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Destruct: The Guard Trilogy (Book 1)

Page 20

by Sheridan Anne

  I halt at her words. “Um, excuse me?” I ask, having no idea what she could be on about.

  “Being the only girl in the Combat Program, going from the bottom of your class to now holding your own against all those guys. I’ve no doubt that comes with the help of your mentoring relationship with Rylan,” she says while I try not to deepen my scowl at his name on her lips or the way her eyes sparkle when he was mentioned. “Then, of course, there’s the story of your fight in the cafeteria with Nora that’s been circling around campus quite a bit.”

  “Ok,” I say, seeing that she may have a point about my status within the Academy. “But I’m not sure I quite understand why I’m here,” I say, hoping she understands my subtle hint to get on with it.

  “Well I want to make it my mission to get to know each of the students personally and make sure that each and every one of you are coping with your studies and workload, and it seems that you, in particular, have quite a lot on your plate with your training schedule and all,” she says with a question lingering in her eyes.

  “Thanks for your concern, and I seriously owe you for getting me out of Mr. Williams’s class, but I’m fine. I enjoy my training. I mean, the first few weeks were tough, but I’m kicking butt now.”

  “Yes, it does seem that way. Rylan mentioned you have been improving quite a bit,” she says and I wonder when in the hell those two got together to discuss my training. “But do remember that you need to be careful, your body isn’t going to be able to keep up with the amounts of hard work your constantly putting in, and you will burn out soon enough,” she warns, though I couldn’t quite imagine what this lady could possibly know what my body can and cannot handle.

  “Right. I’ll, ah, be careful then,” I say.

  She seems to approve of my barely there comments and launches into a one sided discussion about the rest of my school work.

  A half an hour later, I’m being dismissed and make my way to the cafeteria to meet up with Jacinta. I find her at our usual table with a tray of food sitting beside her.

  “This for me?” I ask, sitting in the space next to her.

  “Sure is,” she nods, glancing up with a sad smile, pushing a blonde lock behind her ear, as Trey and Daniel sit down on the opposite side of the table.

  Ignoring their hello’s I turn to face Jacinta. “What’s wrong?” I ask her as Trey’s head snaps up at my question.

  “Oh, nothing much,” she says dismissively. “Just a little visit from Nora and her band of bitches,” she says with a sad smile and acting as though whatever was said is no big deal. Surely, she must know I can see right through this little act of hers.

  “What did she say? She didn’t try to punch you again did she?” I ask, looking her body over.

  “Oh no, nothing like that,” she says, glancing up at the boys who are listening intently. “Just her usual taunting and bragging about how much better she would be for Trey. How she’s going to steal him away and give him the kind of thing only a real woman like her would be able to give.”

  Trey gasps, from across the table looking horrified. “She’s bat shit crazy.”

  “You’re not seriously worried about that are you?” I ask, knowing there’s no way Trey is about to leave her, especially for someone like Nora.

  “No, I’m not. It’s just frustrating. I wish she would just back off already,” she sighs, scooping up her lunch tray and heading for the bins.

  “We’ve got to do something about Nora,” Trey says in a hushed tone once Jacinta is far enough away “Jacinta keeps telling me to leave it, but I can’t sit here and watch her get down about it every day.”

  “Tell me about it, but what can we do? I can’t get in trouble again,” I say.

  “I think I have a plan,” Daniel says with a smug smile. “Leave it up to me.”

  Oh geez.


  I wake with a start as my blanket is ripped from my body, sending a wave of cool air over me. “What the hell?” I screech as Millie jumps in my line of sight.

  “HAPPY BIRTHDAY,” she sings, throwing her arms around my body. “You’re finally eighteen, how does it feel?” she asks, shaking my shoulders to get a response.

  I glance over at Jacinta who is smiling at me from her bed. “Did you let her in here?” I grunt through my sleep filled haze. Jacinta’s giggle gives away my suspicions.

  “Oh shush,” Millie says, attempting to drag me out of bed. I reach for my phone to check the time. 6:15am.

  “Millie, what on earth are you doing? It’s 6:15 in the morning. I don’t need to be awake for at least another thirty minutes,” I whine.

