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Ransom: Soulless Bastards MC Daytona: Book 3 (Soulless Bastards MC Daytona Chapter)

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by Erin Trejo


  “Ransom? You have to be kidding me?” I laugh a little which was a mistake. His fingers tighten until I whimper. He’s no doubt marking my face with bruises.

  “Does it look like I’m kiddin’ you? You’re my little play toy until daddy decides to hand over what he owes my club. You, princess are now broke and poor. How does it feel?” He hisses with a smirk on his face. His eyes are dark, full of anger that’s now all directed at me. My body shudders as I think of what might happen to me while he has me.

  “Just call him. He will pay you, I know he will,” I cry. Ransom laughs and releases my face before sitting in the chair behind him, glaring at me.

  “You think it’s that easy? That he cares that much?” he asks crossing his arms over his chest. His muscles bulge, the colorful ink catching my eye. Roaming over the designs, Ransom chuckles causing me to drag my gaze back to his.

  “My dad gives me whatever I want,” I snap.

  “That’s the fuckin’ problem with you isn’t it? Daddy hands it all over and you never have to work for what you want. Spoiled fuckin’ bitch.”

  “You don’t know me!” God, who the hell does he think he is? He doesn’t know me.

  “Oh, I do know you princess. You are just like any other rich snob. You have the world at your fingertips, one snap of those little manicured nails and it’s in the palm of your hand. Your kind make me sick.” He shoves out of the chair causing it to slide across the floor before clinking to the ground. I jolt a little at his actions before he’s standing in front of me.

  “You think daddy will pay for you?” He reaches down, slipping his fingers over my cheek. The gesture causes me to shiver. His calloused fingers roam over my skin, down my neck and over my shoulder.

  “What do you think daddy would do if I touched his little girl the way he does the little whores?” His words are like a slap to the face. I jerk my face away from his hand watching as it falls to his side. Ransom laughs and steps away from me.

  “You see, Henley. Those girls didn’t get a choice. They were forced into shit that they didn’t want to be in by your daddy’s hand. How the hell do you think they feel?” he looks at me but all I see is evil. Not a man, a monster.

  “Whatever you want, just ask him,” I plead. Ransom chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest as he glares at me. The heat and the hate in his eyes makes me cringe. He cocks his head to the side, raising one hand to scratch at his jawline.

  “I don’t think it’s gonna be that easy. Your daddy stole somethin’ from me a long time ago and I think it’s about time I repaid that gesture with one of my own,” he sneers.

  “What did he take?” I ask timidly not truly sure that I want to know. Ransom sniffs shifting his stance from one foot to another like he’s uncomfortable. I wait in silence, wanting to know what my dad did but he doesn’t say. He just watches me those dark eyes taking me in and making me feel uneasy. Suddenly, he laughs and turns on his heel walking toward the door, turning the light off and sending me into darkness. Tears slide down my cheeks as I lay my head back against the wall. I don’t know why but I feel like I’ve just been sent into the pits of hell. I don’t know what my dad did to this man but it must have been bad. I know that he’s stolen a lot of money in his time but I don’t feel like this is just over money. No, the way Ransom looked at me? This is personal to him and things never end well when it’s personal.

  Chapter 5


  “You break that girl yet?” Rebel asks pissing me off a little more. I shake my head and take down another shot before lighting up my cigarette.

  “Ain’t say shit to her. I want her to squirm for a while. You call her dad?” I look to Neo when I ask. He nods his head and grins.

  “He’s willin’ to triple what he took. Stupid bastard,” he mumbles.

  “No shit? Triple? For a little snob of a daughter?”

  “I know what this is, Ransom. I get it and if you want to have your fun first you go for it. I know what they did to-“ I don’t let Neo finish that sentence. What they did is in the past and that’s where I try to keep it locked although that’ s becoming harder and harder by the day. Every time I think about Henley having her world on a pedestal I want to be the one to push her off of it.

