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Loose Ends

Page 28

by Kristen Ashley

  There was humor in his voice now when Maddox repeated, “So you made a good dent in it.”

  Molly did a thing with her head that was both nodding and shaking that was so fucking cute, Diesel could barely stand not trying to kiss her through it as she shared, “She’s got a little less than three grand to go and bridesmaid gifts to buy. I told her maybe for her shower, she should ask for donations to the wedding, but she said she wanted people to be free to give her what they want her to have.”

  Translation, D thought, Holly wanted the presents.

  Molly kept talking.

  “So I don’t know where it’s gonna go from here. But yeah,” she smiled again at Maddox, “we made a dent in it.”

  “How much money did your folks give her?” Diesel asked curiously.

  Mol looked back to him. “Twenty K.”

  Diesel blinked.

  Maddox spoke D’s thoughts.

  “Holy fuck.”

  “I know,” Molly agreed, cuddling herself and her beer into D’s chest. “We’re so totally doing something in the backyard. An arch with sunflowers on it. A vat a chili, bowls of Fritos and grated cheese. Tin tubs of beer. Done. We’ll use the rest for our honeymoon.”

  Diesel looked toward Maddox.

  Maddox shook his head once, agreeing with D’s unspoken statement.

  D turned his eyes back to Molly.

  “You’re gonna have better than that, baby.”

  She maneuvered her beer to her lips still snuggled into him, sucked back a bolt, dropped the beer to his chest and tipped her head back to look up at him.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Why?” he asked back, feeling his brows draw together.

  “Yeah, why?” she replied. “I love sunflowers, chili and beer. They’ve got red and orange ones that are stunning. Sunflowers, I mean. It’ll be amazing.”

  “Only one you’re gonna get, sweetheart, you need to do it up big,” he told her.

  She snuggled deeper, her feet moving on Maddox, and shot him another grin.

  “We’ll do the honeymoon up big,” she declared.

  “We’ll do that too,” Maddox announced, on the move and D looked from Molly to Mad, who was running his hand up the back of her thigh.

  Apparently it was time to stop talking about Holly’s wedding, and whatever they were going to do for their ceremony, and properly welcome their girl home.

  He was surprised Maddox let it go as long as it did.

  Fuck, he was surprised he had.

  He watched Mad’s hand disappear up her skirt and D’s gaze went right to her face so he could watch it get soft.

  She didn’t disappoint.

  She then shifted, hitching up her leg to hook her calf around his hip which meant Diesel felt Maddox’s wrist brush his hardening cock as Mad’s fingers probably dipped in the gusset of her panties, and D could guess that because Molly’s pretty face got softer but her gorgeous green eyes got hot.

  Time to get down to business.

  “Mouth, baby,” D whispered, Molly turned hazing-over eyes to him and offered him her mouth.

  He set his beer on the floor, grabbed hers and joined the two, all as he took her mouth.

  Maddox shifted further and so did Molly as Maddox moved her from lazing down his side, her back to the couch, to lying down his front, her knees bent deep, thighs straddling his hips.

  Diesel sucked her sweet tongue deep into his mouth and gladly took her little moan, biting back his own groan when Maddox’s chin nudged his now rock-hard dick as their man shoved his face between her legs.

  On a soft huff, she was forced to break the kiss, her eyes half-mast, cute, hot, sweet, so D nibbled her lower lip and went in with his hands, pulling her skirt up and diving into her panties, palming her round ass.

  “You did save some for me,” she whispered.

  “Fuck yeah, baby, always,” he whispered back, lifted his head, took her mouth again and slid her panties over her ass.

  Maddox moved out, pulled her up to her knees on either side of D’s hips, and took over pulling her panties down her thighs, over one knee and down the calf, then the other and they were gone.

  Mad went back in between her legs and D kissed her, swallowing her mews and moans, his hands roaming the soft skin of her ass and the backs of her thighs as Mad ate her out and D’s ass and balls tightened, feeling her excitement build and build, tasting it, loving it.

  Eventually, when he heard Maddox growl, “D,” with practice, he knew what that meant.

  His hand moved in and he stopped kissing her, started playing with her clit as Maddox moved over her, over them, and she turned her head and took Maddox’s tongue while she ground into D’s fingers.

  D dove inside, now thumbing her clit, finger fucking her, and she rode him, Mad breaking their kiss to go in at her neck.

  But his eyes lifted to Diesel’s when his teeth were nipping her earlobe, her earring sucked into his mouth, and Diesel raised a brow.

  Maddox let her ear go and grunted, “You.”


  To facilitate that happening, Maddox moved back and undid D’s jeans, yanking them down his hips.

