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Entire SMUT CATALOG: Volume 2

Page 16

by Kimberly Gray

  Alex did not stop fucking her; he would not let her go. He pounded her cunt canal methodically with a renewed fervor he did not know he had.

  Again and again, minute after minute he fucked her with his bare cock like a beast, until she started convulsing and wheezing like a hunted animal. She was shaking from side to side; her vision glassy and unfocused from an overload of pleasure.

  Miss Sofia had never felt such indulgence or satisfaction from a man before. Tears of elation began to stream from her eyes. She wanted to feel his hot batter erupting deep inside her.

  “Oh FUCK!” She yelled. Alex felt her pussy clinch down on his cock, sending his sensations to the stars. His veiny cock bucked and throbbed as it hosed the inside of Miss Sofia's cunt, pushing past the spongy walls in-between her hips and towards her ovaries.

  A minute later, after everything was over, she fell limp and grew quiet. Miss Sofia laid forward on-top of Alex then rested her head on his chest with his cock still deep inside her.

  They both fell asleep in the midst of a cloud of contentment.


  Alex woke up to the sound of voices emanating from downstairs. He immediately jumped out of bed only to find himself alone in his room. It was late Sunday morning so Alex figured the voices must be that of his parents who were due back in town that day.

  Alex sat back down on his bed, for a moment, trying to get his thoughts straight about all the events of the weekend. He checked his face and clothes in front of a mirror, straightened his hair then opened the door of his bedroom and walked down the hallway.

  He heard his parents' voices and the laughter of his brother Danny. Alex did not know if Miss Sofia was still there. Was she hired as a permanent babysitter or just to cover for a weekend?

  Alex marched downstairs. His parents were unpacking their luggage and murmuring about their road trip. Danny was playing with his toys on the floor, unattended. Miss Sofia wasn't there.

  Alex rushed into the dining room, but she wasn't there either. He started to panic, worried he'd never see her again.

  He quickly checked the back yard–only to find it empty as well. A sense of disappointment and loneliness washed over Alex as he went back inside. He meandered into the kitchen to pour himself some juice when suddenly to his surprise he found Miss Sofia sitting at the table drinking coffee and scrolling on her cell phone.

  “Miss Sofia! I...I was afraid maybe you left before I could–“

  Alex's father entered the kitchen and sat down between Miss Sofia and Alex.

  “Good morning son! How was your weekend? Miss Sofia and I had a conversation about you and your behavior these last couple of days!” Alex's father said.

  Alex made an attempt to look as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened; he could feel his face turning pale and his blood running cold.

  “...and she told your mother and I you've been absolutely exceptional! I'm very proud of you, son. In fact, Miss Sofia, your mother and I think you're getting to be that age where you deserve a reward for your good behavior," said Alex's father.

  "Miss Sofia here says she has a beach cottage in San Diego, just off the Pacific waters. She has generously agreed to let you and little Danny spend a month of your upcoming summer vacation there. You know–surf, play volleyball ball, campfires right on the beach! What do you think of that Alex?”

  The boy's face lit up with excitement. A grin from ear to ear covered his face as his gaze shifted from his father to Miss Sofia. To his surprise Miss Sofia silently spoke to him slowly; letting him read her lips.

  “I'm pregnant,” she said to Alex with not an utterance of sound; only feet away from his clueless father. She slyly held up a pregnancy test strip which was boldly showing a positive result.

  “I can't wait!" Alex exclaimed, looking to his father, but his mind and cock growing hot with the possibilities that the future held.



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  The Caregiver 2

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  With a sustained moan, she tensed her body and came. Dylan could feel the warm, viscous fluid cover his shaft, onto his balls, then his thighs.

  Dylan is an untouched young stud whose 'rents are about to be out of town for a whole month. Plenty of time to get into all KINDS of trouble... and all types of panties! If only his 'rents could trust him to be alone, that is...

