Book Read Free

Tiny Dancer

Page 9

by Pandora Pine

  Macy nodded. “Hi, ‘hark!”

  Riordan could see the small spotted fish lying on the bottom of the tank in a tangle of mangrove roots. It looked placid enough. He held his breath as Faulk and Macy’s fingers breached the water.

  “That’s it. Nice and gentle,” Faulk urged, as their fingers slid over the shark’s back toward its tail. “Wow, Macy! We’re petting a shark.” His voice was soft, but filled with excitement.

  “Me touch,” Macy whispered back.

  Faulk laughed with the toddler.

  Riordan felt his heart start to hammer in his chest. It wasn’t because his youngest child was touching a predator of the deep. Or because her hand was in a tank filled with other sharks. No, Riordan knew his heart was pounding because Faulkner Hayes had just claimed a piece of it.

  “Your turn, Daddy and Isla?” Faulk was grinning at them. He grabbed a towel from his pack to dry off his and Macy’s arms.

  “You turn, Dada!” Macy hugged Riordan’s leg.

  “Yup, it’s our turn now, right, Isla?” Riordan shot his oldest daughter his most confident smile.

  “I’m ready, but let’s try the rays first. Like Uncle Faulk and Macy did.” Her smile was a bit weaker, but just as determined as her father’s.

  Handing his phone to Faulk, Riordan rolled up his right sleeve, then helped Isla to do the same. He looked down into the tank, watching the rays glide past him. “They remind me of you, Isla.”

  Her nose scrunched up. “They do?”

  “Look how graceful they are when they swim. Just like you are when you dance.” Riordan was all smiles now. He could do this. For Isla. For himself. Taking a deep breath, he stuck his right hand into the water. It was so warm to the touch. He noticed Isla followed his lead.

  Of course, it wasn’t one of the silky cownose rays that swam toward them, but the biggest shark in the tank. It was about three feet long and had a nose that looked like the head of a shovel. Digging deep for all the courage he had, he kept his hand in the water and let his fingers glide along the shark’s flank as it swam past. It made no move to bite either of them. It just kept swimming. Its skin was a bit rough, like an emery board.

  “Daddy! We did it! We touched a shark! I love them now. I’m not afraid anymore. Thank you, shark!” Isla raised her dripping hand to wave at the fish as it kept swimming.

  Other parents and kids in the touch tank area started to applaud Isla.

  She hugged Faulkner. “Thank you, Uncle Faulk! You helped me not be afraid anymore.”

  “I’m so happy for you, honey. Do you want to meet more sharks? I’ll take your picture.”

  Isla nodded. “Come on, Macy! Let’s do it again!” Isla turned back to look at Faulk. “Maybe we could get shark stuffies at the gift shop?” She batted her eyes at him.

  Faulk started to laugh. “I think that can be arranged.”

  Riordan dried off his hand before he came to stand next to Faulkner. “You’ve cast a spell over us all.” His hand reached out to wrap around Faulk’s hip.

  Faulk turned to Riordan. His eyes dark with desire. “Are you sure I’m the one casting the spell?”

  Licking his lips, Riordan nodded. “Look at my girls. They’re happier than they’ve been in a long time.” He pulled his eyes away from the handsome cop to watch Isla and Macy. “So am I. This shouldn’t be possible, but it is. You’re magical, Faulk.”

  Reaching for the side of Riordan’s face, Faulk brushed their lips together. Once, then twice. “No, the magic is all you. I felt it the second I saw you dancing on that stage. Then it flashed over the first time I touched you.”

  “And now?” Riordan asked, breathless.

  Faulk’s eyes slipped shut. His teeth were nibbling on his bottom lip. “All I want to do is kiss you until they shut the lights off and they tell us it’s closing time.” Faulk did kiss him again, this time using those sharp teeth to nibble Riordan’s bottom lip. “But that will have to wait.” Faulk flashed a killer smile. “We need more pics of you with the girls and the sharks. That’s this year’s Christmas card for sure. Go get them.”

  Riordan was reluctant to pull away from the heat of the moment. From Faulk. He did it though. He got down on his knees with his girls and let the red-hot detective shoot as many pictures of them with the sharks as he wanted. Riordan’s mind, all the while, was on Faulk and sinking his teeth into him.