  “I know too. You’re right. Havin’ Henley has made it personal. I don’t think we should accept daddy’s offer just yet. I want to know where he’s housin’ those girls anyway,” I inform him. Neo nods his head knowing all too well why this means so damn much to me.

  “We wait then. You do what you do and we’ll go from there.” Nodding my head, I blow a ring of smoke through my parted lips.

  “What are we talking about?” I look up to see Piper, Triton ’s sister walking in with his old lady Saylor.

  “Nothin’ you need to know about. Where you two been?” I can see the mischievous look in their eyes. They were out doing something I’m sure Triton will lose his shit over. Saylor smiles and steps forward, lifting the leg of her shorts a little higher until I see the tattoo.

  “You don’t think you have enough of those?” I ask with a smirk. “And why is she smilin’?” I ask nodding toward Piper. She only laughs and steps closer, pulling her shorts up too.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake,” I grumble when I see hers. “Your brother is gonna kill you. And you? I don’t think you’ll be gettin’ any for a month.”

  “Oh, please. You know the power the of pussy, Ransom. He’ll give me whatever I want, won’t he Trin?” Saylor hollers over to her sister. Trin shakes her head and goes back to cleaning the bar like a good club whore.

  “What’s all the screamin’ about?” Speak of the devil and he appears.

  “Your girl went out and took your sister to get a tramp stamp!”

  “Ransom! It’s not a tramp stamp!”

  “Like hell she did!” Triton roars. I sit back and watch the scene play out in front of me. I knew he’d be pissed which makes it that much funnier.

  “What the fuck were you thinkin’?” he asks stepping into Saylor’s space. She looks up at him with a bored expression on her face.

  “She wanted one, I took her.” Defiant little shit. I like her.

  “And? She wants a lot of things that don’t mean you take her!” He bellows. I chuckle and so does Rebel.

  “You two shut the fuck up. Don’t you have a bitch to break?” Triton turns his anger on me. I laugh, tipping my head back.

  “I do but this shit is more fun,” I point out.

  “Oh, what bitch? What did she do?” Saylor asks walking around Triton and leaning against the table next to me.

  “None of your business,” I mumble.

  “Come on, Ransom! I never get in on the good shit.”

  “That’s because you have no business bein’ in the good shit. Be a good little old lady and don’t ask,” I tell her watching her eyes blaze with fire. It amuses me but I also like it. Triton met his match with this girl.

  “You men are such assholes. I don’t know why you think that you can boss us around and keep us out of the loop. I’ll just show up at your house one day and find out,” she snaps at me when my blood turns cold. Rage dances in my vision and Triton sees it. He moves to stand in front of Saylor and even though they both know I’d never hurt her; Triton knows what this is about.

  “She’s just talkin’ shit, Ransom.”

  “I know. I gotta go,” I say standing from my chair and heading toward the door. I can’t deal with this shit today. I know what I want to do to Henley but I also know what I was taught. I was taught that women aren’t to be hurt and messed with but at the same time I saw what women like Henley do to others. I want her to understand what it feels like to have your world stripped away and tossed scraps to eat. I want her to see the world that I had to see. I want her to fucking hurt.

  “Hey Ransom!” I turn when I hear Piper call my name. She comes barreling toward me, slamming into me with her arms around my neck. Piper is everyone’s little sister th
ese days. She means a hell of a lot to all of us.

  “What’s this for?” I ask as she hugs me tightly.

  “Whatever you are doing, I know you can handle it,” she whispers in my ear. I take a deep breath and hold onto her. Piper is a pure heart in all this madness. She is something special and I pray to God every day that she doesn’t get sucked into our lifestyle.

  “Thanks, P. I appreciate that.” Piper pulls back and smirks at me.

  “I am the wise one.”

  “That you are. You likin’ it over at Blade’s place?” Piper shrugs. She’s been living with our old president to have some stability in her life but now that she’s old she’s around here more. I know that pisses Triton off considering he didn’t want her to be a part of this world. He did the best he could with her though.

  “It’s okay. I like playing with the kids. They are the best but it’s so boring. There’s really no one my age over there.”