  Fortunately for a hot, horny stud like Dylan, they can't. Insert Cassie, the sexy caretaker and epitome of a MILF, who promises to keep her eyes on him... all over him. Not only is she prepared to "take care of him" with her hands, tits and mouth, she even draws her dirty boy a hot, steamy bath and climbs in, ready to give ALL his parts some much needed one-on-one attention.

  This smoldering MILF vixen knows all the right words (and all the right moves) to get an inexperienced but oh-so eager Dylan out of his clothes and into a VERY vulnerable position... one that will keep him perpetually HARD and HORNY and cumming back for more!


  Music rose to a crescendo from Dylan's phone, marking the beginning of another school day. He reached over to the table and muted the phone. He was a senior at the local high school, who loved his classes, but hated school.

  Dylan got up from bed and had his morning shower, afterward, as he did every day, he looked himself over in the mirror.

  He was small for his age, barely standing five foot eight inches. His face was indescript and very forgettable. His mat of dark brown hair didn't compliment him at all. His chest was narrow, arms and legs slim and lanky. Physically, he didn't stand out in any way.

  Dylan was intelligent, a straight “A” student, but this was all “book smarts”. He knew little of the real world, preferring to immerse himself in fantasy role play games, rather than any team sport. He had two people who he could call “friends” and no girlfriend. The harassment at school had begun early in his life and had never stopped.

  With eyes down, head low, he went to the kitchen for breakfast. He entered the kitchen to the resounding “Hello, honey” from his mother.

  Dylan's mother, Elaine, was raising him alone, and had been all his life. She was tall and attractive. She never missed a chance to hit the gym. She was V.P. of Acquisitions for a major corporation, with headquarters in town. She lived to work, but still coddled Dylan every chance she got.

  “Do you want some eggs, honey?”

  She asked him this question every morning and, every morning the answer was the same.

  “No thanks, mom. Just coffee,” he smiled at her with his thin, colorless lips.

  “Honey, you know I'm going to Beijing for the next couple months, right?” she asked him.

  “Yes, mom,” his voice held a note of disdain. She had told him this every day for the past two weeks.

  “I'm leaving the day after tomorrow, but don't worry, a friend of mine from LA will be here to look after you,” this hit Dylan like a slap on the face.

  “What?” he asked, also yelling. “Mom, I can look after myself.”

  “Honey, you can't,” Elaine told him in a condescending voice. “You don't know how to cook, or wash, or pay the bills, or the hundred other things that need to be done. You'll like Mary, she's very nice.”

  “Mom,” Dylan whined, grabbing up his laptop and books. “I'm old enough to take care of myself” he ended weakly. He walked out the door and headed toward school.

  School was another day of being shoved up against lockers, insults and classes. Dylan took it as he did every day, waiting for the bell to ring so he could leave his own little hell.

  The final bell rang and Dylan rushed to the door, anxious to be one of the first peop
le to pass through it. This way, he avoided his tormentors. He was lucky today. No one accosted him and he was able to walk home in relative peace.

  At home, he found his mother sitting on the couch with a beautiful stranger. With wine glasses in hand, they laughed at each other's stories from their past.

  “Here he is,” his mother had noticed Dylan and motioned him into the living room.

  “This is Dylan, my pride and joy,” his mother beamed. Dylan cringed a little inside at the words. “Dylan, this is Cassie, the best friend I've ever had.”

  “Hello, Dylan,” Cassie smiled at him. He was taken with her perfect teeth and her beauty. She could have been a model.

  “Hi,” Dylan responded, trying hard to look unaffected.

  “Cassie is going to stay with you while I'm gone,” his mother said, matter of factly.

  “That's great,” Dylan knew throwing a fit would be useless. Cassie had flown over a thousand miles to be here and she wasn't going back. Not yet.

  “Don't worry, Dylan. I'm going to take good care of you,” Cassie smiled. Dylan thought he saw something in her eyes, something else.

