Lesbian Lovers
Page 4
“They’re all exhausted and will not wake for many hours. We have plenty of time to celebrate together and for me to get back to my room.”
“Mmm,” responded Dinah, kissing Caroline and holding her. They pressed their bodies together and kissed lingeringly for some time before Caroline lifted her head to say, “You know I love you, don’t you? There will never be anyone else but you for me.”
“I love you, too. So very much. I never thought to experience such pleasure and happiness, and for us to be together forever is the best present anyone could ever have,” Dinah replied.
“Did you bring the dildo? We’ve never fucked like two men fuck, and I want to do that to seal our love.”
“Yes, I did, but it’ll probably hurt. The first time usually does.”
“I don’t care if it hurts. I want you to possess me completely and in every way possible.”
“Are you sure?”
“Oh, yes.”
Dinah climbed out of the bed and went to her dresser, collecting the carved box and a glass vial. “The oil in this vial will make it easier for you. But I need to stretch you first.”
Caroline rolled over onto her stomach, and Dinah began to play with the ring of muscle around Caroline’s back passage. Dinah rubbed oil around it and put some on her finger, then gradually pressed the finger inside Caroline.
Caroline gasped. “It feels strange, but good. Erotic. Arousing.”
“I’m going to add a second finger now.”
Caroline felt the slippery fingers teasing her dark channel, then Dinah’s other hand reached under Caroline to play with her mons and the hair of her cunny.
Only when Caroline was writhing and moaning, pressing her mouth into the pillow so no one would hear her, did Dinah push the bone phallus against her rear entryway. The phallus slid inside, and Dinah wiggled it deeper into the dark channel.
“Oh, my,” whispered Caroline, lifting her head from the pillow, “it feels so huge and hard. It makes me feel so full.”
Caroline felt Dinah slowly moving the dildo in and out, letting it scrape the walls of Caroline’s passage, while Dinah’s other hand played with the younger woman’s cunny and hard little nubbin.
Soon Caroline had to push her face in the pillow again as the tension inside her grew and roared to be let out. She thrust her buttocks frantically back to accept more of the bone phallus, and then thrust her hips forward to press her hot button into Dinah’s hand. Dinah whispered, “Find your pleasure now, Caroline!” And she did, waves of heat rolling through her body and up her spine to explode out of the top of her head.
Caroline lay still for long moments, recovering. Dinah gently kissed her back and neck before withdrawing the phallus and dripping more oil inside the crack of her buttocks to soothe the passageway.
“Now you,” said Caroline, sitting up carefully.
Dinah walked over to the washstand and cleaned the phallus so Caroline could oil it again.
This time they sat face to face with Dinah leaning back on the pillow, her legs up on Caroline’s shoulders so they could both watch.
Caroline repeated the procedure Dinah had followed, placing oil inside Dinah’s dark hole, oiling a finger and turning it around inside, kissing and petting her. But she was able to go much faster because Dinah could see everything that was happening, and watching each other made their desire rise very quickly.
Soon, Caroline was inching the phallus inside Dinah, careful to touch and pet her mons and kiss the insides of her thighs and the tender skin behind her knees as she went.
Once the phallus was fully seated inside Dinah, Caroline began twisting and turning it, scraping the walls of the passage as her fingers danced across the sensitive skin of Dinah’s lower belly. Caroline leaned forward and dipped her tongue in Dinah’s bellybutton, then moved back again to thrust the dildo in and out and turn it a little more. Then she lifted Dinah’s foot from her own shoulder and sucked one of Dinah’s toes into her mouth. Slowly, she sucked each toe one at a time before thrusting the phallus in and out again.
Then she repeated her actions with Dinah’s other foot.
Dinah was gasping now, so Caroline concentrated on moving the dildo as deeply as possible, then withdrawing it almost to the ring of muscle, then thrusting inside again.
She rested her other hand on the woman’s hot, engorged, little nub and pressed.
