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Tiny Dancer

Page 14

by Pandora Pine

  “Hold on.” Faulk pulled away from Riordan who was panting. Damn, if that wasn’t the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. A man so hot for him he couldn’t catch his breath. Riordan Quinn was one hell of a man. “Take your pants off and we’ll meet in the middle.” Faulk grinned as he slid his pants down his hips and over his erection. He was careful not to touch it, saving that for Riordan.

  He couldn’t help noticing that Riordan was being equally as careful as he stripped out of his sweats. Reaching for his lover, Faulk couldn’t help smiling. There was nothing between them now. He could feel Riordan against him in every place that counted.

  “Are you going to stare at me all night or take me to bed?” Riordan was dancing his fingers up Faulk’s back.

  “Haven’t made up my mind yet.” Oh, Faulk was taking Riordan to bed all right. There was no doubt about that. He was just enjoying the view from here. He walked Riordan backward until his legs hit the bed. “Is this better?”

  “Nope. I’m not on my hands and knees with you pounding into me from behind.”

  Damn… That amped things up a bit. “Hands and knees, huh?”

  Riordan nodded, biting his bottom lip.

  “Did you stock up on supplies?” Faulk wasn’t anticipating that he’d be staying here tonight. He’d been hopeful that it would turn out this way, but he wasn’t going to put the cart a town ahead of the horse and show up to a mediumistic reading with Riordan’s dead husband, pharmacy bag loaded with condoms and lube, in hand.

  Pulling away from Faulk, Riordan went to his nightstand. He pulled out a brand-new bottle of lube and a box of condoms. I got them this morning when I was out grocery shopping.”

  “Are you sure this is what you want? We have all the time in the world.”

  Riordan opened his mouth like he was going to rush to say something. Most likely that time was precious and nothing was guaranteed, but he smiled instead. “I’m ready. I want this, Faulk, just shut and lock the door before you come get me.”

  Faulk snorted. Nothing would stop this party faster than Isla walking in and asking why they were naked wrestling. Then she’d see Laurel and tell her how the Chinese food hypothesis was wrong. Daddies wrestling naked is how you get a baby brother.

  Managing to wipe the smile off his face, he shut the door, locked it, then turned back to Riordan, who’d arranged himself in the center of the bed. Obviously, he wasn’t kidding or in the mood for foreplay either. Faulk could work with that. There was always tomorrow to have lazy sex or foreplay-only sex. There was time.

  “Well, this is rather impressive.” He wasn’t just talking about the way Riordan’s cock was hanging down to drag against the bedspread, while his tight ass was poised high.

  “How would you know? You’re all the way over there.” Riordan winked over his shoulder.

  Faulk had to admit that was a fair point. Grabbing the lube off the nightstand, he made quick work of the seal, snapping the lid open. “I love you, Riordan. Never forget that.” It hadn’t escaped his notice that Riordan had yet to return those words. He would. They had time.

  He admired the view of Riordan’s cock, balls, and pucker while he drizzled his fingers in lube. It had been a while for Riordan this could be slow going. Pressing his index finger against his hole, he gave a little push and was surprised when he slipped right in. “You sly minx!”

  Riordan gave a little snort. “I might have prepped a bit in the shower.”

  Testing that out, Faulk added a second finger. It easily joined the first. Damn… His man was something else. Not wanting to waste precious time obviously. He was going to have to work on that with Riordan. Later.

  Grabbing the condom, he suited himself up. What he wanted more than anything was for Riordan to enjoy every moment of this. He had a feeling Riordan wanted a hard, fast ride.

  “Are you going to stare at my fabulous ass all night or are you going to fuck it?” Came Riordan’s taunt.

  “Stare, definitely stare.” Faulk’s comeback was instantaneous. There was nothing better than laughing with a lover in bed.

  Riordan gave his ass a little shake.

  That snapped Faulk out of his humorous bend. He was all business now. Setting his left hand on Riordan’s hip, he lined himself up with the other. Tip met hole. It was all he could do not to surge forward and take Riordan with a savagery he hadn’t know was in him until this moment.

  This wasn’t about possession. It was about love. Commitment. The first step in a lifetime of love. His hips gave a tiny push forward. Both men moaned in concert. God above, he’d done this so many times before, but this was an entirely new sensation. Faulk felt like he was doing everything for the first time. He felt like he was coming home.

  Bottoming out, he rested his head against the back of Riordan’s neck. Wrapping his arms around him., he gave a little tug on his earlobe. “You ready for this?”

  Riordan nodded. He seemed to be past the point of words. All signs of his earlier cockiness were gone.

  Holding on a bit tighter, Faulk started to move. “This is only the beginning.” The beginning of everything, he thought to himself, but didn’t say out loud. Then he was past the point of rational thought.