  Dylan knew Cassie had to be in her early forties, like his mother, but she looked a decade younger. She was wearing a dark yellow dress that left her legs exposed to the thigh. He saw their hard muscle and slender, shapely curves. She had high cheekbones and full, red lips. The skin had not been stretched over it, as he had seen with so many of mother's friends. She looked completely natural and she looked amazing.

  “Nice to meet you,” Dylan rose and made a beeline to his room. In the living room, he had felt himself becoming aroused. He could hear the two women go back to their stories, laughing.

  In his room, Dylan changed into a pair of simple, gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. He started up his computer desktop, donned a headset and logged in. Warcraft awaited him. Here, he was omnipotent.


  His mother entered his room, hours later, and called him to dinner. He logged out and went to “sup” with the elders. He giggled to himself. He was still in a Warcraft mindset.


  The three dined on grilled chicken breast, brown rice and asparagus with almonds. Not their usual Friday fair. Dylan appeared to concentrate intently on every grain of rice as his mother and Cassie continued with their wine and reminiscing.

  “Dylan is a straight 'A' student,” he heard his mother tell her guest. Oh, God, not this, please, he thought to himself.

  “Really?” he heard Cassie's voice. “I was too, at your age,” Dylan's head shot up from the dinner plate.

  “Really?” he asked suspiciously. “What were your best subjects?”

  “I tended to be drawn to math and the sciences,” Cassie began. “Algebra and biology were my favorites, but I loved calculus, chemistry and physics almost as much.” she smiled at him with those perfect teeth and her perfect face.

  “So do I,” Dylan told her excitedly. “What did you take in college?”

  “I studied kinesiology, with a major in sport medicine,” she told him. “I teach physical fitness to sports teams.”

  “Oh, you liar,” his mother giggled, looking at Cassie. She turned her attention to Dylan.

  “Cassie owns a string of sport fitness centers,” his mother started. “She works with professional football and baseball players and other professional athletes. She keeps them at the top of their game,” there was a sense of pride in her voice. Cassie blushed just the tiniest bit. Dylan now knew why she was as fit as she was.

  “What about you, Dylan, what do you want to study in college?” Cassie asked him.

  “Computer sciences,” he told her without hesitation. “Both the software and hardware sides.”

  “Well,” Cassie began to tell him. “With a degree in computer sciences you'll be able to write your own ticket,” she ended with another of her perfect smiles.


  The conversation continued through the evening until, finally, his mother spoke up.

  “Well, I have to get some rest. I'm leaving at eight thirty tomorrow night, and I need to look my best,” a small laugh ended her statement.

  “Come on Elaine,” Cassie told her. “You always look your best.” Dylan's mother leaned over and kissed Cassie on the cheek, arms around her neck. She's tipsy, Dylan thought to himself. And with that, the three of them went to their respective bedrooms and quickly fell asleep.


  For Dylan, the next day passed as most Saturdays did. Warcraft online with his online friends. Here, in the virtual world, he was popular. He noticed the sun setting and went to say goodbye to his mother.

  His mother was at the front door, half a dozen bags beside her.

  “Just in time,” she told him. “You can help me to the car with these,” motioning at the bags.

  “Sure thing, mom,” he smiled to her as he began taking the bags, one by one, out to the car.

  “Alright, I want you to do whatever Cassie tells you, OK?” Dylan's mother told him.

  “I will, mom. Don't worry. Have a good time,” he put his arms around her neck and kissed her cheek.

  “I'll be back soon,” Cassie told Dylan, with a smile. There, there it was again, he thought. Something in her eyes.

  Cassie and his mother left for the airport, leaving him alone in the house, if only temporarily. He knew she'd be back in an hour or so. He went back to his room and immersed himself, once again, in his virtual life.


  A knock at the door pulled Dylan from his online world into the real one.

  “Come in,” he said, shyly. He knew it would be Cassie. The door opened and she walked into the room, stopping at the doorway.

  “Dylan, have you had your bath yet?”

  He was stunned. A bath? He thought. He couldn't remember the last time he had a bath.