Dinah’s body quivered and shook. Caroline lifted Dinah’s buttocks up and ran her tongue up and down Dinah’s slit, licking the cream, then gently sucked on her nubbin as Dinah continued to shake.
Finally, Caroline leaned forward to kiss Dinah, sharing her taste with her. Their tongues dueled and danced in passion until they needed to draw breath. Caroline removed the dildo and took it to the washstand to clean it.
She returned with a washcloth, wiped Dinah’s privates and her own, then replaced the dildo in its carved box.
The two women curled up in bed together, the bedcovers pulled up to their necks, arms and legs entwined.
“I love you now and will always love you,” whispered Caroline.
“I have never loved another with the love and passion I feel for you,” replied Dinah.
Then, snuggled together, they slept.
Stubborn Attraction
Chapter One
“Damn it, damn it, damn it to fucking goddamn hell!” Jaelle packed her suitcase by the simple means of upending her underwear drawer into the open case, then threw jeans and sweaters on top of the lingerie.
She stomped into the bathroom, still swearing loudly, and tipped the contents of her make-up and medications drawer into a plastic bag, which she tied shut, then threw across the room into the suitcase, before stomping into the kitchen.
Grabbing two big, black trash bags, she placed one inside the other then took her few items of food out of the refrigerator, collected the dozen packets and cans of food from the pantry, slung everything into the trash bag, and placed it by the back door.
Her purse, her laptop, a handful of paperback romances off the shelf, and the photo of her family from beside her bed, and she was packed.
“Why can’t men understand some women are happy without a man in their life? Wait on a man hand and foot after a hard day at work? Hell no! I’ve never wanted and never needed a man.” Jaelle kicked the door open, laptop and purse over her shoulder, suitcase in one hand and trash bag in the other.
The suitcase fit in the trunk of her small car, the laptop and purse she put on the passenger seat beside her, and the food bag in the backseat. “Thank God I travel light,” she murmured as she pulled out of the parking lot and headed for the interstate and the hill country.
Only an hour out of town, up a winding dirt road in the hills, was the tiny cabin her father had owned. She made sure all the utilities and other charges were always paid on this place because it was the closest thing she had to a real home now. She loved her dad, and knew he loved her, but he was totally incapable of remaining faithful to any one woman, not even the one he’d married—her mother.
“He’s a randy old goat, your father,” Mom had always said, with a secret smile. Jaelle hadn’t really understood what she’d meant until the day her teenaged self and her mom had gotten into a flaming row, and in the middle of screaming her chest had tightened intolerably, her vision had gone blurry, her head had pounded—and she’d turned into a mountain goat.
She’d been standing there, shivering, wobbling on four thin legs, and staring down at her long brownish-blonde fur, when her mom had wrapped warm arms around her and said, “Oh dear! You are truly your father’s daughter. I’ll phone him straight away, honey, so he can help you through this.”
Jaelle smiled as she drove. Yeah, maybe Dad hadn’t been the most faithful of men, but he sure as hell was a wonderful father for a girl struggling with the knowledge that she was a shapeshifter. And not something cool and trendy like a wolf or a big cat, but a freaking mountain goat. Goats ran fast, were highly intell
igent, adapted quickly to changes, and had a mighty fine sex life. Jaelle snorted. Her folks hadn’t even blinked when she’d told them she was gay. I guess once they’d accepted their child really was a “kid” in every sense of the word, sexual orientation was a pretty minor attribute. Whatever, they’d just continued to love her for herself.
But the cabin had become even more important in her life since then. Not just somewhere to go to and be free to shapeshift and roam in peace, but also somewhere to bring a partner for a weekend of hot, steamy, sex.
Well, it would be just her and her fingers for the foreseeable future, until she found a new job. Ramming her knee in her coworker’s balls when he’d tried to feel her up had been mighty satisfying, even if the boss had laid her off for it, as well as firing her harasser. “Unnecessary force,” the boss’d said.
