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Entire SMUT CATALOG: Volume 2

Page 23

by Kimberly Gray

  Then it happened.

  All of the cocks erupted in a cum stream. Becka tried hard not to choke. The voluminous amount of thick, honey-tasting liquid filled every one of the women's holes and poured out around the tentacle cocks.

  Becka felt it pouring out of her everywhere. It streamed from her cunt and anus in rivers, drizzling onto the floor. Her chin, tits and stomach were coated from the flow pouring out of her mouth.

  Jill swallowed a large amount of the alien cum just to breath. Tanya had no doubt her vagina through to her ovaries were filled to capacity, as was her rectum, right into her bowels.

  “Oh, God yes!.” Alice weakily thought in her mind.

  Then it was over.

  The creature's main tentacle recoiled and with it, the two smaller flesh cocks again became a part of the whole. In fractions of a second the tentacle coiled at the creature's side with the nozzle pointing straight out. The other tentacle arms had recoiled from the holes of the other three girls as well.

  Jill was panting in indulgence, over and over again. Tanya and Alice were in a lust-saturated daze. Becka wished she could find words to say to the other women, was found none.

  As the creature exited the room, Becka saw that the pouch on its back was empty, hanging like loose skin.

  All four women suddenly felt an electrical jolt charge through their bodies, then fell unconscious.

  The core had monitored the entire procedure. It had designed the insemination fluid. It was a masterpiece of DNA and RNA editing. It had also redesigned hundreds of molecules, creating some itself. All to reach a single goal: Lactation. Breast milk. The elixir of life.

  The sperm-fluid that was pumped into the girls' bodies each performed a different task. The fluid injected into the girls' vaginas were meant to trick the body into believing an egg had been fertilized. None had. It also vastly increased the bodies gestation period. Each minute that passed was more than a day to the body's reproductive system.

  Estrogen was now being produced in an amount far too high for a human female body. To stem the harm from such high estrogen counts, a suppressant had been engineered. It permeated every tissue in the body, preventing any estrogen from entering.

  A neural manager, a simple synthetic string protein, would manage the bodies uptake and production of serotonin, dopamine, endorphin–along with other neural chemicals and enzymes. This would ensure that the girls' labido was heightened, their physical sensations enhanced, and they would always have a sense of happiness and euphoria.

  The liquids streamed into both the mouth and the rectum were high potency, self-replicating nutrients, along with a free floating antibiotic, specially designed to ensure no contaminant infected the breast milk. These would continue to nourish and protect the female's bodies during the gestation period.

  The core had calculated the exact time each of the girls would be lactating, and had sent this information to the automated milking system in each cell.

  All was ready. Only time stood between now and the harvesting.


  Becka awoke in her cell, lying on the floor, but the floor had changed. Instead of the hard metal she was used to resting on, the floor now contoured itself to her curves, making it incredibly comfortable. When she stood up, the floor became hard metal again. Becka stared down at it in amazement.


  The days and weeks passed. Becka continued to receive food and water from the holes in the wall. She continued to receive her cleansing, though they were no longer power washings. They were now more like body sprays.

  Becka wasn't fooled. All this kindness was for a reason. When she looked at her belly, she could see no bulge. Her periods continued, so she came to the conclusion she was not pregnant, yet her tits were becoming more and more tender. This confounded her.

  Becka never gave up her fight to escape, though her determination had softened after experiencing heaven in cock-form. She continued probing her cell for any signs of egress. She knew if she was able to get out, she could return to the room where she had been ravished so lovely, and to the doors with the three lights. The manual control panel. Once through there she would need to play it by ear.


  Becka woke one day, stretched, then waited for her morning food and water ration from the holes in her cell walls. Several minutes later, both flowed from two holes in the back wall of her cell. She was just finishing up when eight metal tentacles shot from the wall and wound around her wrists, ankles and body. They turned her back to the wall and pulled her tight. Becka didn't scream, she was pissed. Fighting against these metal bindings was useless, she found out quickly.

  She waited tentatively for what was next.

  Out of three other holes appeared two thin, metal tubes with what appeared to be suction cups on their tips. It finally hit her like a freight train. They wanted her milk. She resumed her struggle against her unbreakable bonds.

  From the third hole a telescoping rod extended. There was a hinge about a foot back from its tip. The rod flipped up on the hinge and the tip began to unscrew, increasing its width with every turn.

  The end of the rod had now completely unscrewed. It was at least a foot in length and 2 or 3 inches in width. This was not the black cylinder she had experienced on the wheel but something different. It was smooth, slick metal. It looked like it had been chromed.

  As the rod retracted into the hole slightly, to position itself directly under Becka's cunt, the portion of the rod to which the tip was attached extended. It slid past her cunt lips smoothly and filled her canal.

  Surprisingly, to Becka, it was warm. It felt good inside her. She was actually waiting for this chrome cock to start fucking her.

  The flexible metal tubes with the suction cups attached themselves to Becka's erect nipples. She could feel the suction of air being pulled down the tube. Her nipple began to ache as the suction increased. Her breast milk started to flow freely.

