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Destruct: The Guard Trilogy (Book 1)

Page 18

by Sheridan Anne

  “Of course, darling. He would have wanted you to have it,” she says, reaching out and holding my hand as Millie takes the necklace from me and fastens it around my neck. “This way you will always have a small piece of your father with you.”

  “Oh, thank you, Mom,” I say, launching myself across the table and wrapping my arms around her neck. She lets out a delighted laugh, returning my hug as she wraps her arms around me, squeezing tight.

  “Let me in on this,” Millie says, barrelling into us. The three of us burst into laughter as we hold each other dearly, knowing this precious moment will be over too soon.

  That afternoon, Millie and I stand in the exact positions we had been in the morning before, waving goodbye to our mother as she drives away with her car getting smaller and smaller in the distance.

  “I’m going to miss her,” Millie say.

  I look down at her and I can tell she’s moments away from tears. I put my arm around her shoulder and pull her close. “I know, she’ll visit again soon, but until then, you’re stuck with me,” I tease.

  “You’re such a loser,” she laughs, as we turn around and head back to the safety of The Academy.

  Chapter 12

  It’s been a few days since my Mom’s visit and to say they have been a hard few days would be an understatement. Not making a scene during Combat Training has been the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

  Seeing Tessa every day, knowing that she was having an affair with my father before he died and lying to my mother for all those years, pretending to be her friend. I still haven’t been able to tell Jacinta about it and I have no idea what’s holding me back.

  Then there’s the whole Vampire attack thing that’s driving me nuts. The thought of those children, going through the same pain that I went through absolutely kills me. Not to mention, on top of all that, Daniel is still avoiding me like the plague and for Daniel to commit to something for this many days in a row, is a big deal. I must have broken his heart in a big way.

  It’s Wednesday afternoon and I walk through the massive doors to find the Olympic sized Swimming Pool to start our aquatic training. The smell of the chlorine hits me first and I’m reminded of all the times Mom and Dad used to take me swimming at the aquatic center when I was little.

  Rylan stands at the end of the pool next to Tessa while the rest of the class gather around the seats at the side and start stripping off their clothes. I join Trey and realize Daniel isn’t here yet as I unconsciously scowl at Tessa from across the room. “Hey,” I smile as I drop my bag and shuffle out of my clothes, leaving me in a small, stringy black bikini.

  Trey’s eyes bug out of his head. “What are you wearing?” he scolds as he comes to stand right in front of me, blocking me from everyone in the room.

  I glance down and see absolutely nothing wrong. It’s just a bikini, I mean what else was I going to wear in the pool? “What’s your problem?” I ask, raising my eyes up from my body.

  “The guys are staring at you like you’re something to eat,” he scolds once again.

  “Don’t be so dramatic,” I say, stepping away and joining the rest of the boys who have gathered by the foot of the pool.

  “You’re asking for trouble,” Trey says as he follows behind me.

  “You know better than anyone that if any of these dimwits try anything, I have no problem kicking their asses,” I say with a grin.

  He rolls his eyes and we turn to face Rylan and Tessa who are just finishing up their conversation. The door of the room opens and Daniel finally saunters in, better late than never.

  Rylan comes to stand before us then does a double take as he notices me. I watch in fascination as his jaw goes ridged and his eyes narrow in anger.

  Uh oh.

  “You,” he practically roars, flinging his arm out to point towards Daniel.

  Daniel looks up in shock, eyes big and slightly fearful, petrified of the tone Rylan is using on him. “Yeah?” he asks as he slowly makes his way over to us.

  “Shirt. Now,” Rylan demands.

  “What?” Daniel says in confusion as he gets closer.

  Rylan’s outstretched hand swivels in my direction and I realize he’s going to make me cover up. I cross my arms over my chest, extremely unimpressed with him. I mean, all the guys are getting around half naked right now, they’re as much of a distraction to me as I am to them. Yet, I don’t see Rylan making them put shirts on.

