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Path of Descent: Ambrosine

Page 14

by Noreen Harrison

  “Alixia, she might take the child.”

  “No!” I said, aghast. “She would never do that!”

  I turned to face her.

  “She is part of Marcus’s Family. They are different than Marcel’s. You have witnessed that.”


  She sat back, closing her eyes for a second and tapping her fingers on her lips. I knew what she was thinking.

  “You all think that you can keep her under control by keeping her baby from her!”

  She looked at me, irritated that I was in her head.

  “We’re not trying to keep her under control, Alixia. We just want some assurance that there will be no retaliation from her when she gets her child back. If there is, we will not hesitate to defend ourselves. And then we’d have to have worry about Marcus’s Family. If she does try for her revenge and we kill her, will he avenge her?”

  I got up and went over to the railing.

  “There has to be way to ease everyone’s mind, so that Millie can get her baby back.”

  “I wish there was.”

  There is one way. I could bring both Families together.

  “Madame Aimeri, call a Gathering!” I said, turning back to her. “We are going to resolve this.”

  “How could having a Gathering resolve their fears?” She leaned forward in her chair, viewing me suspiciously.

  “I can’t say what my plan is yet. Just call it for the end of the week. I should be ready by then.”

  She stood up slowly, scrutinizing me and trying to get into my head. She couldn’t, which made her more distressed.

  “Alixia, what is in that head of yours? If you are planning something, I want to know right now!”

  “I’m planning something. The Gathering will end this spurious thinking about Marcus’ Family, and Millie. I want them to be there.”

  She stepped back from me.

  “No! This will not be! You will not bring them here!”

  “Yes, I will. And they will be at the Gathering! ”


  “Call the Gathering. I’m the Supreme now, as you insisted, and this is what I want.”

  She was jolted for a second, and then recovered her cool demeanor.

  “So, you’re actually ordering me to do this?”


  I turned, seeing Phillip’s car coming up the drive.

  “Madame Aimeri, we will finish this later.”

  “Fine, but if I were you I would ask Phillip’s advice on this harebrained idea of yours, before you bring down the wrath of all the Families.”

  “Just go inside, please.”

  “Tell him.”

  She slammed the door.

  I walked down the steps to greet him. Standing there, watching him approach, I understood that he was going to feel as she did. They were all so conservative when it came to change in the dogmas.

  “Phillip,” I said, as he got out of the car. He kissed my cheek.

  “How’s the baby?”

  “Good. He is sleeping now.”

  “And Millie?” he growled under his breath.

  “She is doing better. In fact I think she should be able to see her child now.” He stepped up on the step. “Are you sure about that?”

  “Yes, I’m going to talked to Marguerite about it when I return there tonight.”

  “Good luck with that,” he said with indignation. He took another step, reaching back for me. But I pulled my hand back and stood there staring at him and his exasperating attitude.

  “Really Phillip, can’t you be a little more supportive of her getting her child back?”

  “No, she is still filled with rage. You know that.”

  “But not for the child,” I said. “She’s his mother, and I know she will not hurt him.”

  “Take it up with Marguerite. He is a Pure One, so it’s up to her. See if she agrees with you about Millie being ready.”

  “I will,” I said, going up the stairs behind him. “Oh, and I ‘ve called a Gathering for the end of this week.”

  “A Gathering? For what?”

  “To stop this distrust for Marcus and his Family. And I want them to attend, too.”

  “No!” He slammed his fist so hard on the railing that he actually split a post. “I can’t believe you want that.” He began to pace across the deck.

  “Phillip, stop,” I said, standing in his way. “Why can’t it work? We did it before, at the Blood Moon Gathering.”

  “That was different, Alixia. The Ancients’ controlled us there.” He walked around me.

  “If you do this, the other Families will come at Marcus’s. They will not stand a chance. Alixia, do not go through with this. ”

  I looked into his eyes. He feared a bloodbath.

  “Phillip,” I said, looking at the railing post he had broken. “That’s exactly why I want this Gathering. The Families need to understand that Marcus doesn’t take souls unless it’s their own choice. I want them to see he can come into the light.”

  “They will not accept this.”

  “Why are you so sure of that?”

  He stretched his arms out on either side of me, grabbing hold of the rail and blocking me from moving. He leaned right into my face, speaking angrily with his jaw tightening on every word.

  “We don’t trust them, and that includes Millie now.”


  “Sure,” he said as he pushed away from me, taking a step back. “But you understand what I am saying, right?”

  “Yes, and I’m still calling the Gathering.”

  “Damn it, didn’t you hear anything I said?”

  “Phillip, we don’t have to distrust each other.”

  “Alixia, this Gathering will cause more distrust. Both sides will be watching and waiting, especially one that has made her threats known.”

  “I will keep Millie under control.”

  He shook his head, scoffing.

  “Yes, I remember how you kept such good control of her at the last Gathering she attended.”

  “It won’t be that way this time. Millie will have her child back in her arms at week’s end. I will see to that.”

  “You can’t guarantee that.”

