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Path of Descent: Ambrosine

Page 4

by Noreen Harrison

  “The Pure Ones are coming for her?” I asked, terrified. “Madame Cecilia said that you would handle it.”

  “Handle it,” he said bluntly. “Yes, only to help in the capture, not in destroying her. She needs to be taken alive to the West Indies, so that the ritual can draw out the other one who is behind the curse.”

  ”We have to warn Phillip. Is Michael still here?”


  I started for the door.

  “Alixia, you won’t change his mind.”

  “I’m going to try.”

  I left and ran downstairs. Marcus followed, trying to make his point.

  “Marcus, enough!” I said. “He has to be warned.” I went down the hall into the kitchen, seeing Millie, but no Michael.

  “Millie, have you seen Michael?”

  “He’s in the solarium.”


  “What’s going on?” she asked, getting up from the table. I didn’t answer. I just headed down the hall.

  “Michael!” I called out, entering the solarium and looking through the flora for him.

  He stepped out, holding a pot of herbs.

  “What is it?”

  “When are you coming for Angel?”

  “Why is that important to you?” His face registered concern as he picked a dry leaf.

  “Phillip is protecting Angel!”

  “Oh, I see.” He picked at another leaf, showing a slight smile. I heard all of their thoughts. They could care less, Millie included.

  “Michael, when?”

  “I leave tonight for the Gathering. So, you only have a few days. The Ancients’ sacred ritual to protect us against them is almost concluded.”

  I stepped closer.

  “Are you saying that Marguerite found a way to reverse the curse?”

  “No, I wish. They are safe, though.” He glanced over at Millie. “This Gathering is for protecting us, after two more Pure Ones died last night.”

  He placed the pot on a wooden stand, stared down at it for a second, and then spoke with ire in his tone and hate in his eyes.

  “So, when you see Phillip, I suggest that you tell him to back down as the rest of the immortals are guarding her now. We will not hesitate to use our black magic to bring her back.”

  I got into his head, seeing the horror of their dark power.

  “You see what we can do, Alixia.”

  “Yes,” I said, getting out of his head.

  “Good. “ He looked at Marcus, and then turned to Millie and took her hand. “Hopefully, we will have your child back in your arms again soon.”

  “Michael,” I said, bringing his attention back to me. “Just out of curiosity, why didn’t Angel go for Marguerite after the funeral? I mean, if she is still under the death curse?”

  “Your grandmother Madame Cecilia was the one who made that possible, making sure Marguerite would not be harmed. Angel and the Dominions had no choice. The High Council voted to give her sanctuary until morning’s light.”

  “But you said two Pure Ones died?” He walked over to the orchids, touching them delicately with his podgy fingers.

  “Yes, two were killed. The sanctuary was only intended for Marguerite.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry Michael. I didn’t know.” He picked an orchid and handed it to me.

  “Just make sure the immortals don’t try to stop us.”


  “Okay, then. I will leave so that you all can discuss another matter.” He kissed Millie’s cheek and left.

  She looked at Marcus.

  “I’m ready.”

  I took in a deep breath, wishing she had come to her senses.

  “Millie, are you sure you want this?”

  “You said you wouldn’t stop me.”

  “I know, but know that the Pure Ones are…“

  “No! I don’t want to hear any more vague hopes about bringing my son back! This is my choice, and I will get him back myself. Marcus!”

  He rubbed the side of his face, looking at me for guidance. I stared at Millie. She wanted this. Her thoughts were irrational. She had revenge in her head, and if Marcus would not give her immortality, she would not hesitate to go to Marcel for it. I bit down on my lip, grimacing, and knowing there was no other compromise with her.

  “I won’t interfere.”

  She kissed my cheek and hugged me. I held her, feeling the warmth of a body that would soon be cold to the touch…

  Hidden Truths

  Back home in Baton Rouge, I went through the backwoods to the creek, wanting to cool off. Stepping in, I held my white cotton dress up to my thighs. I waded through the cool stream, feeling mud between my toes. I moved slowly down the creek bed, thinking of Millie. Marcus will give her what she hungered for, changing her into a Dark One after he returns from the West Indies.

  He decided to go with Michael to give him protection, which gave me a couple more days to change her mind. I knew she was thinking that, if she joined his world, nobody would get in her way. She wanted Angel all for herself, and I was afraid of that.

  Sensing Phillip, I looked over my shoulder. He was coming toward me. I felt his reservation about something right away.

  “Here,” he said, reaching out for me as I stepped from the water. I took hold of his hand.

  “Thank you.”

  He smiled at me.

  “You look beautiful today.”

  “Thank you again. What are you doing here?”

  “Come on, let’s walk.”

  He took my hand and interlaced our fingers. We walked close to the stream, following a well-used path. I looked up at the sky, seeing clouds building up into white thunderheads.

  Phillip cleared his throat.

  “I want to talk about our phone conversation.”

  “You mean, my warning about the Pure Ones?”


  “Are you going to back off, and let them take her?” I asked, looking up at him with concern. His jaw tightened as we stopped and faced each other.

  “No, I will never do that.”