  Daniel’s eyes flick to me, then widen quickly before he can manage to compose himself. With a huff he drops his bag, pulls off his shirt and launches it at me while kicking his shoes off. His shirt hits me square in the chest and I quickly catch it before it drops to the ground.

  With my own huff, I pull Daniel’s shirt over my head and fix a permanent scowl on my face as Rylan orders the guys in the pool and asks me to wait behind. He gives me a hard glare as he approaches me. “Come better prepared next time,” he orders.

  “How am I supposed to do that?” I huff.

  His eyes narrow on me. “Wear a one piece.”

  “You think I actually own a one piece?” I say, fighting to control the grin that wants to tear across my face.

  “You will by the next time we’re training in here,” he says. “Now, get in,” he tells me as he turns his back and walks to the side of the pool. I have no doubt he was resisting the urge to push me in.

  With a roll of my eyes, I step up to the side of the pool and drop down into the freezing water, feeling like an idiot as Daniel’s massive shirts floats up around my shoulders.

  Two hours later, Rylan calls for the end of the session and I sit on the edge of the pool struggling to catch my breath as I look down at my pruned hands. Trey reaches down a hand as he passes and pulls me to my feet, throwing me my towel as we get back to our bags. I strip off Daniel’s wet shirt and do my best to dry myself off before pulling my clothes on and gathering my things so I can leave.

  “Bianca,” I hear my name being called by the one voice I’ve been trying so hard to avoid. “Wait back please,” Tessa says in a tone filled with authority. Rylan’s head snaps up at her demand, curiosity written all over his beautiful face.

  I sit on the chairs for a short while as the other students slowly leave the room, attempting to tame my wet hair while wanting to be anywhere but here. Trey walks to the door, looking back and giving me an encouraging look, clearly hoping I’m not in too much trouble. I give him a hopeful smile and watch as he leaves the room, desperately wishing I could go with him.

  It’s just me, Tessa and Rylan left in the room that now seems too big. Rylan walks around the room cleaning up from the day’s session as Tessa slowly makes her way over to me with an unsure and nervous scowl etched into her face. “Right,” she starts. “I’ve known you a long time, so I feel I can just come out and say this,” she says in a harsh tone.

  I see Rylan’s movement slow down as he listens in to the conversation. “Go ahead,” I say, adopting her tone.

  “Ok, I want to know what the hell is going on with you these last few days? You’ve been distracted, your moves are sloppy, and quite frankly you’ve been acting like a bitch to me and everyone around you.”

  My jaw drops, stunned at the nerve she has to even approach me with this. I cannot believe she just went there. With everything that I’ve been holding back lately, I just know I’m not going to be able to bite my tongue this time.

  I risk a glance at Rylan, who by this stage has completely stopped his task and stands watching us, knowing the shit is about to hit the fan, but not quite sure when. I stand up, face to face with Tessa, promising myself that she will never look down at me again.

  “Look, I don’t care how well you know me or what kind of relationship we have outside this room,” she starts, her tone definitely not one filled with kindness. “While you’re my student, you will treat me with respect. I thought I had made myself perfectly clear.”

  I take a deep breath and force myself to stay calm, keep in control. “You wan
t to talk to me about respect? Because I’m pretty damn sure that’s something you know nothing about,” I say dangerously calm. A challenge clear in my voice.

  “Bianca,” Rylan says with a clear warning in his voice to back off, suddenly a lot closer.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” she spits.

  “It means,” I say, losing my cool as my voice hitches higher to bordering hysteria, my hands beginning to shake at my sides. “You had absolutely no respect for my mother or my family when you were busy climbing into bed with my dad.”

  Tessa’s face turns to horror, her eyes widening as her cheeks pale to near white. “Bianca, that’s enough,” Rylan says, pulling at my arm to move me away, though I don’t recall ever getting this close to her.

  I pull my arm free of Rylan’s firm grip. “Do you deny it?” I ask, my voice filled with venom.

  Tessa is quiet for a moment, her eyes dropping to her hands. “No,” she whispers. “I don’t.”