  “Yes, I can. Because I’m taking James back with me to Marguerite’s tonight.”

  “What? No, you said you were going to talk to Marguerite first!”

  I walked over to the door.

  “I’ve changed my mind.”

  He stared at me, debating within himself as to whether or not he should stop me.

  “Go ahead,” he eventually said. “But remember that I warned you.”


  James lay in my arms, fussing a little as I watched Marguerite pacing fumingly back and forth in front of us. She was outraged that I had brought him back to his mother.

  “You had no right! I’m very upset with you. What possessed you to do this?”

  I gazed down at James.

  “It’s time Millie’s child was returned to her. They just need to be together.”

  “Alixia, if she’s not ready, you know that you will have to protect the child.”

  “Yes, I’m aware of that. Nevertheless, Millie deserves a chance.”

  “Well, I just want to be sure that you know the consequences of this.”

  “I do. I won’t hesitate.”

  “Good. Don’t.”

  I rolled my eyes at her attitude.

  “Now, as to this Gathering you were telling me about. This is a good thing,” she said eagerly. “I have no qualms about Marcus attending, as along I’m by his side. I agree with you, it is time to end this. The Families have to realize that Marcus is different.”

  She got up and I watched as she went to the gold trimmed mirror and pushed on it, opening the secret door.

  “And once Marcel’s gone,” she smiled, “Marcus will take over the Dark world. Excuse me a moment.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Looking for a – oh, her
e it is.”

  She came out of the room carrying a little flat box.

  “What’s that?”

  “The mixture to control her urges.”

  “Why did you bring that out?” I asked.

  “Just in case.”

  I looked at James as he started to fuss again.

  “What’s the matter, little one?”

  I stood up and walked around the room, trying to comfort him. “It’s okay, Sweetheart. There, there.”

  I turned toward the hallway, hearing her thoughts. Marguerite stood up, giving me a quick glance, and then we both stared at the door apprehensively.

  She walked in with Marcus. I took a deep breath and was reassured that he looked ready to take a step.

  “Wait,” he said, turning his glance back to Millie. “How do you feel?”

  She stared over at us.

  ”I’m good. Let me pass, Marcus.”

  Her lips quivered slightly, trying not to expose her teeth. Marcus moved his arm.

  ”Remember what I told you.”

  “I know. I will back off, I promise.”

  She took a step toward me.

  “Alixia, let me hold my child.”

  I sensed no threat as she came toward us. Marcus stayed close behind her, like a shadow ready to take her if she showed any signs of malevolence. She stretched out her arms for James and looked at me with joy in her eyes.

  “Thank you for bringing my baby back to me.”

  I smiled at her, holding up James so that they could face each other. She touched James curls, and looked at him with soft eyes.

  “Come to Mommy,” she said, lovingly reaching out for him. I placed him in her arms.

  “Here you go.”

  She brought him up to her, breathing him in.

  “I missed you so much, my sweet baby boy.”

  Suddenly her face changed to fear as she struggled with her desires, hearing his tiny heartbeats and feeling the warmth of him in her arms again. He burrowed into her without a fuss, remembering her scent and her voice.

  ”Millie,” I said, “is this going to be okay?”

  “Yes, I’m still in control,” she said, wanting to kiss him and smelling his sweetness again. But she remained reserved, afraid that she might do more.

  “Just let me hold him a few more minutes here.”

  “That’s fine.”

  Marcus and Marguerite had the same anxiety as I did. We watched her walk over to the window, and look out.

  “Oh, my sweet James. I‘ve missed you. Marcus, will this urge ever go away?” she asked with trepidation in her voice.

  He lowered his eyes in empathy.

  “No. I’m sorry Millie.”

  “I will always have this urge?”

  “Yes, but you’ll learn how to control it when you are around him, as you are tonight.”

  He paused, and then spoke with some discomfort.

  “Millie, you’re going to need more time.”

  She looked down at her baby and I could hear her unselfish thoughts.

  “Well, then, I want him protected from me.”

  “Millie,” I moved up to her. “You can’t want that?”

  “Yes, I do. I am not going to hold my child and feel the urge to… Marguerite, he needs to go back to the West Indies.”

  “Yes that would be best. It will be the safest place for him. He is a Pure One, and he needs to be brought up in our beliefs since his father is gone now.”

  “Marguerite!” I said, aghast. “I don’t think we need to bring that up.”

  “It’s okay,” Millie said, looking down at James. “His father will be avenged.”

  “No, he won’t,” I said loudly, getting everyone’s attention.

  Millie sneered, baring her teeth. She handed the baby to Marguerite.

  “Take James now I’m not feeling safe. Just take him to another room, please.”

  Marguerite looked over at me.

  “It will be okay,” I said. “Marcus and I will handle her.”

  “You will handle me?” Millie growled at me angrily. “You will not keep me from avenging my husband’s death!”

  “Leave now!” Marcus said to Marguerite. She left, holding the baby tightly and not looking back.

  ”Stop this!” I said to Millie.