  “Toughen up, princess,” Millie scolds. “It’s your birthday and I wanted to spend some time with you before you have to go to your training session with Mr. Hardass.”

  “Oh fine,” I say, peeling myself out of bed. “Only because you asked so very nicely.”

  Millie and I spend the next half an hour spending quality sister bonding time and after a promise to have dinner together, I’m pushing my way through the gym doors for my training session.

  I hear the soft ‘beep, beep’ coming from my phone and I quickly check it while I sit on the floor stretching before Rylan is sure to give me the workout of my life.

  Mom – Happy Birthday my love. I can’t believe you have made it to 18. In the eyes of the world you’re now an adult, but remember that no matter how old you get, you will always be my baby. I love you, have an amazing birthday. Xxx.

  Her words bring a smile to my face as I type out a quick reply.

  “What are you smiling about? You usually don’t seem quite so awake,” Rylan observes from his perch on his favorite bench.

  “Oh nothing, just having a good morning is all,” I say, hopping up from the floor and tucking my phone away. “Now, are you going to hit me with one of those regular workouts I’ve been getting so used to, or are you actually going to give me a challenge for once?” I ask with a cheeky smirk, prepared and ready for anything he’s going to throw my way.

  Rylan quirks an eyebrow at me and slowly rises from his bench with a slow smile spreading across his lips. I see mischief in his dark eyes and I know without a doubt my challenge has just been accepted. What the hell have I just gotten myself into?

  An hour later, I collapse to the floor, my body riddled with exhaustion. I take a deep breath and will myself to find the energy to sit up. Rylan holds a hand out to help me up and I wrap my fingers around his, making a shiver run through my body at his touch that I hope he doesn’t notice. He effortlessly pulls me up off the floor bringing us chest to chest. He drops my hand, but doesn’t move. His proximity is intoxicating and I absolutely love it.

  My heart thumps in my chest. “You kicked major ass today,” he says, reaching up and pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. My breath catches and I’m rendered speechless as a soft smile comes to his beautiful, chiselled face. “Happy birthday, Bianca,” he whispers, before turning on his heel and heading for the door.

  I stand motionless in the gym remembering the feel of his fingers on my face as he pushed my hair behind my ear, his fingers soft against my skin and in that very moment, I realize I have indeed fallen madly in love with Rylan Neill.

  I take a deep breath and sink to the floor, stretching for another ten minutes, trying my hardest to come to terms with my latest revelation. Great. Just want I’ve always wanted for my eighteenth birthday, to fall deeply in love with the one person I can’t have. Good job, Bianca, well freakin’ done.

  My day drags by. My body is exhausted from my epic workout this morning. I finally make it to lunch where Jacinta and the boys join me sitting out in the sun. I eat quickly before laying down in the soft grass and instantly falling asleep while my friends chat around me. I’m woken shortly after when it’s time to head for Combat Training and my body finally feels energized enough to make it through the rest of the day.

  Trey, Daniel and I push through the big doors into the combat room to find Rylan sta
nding at the front of the room with our casual instructor, Ben, who has been filling in for Tessa while she takes ‘personal leave’. We gather around waiting, for the rest of the class to get here. A few short minutes later everyone is here and ready to hear what Mr. Hardass has in store for us today.

  “Today we’re focusing on shooting a moving target,” Rylan starts and I feel relief pour through me that I won’t be sparring today. “So, there are two ways we can go about this. The first, we can go down to the shooting range or,” he says as he holds up a paintball gun with a smirk the size of Texas on his handsome face. “We can head out to the back forest, split into teams, and shoot each other,” he suggests as the room erupts into loud cheers of excitement around me.

  Grins are plastered over all our faces as we follow Rylan and Ben out to the back forest. Daniel falls in step beside me with a knowing look on his face. “What?” I ask, curiously.

  “Nothing,” he laughs. “I was just thinking how peculiar it is that Rylan decides to finally loosen up and do something fun on your birthday of all days,” he says with a quirked eyebrow and an annoyed smirk. “It’s almost as if it is his present for you.”

  Daniel’s comment swirls through my brain, but it’s ridiculous, right? There’s just no way Rylan would do this just because it’s my birthday. That’s crazy.

