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Entire SMUT CATALOG: Volume 2

Page 30

by Kimberly Gray

  It had been the two of them ever since.

  Together they left their apartment, locking the door behind them, and headed for the car.


  Their server sat them at a table for two, next to the restaurant's glass front. Placing two menus down, she asked them.

  “Can I get you anything to drink?” the server asked with a trained smile.

  “Diet coke,” Jill told her.

  “And a Corona, no ice, no lime,” her father finished.

  The server smiled her acknowledgment and left the table. She returned, moments later with their drinks. Courtesies exchanged, she left the table again, to give Jill and David time to study the menu.

  “It's nice here, daddy,” Jill told her father. “I'm glad you wanted to have dinner with me.”

  “I couldn't think of anyone I'd rather have dinner with,” he smiled back at her, taking a drink from his bottle.

  “Are you ever going to start dating?” Jill asked her father, bringing a look of surprise to his face.

  “Now what would make you ask me that?” he replied.

  “Friday. Dinner with your daughter. Hello?!” she laughed, her father soon joined in.

  “Well, when I find someone as beautiful as you, I'll consider it,” he told her, still laughing.

  “Perv!” Jill called him jokingly. The laughter continued.


  “Want to play?” Jill asked.

  “Really?” her father asked.

  “Come on, it's fun and you know it,” she giggled.

  “OK, you call it,” he acquiesced.

  Jill looked out the glass, watching people as they walked by.

  “Her,” she called out, pointing. “You go first.”

  Jill had pointed out a woman, tanned with too much make-up and a skin tight dress she didn't have the body for.

  “OK. She's the wife of a millionaire. He forces her to undergo plastic surgery to make her look younger. It didn't turn out so well, so now she needs to put on tons of make-up to hide the scars. To compensate, she eats a box of chocolates everyday and had every mirror removed from her house,” David finished. Jill let out a loud laugh, causing some of the other patrons to look their way.

  They couldn't have cared less.

  “Daddy, that's cruel,” Jill laughed. “But probably true.”

  They both laughed at this. They played the “what's the story” game when they were out together. The game was simple. Chose a person, then describe their life based off their appearance. At first, David had considered it a very demeaning game. Jill told him that as long as they never heard what they said, what's the harm? He was able to rationalize that.

  Jill was still looking at the women when she observed a man, just a few steps away, appearing to have a fit.

  “Daddy, look at that guy. What's the matter with him?” she asked, concern in her voice.

  Her father picked up on this and looked for himself.

  It appeared the man was convulsing at random intervals. He could see the man's head whip to one side, neck muscles bulging. His arms moved in a series of jerking motions, completely atypical. His back arched and David couldn't believe it didn't break.

  A group of other pedestrians were observing the man from a distance. Some with their phones out, taking pictures and video. Neither David nor Jill could take their eyes off him. This “fit” continued for several minutes. Even so, the man remained standing. The convulsions came to a sudden end, leaving the man standing there with no apparent thought. His arms were hanging limp, his eyes staring straight ahead.

  Then it happened.

  With a speed David had never seen before, the man tore off his clothes, literally. He pulled on the waistband of his cotton pants with such force they tore at the back, both at the waistband and the legs. David did a rough calculation in his head of just how much force would be required to do this, and was stunned. A person wasn't capable of that much strength, he thought.

  The now naked man leaped the eight foot distance between him and the woman in the tight dress. His speed was cat-like. The force of impact knocked the woman to the ground. The man tore off her clothes just as quickly as he did his own. The woman was hysterical. One of the spectators ran to where the pair had fallen, attempting to pull the man off the woman. The crazed man grabbed the spectator's shirt with one hand and extended his arm like a piston. The spectator was taken off his feet and propelled backward, striking another of the spectators in the group with such force, it dropped him flat on his back.

  David's mind tried to make sense of what he was seeing. Jill and their server were screaming.