  My hand snakes out, slapping across her face with a speed I didn’t know I was capable of. I fix her with a look of pure hatred as a lone tear slides down my face, no need to say another word. The message is clear and has been well and truly received.

  She gives me one last haunting look as a heartbroken sob escapes from her throat. She turns and heads for the door.

  I start to go after her but Rylan locks his strong arms around my body holding me back. “Get off me, you big jerk,” I yell, pushing at his arms, hardly hearing myself over the rapid pulse beating in my ears. I struggle to get out of Rylan’s grasp, desperate to be anywhere but here, afraid my control will slip.

  “Stop,” he says in my ear, his warm breath against my neck.

  “I can’t. I have to go, let me go,” I demand, realizing I’m crying as I attempt to break his hold once again, but failing miserably in his steel grasp.

  “No, you don’t. You need to calm down,” he says.

  “If anyone needs to cool it around here, that’d be you, jackass,” I growl, not realizing the insult that’s come flying out of my mouth until it’s far too late.

  “Really?” he smirks. “I’ve never noticed,” he adds, making light of the situation. I hear the smile in his voice which has me starting to calm down and instead of fighting the tight grip he has on me and thinking about Tessa I focus on the feel of his skin against mine and regret the thought the moment goose bumps begin to spread across my skin.

  He feels my body relax under his arms and no doubt notices the effect his body has on mine, he slowly lets go of me. I turn to face him and once again, I see his heart in his eyes as he studies my face, making sure I am ok. “So, I guess this explains what you were doing in staff housing,” he comments, breaking into a grin that melts my heart.

  I desperately want to smile back at him, but at this point all I can manage is a pathetic lift at the corners of my mouth. “I can’t believe I just did that,” I say as I finally calm down. “I’m such an idiot.”

  “It wasn’t that bad,” he lies, obviously trying to make me feel better.

  I give him a pointed look. “You’re an awful liar.”

  “Better than you,” he scoffs in amusement as he knocks me on the shoulder. “You may as well help me pack this shit up,” he says. Shock runs through me at how casual our relationship has become, well, outside of combat training that is. I roll my eyes and get started.

  “Can I ask you a question?” I blurt out as I grab one end of the pool cover and start dragging it over the pool.

  “Sure,” he says cautiously, clearly having no idea where I could be going with this then deciding he should probably grab the other side of the pool cover and give me a hand.

  I hesitate, knowing this question could get him in a lot of trouble, but decide to ask anyway. “What do you know about the Vampire attack in the city on Saturday night?”

  His body stiffens as he turns to look at me. “Of course you’ve heard about that,” he says, nervously, tossing up whether he should spill the beans or not.

  “Yeah, Jacinta and I kind of overheard someone talking.”

  “You mean, you listened in on a conversation that wasn’t meant for your ears... again?” he says, breaking into another grin that has quickly become my favorite. God, the man already knows me well.

  I give him a guilty look and shrug my shoulders. “It was an accident.”

  Rylan looks thoughtful for a moment. “Fine,” he says taking a deep breath as his eye fill with sorrow. “A young father was attacked with his 10 year old son watching. The boy was tied in rope and watched as his father was murdered, and yes, before you ask, from what The Guard can gather from both the children’s descriptions, it appears to be the same vampire.”

  I take a seat as I mull over this new information. “Do you know what the vampire looks like?”

  “No, not yet. There are Guard members working with the children to put a sketch together so we know what we’re looking for. I’ll get a copy for you once it comes in,” he offers, realizing where my train of thought is going.

  “What do you mean ‘so you know what you’re looking for’?” I ask, caught up on his earlier words.

  “It means The Guard has requested the members in the area go hunting before it happens again,” he says as a matter of fact.

  That got my attention. “Can I come?” I ask, desperately needing to give this vampire exactly what he deserves.

  He looks at me as though I’ve gone crazy. “No way in hell,” he scoffs. “The Guard will never allow it. Hell, I would never allow it.”

  “Yeah, I thought that was a long shot,” I grumble, feeling bummed, but still happy this whole thing could be over soon.