It had definitely gotten the message across to the asshole coworker, that was for sure. He’d be bruised there for another week or two at least, whereas her bony knee didn’t have a mark on it.
Jaelle slowed her little car as it struggled past the ruts in the track over the last mile to the cabin. Leaving the track barely passable was deliberate on her part. She didn’t want hunters deciding the cabin was a good place to stop. That was also why the outside looked semi-neglected, but the windows and doors were sturdy and locked up tight. The building also had a sophisticated alarm system connected to a private security firm. They didn’t do regular patrols, but they did monitor the electronics and come up on the rare occasion when humans seemed to be in the immediate vicinity of the cabin. As soon as she arrived, she’d phone and tell them she would be staying for a few weeks. Just long enough to find a new job in a different part of town.
It shouldn’t be too hard to get another job. Every company had paper needing to be shuffled. But when would she find a lover? Her goat side was randy and lusty, but her human side longed for a steady, live-in partner—a true romance. When her coworker had first started coming on to her, she wondered if she was giving off needy pheromones or something, but she’d sure as hell never encouraged him or any man. She’d only ever been interested in women. Ah well, she’d enjoy climbing the hills in goat form and running free for a few weeks. That’d have to satisfy her for now.
The cabin was just as she’d left it, quite undisturbed. The woodpile was untouched and the basement storeroom well stocked with canned and preserved foods. Jaelle switched on the generator for power and the pump to the well for water, then laid and lit a fire in the main room for heating and comfort.
She opened a plain wooden cupboard that hid the TV and sound system and set up her laptop. Internet reception here wasn’t perfect, but it was surprisingly good, possibly because she was fairly high up the mountain. Then, she switched the perimeter security back on, so if anyone noticed the smoke from her fire, they couldn’t sneak up on her.
Chapter Two
Early the next morning, Jaelle, dressed only in a long tee and barefoot, set the house alarms, then stepped out into the yard. She stopped at a shrubby hedge, looked around carefully, shrugged out of the tee and shoved it under the bush, then morphed into her goat. She was average sized, with intelligent amber eyes and a blonde-brown coat.
She danced a little in freedom and excitement and then raced away, straight up the hill behind the cabin. Her hooves pounded over grass, dirt, and then rocks, her speed never diminishing as she climbed the hill. Higher up, she jumped from rocky outcrop to rocky outcrop and ran up a narrow dirt trail, finally reaching a plateau. There she stopped and looked out over the surrounding area.
Rocks, grass, and trees were all she saw in every direction. Thoughtfully, she turned and looked farther up the mountain. The next bit was steep even for a mountain goat, but there was a wide ridge with a panoramic view over the country up there, and a cave where she sometimes stayed when she wanted to be quite alone.
Shaking her head, she trotted up the slope, then pranced from rock to rock, climbing steadily. When she was almost at the ridge, her keen sense of smell told her someone—or several someones—were already there.
Damn it, what now? Is someone spying on my cabin?
Silently, Jaelle turned and moved to the left, climbing swiftly up the slope but farther back, so she’d arrive behind whoever was there. She pricked her ears up, but couldn’t hear any noises. The scent was there, though not strong. But definitely human. And something else. Something she couldn’t identify but that seemed—different.
What the freaking hell now?
Moving carefully on the dirt, making sure her hooves didn’t clatter on the rocks, Jaelle climbed more slowly now, concentrating on arriving noiselessly behind whoever was there on her ridge, or in her cave.
Jaelle stopped on a rock above the cave and her eyes nearly bugged out of her head.
A short, solid woman sat cross-legged, totally naked, on the rock. Her long, shaggy, brown hair fell down her back. Her hands were flat on her thighs and her pose was completely still.
For long, long moments, Jaelle stood on her rock admiring the straight muscles of the woman’s back, the curve of a lush breast seen side-on, the tanned, strong-looking arms and legs. The woman’s hair was thick and shiny, flowing over olive skin.
Turn around, turn around. Let me see your face. And those breasts. They look delightful from here.