  Four days later, Faulkner couldn’t get kissing Riordan out of his head. It was the last thing he thought about before he fell asleep at night and the first thing he thought about when he opened his eyes in the morning. He needed more. That was crystal clear the moments their lips lost contact with each other at the aquarium touch tank.

  From that moment forward, Faulk had been working out a way for them to be alone together. Truly alone. Their dinner date at Riordan’s kitchen table had been nice, but he was hoping for more than that this time around. He wanted to wine and dine Riordan and it was while they had been at the next touch tank that Faulk had figured out where he was going to take Riordan.

  The Edge of the Sea Touch Tank featured sea creatures that you were likely to find on local New England beaches and tide pools. The kids had been eager to get their hands wet again to hold the starfish and urchins. While Faulk had been telling the kids about other kinds of animals in the ocean, he mentioned lobster, which of course made him think about Lobster Charlie’s.

  The popular restaurant was only about a mile away from Riordan’s house and they took reservations. That would be an easy way to get them a table without the wait the restaurant usually experienced for dinner. He figured a weeknight might also help with getting a table.

  When Faulk suggested the date, Riordan had been quick to accept. Now he was pulling into the driveway behind an SUV he’d never seen before. He assumed it belonged to Isla and Macy’s Noni. The girls had told him funny stories about their grandmother during lunch at the aquarium. Well, Isla did. Macy kept yelling, “Noni,” before laughing hysterically.

  He grabbed the bouquets of flowers off the passenger seat of his truck and headed toward the front door. This time, Faulk hadn’t made the mistake of wearing too much cologne. He’d taken every precaution to ensure tonight was going to be perfect.

  Ringing the doorbell, he could hear the pitter-patter of little feet and giggling girls. “Uncle Faulk!” Isla laughed, when Riordan opened the door. “Ohh, flowers. Those are beautiful. Are they for me?”

  “Maybe.” He bent down to press a kiss against her forehead.

  “Me!” Macy said, hugging his leg.

  “Maybe!” Faulk kissed Macy too.

  “Hi, Faulk. Are the flowers for me?” Riordan asked, sounding shy.

  “Actually, they’re for all of the beautiful ladies!” He grinned at the older woman standing behind everyone. “You must be Maggie. I’m Faulkner Hayes.” He held out his hand to shake.

  Maggie laughed. “I am. I’ve heard a lot about you tonight. My granddaughters are enchanted with you.”

  “The feeling is definitely mutual. These are for you.” Faulk handed her a bouquet of purple wildflowers.

  “Thank you, Faulk. These are beautiful.”

  “These are for my tiny dancer.” He handed a pink bouquet to Isla. “And for my tiniest dancer.” He handed a yellow bouquet to Macy. Faulk was still holding one more bouquet.

  “Boo-ful.” Macy grinned before sticking her face into the blooms to sniff them.

  “Girls, why don’t we find vases for your flowers?” Maggie herded them into the kitchen.

  Faulk laughed while the girls headed off. “These are for my handsome date.” Faulk handed the red bouquet to Riordan.

  “The florist must have loved you.” Riordan gently sniffed at the zinnias.

  “She was quite impressed with my story about wooing a man with two daughters and that man’s mother to boot. How did I do?” Faulk leaned in to whisper.

  “I’d say you hit the nail on the head. Purple is
Mom’s favorite color.”

  “I knew it!” Faulk raised a fist in victory. “Are you about ready to go?”

  “After we kiss everyone goodnight.” Riordan wrapped his pinkie around Faulk’s, tugging him toward the kitchen. “Uncle Faulk and I are going to head out.” He couldn’t help laughing at his mother getting the flowers into mason jars. She was soaked from Macy wielding the sink hose.

  “Bye!” Macy shouted before going back to playing with the water.

  “Bye, Daddy.” Isla ran to Riordan, hugging him tight. “Have fun with Uncle Faulk and don’t think at all about that really cute blue lobster we saw at the aquarium.” She folded her arms over her chest.

  Faulk snorted. “Oh, Isla, Lobster Charlie’s is just a name. They don’t serve blue lobster there.” He bit his lip to hold back a laugh. After Isla met the tropical-looking crustacean, she’d insisted that she and Macy get a blue lobster stuffie along with the shark stuffie Faulk had promised earlier. By the end of their visit. Each child ended up with a penguin and seal too. He’d bought himself and Riordan large coffee mugs featuring sharks. The crew at the store had been sad to see them go.

