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Aunt Sarah's Slippering: and other short stories

Page 9

by Stanlegh Meresith

  "Yeeoow!" she screamed again, more earnestly now without skirt protection. The lines of the grooves appeared almost instantly where he'd struck. He smacked her again, just below, doubling the number of parallel red lines. Lillian cried and struggled, rolling her butt from side to side as far as his grip would allow. Charlene was back with her pad, still jotting, taking a professional interest in proceedings like an anthropologist on a field trip: Patterns of Gyration of the English Upper Class Female during an American Spanking her paper might have been titled.

  Big Jed got serious now: a steady rhythm of smacks were delivered to every corner of the generous surface area of Lillian's rear. He seemed fascinated by the patterns created by the lines, constantly changing the angle of attack to create criss-crosses and diagonals, an artist at work, ignoring blithely all the while poor Lillian's screams and wriggling and bucking and squirming. Meanwhile, too, the 'Sorry's were beginning to come, not I thought because they'd been demanded but increasingly as if she meant it.

  Me? I was spellbound. Even my lewdly wolfish subconscious hadn't let me dream this scene, but now that I was witnessing it I finally understood, in a moment of ecstatic epiphany, after years of incomprehension, the meaning of Keats' famous line: 'Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty.'

  Charlene was busier than ever and I sidled over and whispered, "What are you doing?"

  In a low voice, she explained she was counting every swat and every 'Sorry'. She showed me the pad. Swats were way ahead of 'Sorry's. Turning back to the action I could see that Lillian's repeatedly flattened, jiggling buttocks were turning a very dusky shade of red amidst the griddle of multiple lines. Cultural cliché it might be, but her backside really was starting to look like a well-tenderised hamburger patty. Her cries were becoming more sorrowful too, interspersed with 'OW's of a genuinely pained authenticity that hadn't been there earlier.

  "I'm sorry ... OW! ... please, please, stop ... I really am sorry, honestly ... OW! ... I'm sorry, dammit!!" The swearing, of course, just provoked a stronger, faster flurry of stinging blows. Gradually, though, these outbursts of defiance became fewer, and the tears increased, and Big Jed, too, slowed his pace, picking the occasional under-tenderised corner, or patch of marginally less red thigh, to attend to with the Handy-Pad.

  Eventually, Charlene mouthed 'Forty-nine', and Big Jed addressed the sobbing Lillian.

  "So, Lil, are you sorry?" We had to wait a few moments before a muffled, snot-obscured squeak was heard.

  "Yes ... I'm sorry."

  "I'm glad to hear that. Now we have here in the States a game called baseball. You ever heardovit, Lil?"

  "Yes," she whispered. I suspected she'd agree to anything right now.

  "And at the end of a baseball game, when one team's on top - rather like I am right now, eh Lil?"


  "They bring on a special guy we call the closer, to close out the game. So, now we've got our fifty apologies, Lil..." He looked at Charlene expectantly.

  She obliged with, "One for each state of the Union, yessiree!"

  "It's time to close out the game and what does that mean, Charlene?"

  "That means, Big Jed, one more dozen of the very very best, each one dressed with a 'Thank you, sir'!" said Charlene enjoying the rhythm. I had to admit, Big Jed seemed to be running a well-drilled organisation here.

  Lillian moaned. "Pleeeeeeaase, no ... I can't ... it's not..."

  "OK, Lil," he continued over her pleas, "I'll make the first pitch, but if you want this over soon, you're gonna haveta be quick with those thank you's, you understand?" So saying he gave her a hefty whack smack in the middle of her right cheek.

  "Yeeeeeeoooowww!!" Lillian tried desperately to wriggle free but Big Jed held firm. She moaned and cried and eventually managed a gargled, "Thank you."

  "Not good enough." CRACK! "Thank you, Sir!" said Big Jed emphatically.

  "Thank you Sir!" cried Lillian.


  "Thank you Sir!"


  "Thank you Sir!"

  And so it continued, until the last of the closer's twelve had sped to find its scarlet target and the last echo of the slapping crack of its impact had died away to a mere memory along the impassive walls, and Lillian was reduced to a sobbing, quivering state of abject and absolute surrender.

  Big Jed released the grip of his right leg and let her slide slowly down his left to the floor where she lay moaning on her side, finally free to deploy her hands to cover her swollen, blazing butt; not out of any modesty - that was a luxury long forgotten - but on a mission to cool and comfort.

  "Charlene, please escort our guest to her corner time, please. And hands on head!" instructed Big Jed. I groaned inwardly lest Lillian, proud Lillian Carrington-Smythe from Benenden Girls, tried to assert once again her superiority. Blessedly, she didn't. She allowed Charlene to help her to her feet and guide her across to the corner near the door, where she offered no resistance beyond the smallest moan as the American girl gently brought up each arm from its posterial guard duty and placed it over her dishevelled hair. And there she stood, naked from waist to heels, shifting from foot to foot, two deep red glowing beacons signalling a chastened, changed Lillian.

  "Well," said Jed, turning to me, "this Handy-Pad of yours seems like it might just have an impact in the market-place too." He turned to his assistant. "How many swats was that, Charlene?"

  After all the jotting came a quick totting. "That was a hundred and ten swats, Big Jed."

  "OK, so we'll put in an order for eleven hundred of these little babies right away!" He got up, brushed down the lap of his trousers, and grabbed some keys off the desk. "Right! I gotta be goin', people to see, ya know? Give ol' Harv a slap on the back for me." And he was out of the door before I could muster a word. I turned to Charlene.

  "You mean ... was he going to order...?"

  "Yup!" she said. "Ten for every swat. That's Big Jed for you! Generous to a fault!"

