in a single file line. Her room is large and it's done in black, white and gray. She has beautiful artwork all over her walls of the New York City skyline as well as Paris and Rome; the major fashion capitals of the world. For being almost completely absent in color, it's breathtaking. It actually makes you feel like you're standing in the various places. She mentioned once that she dabbles a little in modeling and wants to get more opportunities, but hasn't found her opening yet.

  Laying my bag on the top of her bed, I begin pulling the items out before me. We all decided it would be fun to do couples costumes. Each time I look at my costume, I get extremely turned on thinking about what Breyson is going to look like. We made a pact we wouldn't tell any details of our costumes to the boys. We just told them what to wear and that was it. A smile plays out across my face as I look at my Indian costume.

  I carry the main pieces into the bathroom to change. I have to strip completely naked in order to wear it. The top is a nude, bandeau style piece with a suede fringe mapped out across the entire piece of fabric that wraps around my body. There is a line of turquoise beads amongst the top. Removing my shirt and bra, I pull it over my head and adjust it into place.

  The bottom is a pair of skin tight nude leggings, draped with the same fringe as the top. The waist band is a strip of material in a pattern that resembles a Kavu purse. There is a flap that runs down the front center with beading. My entire midriff is bare. Once I have the main pieces on, I grab my clothes and walk out from the bathroom.

  As I come into view Londyn and Adalynn start whistling. "Day-Um girl! You've been keeping that hidden? No wonder Breyson wants to keep you to himself all the time. Look at those abs. You don't have an ounce of fat or flab. Everything is flat and toned, but you still have a great rack and butt. I'm officially jealous," Londyn whines.


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