  David saw the crazed man place his erect cock against the woman's genitals and push. The woman let out a scream that almost shook the glass.

  “Oh my God,” David thought. “He's inside her!”

  From his vantage point he could see the man humping wildly, his ass rising and falling at an incredible rate. The woman's scream filled the air, then, suddenly stopped. She lay motionless on the sidewalk. The man continued to fuck her, not slowing in the slightest.

  David thought the woman was dead.

  She wasn't.

  Like a scene from some third rate horror flick the woman's arms shot out from her shoulder's with the same, unnatural speed as the man's. They locked around the crazed man's neck, pulling tightly. Her hips started moving up and down, trying to mimic the man's motions. In a moment they were in sync, her hips rising to meet every fall of his so rapidly it was almost a blur.

  This was fucking the likes of which David could have never imagined. It was the speed. How could anyone move that fast?

  With a grip that defied human strength, David saw the two clutch each other in death grips. The crazed man lifted his head back and grunted in stutters. Other than this, the man and the woman were still. With no signs of warning, the man jumped to his feet. David could see his member. Streams of what only could be cum shot out at intervals, looking more like a pressure washer than a human ejaculation. The thick streams must have traveled at least two feet.

  David couldn't move.

  Finally, David began to regain his senses. By this time he could hear his daughter screaming.

  “We need to go, daddy! Now!”

  Fear and panic filled her voice. Her fingers were buried in the flesh of his arms.

  All the patrons of the restaurant had crowded to the window and saw most everything David had seen. They, too, had decided to leave as fast as possible. There was a line to the back door. David could still hear screams and “oh my God,” coming from the lips of the retreating patrons.

  “Daddy, come on!” Jill was pulling at his arm now. “Let's go!” her fear still in her voice.

  David got up and, gripping his daughter's hand tightly, made for the back door of the building. The last thing he saw was the men and women, who had been spectators, convulsing just as the crazed man had. His mind was still unable to grasp what he saw.


  The car left the parking lot with a squeal. David had his foot down as police patrol cars screamed past him in the other direction. His daughter still held his hand tightly. As they drove home they began to see more and more naked men and women fucking in the streets.

  “Daddy, what's happening?” Jill was close to hysteria.

  “I don't know, honey, but It'll be OK, I promise,” he told his daughter without conviction, but it wasn't enough to quell her rising hysteria.

  “I want to go home, daddy. Please,” she begged.

  “We are, honey. I'm driving as fast as I can,” he tried to reassure his daughter.

  From this point until they got to their building, the two remained silent.


  David turned into the narrow driveway of their building, just missing the building to his left. They pulled up in their parking spot and braked hard to a stop. There were only three other cars in the lot.

  “Stay near me,” he told his daughter as they exited th
e car.

  As soon as he saw the passenger door close he heard his daughter call for him, in almost a whisper.

  “Daddy,” Jill spoke softly, eyes wide, lips pressing together.

  David didn't wait to ask why his daughter was talking so quietly, he rushed to her side.

  It was here he saw them.

  The Randalls, a young couple who lived on the floor above them were naked on the tarmac of the parking lot less than four feet from the car. David could see that they were entwined in the same death grip he had witnessed just minutes before. They seemed completely oblivious to their presence. The couple was positioned directly under a harsh lot light, whether by purpose or happenstance, David did not know.

  Jill reached for her step father's hand, squeezing it like a vice.

  “Let's go, daddy, before they wake up,” he could see that his daughter had no concept or understanding of what was happening. The scientist in David spoke up in his mind to document the symptomatology.

  “I'm sorry, honey. We need to observe this. It could help us down the line,” he told his frightened daughter. “I don't think they can see or hear us,” he ended.

  He could see Mr. Randall's, Terry's, eyes. They had become milky white orbs, completely blind. A quick look at his wife, Lynn, told him she had suffered the same affliction.