  His thrusts got steadily deeper, harder. Riordan started moving with him, in perfect sync. Flesh slapped flesh. Their voices rose and fell together.

  Faulk could see Riordan’s hands white-knuckled in the sheets. Could feel his hole tightening even more around him. “You’re close, aren’t you? Just a few more strokes and you’ll be there. Calling my name. Feeling that white-hot bliss.” Faulk had no idea where these words were coming from. “That’s it, babe, come closer. Come with me.”

  Riordan cried out. Faulk felt him convulse under him. Reaching down, he wrapped his hand around Riordan’s erection to give him that extra friction. Hearing him cry out that way, bucking back against Faulk was what triggered his own release.

  Closing his eyes, he whispered Riordan’s name and rolled with it. His cock jerked hard, then started pulsing. He held on tighter, releasing Riordan’s cock and anchoring himself to his lover at his hip.

  When he’d calmed, Faulk collapsed on his right side. Too drained to move. He’d never felt anything that intense in his life. He supposed that was what love did to you.

  Riordan turned on his side, looking up at Faulk. “I love you too.” He rested his face against Faulk’s damp chest.

  His entire body glowing from what had just happened, his soul lit up like the horizon at sunrise. Wrapping his arms around Riordan, Faulk smiled. He was truly a man who had it all.



  Six months later…

  Riordan’s heart was pounding in his chest. It was like a hummingbird had worked its way into his heart and was fluttering its tiny wings inside. He knew all about hummingbirds now. Faulk had bought them a feeder this summer and the girls had lost their minds watching the tiny jewels dart in and out for a sip of the nectar they made at the dining room table.

  Faulk was a big one for nature-themed outings. Since their trip to the aquarium back in March, they’d gone to the beach looking for the animals they’d seen at the tidepool touch tank. They’d also been to a butterfly house where they could watch the insects hatch, then walk among them. Macy had been especially enchanted with that, which had Faulk running out to Home Depot, buying the proper flowers and planting her a butterfly garden. They’d spent hours over the summer sitting on a blanket, watching the butterflies visit their blooms.

  Then came the birds. After the first brilliant goldfinch came to check things out, Isla was hooked. That sent her and Faulk on an adventure to the feed store. He’d come back with all manner of feeders and types of seeds. The best thing in his purchases that day had been a book that had pictures to identify what they were seeing. He and Isla sat for hours going over that book and learning the names of the birds who came to eat at their feeders.

  Isla had been true to her word with helping to stock the feeders and going o
n seed runs with Faulk. She’d quickly become the most popular little bird watcher at the feed store. Last week, she’d seen pictures of some of the farmer’s chickens. The store had a bulletin board where farmers posted pictures of their hatchlings, like an obstetrician posted pictures of the babies they delivered. Isla had come home talking about these adorable red chickens. Riordan had the awful idea that chickens, the petting kind, not the eating kind, were in his future, come spring.

  Chickens were neither here, nor there at the moment. Riordan took a deep breath, hoping to calm himself down.

  “You look like you’re going to deliver a litter of kittens,” Cassie Craig laughed.

  “I don’t think you’re far off.” Riordan wiped his damp hands on his pants.

  “I’ve seen Isla dance this routine. She’s going to be amazing.” Cassie patted his shoulder and turned toward the stage.

  They were sitting in the Witch City Dance Studio’s auditorium. After seeing Isla dance with Riordan back in March, they’d had an overwhelming demand for a Daddy and Me class. It had been Faulk who’d signed up for it with Isla, purely by happenstance. Riordan had been willing to do the class with her, but it had been Faulk who’d taken her to sign up. He’d gotten stuck working late on that summer exhibition and Faulk ran her and Macy over to the studio to sign up. Isla had been convinced Faulk could do it and since he could never say no to anything she asked for, he was here today as a performer.

  This was also how Riordan knew Rhode Island Red chickens were in his future. Well, Faulk’s soft side and the fact that he’d seen blueprints for a chicken coop on Faulk’s nightstand before he’d hurriedly shoved them under their new bed the other night.

  The auditorium lights started to brighten and dim, the sign that it was five minutes to showtime. Faulk had Macy with him too. He’d promised to drop her off before the show started. He’d been surprised that Cassie Craig hadn’t brought her back when she’d come back from the dressing room from helping out Cole and Laurel. She’d just smiled mysteriously at him and taken the seat beside him.

  Miss Vivian, the head of the school stepped out onto the stage to a round of applause. “It’s my pleasure to welcome you all to the Dad-erina Dance. I will say, though, that not all the men dancing here today are Dads. Some are stepdads, uncles, surrogates, and best friends. I hope you enjoy all of the performances today and most importantly, keep dancing!”