  I looked over at Lillian in the corner and admired again the unwitting price we'd paid ... she'd paid, to secure the order.

  Of course it all went wrong after that - almost all, anyway. The Handy-Pads cracked and broke after barely a dozen try-outs on those hard American butts (Macdougal's and their process had, naturally, been a fiction) and Big Jed sued and won. Harvey went bust and, after his mother died, moved to Amsterdam to pursue some other line of grime.

  And Lillian Carrington-Smythe?

  Back in London, Lillian changed her name to Lil Smith and two months later changed it again. We were married that May and are now approaching our fifth anniversary (traditionally, you guessed it, wood!)

  And now, of a Saturday night, as I look lovingly down at her reddening altar and hear her happy sighs, I bless Providence and Big Jed of the Big Apple as I recite those immortal lines once more: "Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty - that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."

  Also from LSF Publications...

  Spanking Cheat by Stanlegh Meresith

  Rachel, Susan, Prudence and Emily get together one Wednesday evening for dinner, followed by some spanking fun. Prudence suggests they play a card game called Cheat - where the whole idea of the game is to cheat like mad, and the first person to get rid of their cards wins. The game turns out to be even more fun owing to the nature of the forfeits Prudence comes up with, which as the game continues, results in someone getting six of the best on their bare bottom. And at the end of the game, the winner gets to give the other players as many strokes as they each have cards left in their hand. So the four participants take up a variety of punishment positions, and are all treated to the delights of hairbrush, tawse, slipper, strap and cane. All in all, it proves to be a very satisfying evening!

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  Seat-Warmers Unlimited by Stanlegh Meresith
  When Jessica visits Seat Warmers Unlimited, she gets exactly what she is looking for - 'discipline with discretion' and plenty of it. After filling out a form specifying her exact requirements, a nervous Jessica proceeds to the changing room, where she selects her schoolgirl outfit: white knee-length socks, blue pleated skirt to just above her knees, white blouse, striped tie and a school blazer. After a discussion with the handsome older man who is about to discipline her, Jessica makes her way to Room 5.

  The role play begins, with Mr Wilkinson attired in dark suit, mortar board and gown. He is both strict and angry that his pupil is late for detention, and after a brief lecture, he gives her a bare bottom spanking with a slipper. But there is more to follow ... much more, and Jessica endures her punishment bravely. The painful delights of birch, paddle, and cane are interspersed with periods of reflection where she admires her well-marked bottom, supplemented with a humiliating though enjoyable scenario with a riding crop. One thing's for sure - Jessica certainly gets value for money at Seat Warmers Unlimited!

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  The Spanking Tent: St Agatha's School For Girls is short of funds for musical instruments, so headmistress Miss Fanny Frobisher gives her sixth form girls full authority to organise a fund raising day. The girls are split into four teams, the fourth being responsible for publicity and promotion. Charged with enthusiasm, the girls plan the event, using the local radio and newspaper to help spread the word. Miss Frobisher leaves them to it, and when the fund raising day dawns, is surprised and delighted to see huge crowds of people and ten coaches packed with boys from the local school. It seems that everyone is ignoring most of the stalls in their rush to join the long queues outside the big white tent pitched at the bottom of the field. Peeking inside she is shocked to see her upper sixth form girls getting their bare bottoms spanked! But when she sees the overflowing buckets of money earned, her attitude changes somewhat, especially when the chairman of the board of governors indicates he has a hankering for spanking bigger and more mature bottoms...

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  Amanda and the Policeman: Sergeant Ryan Bradley transfers out of London and returns to the village of his youth - the village where Bertram, his grandfather, still works in the family firm. On one of his visits to Bradley's Building Supplies, Ryan meets an attractive member of staff called Amanda, and promises himself that once he is settled he will get to know her better. But as time passes and Ryan helps his grandfather to install CCTV on company premises, it provides evidence which confirms Bertram's suspicions - Amanda is stealing money. Ryan comes up with a unique and innovative way to extract a full confession from Amanda, along with a memorably painful discipline session. But it appears that the spanking inflames passions and a hunger for more... with the promise of future fun and games in the police station.

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  A Wife's Place: Newly married Caroline has a lot to learn about being an obedient wife. Her husband James tells her she needs discipline in her life, and the best way to start is to involve the church. So James meets Pastor Timothy to talk about Caroline's disobedience and her tendency to argue and make sassy remarks. As a result, Caroline is sent to stay with the pastor and his wife to learn how to please her husband. The pastor shows her the error of her ways with the aid of the paddle and the strap. Her behaviour is slow to improve, so Caroline has to suffer the indignity of spankings every night for two weeks. Back home, James is also receiving instruction - on how to discipline his wife when she returns home. Reunited with her husband, the first few days are wonderful - but then Caroline starts to revert to her old ways...

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  Ruby and Jade Get a Spanking: Ruby and Jade are fugitives, on the run with their boyfriends, and have been involved in numerous robberies. Their parents hire a firm of private detectives by the name of Hunter and Stalks, to bring them home. After almost a year of searching, the detectives act on a tip off that the girls are in Reyville, Texas. Meanwhile, things are not going well for Ruby and Jade - holed up in a motel, they are continually getting on the wrong side of Alex and Max who threaten to give them a good spanking to curb their sassy ways, flirting and impulsive behaviour. Disgruntled, the girls storm off to an ice cream parlour and decide to leave the two men for good, taking Alex's car and the money from the bank robbery too! They have fun deciding what they're going to spend the money on, but unfortunately, things don't go according to plan... What happens next? The reader can decide, as three separate endings to this tale are provided...

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