After what seemed like hours, but was likely only five minutes, the woman stood up gracefully, shook her hair back, and stretched. Now Jaelle could see that the woman’s body, though stocky, was toned and fit, not fat, although gently rounded at her breasts and hips. Then she turned, and Jaelle saw those glorious breasts full on. Round, with berry-brown nipples, standing up from a slightly curved torso, and, lower down, her mound covered with curls just one shade darker than the hair on her head.
The naked woman’s eyes were a deep brown, almost black, and sparkling with intelligence and vitality. Her voice was low, soft, and soothing. “Why now, aren’t you just the cutest little thing. Are you hungry?”
Suddenly remembering she was not in human form, Jaelle took to her heels, hooves clattering over the rocks as she fled downhill. But the image of the gorgeous woman was burned into her brain. By the time she’d reached the grass, Jaelle had just one thought in her head, to get dressed and go back to meet this woman as fast as she could, hopefully before the woman could pack up and leave.
Chapter Three
Jaelle morphed back into human form, threw on her big tee, ran inside, dressed in jeans and hiking boots, snatched a bottle of water from the refrigerator, knotted a sweater around her waist, and was heading up the trail again, all before she’d even understood what she wanted. Apart from meeting that delicious stranger properly, woman to woman.
By the time she was halfway up the hill, her tummy was rumbling and she realized it might have been smart to grab some food, but there was no way she was stopping or going back. The urgency to speak to the naked woman was overpowering.
You do realize there’s no logic in your behavior?
I’ve never before been so driven to meet someone, to talk to them.
You’re a randy goat, just like your father.
Yeah, well, if she happens to be interested in fucking, that would be good. But I just want to speak to her.
Yeah, right, sure you do.
Jaelle was not as fast in human form, nor were her senses of hearing and smell as acute, but she was reasonably certain she’d have known if the woman was coming down the trail. There was only one track a person could use for most of the way, and she was sure she’d been on her way too fast for the woman to dress and walk down to where the path divided, without her knowing. Nonetheless she walked as fast as she could, pushing herself up the steepest parts of the track with her determination to return to the naked beauty.
Finally she clambered up to the overhanging ridge, to be met by the woman who so fascinated her—holding a large tree branch in a highly threatening manner. Jaelle gasped, stopped, and raised her hands palm out. “I come i
n peace,” she said, hardly realizing how crazy she sounded.
The woman, who was now fully dressed, with her hair tied back in a ponytail, laughed.
Jaelle grinned. “Sorry, that sounded like something out of a bad movie. But truly, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“I figured you weren’t a posse of crazed hunters, but still… Hi, I’m Ursula.”
There were a few minutes of total silence as each woman stared at the other. Then Ursula said, “I have a fire burning in the cave. Would you like some coffee?”
“Thank you.”
They moved back into the cave. Jaelle noted that Ursula had just one smallish backpack, so didn’t seem to have come for a long stay. Her sleeping bag was lying on a thin foil mat, and the fire was pocket-sized. There was no evidence she’d cooked anything on it.
“Have you been here before?” Jaelle asked, hoping that would encourage the other woman to open up.
“No, this is my first time in this part of the hills. What about you?”
“I’m staying in a cabin lower down for a few days. I’ve been in this area before, though. I like the hills.” Jaelle was torn between wanting Ursula to know she’d be around for a while, and not wanting to give away the fact that the cabin was hers.
For a few minutes Ursula bustled around putting water on to heat, then she sat beside Jaelle, instead of opposite her as Jaelle had expected.
Ursula laid a hand high up on Jaelle’s thigh, and looked deep into her eyes. “I’m attracted to you, and I believe you feel the same.”
Jaelle stared back and almost drowned in the liquid heat. The hand on her thigh was scorching her through her jeans. “This is crazy. All I know about you is your name and that I want you,” she whispered.
“That’s enough for now,” replied Ursula, lifting the water off the fire, then tugging Jaelle to her feet. “Let’s get undressed.”