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Claiming Grace (Ace Security Book 1)

Page 19

by Susan Stoker

  Grace Mason was one of the most passionate women he’d ever met, and learning what she liked, what kinds of touches made her lose it, was going to be fun. He had a feeling she would keep him on his toes and constantly surprise him. He was looking forward to bringing out her playfulness, snarkiness, compassion, and yes, passion.

  Without losing eye contact, Logan pulled his shirt over his head, baring his chest to her. Again, without a word or looking away from her, he undid his belt and the button at his waist and pushed his jeans and boxers off. Standing in front of her completely naked, Logan waited.

  Grace looked away from his face then, and he watched as her eyes trailed down his body. A blush rose up from her neck to her face, but she didn’t stop her perusal of his body. Logan knew he was already hard for her, she’d felt how much he wanted her under her hands on the way home, and as she drank him in, he felt himself grow even harder. God. Even her eyes on him was sexy.

  “You’re . . . um . . . big,” she told him hesitantly.

  Logan wouldn’t be a guy if her words didn’t make him feel proud of his body. “Mmmm.”

  “Your tattoos are amazing. I mean, I know I’ve seen them before, but I was a bit . . . preoccupied at the time. What do they mean?”

  The last thing he wanted to talk about was the ink on his body, but he was trying to go slowly and explaining the meaning of his tattoos would go a long way toward that goal.

  He turned slightly, showing her his right side. “I’ve got my name, Blake’s, and Nathan’s inked here, inside the words ‘Brothers Forever.’ On my back, behind my left shoulder I have the Army crest. Then, as you can see, there’s a bunch of random tribal designs on my right upper arm.” He shrugged. “They don’t really mean anything to me. I was young and dumb and wanted to be cool.” He smiled, then got serious. “I’m not really addicted to adding more ink to my body, but there is one more piece I want done.” He reached out and put one hand behind Grace’s neck, caressing the tattoo he couldn’t see, but knew was there, with his thumb.

  She shivered at his touch, putting her palms on his warm chest and asked, “What’s that?”

  “It’s going to go right here on my forearm.” Logan turned his left arm over, showing her the tan skin, unblemished by any kind of ink. “It’s going to be two birds, flying free. Pink. And if I can swing it, they’ll each be carrying letters in their talons. I want the bundled letters in that same ink you used to get yours done . . . so only we know they’re there. That’s gonna be ours and ours alone.”

  “Pink?” she whispered, squeezing his sides unconsciously. “That isn’t very macho.”

  “Don’t care. It’ll remind me of you every time I see it. Your femininity. Your beauty. How you’ve found the courage and strength to fly out of your cage and find out who you are.” He could tell his words moved her as she breathed out a shaky breath.

  “Logan,” Grace whispered in an awed voice.

  “Lift your arms.”

  She did, no longer wanting to talk about tattoos, and Logan slowly but steadily stripped the long sleeve T-shirt from her. He loved when she wore his shirts. She’d been sleeping in them from the first night she’d been in his apartment, but peeling her out of her close-fitting tee was sexy as hell. He almost preferred the experience to her wearing his own baggy shirts . . . almost.

  Grace’s hair fell around her shoulders as he whisked it over her head and dropped it absently behind him.

  She moved her hands behind her back and quickly unsnapped the cream bra she’d been wearing and dropped it to the floor.

  Logan had felt her tits before, but seeing them up close and personal with nothing covering them was absolutely amazing. He couldn’t take his eyes from her chest. She was full and round, and she had large areolas that surrounded nipples that were puckering even as he watched. Her breaths were coming short and hard, causing her breasts to rise and fall. Her nipples were pulled taut and sticking out as if begging for his touch.

  Keeping his voice low, Logan said, “A pink bird. Right here on the inside curve of your breast. By your heart. That would look so fucking amazing.”

  Not able to resist, Logan brought a hand up to her chest. Using only his index finger, he touched the area where he could practically see the ink he’d mentally designed. She didn’t speak, but her breathing quickened. When her nipple beaded even more next to his fingertip, he smiled and moved his hand so it circled the eager bud begging for his touch. It tightened even further, something he didn’t think was possible.