  “Don’t be reckless. I got into Michael’s head. I saw what they could do with their magic!”

  “I just can’t do it,” he said.

  Tears welled in my eyes, wondering if this would be our last time together.

  “I won’t lose you,” I said, “because of her.”

  He squeezed my hand, breathing through his nostrils and exhaling in a long sigh.

  “Angel wants to talk to you.”

  I let go of his hand and stepped back in suspicion.

  “I’m not talking to her! Why would I?”

  “Please, talk to her before she goes back to the West Indies.”

  I stared at him with incredulity, getting into his head.

  “She’s going to them?”

  “You are in my thoughts.” I got out of his head.

  “Phillip, they are not going to let her live.”

  The expression on his face turned grim.

  “She is not going back to beg for her life.”

  Suddenly I turned, seeing Angel staring at us. Her raven black hair was being blown around her face by a warm breeze coming through the trees. Her dark eyes were fixated on us.

  “Wait here, Alixia,” Phillip said.

  They had a loud, quick conversation in French, and then she pushed by him and approached me.


  “Angel,” I said meeting her halfway and wanting to rip her apart. Phillip moved quickly between us, sensing our repugnance for each other,

  “Okay,” he said nervously. “Let’s just talk without going after each other.”

  “I have nothing to say to her.”

  “See, Phillip,” she said. “I told you she belongs to them now.”

  I pushed Phillip’s arm back, gritting my teeth.

  “I don’t belong to anyone!”

  She flipped her hair back.

  “Your soul already belongs to the Dark One! Have you
bedded him yet? You should let Phillip know, so that he can stop obsessing about you!”

  “Angel!” Phillip gripped her arm, glaring at her.

  “Let go of me. You know I’m telling the truth.”

  “Shut up, Angel! We’re not here to talk about that!”

  I shook my head and started to walk away.

  “Alixia,” Phillip said. “Wait. Apologize to her, Angel!”

  She scowled, and he shook her arm roughly.

  “Do it!”

  “No! Phillip this is a waste of time, she’s never accepted the Family beliefs, and she will not help in fighting the Pure Ones as you think.”

  Stopping, I turned and glared at her.

  “She’s right about that. You want me to fight the Pure Ones for her life? Not going to happen.”

  I was holding back the rage inside me.

  “You should count yourself lucky that I don’t take you out right now.”

  She stepped closer to Phillip.

  “See,” she said sneeringly. “She’s doesn’t care about the Family.”

  I took a step forward and Phillip pushed her quickly behind him, sensing my ager building.

  “I do care for them!” I yelled.

  “Then, why are you letting them go after us? They even tried to kill you!”

  I looked at her, perplexed.

  “No, that’s not what happened. It was Dominions, and Marguerite tried to stop it.”

  “Alixia,” she said with vilification, holding on to Phillip’s arm. “Don’t be a fool. Marguerite was part of that.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Alixia, she let the ritual take place. The Ancients would have never gone for you unless Marguerite gave them the order to.”

  I walked up to her, taking hold of her hands.

  “Let me see.”

  She nodded, taking a breath.

  I closed my eyes, going deep into her mind and soul. I saw images of Marguerite going to the Dominions, agreeing with the judgment, and letting them know the outcome. Suddenly, the images of Marguerite were gone, and another image appeared in her mind that was more disturbing.

  Angel tried to pull away from me.

  “No!” she yelled.

  I held on to her tighter, trying to see everything. Then she pulled away, back into Phillips arms.

  “The Ancient who helped you is the young Priestess!” I said, shocked. “She helped you curse Millie’s baby!”

  She lowered her eyes, and spoke almost inaudibly.

  “Yes, she helped me.”

  “This is insane!” I said, moving away from them. “She is helping you. Why?”

  “The death of her mother. Why else?”

  I looked at her, thrown off balance, remembering what Marguerite had said.

  “Wait, no…” I panicked. “How did, I mean, Marguerite told me that no one would have memories of her mother’s death!”

  “Well, I didn’t until the Priestess showed me.”

  “She showed you?”

  I looked over at Phillip, dumbfounded.

  “Did she show you, too?”

  “No. Angel just told me when she got back. I still have no memory of her mother.”

  “And he won’t,” Angel said, leaving his side. “Unless, of course, the Priestess shows him as she did me.”

  I looked at her nervously.

  “Why would she bring back your memory of that night?”

  She walked over to the stream, bent down and scooped up a handful of water. She watched it run through her fingers.

  “Why? Because I have been with the young priestess since the day she was born. Her mother and I were very close. When my memories of her were taken away from me that night, the Priestess couldn’t bear the loneliness and burden of her mother’s death all by herself. She needed someone to comfort her. She returned my memories, so that she could have someone to hold her again, and grieve with her.”

  My heart ached for the Priestess, knowing she had chosen the wrong one to comfort her. Angel stood up, looking at me as she wiped her hands together.

  “So, now you know.”

  She walked back over to Phillip, still counting on his protection, just in case. He put his arm around her protectively.

  “And by the way, I wouldn’t say anything about this conversation.”