  “Daddy! They're naked and I think they're screwing,” Jill told him. There was a nuance in her voice David had never heard and couldn't identify.

  “I know, honey, but this has to be a viral infection. Nothing else would explain the similarities,” her father informed her. “If we observe them, we may be able to see some hint of early stage infection, and we'll definitely see one of the end stages. We need to know this, honey. You can close your eyes if you want.” he told her, compassionately.

  “No, daddy. I'm old enough to watch,” her hand tightened on his.

  They both began to watch the couple intently.

  Terry was on top of his wife, pulling one leg up from the tarmac. His lips were diligently sucking her tits. His groin pushed tightly to hers. Taking a few steps forward, Jill and her father could now see both of the couple's genitalia.

  Terry had a massive erection, veins bulging from the sides of his huge cock. He had not yet entered his wife. Under the harsh light, he could see Lynn's cunt glistening. It was sopping wet, a pool of what must be honeydew spread out upon the black asphalt. Her hand was stroking her husbands member hard. The up and down motions of her hand were spasmodic more than fluid. Terry didn't seem to care.

  The noises the two were making barely sounded human. Short grunts and yelps were all they could vocalize. Terry began to hump in the air, not yet inside his wife's wet, slippery cunt. His grunts became closer and closer, his hips pumping up and down wildly. With a high pitched yelp, Lynn sat up straight. Terry immediately started fucking her mouth. His hips moved with increasing speed, pushing and pulling the full length and width of his huge, hard cock past her wet lips, into her mouth and down her throat. She didn't gag once.

  From his vantage point David could see enormous amounts of saliva spewing from around Terry's hard member. With every push of his hips a froth shot from his wife's mouth, covering the lower half of Terry's body.

  It was then Terry's hips stopped dead.

  From Lynn came a deep, gurgling sound, the sound of a drowning woman. Now, mixed with the saliva, copious amounts of milky white cum flowed around her husbands large, venous cock, dripping in cupfuls onto the asphalt.

  David could see Lynn's throat working to swallow what could only be a tremendous volume of man milk, cum.

  Terry withdrew his club from his wife's mouth. Like bursts from a fire hose, voluminous jets of thick, white cum was expelled from Terry's wide cock head, spraying Lynn's face. David could see her tongue lash out with the speed of a cobra's strike, dragging any cum it touched into her mouth. The speed was not human. Her throat continued its job, swallowing every drop of her husbands sweet, salty essence.

  A man can't produce this much semen, David thought to himself. He glanced over at his daughter.

  Jill's eyes were opened wide, but glazed over. Her tongue licking her lips slowly. One of her hands had disappeared under her dress. He could see it's fabric moving rhythmically.

  “Jill,” David hissed. “Jill!”

  Jill came back to the moment. Her eyes cleared and her hand removed itself from under her dress. Under the light above them, he could see the fair skin of her cheeks turn pink with embarrassment. She said nothing. What could she say?

  Terry had now placed himself atop his wife, holding both her legs high. His still-engorged cock entered Lynn's steaming moist cunt. The sound of a viscous liquid under pressure reached David's ears. He could hear the cock sliding in and out of the cunt.

  Terry began the fucking process, driving himself deep into his wife's cum soaked cunt, then out again.

  Faster and faster moved his hips, Lynn letting out louder and louder yelps.

  “This is more animal, than man,” David thought.

  Within a few seconds Terry's hips were moving faster than what was humanly possible. Each thrust of his huge, wide man flesh more like a stab, than a push. Lynn was yelping uncontrollably, with no discernible pattern. Terry's grunts had become a wave, the breaks now almost undetectable. In a movement as quick as a gunshot his back arched beyond what David had considered the breaking point.

  As fast as Terry injected his wife with what seemed like gallons of cum, it sprayed out from Lynn's cunt, around his still rock hard cock, onto his abdomen and chest.

  Then, he was as still as death, pushed as far into Lynn's cunt as was possible. Her yelps no longer squeal. This continued, for what David considered, forever.