  “Feel good?” He knew he didn’t need to ask, but loved the way Grace’s lips parted and she nodded at him with heavy-lidded eyes.

  Logan’s mouth watered with the need to taste her, but he held back. He was enjoying unwrapping her little by little. He had plenty of time to lick her from head to toe. He moved his finger to her other nipple, treating it to the same reverent touch, satisfied when it too tightened immediately.

  “Damn, your skin is so beautiful. Unblemished.” He went on, describing the tattoo he wanted to see on her skin. “Not a big bird. Small, petite. Right here, where I can see it when I’m sucking these beautiful tits, see it flutter as your breath hitches . . . yeah, like that . . . and it can fly as you sit on top of me, riding me.”

  “Logan,” she protested huskily.

  “Would you do that for me?”

  “Yes. I’d do anything you asked.” Logan felt his dick twitch and a bit of pre-come oozed out the slit at the top at her response.

  He sucked in a breath as he felt Grace’s fingers tracing his own nipples. “God,” he moaned and moved his hand down to his cock, squeezing the base as he throbbed in his hand. If just the thought of her inking her skin and the touch of her hand on his nipples made him want to come, he was in big trouble. It’d been years since he’d made love to a woman, and his dick was practically begging him to take her. To sink into the hot, wet depths of her body.

  He grabbed her hands and pulled them away from his body, smiling at the pout on her face.

  “I wanted to touch too.”

  “I’ll give you all the time you want . . . later.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  “Believe me, Grace. I want your hands, and lips, on every inch of my skin, but later. If you so much as breathed on my cock right now, I’d immediately come. And while that image is one that I’ve dreamed about, it’s important to me to make sure you enjoy our first time. Can you give me that?”

  “But I want you to enjoy it too,” she told him as she took a step into him, biting her lip as his cock brushed against her belly.

  “Oh, Smarty, I will,” Logan told her without a shred of doubt in his voice, “but men have a harder time coming more than once in a short period of time, while women have the ability to come several times . . . as long as their man knows what he’s doing.”

  “And you know what you’re doing?” she said, one side of her mouth tipping up in a teasing half-grin as she put her hands on his waist.

  He tickled her sides gently in retaliation and laughed as she squirmed, her tits bouncing with her movements. “Yeah, brat, I know what I’m doing. I might not be the most experienced man out there, but making you come in my arms is something I won’t fail at.”

  Grace didn’t answer, but moved her hands to her own pants. Logan immediately brushed them away. “Let me.”

  He made quick work of the button and zipper at her waist and pushed her jeans down her legs. She was left standing in front of him in nothing but a plain white pair of panties. And it was the hottest thing he’d ever seen in his life.

  “Damn, Grace,” he breathed. Logan couldn’t have expanded on his thoughts if his life depended on it.

  “They’re not sexy or anything,” she told him, obviously self-conscious, and went to push them off.

  He halted her again simply by reaching out, grabbing her wrists, and holding her still. Logan licked his lips in anticipation.

  “I disagree. On you, they’re the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen i
n my life.” Logan let go of her hands and knelt in front of her, licking his lips and inhaling deeply. He felt her hands rest on his shoulders, but couldn’t tear his eyes away from the white cotton covering her. He swallowed hard, ignoring his erection, which was pulsing in need.

  He brought his eyes up to hers. Grace was looking down at him, biting her lip. Her tits looked even more amazing from this vantage point. Losing his train of thought, one of Logan’s hands actually inched upward toward one of her breasts before he remembered what he had set out to do.

  “May I?” he asked politely, canting his head toward her hips, asking for permission to remove her panties.

  “Yes. Please,” she breathed out.

  Logan grinned and brought his attention back down. He put his palms against her sides and slowly, ever so slowly, inched her panties down, making sure his fingers slid under the elastic. He moved slowly, but didn’t stop, pushing the white cotton over her hips and down her legs until the underwear puddled at her feet.