  “No. I'll take a shower before I go to bed.” he stumbled with his words.

  “Not a chance, young man,” Cassie told him firmly. “A shower is for a quick cleaning,” she explained. “A bath gives you that deep clean a body needs, and lets your muscles relax and stretch.”

  “OK, Cassie. I'll have a bath later,” he surprised himself at how easy he gave in.

  “Now,” Cassie's voice let him know this was not up for debate. “I'll get it ready and make sure the temperature is just right. We'll use your mother's tub. It's huge.”

  With that, she left as quickly as she had arrived. What did she mean by “we” Dylan thought. Stripping off his clothes, he covered himself in a robe and went to his mother's bedroom.

  In his mother's master bath he saw Cassie. She had a red robe covering herself, her hand in the water of the half full tub.

  “Perfect,” she smiled at him. “Jump in. This tub is fantastic. It keeps the water at the temperature you set it. A hundred and four degrees is best,” she finished, in a professional tone.

  Dylan's mind was racing. Jump in, he thought. Does she mean get naked in front of her?

  Seeing the confusion on his face, Cassie laughed.

  “Don't worry,” she told him, laughter in her voice. “I do this for a living, besides, you don't have anything I haven't seen a thousand times.”

  Her hand tapped the side of the tub. Dylan took off his robe and quickly sat in the tub, hands over his genitals. The water had a strange smell.

  “I put some salts into the water, they'll help get the aches out of your bones,” Cassie told him. “I brought some of my best sea sponges. We'll get those muscles of yours relaxed and your pores open.”

  Dylan couldn't see her. She was behind him. He felt very small in his mother's huge tub.

  “Ahhh, OK,” this was all his mind could come up with.

  Soon he saw Cassie's arms, a sponge in each hand. He could feel her breath on his neck. She began to rub his shoulders softly, running the sponge from neck to arm. He couldn't believe how good it felt, how sensual.

  Cassie's hand moved over more of his
body, the touch of the sponges exciting him. She was rubbing all down his arms, and across his chest, all the while he could feel her warm breath on his neck and shoulders, growing stronger and more rapid with each passing minute. The room was silent.

  “Feels good, doesn't it?” Cassie broke the silence. “Can you feel your muscles relaxing?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I guess so,” Dylan was both confused and excited. His muscles may have been relaxing, but not all of them. He was rock hard under his hands.

  As if knowing this, Cassie moved her hands onto his abdomen, rubbing softly with the sponges.

  “Here,” Cassie offered him one of the sponges. “Why don't you try this on your thigh muscles? It'll feel good, trust me.”

  It took every ounce of will he possessed to move one hand covering his genitals to take the sponge. His average sized cock seemed larger under water, he thought to himself. With sponge in hand, he began to weakly rub it over his right thigh, as Cassie continued her massage on his abdomen.

  Dylan felt a hand encircle his hard cock. It was Cassie's. He froze like a deer in the headlights. She began to stroke it, sliding her soft hand slowly up and down his length and width. The blood rushed from his head.

  “You're a virgin, aren't you?” Cassie asked him as she continued to stroke his member.

  “Yes,” he answered, bluntly.

  “Do you want to be?” she asked him.

  “No,” came his monotone response.

  “Good,” Cassie's voice was low and sultry. He thought he was in some amazing dream. He wasn't.

  Cassie let go of the sponge, pulled her hands out of the water, both of them, to Dylan's disappointment, stood, and moved to his side by the tub.

  Slowly pulling at the belt of her gown, she let it fall open. Dylan saw her, in panties and a bra. Her body was amazing. It was firm and shapely, her breasts perfectly proportioned to her body. Her panties outlined her perfect cunt.

  With a deft hand she removed her bra, then her panties, kicking them across the room. She stood naked in front of him. Her pubic hair had been close clipped to her mound, her tits were firm and protruded from her body, with no sag. Her aureole was a light shade of pink, her erect nipples darker.


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