  D removed his fingers, tangled his other hand in Molly’s hair to turn her mouth back to his and Maddox positioned Diesel’s cock, driving Molly down on it.

  Having that slick, tight wet, he groaned down her throat and had to tighten his hold on her hair to keep her mouth to his instead of her head slamming back as he surged up and started fucking their baby.

  She took over, riding him, sitting up, bouncing, her dazed eyes barely focusing on his face. Maddox’s hands slid from her waist to her front, undoing the buttons at the top of her dress. He pulled it apart, yanking down her bra, going at her tits, all with his face shoved in her neck, all as she rode D’s cock.

  It was a fucking great show.

  “God,” she breathed, head falling back, bouncing faster, taking him harder.

  D went in down below, under her skirt that was splayed out around his hips, thumb to her clit, thrusting up to meet his baby’s bounds.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he growled, watching and latching on with his other hand to her hip, using it to pound her down on his cock.

  Maddox’s head came out of Molly’s neck.

  “Roll,” he ordered and disappeared.

  Diesel pulled her down to him, chest to chest, and flipped their girl. Having her softness under him, her beautiful hair spread all over the couch, her face looking like that, her eyes misty and lost in what her men were giving her, her lips swollen and parted, he took it up about seven notches and pounded in.

  Her fingers went into his hair and latched on.

  “Baby,” she whispered.

  “Yeah,” he whispered back.

  “Harder,” she begged.

  He gave it to her, anything she wanted, always.

  Fuck, God, the feel of her, her smell, looking at her how she looked when she took him, he could fuck her for years, decades, centuries.

  “Hold,” Maddox ordered.

  Gone for her, trembling with the effort, D buried himself inside Molly, held his body still, held her eyes and watched them get hotter as he felt Maddox moving in from behind.

  “Go,” Maddox grunted.

  D pulled out and took cock up his ass.

  His entire frame spasmed, Molly’s did the same under him, and he fucked as he got fucked, Maddox leveraging his body in one hand in the couch, pummeling D’s ass with his monster.

  “Fuck yeah,” Diesel groaned.

  “Love you, love you, love my boys,” Molly chanted breathlessly, lifting her knees, rounding them both with her legs, and D knew she was digging her heels in Maddox’s hips, using that hold to lift herself up and take Diesel deeper.





  “I-I can’t hold,” she pushed out.

  “Don’t,” D and Maddox said together.

  She let go, archin
g back, crying out, her pussy clamping on to D’s driving dick, Jesus, even more gorgeous. Impossible. Amazing.


  Maddox moved his hand from the couch to wrap both around the backs of Molly’s knees and he drove deep up D’s ass as D pounded Molly through her orgasm, his face now buried in her neck.

  “Fuck him, fuck me,” Molly whimpered through her orgasm.

  Too much, her slick cunt, that monster driving hard, her lyrical voice rough in heat.


  “Gotta blow,” D groaned into her neck.

  “Go,” Maddox ordered.

  D arched into their girl, back into his man, exploding, shooting deep inside, jerking with it, his ass clamping down on the huge cock moving inside, making him buck through a mind-scrambling orgasm and do it for a long time. Until he collapsed on Molly for a beat before he pulled his weight into a forearm and found her eyes.

  Her arms around his shoulders, she lifted her head and kept her eyes open even as she touched her open mouth to his.

  He held her gaze and grunted into her mouth as he kept taking Maddox’s fucking, doing it almost the best way there was. Buried in their baby.

  “I love how you fuck our D,” Molly said to Mad still looking at D. “Love feeling you moving inside.”

  That did it for Maddox, he drove in, forcing a grunt straight from D’s ass through his gut up his chest and out his mouth right into Molly’s, her hands darting up to grip his hair tight and hold him to her as he arched again into Maddox’s climax, panting while he took his man’s load, feeling Molly pant against his lips just because she liked knowing he was getting it.

  Maddox thrust his cock deeper, shuddering against D as he shot his cum, pounding into him in jerks until he settled, buried, D’s ass full of his monster, Molly’s cunt full of D, and Maddox rested his forehead on Diesel’s shoulder.

  D pressed a kiss to Molly’s mouth and she let his hair go and rested her head back as D asked quietly, “You good, man?”

  Mad pulsed up his ass and D hissed.

  “Do I feel good?”

  D grinned at Molly. “Uh . . . yeah.”

  “You good, baby?” Maddox asked and his tone said that was directed at Molly.

  “Yeah, honey,” she answered.

  “I get that pussy next,” Maddox told her and the bright in her face, the heat in her eyes, said she was all for that. “My man,” he called.