  She felt the pain of an electrical charge from the chrome cock inside her. Her entire body convulsed and the milk from her tits shot out in jets, swallowed immediately by the suction tubes. The process of harvesting continued. Each time Becka was shocked milk jetted out of both her tits and down the collection tube.

  Becka was strapped to the wall, naked, with a chrome cock inside her and slender tubes with suction cups on both her nipples. She saw this in the reflection from the cell door. She was both humiliated and aroused by her predicament.

  The shocks to her cunt grew in intensity and the milk was now continuously flowing. The shocks continued until the milk flow stopped. She hadn't a drop left inside her.

  The tentacles that held her, the tubes that collected her milk and the chrome cock that delivered electrical shocks to her cunt withdrew into their holes as fast as a snake strike.

  Becka fell to the floor panting from the strange pleasure the electrical shocks gave her. She lay there on the contoured floor several minutes before she felt her libido had simmered down.


  Finally, Becka rose from the floor. Water and food began to flow from two holes in the wall. She drank and consumed her fill, then sat in a corner.

  Any other girl would have given herself to her fate. Becka was not any girl. Even now she was planning her escape.

  An idea began to form in her mind and a smile spread across her face.



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  Secret SLUT Society

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  Alice loved Craig, a rich and influential lawyer who rubbed shoulders with the powerful elite. Alice would do anything for him. But Craig had a dark secret. Before he could marry Alice, he must expose her
to a sexual test to determine if she is worthy of knowing his secret. If she passed the test, Craig would introduce her to an ancient fraternity of carnal pleasures of which he is a member. Alice will soon witness exactly what it takes to join the ranks of this secret society, where anything goes.

  Will Alice past the test set by Craig? Can she survive the covenant slut admission ceremony? Just how far-reaching is this fraternity?


  Alice was shivering, cold and wet. Her bare nipples grew hard in the night air.

  The last thing she could have expected was to be outside in the streets of Camden, London, wearing nothing but a long raincoat and a pair of red high heels.

  Her now-ex lover Jacob had pushed her out of his flat so fast she didn't even have time to reveal her erotic surprise.

  They had been having arguments off and on the last several months so it came as little surprise to Alice when she decided to surprise him only to find him fucking another woman in his bed.

  Her tears of heartbreak mixed with the drizzle of the night as the waters joined together to smear and ruin her makeup.

  That night, on her lonely walk home, she considered swearing off men once and for all. She had seen enough heartbreak, she felt, to fill two lifetimes.

  Alice was two blocks from reaching her apartment when a cherry-red 1958 Aston Martin DB Mark III drove past. She watched as the vehicle's brake lights suddenly turned on, followed by its reverse lights. The driver of the car pulled up to her and rolled down the window.

  “It's a dark night, miss, please be careful. There's a lot of drunkards about!” a voice said from within the car.

  “I'll be sure to do so, thanks,” Alice replied, between sobs.

  “Yikes, it's really pouring tonight! Here, take this umbrella,” the man in the classical car said before offering Alice an umbrella.

  “, thanks! You're much too kind,” Alice said as she took the umbrella. She was surprised by the sudden and unexpected kindness from a complete stranger.

  The man smiled as he made eye contact with her in the dreary night. He was dressed in a custom-tailored two-piece gray suit, ebony tie and silver-studded cuff links.

  His expressed turned from harmless flirtation to genuine worry as he saw the sorrow in Alice's eyes.

  “Hey now...what's wrong? You look like you've been crying!” he exclaimed before hopping out of his car and draping his black petticoat over her shoulders.

  In the darkness of the night, the man graciously ushered Alice into his car and out of the rain. They drove off together, with Alice sharing her story of sorrow and the man intently listening to the story of her recent breakup. When they arrived to Alice's flat, Alice gave the kind man a kiss on the cheek and they traded numbers.


  Six months had passed since that night, and in that time Alice and the man–Craig–had been dating ever since.

  Craig was an accomplished lawyer who was born in the United States but grew up primarily in and around the European Union. Prior to their meeting, Craig had been previously married but made tabloids when he and his wife divorced. The headlines were scathing: “Well known defense lawyer leaving his wife”, “Craig Wallace breaking bad” and “Scandalous millionaire left his ex with no means”.

  Despite his controversial past, Alice quickly developed feelings for him, and never questioned why his first relationship failed so spectacularly. She always supported him even though he would appear, at times, guarded. Craig often blamed emotional distance on his work, which required long hours and often burning of the midnight oil, but Alice could tell there was something else he was hiding.

  Eventually Craig hired Alice as an intern for his law firm in Monte Carlo, France. She was fastidious and hard-working and quickly excelled through the ranks until she was appointed Craig's personal secretary.

  One morning Craig came out of his office and approached Alice with a bouquet of yellow daffodils.

  “Do you love me?” he asked Alice.

  “Yes, of course! You know this, silly,” Alice replied emphatically.

  “Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?” he asked.