  The curls at the juncture of her thighs were trimmed short, leaving a strip of hair above her folds, but everything else was bare.

  Logan ran his hands up her inner thighs and watched her shift under his intimate touch. He skipped over her folds, stretching out the moment, and ran his thumbs over the silky skin on either side of the strip of hair. He brushed against her once, then twice.

  “Logan, touch me,” she begged.

  “I am,” he told her seriously.

  “You know what I mean.”

  Logan looked up at that. “Easy, Grace. We only get one first time together and I’m memorizing everything about you. How you smell, how you shift under my fingers, how you look, where you’re the most sensitive . . . I have so much to learn. I’m going to be here awhile.”

  “Damn,” Grace breathed and looked up at the ceiling. She still held onto his shoulders and Logan could feel her short nails digging into his skin. He focused on the skin under his fingertips as he caressed her tenderly.

  “I would love to see you get another tattoo here,” he brushed his thumb over her hip. “A bird on your hip, just like the one on the back of your neck and the one I’m getting on my arm. I want to see you covered in birds, representing the freedom you have to do whatever you want. But under your clothes, where only I can see them. A proper woman on the surface, who flies free with the right incentive. With my fingers. And lips.”

  Grace made a sound, but it was more a groan than an actual word.

  Logan felt the vibrations against his hands and abruptly stood, throwing the comforter back, exposing the sheets underneath. “Come here, Smarty. Lie back on the bed.”

  She did as he asked without hesitation, scooting up onto the mattress and turning so her head rested on a pillow and her torso was in the sunlight coming through the window. Logan crawled up next to her, straddled her thighs, and rested his elbows on either side of her, next to her rib cage, bringing his hands up to her chest. Now he was face-to-face with her gorgeous tits and could use both his hands and his mouth if he wanted. He looked up at her.


  Grace nodded. “Oh, yeah. It’s more than okay. It’s absolutely fantastic.”

  Using the same light touch he’d used before, Logan used his fingers to make circles around her nipples. They peaked and tightened, showing him once more how sensitive she was. How in the world any of the idiots she’d been with hadn’t been able to get her off was beyond him. If he wasn’t mistaken, his light touches already had her squirming.

  The wetness between her thighs hadn’t gone unnoticed either . . . and he hadn’t even touched her yet. She was already more than ready for him. But he wanted her dripping, so wet he’d slide right inside her tight body without giving her even a twinge of discomfort. He wanted only pleasure for his Smarty tonight.

  He moved to engulf her nipple in his mouth. He didn’t start out slow and easy, but bit down somewhat roughly and sucked at the same time he wrapped his tongue around the stiff peak.

  “Ungh,” she moaned and arched her back into his touch instead of pulling away from him.

  Logan smiled even as he kept his mouth on her. He moved his other hand until it was under her back and pressed upward, urging her to arch farther into him. He loved seeing Grace out of control and lost in what he was doing to her. A light sheen of sweat had already broken out on her body, causing it to glisten in the sunlight.

  Moving his mouth to her other breast, he gave her other nipple the same treatment. Laving it with his tongue, nibbling and sucking, eliciting the same reaction out of her. Suddenly needing to see the first orgasm he gave her, not just feel it, Logan moved down her body until he was lying between her legs. He buried his nose in the crease between her folds and her right leg and inhaled deeply. She was musky, and he could smell some sort of flowery body wash. She was delicious.

  She tried to close her legs, but couldn’t because his shoulders were in the way.

  “Easy, Grace.”

  “But it’s so . . . intimate.”

  “You’re right,” he agreed. “It is. That’s why I want it. You trust me, right?”

  “Yeah, of course I do.”

  “Then stop worrying about what you think I want to do and relax and enjoy me loving you.”

  She gave him a small nod. Then asked, “And you’ll let me do the same to you?”

  “Oh yeah,” he breathed out. “Not only let, but I’ll beg you to do it.”