  “I’ll let you know how it goes,” Rylan says as we finish cleaning up the room.

  “Thanks,” I say, grabbing my bag and heading out the door.


  The next few days drag by with no word from Rylan about the Vampire. Tessa practically falls off the face of the earth, which to tell the truth, I’m quite relieved about. I’m still getting nothing from Daniel, and to top it off, an endless reminder of what I can’t have from Jacinta and Trey, who I’m sure by this point would have no idea whose tongue is whose.

  I’m walking back from my morning training session when I see a familiar figure darting across the quad. “Hey,” I call. “Wait up.”

  Daniel’s head snaps up and zeroes in on mine, stopping him in his tracks. Pain flashes across his features which is gone in an instant. “Oh, hey. What’s up?” he says, walking towards me so we meet in the middle.

  “Oh, hey. What’s up?” I scoff, mimicking him. “What’s up is that you’ve been avoiding me like the plague and I’m over it. I’ve given you enough space and now I need my friend back,” I demand. “It’s been nearly two weeks already.”

  Daniel gives me a horrified look and takes two massive strides towards me, throwing his arms around me, pinning my body to his. “Shit, two weeks?” he breathes as he holds onto me. “You’re right. I’ve been a horrible friend.”

  “Tell me about it,” I laugh as he releases me from his bear hug. “I know I’ve put you through hell, but I really need you now.”

  He steps back and gives me a thoughtful look and with that, I know just how hard this is for him. “I’m sorry. I’ll try harder, it’s just … hard.”

  “You don’t owe me an explanation, trust me I get it, but you promised me that we would still be friends and I intend to hold you to that. You’re all I’ve got while Jacinta and Trey are off in their own world,” I say with a grin.

  Daniel lets out a laugh and loops his arm through mine walking me back towards my dorm. “What are you doing out here so early?” he asks, easily falling back into our familiar territory.

  “Oh,” I say, looking up at his face. “I’ve just finished my training session with Rylan.”

  His face darkens at the mention of his name. “Cool, how’s that going for you?” he asks, looking straight ahead and avoiding my gaze.

/>   “It’s going pretty good actually, I’ve been getting better. I mean, I’m still getting my ass kicked, but at least I can now get in a few good punches before the inevitable ass kicking,” I say.

  “Yeah, I’ve noticed,” he laughs as we reach the door to the girl’s dorms. “I guess I’ll see you guys at lunch then.”

  “What? You mean you’re actually going to grace us with your presence?” I tease.

  “Shut up. I figured you might need some company unless you wanted to join in with Trey and Jacinta. I know Jacinta probably wouldn’t like to share, but Trey would be all for it.” he laughs.


  “Alright, pretty girl. I’ll see you later,” he says with a wink and walks away, though I still notice the pain hidden behind his eyes.

  I head into our room to find Jacinta getting ready for classes and begin stripping out of my sweaty workout clothes. “Woah,” Jacinta says with a smirk as I head for the bathroom.

  “What?” I ask, stopping with a curious glance in her direction.

  “Oh nothing, just that all this extra working out is doing wonders for your body. I mean, you’ve always been hot, but now your toned and hot,” she says with an approving nod as her gaze travels up and down my body. “Every guy's wet dream.”

  “Quit perving on me,” I laugh as I step in front of the mirror to take in my body and notice the areas that used to have a bit of curve are now tighter and firmer. “Damn, now all I need is someone to show it off to,” I smirk as I head into the shower.

  “Oh well, If that fails you’ve always got me,” I hear Jacinta call right before her next comments are drowned out by the hot water hitting my face.


  “God, it’s been such an eventful day,” I say to Jacinta as I join her in the line of the cafeteria.

  “Oh really?” she asks, grabbing us each a tray.

  “Mmhmm,” I mumble as I pick out a salad sandwich. “Kicked butt in training this morning, forced Daniel to quit avoiding me, weaselled myself out of two detentions and found my favorite lip gloss in the bottom of my bag,” I announce as we head for our table.


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