  “Because of the young priestess. You wouldn’t want to see her dead, too, just because she grieves for her mother.”

  “Is that why she helped you?”

  “Yes, and actually she was easy to persuade, after I turned her grieving into hatred. I told her that Marguerite took the life of her mother to wreak her own vengeance upon us. After that, she was more than willing to reveal the hidden black magic to me, and to another. That helped me place the Death Curse on Olitha, Marguerite and the child, by using some of their blood. ”

  To another?

  “There was one more, besides the Priestess?”

  She shifted nervously. I got into her head, looking for the answer, but it wasn’t clear yet.

  “Who was it?” I asked in impatiently. She looked up at Phillip with a nervous grimace, and moved away from him, leaving herself vulnerable.

  “Madame Cecilia.”

  Phillip and I looked at her, stunned.

  “Madame Cecilia? You never told me that!” he said.

  “No!” I shouted, not wanting to believe it. “Angel, you’re lying! She would have never been part of the ritual!” She took a deep breath, moved a strand of hair away from her face and stepped back from us.

  “She even helped in the ritual,” she said, with a smirk on her lips. “It was not just a vote from her and the Council to destroy the Pure Ones. She was right there at the sacramental site with me in the West Indies, adding her blood to the curse, for the unjustified deaths of Correa and Nicolas. And now she thinks she is safe in sacrificing me. Well, she is not. Marguerite will come after her!”

  I just stood there, not moving.

  “Alixia, you have nothing to say?” she asked, coming toward me. Phillip grabbed her.

  “Angel, be careful!”

  “Let go of me Phillip! She has to decide now whether to protect me or…”

  “Shut up, Angel,” I glared at her. “Don’t push me.”

  I turned and started walking away.

  “Where are you going?” she screeched out in alarm. I didn’t turn back.


  Siting on my back porch, looking out and watching the sunset through the trees, I was agonizing about what Angel had said. It didn’t make sense. If Madame Cecilia was part of the ritual, why didn’t I know it? She’d better give me truthful answers when she gets here.

  I got up and walked down the porch steps, stopping on the bottom when I heard Anna.

  “Where are you going?” she asked, coming through the screen door and letting it slam behind her. I turned. “Just for a walk.”

  She furrowed her brow in a familiar way.

  “I thought you said Madame Cecilia was coming?”

  “She is. I’m just going for a little walk until she gets here.”

  “Well, don’t go far.”

  “Anna, stop hovering. I’m not going to meet Marcus, as you’re thinking right now.”

  She let out a disbelieving grunt.

  “Sure you’re not.”

  She turned on her heels and went into the house. I shook my head, thinking back to when she had caught Marcus and me in the orchard. After that, she made me promise that Marcus would not come here anymore. She thought that he would bring evil mojo to our household. Which was stupid, I thought, but I didn’t want to argue with her crazy beliefs any more.

  I opened the garden gate and strolled down the brick path.

  As I passed the remains of my mother’s cut down rosebushes, I felt tormented and made my way over to the wooden bench. Sitting down, I inhaled deeply, taking in all the fragrances of the flowers around me. Memories of my mother flashed through my
mind – her reading stories to me right here on this bench, or never refusing when I wanted to play princess dragons in the orchard. I surprised myself by smiling.

  Suddenly, I stiffened as a chill went through me. She is here, and close by. I looked toward the orchard, where her grave was. She was out there in the dark. I took off running through the trees, my heart racing as her scent got closer. Then I saw her. She was beautiful! Her auburn hair rested softly on her shoulders, her face was angelic – but her emerald eyes, that had once been full of love, were soulless now.

  “Mother!” I yelled, coming toward her, obsessed with putting her back in the grave where she belonged.

  “Stop,” she said, putting up her hand with sadness on her face. “I know you want to kill me, and I will let you do so without a fight, but please listen first.”

  I took another step, feeling rage pulsate through my body.

  “You want me to listen to what? This is no loving reunion for us. I saw you with him! “

  “Alixia, it’s not what you think. Don’t believe everything you see in your visions.”

  “You were in his arms, and on my father’s grave!”

  She looked up into the night sky, heaving a sigh in regret.

  “I’m sorry, Alixia. Please try to understand.”

  “Oh, I do understand!” I shouted. “You have free will, and you are still with him!”

  She moved closer to me, knowing I could easily kill her now. “Yes, Alixia, I do. However, I have a reason for staying with him that is not love. I have my own blood feud with him. I want Marcel dead, as everyone else does. But, I need you to help me do it.”

  She hesitated for a second, sensing my skepticism.

  “Marguerite said I could trust you,” she said.

  “Marguerite? What?” I jumped into her head to see the truth. Then she turned to the right as I did, sensing them coming. She reached out for me.

  “Do you want to kill me now, or protect me?”

  The question took me by surprise. I didn’t know what to do.

  “Run!” I said. She leaned in and kissed my cheek with her cold lips.

  “I will come again,” she said as she ran off into the trees. I stood there, watching her go.

  Madame Cecilia and Charles came up behind me.

  “Alixia,” Madame Cecilia said, taking hold of my shoulder. “Why did you let her escape again?”


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