  I walk the rest of the way in stunned silence as Daniel grunts to himself, lost in his own thoughts.

  Rylan stops at the start of the back forest, indicating for Luke to put the box down that he was forced to carry. Rylan opens the box pulling out a paintball gun and explains the rules of the game while Ben hands out a gun to each of us.

  We’re split into two groups, Rylan and Ben being the team leaders. I’m put into Ben’s group with Trey and Daniel and am thrilled when I see Luke and Alex on Rylan’s team, giving me the opportunity to shoot at them. We head into the forest and I hear Daniel grunting, “Rylan’s mine,” to nobody in particular. Clearly, he must still be a bit torn up about our situation.

  We hear the sound of the buzzer, indicating that the game has started and all hell breaks loose.

  It’s been ten minutes of running and hiding behind trees when I finally come across my first victim. Alex is heading my way, gun held close, blissfully unaware of my presence. I watch as he makes his way closer, scanning the trees around him.

  I step out from my hiding position, gun raised and ready to go. “Hey loser,” I call as I’m not one to shoot someone in the back, no matter who it is. “This is for my face,” I shout and watch as his eyes widen in surprise.

  He adjusts his gun towards me. Too Late. “Fu-” he roars but the sound of me pulling the trigger drowns out his curse. My paintball hits him square in the chest. I quickly duck back behind my tree as I know there’s no way Alex will be playing by the rules, he’ll be out for revenge.

  “You’re out, Alex. Put the gun down,” I hear Ben warn from a distance. I take this opportunity of distraction to slip away in search for my next victim.

  Forty five minutes later and a few less bullets, I make my way towards the top of the forest, keeping myself hidden. I count how many students have been taken out and am pleasantly surprised to find majority of the students sitting on the sidelines, Ben included.

  I take a quick head count and realize it is just me and Daniel up against Luke and Rylan, though, I don’t miss the bright pink paint smeared across the front of Trey’s pants, extremely close to his manhood. I quickly duck back into the thick bush of the forest and after another five minutes, I spot Daniel. “Pssst,” I hiss, watching his face turn in my direction. I wave him over and giggle to myself as he army rolls through the forest and I watch his back.

  “That was some epic 007 shit right there,” he whispers from beside me.

  “Tell me about it,” I laugh and begin to give him the rundown about who’s left in the game. A wicked smile comes to his lips when I mention it is just Luke and Rylan left for us to take out.

  We decide to move as a team, scanning the bushes around us when I feel Daniel lightly tap my shoulder and point off into the distance where we find Luke stepping out from behind a tree. Wicked grins plaster both our faces as we stalk our prey.

  “Would you like to do the honors?” Daniels ask. “I’ll watch your back.”

  I step forward, out of my hiding spot and watch Luke, my gun raised, finger hovering over the trigger. I wait for Luke to turn so he knows exactly who it is who took him out, and of course, he doesn’t disappoint. He turns slowly, his eyes clocking me almost instantly. A grin quickly spreads over his face, but falls when he takes in my position. His eyes widen as I pull down on the trigger. The sound of his pain ripping from his lips is my personal trophy.

  I smirk and turn back to Daniel to find Rylan, stepped out from behind a tree, gun aimed for Daniels back, clearly waiting for the moment he turns.

  “Move, Daniel,” I yell.

  Daniel runs, but not fast enough for Rylan, who takes the shot, unfortunately, hitting Daniel right in the ass. “Shit,” he grunts out in pain as he falls to the ground. I take off into the forest, sure that Rylan is hot on my heels.

  Excitement rushes through me knowing that it’s just me and Rylan. I dart behind a tree and quickly swing myself up onto a thick branch, hiding in a small ball. Not ten seconds later Rylan is walking past my tree, gun up and ready. I wait for him to pass directly below me.

  I drop out of the tree with an excited giggle slipping from my lips as I land on top of him, knocking him to the ground. He lets out a grunt as he hits the ground and I throw my leg out, kicking his gun out of reach. I bring my gun around, aiming for his chest as quickly as I can, but my moment of surprise has now passed as Rylan grips my gun and rips it from my hands.