  “How? How?” the question repeated itself over and over in his mind.

  Finally, Terry withdrew with another series of high pressure streams of cum hitting his wife's face like shotgun blasts. Again, Lynn's tongue lashed out with superhuman speed, dragging in every drop of cum she could. The pool of honeydew under her was as large as a rain puddle and just as deep. Unbelievably, Terry lowered himself back on to his wife, still as hard as a metal bar.

  Suddenly David heard a noise from the yard behind him. Slowly, he made out the image of a man and two women, utterly naked.

  Terry's back arched, his nose turned toward the advancing trio.

  “Now, honey, move,” David almost dragged his daughter to the back door of their building. He anticipated a violent encounter between the couple and the trio. He opened the back door, then stood there watching. He needed to know the behavior pattern of two groups interacting.

  What he saw next stunned him to his core.

  Rather than violence, the couple welcomed the others in. Soon it looked like a snakes-nest of fucking, sucking and cumming. The group of three seemed much older than Terry and Lynn, who were in their late twenties.

  “Daddy,” Jill said quietly. “That's Mr. Jacobs from the next building, and the two girls look like his wife and daughter.”

  “Are you sure, honey?” he asked.

  “Positive, daddy. I can see Annie's tattoo,” she told him with certainty.

  “How old is Annie, honey?” he asked apprehensively.

  “17, daddy,” Jill replied.

  David looked closely at the girl with the tattoo. She appeared to be in her 60s. A cold shiver ran down his spine.

  “Come on, honey. Let's get inside,” he told his daughter. The grunts and yelps were beginning to crescendo. He closed the door, bringing an abrupt end to the feral sounds.


  Closing and locking the door of the apartment, David methodically turned off all the lights, with the exception of the kitchen, and drew the blinds on all the windows. Taking a dish cloth, he stuffed it under the floor door. Jill watched silently.

  Taking down a bottle of bourbon and a glass, he sat on a kitchen chair with Jill across from him. After downing a partial glass of the intoxicant, David looked into
his daughter's eyes and spoke.

  “All right,” he started, his voice somewhat unsteady. “This is what we know: one, the virus is highly contagious, we saw that at the restaurant. Two, It's airborne. Three, its incubation period is measured in minutes. Four, we're somehow immune.”

  He stopped there, as if to gather his thoughts into some form of logical progression.

  “Daddy, why are we immune?” Jill asked.

  “This has to be a mutated virus, man made,” he started once more. “If we were going to contract it, we would have by now. We spent a lot of time in near-contact to an infected couple.”

  He drew a breath and continued.

  “We both saw that the Randalls were blind and deaf. The only reason a virus would create these conditions would be to heighten another sense. Smell.”

  He poured another drink and swallowed it.

  “Somehow, the infected are able to sense the pheromones of other infected. When Annie and her parents got close to Terry, he knew exactly where they were coming from. We both saw him raise his nose toward them. It was as good as pointing a finger.”

  Gathering his thoughts, he continued.

  “In order to smell pheromones, our Vomeronasal organs would need to be in tip top shape. In normal humans, their pretty much dormant, like a lot of other genes. We don't need them so we don't use them. Somehow, this virus switched them on. That would explain a lot,” David took another drink from his glass.

  “We have many dormant genes that used to control our mating instinct. If they were switched on too, and somehow amped up thousands of times, it could overload our cerebral cortex so that this was the only signal it received. Our limbic system would be on overdrive all the time,” David felt sure this was part of the equation.

  “You saw Annie, right?” he asked his daughter.

  “Yeah, daddy. She looked horrible,” the imagine this brought up in her mind made her shiver.

  “Exactly,” David replied. “She looked like she was old. Very old. Her body must be burning out all her organs. Her adrenal gland must be in overdrive as well. Pretty soon her body will simply fail. Probably a massive heart attack or multiple brain embolisms.”


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