  “No one your age means no boys. That’s good,” I tease her. Piper punches me in the arm before laughing.

  “Why do you think I’m here? All the men seem to gravitate to this place,” she gestures to the clubhouse, Pit of Hell behind us.

  “That’s why you don’t need to be here. Get you a real man, P. One that has a dependable job and good morals. Not us bastards,” I wink at her before leaning in and pressing a kiss to her cheek.

  “You guys are alright,” she says stepping back as I grab my helmet.

  “Maybe so.” Sliding the helmet on, I climb on my bike and rev it up. Piper just grins at me. I shake my head with a smile on my face and head out ready to play with my toy for a while. One way of another I will break that girl.

  Chapter 6


  The door creaks open and the shadow figure walks in. His cologne and the smell of leather hit me instantly. The lights flicker on and I blink rapidly trying to adjust to the brightness that now invades the room. Ransom walks slowly toward me with a bag in his hand.

  “You look like shit,” he says with a smile on his face.

  “You left me chained to a wall all night, what did you expect?” Being a smartass might not be the best thing right now but what else do I have to do?

  “I expected you to fight.”

  “That whole martial arts thing? Yeah, my dad lied. I don’t know any of that.” His eyes widen at my admission. Maybe that was a mistake. I should have let him think I could fight then maybe he wouldn’t mess with me.

  “Why lie about it?” He asks squatting in front of me. I shrug.

  “People don’t mess with me if they think I can fight. I guess it was just a safety precaution for him.” His eyes move over my face like he’s looking for a hit that I might be lying. Right now, I wish I was.

  “You’re dumber than I thought you were,” he chuckles before standing back up straight.

  “What the fuck does that mean?” I snap and shove myself up. I can’t go after him but at least I can stand and move a little. Ransom turns to face me again with a smile on his face.

  “Pay attention here, sweetheart. I took you assumin’ you could fight me. Then you tell me it was all a lie,” he says stepping closer to me. I can smell him, taste him on my tongue. “Now I know I can break you in half and there is nothin’ you can do to stop me.” His chest is pressed against mine and the more he peers down at me, the more I want to look into his eyes and see who he is. Why he wants to do this to me. I want all the answers.

  “Why are you taking your anger for him out on me?” Ransom smiles and god, is that smile perfect. If he wasn’t holding me hostage, he would actually be hot.

  “Always the same question. Why? Why? Why? Do you think you deserve to know why?” He asks cocking his head to the side and studying my face.

  “You do have me chained to a wall,” I remind him trying to keep my head held high.

  “Where is your dad holdin’ those girls?”

  “What girls?”

  “Don’t play stupid, Henley. All the girls he whores out to make his money. Where are they?” Shaking my head, I won’t let him ruin my dad. Why should I?

  “I don’t know.” As soon as the words leave my mouth, his hand wraps around my throat. He shoves me back roughly, my back hitting the wall.

  “Oh, you do know princess. And I will find out.”

  “What’s the difference where they are?” I ask on a whisper as his fingers slowly tighten around my neck. His eyes are full of anger and hatred but I don’t think it’s aimed at me.

  “Told you. Daddy fucked up one day years ago. He took somethin’ from me but I was ordered to back down because he had more pull than we did at the time. I already knew the outcome so I let it go. Not anymore. I want fuckin’ answers and I want to know where those girls are!” He roars causing me to flinch.

  “What did he take?” His breathing is rapid, his chest rising and falling as he stares into my eyes. He wants to tell me, he wants me to hurt the way he is, I can see that much but he holds back. Releasing my throat, I cough and suck in air. Ransom tosses the bag at my feet and looks back up at me.

  “I’m undoin’ the shackles long enough for you to get changed. You fight or do anything stupid, that cage is just for you, got me?” I nod my head slowly when Ransom pulls a key from his pocket. He unhooks each wrist and I quickly rub at them to get some feeling back.

  “Put the clothes on.” Reaching down quickly, I grab the bag as he moves to the corner and sits in the chair, his eyes burning into me.