  ”I’m owed!” she yelled at Marcus. “Tell her.”

  He narrowed his eyes and his voice grew hard.

  “No, you’re not owed. It’s over now, Millie. Your baby is safe, and Angel is dead.”

  She pushed past him toward the door.

  “You’re protecting them. You will not take this from me!”

  “Millie, you will die if you go after the Family,” I said, moving toward her. “Let it go.”

  “Let it go?” she came back to me, frothing with anger.

  “They killed Henry. Shouldn’t he be avenged?”

  I stared at her, trying to come up with some way to elude the answer, because I knew she was justified.

  “You have not answered me, Alixia.” She stepped in front of me, as if she was daring me to strike out at her.

  “No,” I said, feeling sadness for her. “Only you will die if you go after the Family.”

  Marcus came up to me, taking my hand.

  “It’s over with, so step back.”

  We were both in her mind, and she knew it. She put on a wicked smile, and her eyes glared at us.

  “Fine, if that’s what you want.”

  “Oh, Millie.”

  “Don’t say another word to me, Alixia.” She put her hand up in a stopping motion, and walked through the doorway.

  Marcus hugged me to him.

  “You heard her thoughts?”

  “Yes, and if she goes for them,” I took in breath, “I don’t know if I can protect her.”

  “I will.”

  I moved out of his arms, rattled.

  “What are you saying?”

  “Wait, it’s not what you are thinking. Bring Phillip to the swamp.”

  “To the swamp? Marcus, no!”

  “Just listen,” he took hold of me firmly. “We both know it wasn’t Phillip who killed Henry, and she knows that, too. She just wants to avenge her husband’s death, so let’s give her the ones who did it.”

  “But, why do you want Phillip?”

  “Because he will help us lure them, as he did with Angel.”

  “What’s this about Angel?” Marguerite asked, coming in the door empty handed.

  “Where the baby?”

  “He’s with Millie again.”

  “What, you left him with her?” I said, going toward the door in distress.

  “Stop, it’s okay,” she said, placing the small box back on its shelf. “She’s in control now.”

  “You gave her that?”

  “Yes, at her own request. And Michael and the others are watching over her, also.”

  I sighed with relief.

  “So,” she said, looking at us. “I heard you say something about Angel?”

  Marcus looked at me with a smile. He knew that Marguerite would not object to taking out two more Dominions, but Madame Aimeri and the Council would.

  I watched as their heads came together in agreement, hearing him explaining his proposal to her that would end Millie’s retribution.

  “I agree,” Marguerite said, walking out with him and taking a small vial with her. “I will be back shortly. I have client who needs my help, and we will discuss this more when I return. Alixia, check on Millie while I’m gone, will you?”

  “Yes, I will.”

  Marcus came over and sat by me.

  “Well, now all we have to do is get Phillip to go along with us. So do have any ideas?”

  “I don’t know. I’d better go check on Millie.”

  “What’s the matter?” He held my arm, preventing me from getting up. “This will work.”

  “Yes, but more will be taken from the Family.”

  “And why would you care? They killed Henry.

  “It’s not the ones who killed Henry that I’m worried about. It’s convincing Phillip to end more Family lives.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. I didn’t think of that.”

  Then he looked up, pleased.

  “We don’t need Phillip!”

  “But you just said.”

  “Forget that. The Pure Ones will take care of them, which will keep our Families out of the fight.”

  “So, what’s forming in that head of yours now that will help Millie?”

  “It’s easy. Remember you said you had a vision of them at the airport? Who were they?”

  “I didn’t see their faces.”

  “Do you think you can see the images of Henry again?”

  “I don’t know why not.”

  I quickly closed my eyes, letting him into my mind as I went back to the images of Henry getting off the plane. He walked slowly, talking to the Dominions. They were dressed in red hooded robes. Suddenly, one of them stepped back and grabbed him by his neck, breaking it swiftly to end him. They dragged his body toward the road. I watched them closely, until I could see their faded images. Then, when they removed their hoods, it was all clear.

  I broke my contact with Marcus. I couldn’t believe it. She was a part of it. I walked over to the window and stared out at the swamp.

  Now what?

  “Alixia, I know she said she’d help us…”

  “I thought I wouldn’t have to choose. This is not good, Marcus. I can’t believe Madame Aimeri helped kill Henry. ”

  And then my heart sank as I turned to the door and saw Millie standing there, listening. Her eyes were mad with hatred.

  “She killed him!”

  The Rift

  Millie came into my bedroom at Marguerite’s.

  “He’s on his way now, Alixia,” she said in a heart-rending voice.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, hugging her.

  “It was so hard sending him off again.”

  “I know.”

  I stroked her hair, comforting her, and thinking back on the last two days. How she ran out crazed with hate after finding out who killed Henry. We did restrain her for a while with the promise that their punishments would be as swift as Henry’s death, with no remorse or forgiveness for either of them.

  “Alixia,” she exhaled noisily, bringing me out of my thoughts. “When the Pure Ones are ready to punish them, I will be returning to the West Indies for that judgment.”


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