  “They don’t?” Isla sagged with obvious relief.

  “Nope.” What Faulk was leaving out was that they sold the ordinary colored lobsters and he planned on having himself one, maybe even two. Isla didn’t need to know that until she was much older. “Do I get a hug goodnight?”

  “Yup!” She flew into his arms, hugging him close. “Thank you again for Munch, Claws, Wobble, and Bark.” She hugged him again.

  “Who are they?” Faulk was confused.

  “The stuffies.” Riordan snorted. “Munch is the shark. Claws in the lobster. Wobble is the penguin and Bark is the seal.”

  Faulk laughed. He was the one who told Isla that seals barked like dogs. “What did Macy name her animals?”

  “Mine!” Riordan rolled his eyes. “It’s what she shouts every time I try to move one.”

  “We’ll work on that. Won’t we love bug?” Maggie smiled fondly at her granddaughter. “Have a good night, boys. Stay out as late as you like. I have snacks and the remote.”

  Riordan kissed his mother’s cheek. “Thanks, Mom. No long-distance calls and absolutely no boys. Hear me?”

  Maggie laughed. “Good heavens, Riordan. At my age I don’t even know what I’d do with a boy.”

  “I do!” Isla volunteered.

  “You do?” Faulkner was shocked. What did Isla know about boys?

  “You hold hands and tell him how handsome he is. That’s what you did at the seal show, Uncle Faulk.” She wore a proud look.

  Phew… Faulk was glad she hadn’t been looking when he was kissing her father’s at the shark touch tank.

  “Isla, tell me again about how brave you were to touch a shark!” Maggie held up a hand to wave to Riordan and Faulk.

  “I was so brave, Noni,” Isla started.

  Faulk grabbed Riordan’s jacket and helped him into it before they slipped, unnoticed out the door. He linked hands with Riordan as he led his date toward the passenger seat of the truck. When they got to the truck, Faulk gently pushed Riordan against the side of it. “Missed you.” His lips brushed against Riordan’s.

  “Me too.” Riordan was gasping for breath after one kiss. He was quick to steal a second one before Faulk helped him into the passenger seat of the truck.

  Their chemistry was electric. Walking around the front of the truck to the driver’s side, Faulk could still feel the ghost of Riordan’s lips. They were firm and full of so much promise. “You make me want to sit in the driveway kissing you all night long.”

  “Feed me first so that we have the energy to do that very thing.” Riordan laughed.

  If Faulk didn’t know better, he’d think his date was twenty-one, rather than thirty-one. Riordan sounded young and full of life. He was going to make sure this mood carried through the entire date. “That was a close one with Isla and the blue lobster.”

  Riordan laughed. “I’ll just tell her in the morning that I had steak.”

  Faulk snorted. “We’ll just have to make sure our next family outing isn’t to a farm. If she finds out how adorable cows are, we’re screwed.” Firing up the engine, Faulk pulled out of the driveway.

  “You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?” Riordan sounded amazed.

  “What, going on family outings?” Faulk wanted to make sure he understood the question before answering it.

  “Yeah. I mean, let’s face it, there were a lot of things about this situation that could have sent you running right from the start, but you’re still here.” Riordan reached out for Faulk’s hand.

  He didn’t want to admit it out loud, but Riordan had a point. “Like I said before. I’m at a point where I’m ready to settle down. A man with kids of his own was never a situation I was going to run from in the first place. Your girls are amazing. They’re inquisitive and friendly. They accepted me into their lives as quickly as I accepted them. It was instantaneous. Like we were all meant to know each other. What worried me about the situation was you.” Faulk gave their joined hands a squeeze before pulling away to turn into Lobster Charlie’s parking lot.

  “You mean my being a widower?” Riordan half-whispered.

  “Right.” Faulk parked the truck. He turned to look at Riordan. “Grief is one of those things that everyone has their own schedule for dealing with. Some men are ready to date in a month, while others never are again. I didn’t know where you fell in that range. What was worse, I guess, was that I wasn’t quite sure how to ask.”