  “Are you just going to watch me like some sick pervert?” His laughter shoots through me like a missile tearing me to shreds. How’s that for embarrassment.

  “Is that what you’re worried about? Me watchin’ you? That should be the least of your fears,” he says. A shiver races over my body as I slip the shirt over my head. Ransom watches me intently as I strip in front of him. It should feel strange or awkward but it doesn’t. For some stupid reason I don’t mind that he’s watching me. I open the bag and pull out one of my dresses, eyeing it strangely.

  “Why this?” I ask. Ransom cocks his head no doubt noticing the stutter in my voice. Why did he pick this one? What the hell does he know that I don’t?

  “Why not? You have a problem with what I picked out for you?” That amusement still dances in his eyes and it makes me wonder. He would have to know wouldn’t he? This can’t be coincidence.

  “Why this dress?” I scream a little louder. Ransom leaps from the chair and moves toward me at lightning speed. Grabbing my shoulders, I’m once again slammed into the wall.

  “What I tell you to do, you do it. Do you get that? This isn’t playtime. This isn’t Henley gets to make the decisions. I do! You want things to get ugly? We can do that. Otherwise put on the goddamn dress,” he hisses in my face. I cringe away from him and as quickly as he was there, he’s gone. He’s back in the chair watching me as I slowly slip into the dress. My heart pounds in my chest as the memories come rushing back to me. The air is sucked from my lungs as my knees buckle and I fall to the floor. Gasping for air, I look to him but he just watches me like I’m a mirage. His eyes flicker with familiarity, as if he can sense what I feel but there’s no way that he could. I’m crushed on the inside and no one has any idea why. I’m screaming for help but who am I screaming for?

  “Get up,” he orders me. I take deep breaths and try to calm my nerves as I shove myself to my feet. I look to Ransom for what to do.

  “Do you always look to others?” His one question has me furrowing my brows.

  “What do you mean?”

  “For answers. For guidance. Do you ever think for yourself, Henley? Or does daddy do all that for you?” Sadly, he hit the nail on the head. I don’t answer for myself because I don’t have to. I never have Ransom laughs before standing again.

  “The beauty of bein’ who we are, humans, is that we can all think and do what we want. Some of it might not be the smartest but who gives a shit? We’re human. We’re allowed to make mistakes. It’s the beauty o
f life.” I watch him intently waiting for him to say more but he doesn’t. He turns on his heel and walks out of the room, closing and locking the door behind him.

  “If only that were true.”

  Chapter 7


  I drink. A lot. I have had Henley in the attic for almost a week. A week that I’ve held back. A week that I’ve watched her slowly weaken from lack of food. A week that I’ve picked myself apart from the inside out. I’m losing it. I’m losing grasp of what this is about. At first, I wanted to make her hurt for what her dad did but now? Now I want her to break in my hands so she can see what her father is doing to her. I know there is more to their past than what I know. I can see it in her eyes every time she looks at me. I fucking hate it too. She got out of hand yesterday and I locked her in the cage. She thought that she’d try her hand at fighting me but she lost. I knew that fight or flight instinct would kick in eventually and frankly, I liked it. Maybe more than I should have. Drunk off my ass I grab the whip and slowly climb the stairs with it hanging from one hand and my bottle of Whiskey in the other. Fishing the keys from my pocket I unlock the door and step inside. When I flick the light on, Henley winces in the corner of the cage, I smirk. Such a sexy fucking sight to see. Her in her fancy fucking dress cowering in the corner.

  “I need water,” she begs. Shaking my head, I walk closer to her cage and hold up the Whiskey bottle.

  “This is about all I got. You can’t play nicely so you don’t get any.” Her eyes fill with tears but I don’t let them bother me. Tears are nothing more than weakness. I learned that over the years.

  “What do you want from me, Ransom? Why are you doing this?” She cries as if that’s going to break me. Nothing can break me now. I slide the key into the front of the cage, setting my whiskey on the floor long enough to pull her out and chain her to the opposite wall. Her back is exposed to me in this low cut dress. Fuck, I love her back.


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