  “Yes, sweetheart. But why? Why won't you propose to me yet?”

  “First I must show you something about me...a side of me you have not yet seen. Meet me tonight at 7 p.m. and we shall share dinner. Consider it the first step of...a test.” he replied ominously.

  “A test? I don't understand. A test for what?” asked Alice.

  “You will see, in time. It'll all be revealed to you soon enough. Will you join me?” replied Craig.

  “OK...sure. At 7 p.m. tonight.”

  “Great, I'll pick you up then,” Craig said before disappearing into his office to start the day's work.

  Alice tried to focus on her job and not get distracted by the odd conversation she had with Craig, but the mysterious nature of Craig that day kept tugging at her thoughts.

  That night, after Alice had returned to her town house in Saint Michel, she slipped out of her work clothes and stepped toward a hot shower and into a billow of hot steam.

  The sensation of the hot water pulsating against her back and running down her breasts, stomach and across her vulva felt incredible.

  Alice was tempted to play with herself but knew she should save her energy for later that night in case Craig was in the mood. However, it had been more than a week since Alice had pleasured herself and she was finding herself particularly frisky in that moment. She leaned against the shower stall facing toward the shower head and let the hot stream hit her pussy.

  She teased herself by not allowing herself to move away nor touch any part of her; instead letting the water have its way with her. She bit her lower lip and let out soft moans as the drops relentlessly pulsated with pressure.

  She turned the dial on the shower head to a more concentrated stream. She faced the shower head once more, this time with her legs spread farther apart causing the lips of her labia to part. Her moans turned into roars of pleasure that echoed beyond the next room and heard in the apartment next door.

  Sometime later, at precisely 7pm, a large black Bentley drove up to her house. A classy gentleman, with a single red rose in hand, approached her door and range the door bell. Alice opened the door dressed in a sexy emerald dress that stopped a foot above her knees. They both smiled at one another, embraced, then kissed. Craig's eyes looked up and down Alice's body in admiration before he extended his arm and escorted her to his Bentley.

  Craig's personal driver began driving the vehicle south towards the harbor. Alice and Craig were in the back sharing a glass of pre-chilled Bollinger, circa 1988.

  Alice knew that she loved this man and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. He was her light, her source of happiness and contentment. As they shared laughs and flirtatious remarks on their drive to the harbor, Alice realized that she would do almost anything for him.

  Craig smelled of money, confidence and success–just the type of man who knew what he wanted in life and how to get it.

  The car entered into a private sea port and stopped at the dock. Craig helped Alice out and escorted her to a large 75 meter yacht with the name “Le Sort” on its side. The seafaring vessel had white accents and a white top with black trim and black sides.

  Craig boarded the massive vessel first then extended his hand out to help Alice walk aboard in her high heels.

  Inside, overlooking the main deck, was a luxurious dining room with curved vaulted ceilings and a dark oak table with a fine Moroccan 2000 thread-count tablecloth. Two prominent candles were lit along with a fare of utensils, ice water, glasses and cloth napkins. Soft, sensual music was playing in the background. A string of festive white-bulbed lights lined the upper portion of the yacht's windows.

  Craig pulled the seat out for Alice to sit. Just as both situated themselves at the table the soft purr of the yacht's engines came to life. The yacht steered southeast towards open sea.

nbsp; Craig poured Alice a glass of champaign with a custom label that had only the word “enigma” written in cursive on it. Small, minuscule flecks of gold sparkled in the glass as the bubbles from the champaign danced with the white light from the holiday lights lining the windows.

  “To tonight, of which I get to spend these moments with the most beautiful woman I know. And to tomorrow, a new day and hopefully a new chapter in our relationship,” Craig said charmingly before clanging glasses with Alice's and christening the speech with a sip.

  The joy was apparent in Alice's eyes as the city lights moved across her eyes.

  The yacht was moving ever farther across the harbor and into bolder waters. She looked around, examining the room full of flowers, candles and a sweet smelling incense.

  Two waiters appeared with the couple's dinners. The gourmet food was sizzling straight from the kitchen's ovens. Pan seared salmon, a small salad, caviar with a slice of toast and green beans gently battered in goat's butter. A small fruit clafoutis was for dessert.

  They ate their eloquent dishes, finished the bottle of champaign and enjoyed their desserts together.

  “I wanted to express how much I appreciate your hard work these last couple of weeks. Your support has been paramount in my winning the Sokolov case. So, the first purpose of you being here is a job proposal. I want you to intern at my firm, and when you're ready to past the bar exam, become a general lawyer on my personal team. It'll be a lot of hard work but I believe you can do it.”

  Alice smiled brightly as she imagined the opportunities that would come with such a job title. Extra money, prestige, the challenge of preparing and winning a high-profile case.

  “And what's the second?” she asked, taking a sip from her glass.

  “What second?”

  “You said the first reason for me to be here was the promotion. Then what's the second reason?”

  “You know I couldn't have done any of this without you. I want you in my life, you know this...but there are still some things about me you don't know.”


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