  Riordan sat with those words for a few seconds. “I never looked at it from your perspective before. I kept doing pulse checks of my own. Could I do this? Was I ready? How were the girls handling things? I tried to give you as many clues as I could, but we never really talked about things, did we?”

  Faulk shook his head. “Why don’t we head inside and do that over an amazing dinner?” He brushed a kiss over Riordan’s cheek.

  “You’ve got yourself a deal, detective.” Riordan’s eyes were glowing under the parking lot lights.

  Faulk took his hand as they walked to the door. He could smell the salt air from the ocean. A million stars twinkled overhead. This was the perfect place to take Riordan tonight. “We’ve got a reservation under Hayes,” Faulk said when they got to the hostess station.

  “Right this way.” Grabbing two menus, the hostess, dressed all in black, led them into the restaurant.

  Taking Riordan’s hand, Faulk guided him to their table.

  “Penny will be right with you.” Nodding, the hostess walked away.

  “This place is amazing. I’ve heard of it before, but I’ve never been here.”

  “It’s one of Ten and Ronan’s favorite places. They do take out here all the time and we held their baby shower here too.”

  “That’s amazing to think about, a baby shower for a gay couple.” Riordan shook his head.

  “It was the same thing that they have for women, only we did it for the guys. What was also fun was the way we all pampered Emilyn, their surrogate. We gave her gift cards for her favorite clothing stores and chocolates and skin care. She’s one of the psychics at West Side Magick. We all love her so much and it’s obvious how much she loves Ten and Ronan.” A wistful smile crossed his lips. “You didn’t have a shower for Isla?”

  Riordan shook his head. “My Mom helped us out with a lot of things for her, but no one thought to have an actual shower. Stephen and I didn’t really have a lot of gay friends. Not like the group you all have going. You know Cole texts me everyday now to see how I’m doing. He wants Isla to come for a sleepover next weekend with Laurel.”

  Faulk felt his lips curl into a wolf’s grin. “Hmm, that sounds interesting.”

  “I was thinking the same thing. Maybe you’d like to have a sleepover too? Mom’s always talking about how much she’d like to have Macy for the night…” Riordan trailed off, the tips of his fingers slid along Faulk’s.

  “Is this the conversation we said we were going to have?” Faulk smiled so brightly at Riordan. His cheeks were starting to ache.

  “Yeah. I was nervous in the beginning. I thought maybe if we tried things out it would mean I was being unfaithful to Stephen.”

  “How do you feel about that now?” Faulk tangled their hands together.

  “I don’t think he’d see it that way. His number one priority was always my happiness. I can’t imagine that would change in death.” Riordan lowered his head. “It’s been so hard without him. I don’t just mean the grief, because there were days when I thought it would swallow me whole. I mean the workload too. Getting the kids out the door in the morning, making dinners, doing laundry. There are nights I fall into bed at 8pm after I get them settled for the night. I wouldn’t trade it for anything, but I wouldn’t turn down some help either.”

  “Hi, guys, I’m Penny. Welcome to Lobster Charlie’s. Our special tonight is the seafood chowder which is loaded with lobster, shrimp, and haddock, along with our twin lobster rolls which come with crispy French fries and cole slaw. Have you decided what you’d like to order tonight?”

  “I don’t know about you,” Faulk grinned at Riordan, “but you had me at twin lobster rolls. I’ll get that with the chowder, and a Coke, please.”

  “Make that two,” Riordan agreed.

  “You’ve got it. I’ll be right back with your drinks.” Penny smiled and was gone.

  “Twin lobster rolls?” Riordan laughed. “I’m not going to need any help polishing those off.”

  “I don’t think I will either.” Faulk was still turning over what Riordan had been saying before the waitress had interrupted them. “Were you saying that you’re open to another serious relationship or something more along the lines of what we have now, where you have someone to hang out with and spend time with the kids?”

  Riordan reached out for Faulk’s hand. “Oh, no. I’m sorry if I said that wrong. I’m interested in a serious relationship with the right man. The fact that you hit things off with my kids makes you so much more attractive to me.” A blush bloomed over his face. “I’d like to give this growing thing between us a chance, Faulk. The kids love you so much. They talk about you all the time. Uncle Faulk this and Uncle Faulk that. They’re crazy about you.” Riordan took a deep breath. “To be honest with you, so am I.”


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