  I watch in horror as he flips the gun around and turns it on me. With all my options gone, I do the only thing I know how to do and I bring fist down hard into his stomach, causing an ‘Ompft’ to leave his lips. I take my chance to lunge for his fallen gun and get my fingers just around the edge when his wrap around my leg and gives a hard tug, pulling me just out of reach.

  I scramble to my feet at the same time he does and I launch myself into him for the gun. He catches me around the waist and I spin myself while I drive my elbow back into his stomach once again. He doubles over, but quickly recovers, giving me the chance to snake my leg out and kick the gun out of his fingers for the second time.

  I dive for the gun and watch as he comes right after me. I flip myself onto my back and hold the gun up and pull down on the trigger as quickly as possible, sending one lone pink ball of paint up into his fine chest.

  He looks down at himself, shock on his face as he realizes I’ve somehow just won the game and kicked his butt. His head rises with a look of pure pride behind his eyes as he looks at me. I take a shaky breath as a grin spreads wide across my face.

  He smiles back at me and not a word is needed as he helps me to my feet and we make out way out of the forest.

  Turns out it’s a damn amazing birthday.

  Chapter 14

  Jacinta and Trey join me and Millie as we celebrate my birthday over dinner with the rush of my paintball win still heavy in my veins. We crowd around a chocolate cake preparing to sing Happy Birthday as the door to the cafeteria burst open.

  “Wait for me,” Daniel screeches from the doorway, rushing forward, panting as he tries to catch his breath.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Trey asks curiously, a deeper message in his question as we have all noticed he’s been slightly checked out all week.

  Daniel’s face scrunches up, almost in embarrassment as he takes a heavy breath. “Fine, I’ll tell you, but let’s sing this lady Happy Birthday first,” he says, causing the table to erupt into the loudest rendition of Happy Birthday.

  I catch movement out of the corner of my eye and find Rylan ducking into the cafeteria and heading across to grab a bottle of water. His head lifts at the sounds of the awful singing and catches my eye. A smile s
preads over his lips as he gives me the slightest nod. I hold his gaze for a second longer before common sense knocks in and forces my eyes back to my table.

  My eyes lock with Jacinta’s across the table who, with one quick look expresses that she just witnessed whatever the hell that was between Rylan and I and that I’m in too deep. I give her a quick nod, letting her now I understand and that she’s completely right.

  The singing around me finally finishes and I blow out eighteen candles, knowing my wish won’t be coming true.

  Jacinta cuts up the cake and begins handing slices out as Millie describes the nightmare of a time she had getting the academy chef to make the cake.

  “Alright, Daniel,” Trey says as we gather up our things and make our way over to the junior campus to drop Millie off. “You’ve got some explaining to do.”

  “Yeah, what’s going on with you? We’ve hardly seen you all week,” Jacinta says with a frown coming to her rosy lips.

  Daniel lets out a sigh. “You’re not going to like it,” he warns, with a cringe to Jacinta. “On second thought, none of you will.”

  “Spill it, buster,” I warn, stopping in my tracks with the rest of the group crowding around.

  “I...ah. Shit,” he groans, shaking his head and running a hand through his hair. “I’ve sort of been dating Nora.”

  “WHAT?” I shriek as a shocked gasp leaves Jacinta’s lips.

  “ARE YOU INSANE?” Trey shouts.

  “How could you?” Jacinta’s whispers with betrayal heavy in her broken voice.

  “Jesus. Let me explain,” Daniel rushes out. “It’s not what you think.”

  “It better not be,” Trey curses under his breath.

  “I asked her out to get her off your back,” he says, eyeing Jacinta.

  “What? I don’t understand?” she says, her eyebrows pinching together.

  Daniel sighs as he lets it all come out. “Well, it’s all kind of perfect actually. I figured, if she was dating someone else, she would back of Jacinta. So, then I was trying to think of who would be crazy enough to actually ask her out, let alone, who she would actually agree to go out with,” he says with a slow grin taking over his features. “Then I overheard her talking last week about how much she hates Bianca and wanting to get payback for her black eye, and the pieces of the puzzle just kind of fit together.”


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