  “Awesome,” she said with a smile, and slowly let her legs fall open, granting him access.

  “Awesome,” he echoed, turning his attention back to her folds and licking his lips in anticipation.

  Logan leaned down, and using the point of his tongue, licked her from bottom to top, catching the drop of excitement that had slipped out of her and spreading it up to her clit. He didn’t linger, but licked his lips when he pulled away.

  Holy shit, she tasted good. He hadn’t really been that enamored with giving oral sex in the past, but realized that loving the person you were with made all the difference. Logan stared down at the most beautiful pussy he’d ever seen. Maybe it was because it was his, maybe it was because he’d spent the last month and a half getting to know the woman attached to it, but whatever the reason, Logan knew he would never, not in a thousand years, get tired of looking at, licking, and touching her wet folds.

  Seeing Grace squirm lightly under him, soaking wet, reminded Logan of a fantasy he’d had about her. He caressed her clit with one finger, slow and gentle. Not rushing, taking his time, watching the hood around her clit slowly draw back as it hardened. His plan was to drive her crazy with only one finger while she got more and more turned on, until she wouldn’t be able to hold back her orgasm.

  “Spread your legs more, Grace,” he ordered in a gruff voice. He hoped like hell it was possible. He had a feeling that because the woman lying under him trusted him so, anything was possible, especially after how turned on she’d gotten on the back of his bike. “Grab hold of your knees and pull them back for me.”

  “Logan . . .” Grace began, unsure and obviously out of her element with his request.

  “You’re so sensitive, Grace. This is gonna be amazing, for both of us. I’m not going to hurt you, and you can stop me at any time.” He looked her in the eyes as she stared nervously down at him.

  Without a word, she made her decision and reached her hands down to hold her knees open for him.

  Logan knew he should probably wait and do this later, once they’d gotten to know each other sexually a bit better, but he wanted to give this to her. Let her feel this pleasure between her knees this way. Slow and gentle. His gift to her as a woman.

  Placing his left hand on her inner thigh, holding her open to him, he ran the thumb of his other hand up her dripping folds, gathering up her juices as he went. Then he lightly circled her clit with his thumb. Rubbing and massaging the bundle of nerves slowly and deliberately.

  Grace let herself relax into his touch.

ogan shifted, using his other hand to pull the hood back from her pink pearl so he could caress it more directly. He alternated between rubbing her clit, and running his thumb alongside it, learning what Grace’s body liked best.

  He could see her clench her muscles as he brought her closer and closer to the edge. He didn’t rush, he didn’t press down harshly, he kept his touch light and methodical. Logan could see just how good it felt by the amount of juices escaping her hot channel. Every so often he’d catch some of her come on his thumb and smear it upward to help lubricate his touch on her clit.

  “Logan, God . . . I can’t . . . that feels . . . yeah . . .”

  Her words were disjointed and almost incoherent. Logan loved every one. The next time a drop of her come escaped, he leaned down and caught it with his tongue. She was so sexy, and he wanted to sink inside her more than he wanted his next breath.

  But he was patient. He wanted to see her come with only his light touch on her clit. He kept up the steady pressure and rhythmic caress, but added his praise as her inner muscles squeezed.

  “You have no idea how beautiful this is, Grace. You’re perfect. So responsive to my touch. You’re gonna come like this, with just my finger on you. You’ll come so hard you’re gonna soak my sheets. You’ll be so hot and wet when I sink inside, you’re gonna burn me alive. Are you close, Grace? Do you want to come?”

  “Please, yes. Faster . . .”

  “No. Slow and easy. Let it build. Fuck, this is amazing. I can see you clenching. You feel empty? You want me inside?”

  “Yes! Please, Logan. I need more. Harder and you inside me.”

  “And you’ll get me.”

  “Now, please. I’m so empty.”

  Logan could see her muscles desperately searching for more pressure inside her passage. He wanted to ease a finger inside her, feel how tight she was, but wanted her to come this way more. Wanted her to experience this, to fully let herself go, for it to be about her, not about him this first time.


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