  Riordan was feeling alarmed now. Where on earth was Macy? He didn’t have long to wait for the answer. Walking out on stage dressed as ladybugs, complete with wings, were Faulk, Isla, and Macy. The ladybug song started to play and all three of them started to dance.

  The tears started the second Macy made her first misstep, bumping into Faulk and landing on her ladybug bottom. He started to laugh and picked her up, setting her back on her feet and kept dancing. Macy was laughing, twirling the wrong way, taking the wrong steps, falling flat on her bottom again, but having the time of her life.

  When the song was over, she ran to Faulk, taking his hand and bowing to the crowd who was going crazy cheering for them.

  Before Riordan knew what he was doing, he was up and out of his seat, walking down the aisle and up the stairs toward his family. He’d known he was going to do this today, but hadn’t been sure when. He just hoped to God someone in the audience was running their camera.

  “Daddy!” Isla left Faulk’s side to hug him. “How’d we do?”

  “You were fantastic, honey!” He turned to the crowd. “Sorry everyone! This will only take a minute!” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the platinum wedding band he’d bought a week ago. The audience gasped. Turning back to Faulkner, he could see the shock registering on his detective’s face.

  They hadn’t talked about this at all. Faulk had moved into the house back in May, just in time for hummingbird season. Things had been going great between them all. They’d settled in nicely as a family and life was going along swimmingly. Isla had started kindergarten two weeks ago. Macy was in daycare now that she was two. Life couldn’t be better. Only it could, Riordan had realized.

  He’d gone out and bought the ring, knowing life was too short not to make Faulk his husband.

  Miss Vivian ran out on stage, handing Riordan the cordless microphone before dashing off again. He couldn’t help laughing. “Our relationship started here in this very room when I got up on stage to dance with Isla. What a fitting place for us to take the next step, Faulk.” He paused to take a breath when he felt Isla tug on his hand.

  “You gotta propose on one knee, Daddy!” Isla grinned up at him.

  “Oh, right!” Riordan rolled his eyes, getting down on one knee. He looked up at Faulk whose blue eyes were misty. He seemed to be holding it together for now. “You complete our family. You complete me. I didn’t think I could ever be whole again, then I met you. Faulkner Isaiah Hayes, will you marry me?”

  “Will you marry us too?” Isla grinned.

  Faulk lost it then. He put a hand over his mouth, nodding instead.

  Macy hugged his legs. “Da!” she shouted loud enough for the entire auditorium to hear without the microphone.

  Riordan slid the ring on Faulk’s shaking finger before standing up to hug him. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you too. I can’t believe you did this. I had no idea you were planning a proposal.”

  “Some detective you are,” Riordan laughed.

  “So this means I’m Dad?” Faulk swiped at his wet eyes.

  “That’s up to Isla and Macy.”

  “Dad!” Isla agreed, hugging Faulk tightly.

  “He said yes!” Riordan announced. He watched while the audience gave them a standing ovation. He saw Ronan, with his little miss strapped to his chest, walk down the aisle, his iPhone held up, capturing this moment for them. He couldn’t help but wonder if he would be up here with Everly in a few years dancing in matching tutus.

  What mattered now was that Faulk said yes. Their family was complete.

  Until the next tiny dancer came along…


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  When the child’s body is found, the work to identify his killer begins. As Ronan and Tennyson get closer to solving the crime, the initial attraction they feel for one another explodes into a passion neither man can contain.

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  Psychic, Tennyson Grimm, has a secret he’s been forced by the FBI to keep: Tony Abruzzi is alive. Barely eating or sleeping as he tries to cope with the guilt of keeping the truth from Ronan, Tennyson knows it's only a matter of time before his friends stop buying the lies he’s telling to explain his restless nights.

  When Tony appears to testify at Vito Dragonni’s trial, all hell breaks loose. Accusations fly about who knew Abruzzi w
as alive and why it was kept a secret from Ronan, who's been struggling to come to terms with the "death" of a man he considered a brother.

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  The detectives’ record is put to the test when teenager, Xavier Lewis, parks his bike outside West Side Magick and asks if Jude and Cope’s fee can be paid via weekly installments of his allowance money. When Jude tells the boy it all depends on the story he has to tell, neither detective is prepared for the tale that spills out of Xavier’s mouth. When the boy tells them about a ghostly woman in white that he thinks is trying to kill him, Jude and Copeland are all in.

  The partners soon discover that not all ghosts can be reasoned with and that the risks of dealing with the paranormal are very real indeed. Will the Ghost Detectives be able to solve the mystery of the woman in white or will they become the next victims in her ghost story?


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