  D turned his head and saw Maddox’s cruel beauty inches from his.

  His gut dropped, his chest went funny and his throat got dry.

  “I’m at her pussy, you’re at her mouth,” Maddox laid it out.

  The feeling vanished and Diesel grinned at him. “Works for me.”

  “First,” Mad’s gaze moved back to Molly, “gonna feed my babies.”

  “Yay,” Molly whispered.

  Slowly, Maddox pulled out the back and got off the couch. He leaned in, laid a long one on Molly while Diesel watched up close. Then he straightened away, grabbed a handful of D’s ass, two fingers finding their way inside through the slick of Mad’s own cum and the lube he’d left behind, making D clench his teeth at that goodness, and Mad gave him a squeeze.

  With that, Mad slid his fingers out, let him go, hitched up his jeans and walked away.

  Diesel turned to Molly and laid his own wet one on her before he disconnected their mouths and their bodies. But he made his way down hers, kissing her throat, the indent at the middle of her collarbone, her chest before he covered her tits with her bra. He then kept going down, dropping a kiss on the strip of hair between her legs then he touched his tongue lightly to her clit.

  She shivered and slid her fingers back into his hair.

  He looked up her body at her pretty face.

  “You want me to clean you up?” he offered.

  “I’ll do it,” she said.

  “You touch that weekender, Maddox’ll be fucking you with your ass red,” he warned.

  She grinned at him, slid off the couch and he got up to his knees on it, pulling up his jeans as she bent in and kissed his mouth.

  “How long is it going to take before you realize that threat is not a deterrent?” she asked softly before she moved away, bending to grab her panties from the floor before she went.

  He did up his jeans, got off the couch and growled when he saw her heading to her bag where Mad had left it.

  Her gaze came to him and her hands went up. “Okay, okay, jeez.”

  With that, she left the bag alone and bounced away, her little skirt swaying side to side, and he watched it as she went.

  When she disappeared, his eyes moved to the kitchen and he saw Maddox had been engaged in the same pleasant pastime.

  Probably feeling his gaze, Maddox looked to him with a wicked gorgeous smile on his lips.

  “You want me to clean you up?” he offered.

  “Fuck off,” Diesel returned, moving toward Molly’s bag.

  Maddox chuckled.

  D bent and nabbed her bag.

  He was on his way to follow Molly to their room, drop her bag and clean Mad’s cum from his ass when he stopped because Maddox called his name.

  “That dress,” Mad said low when he got Diesel’s attention.

  He got him.

  If Molly looked that good in a bridesmaid dress, what would they get when she walked to them to commit officially?

  They’d get it damned good.

  Like always.

  “Tomorrow, phone your folks,” D ordered quietly. “And she can have sunflowers if she wants, but if that’s all she wants, she’s gonna have twenty K worth of them and still get a honeymoon that’s gonna rock her world.”

  “Agreed,” Maddox muttered.

  D nodded even though he had no idea how they’d pull that off along with a ring, started to move again but stopped when Mad again called his name.

  And that shit happened to his gut when he saw the look on Maddox’s face.

  “Your ass, her pussy, my world,” Maddox whispered.

  He’d heard that before, or versions of it, but it was all the same. And he’d heard it more than once.

  The latest, before that time right there?

  That night at the Bolt when Sixx was observing.

  Diesel stared into his man’s eyes.

  It took him a while and it took him a lot, too much, more than it should.

  It should come easy.

  But he forced it out on a grunt.


  Then he got his ass out of there, to their Molly so order could be restored, just them, dinner, TV, more fucking, togetherness, nothing deep.

  Just everything.

  Everything that meant anything.

  Without Him


  DIESEL MOVED IN the back door and tossed his keys in the pottery bowl on the table.

  He went right, through the workout room to the small room attached to it, and dumped his workout bag by the washer.

  He didn’t do anything with the sweaty stuff inside. Molly would have a conniption if he did. She had a thing about laundry and part of that thing was that Mad nor D were allowed to touch it, or according to her, they’d fuck it up, though he couldn’t imagine how. You tossed the shit in with some soap, turned the machine on, when that was finished you shoved the wet clothes in the dryer, took it out, put it away . . . done.

  Not according to Molly.

  D felt no driving need to do laundry so he didn’t argue.

  He also didn’t do dick with his sweaty gym clothes.

  Instead, he moved out of the room, back through the workout room, down the back hall into the great room and was about to call out, seeing as both Molly’s Escape and Mad’s truck were there and D had hit the gym after work so he knew they were home but they were nowhere to be seen.

  He didn’t call out.

  He looked out the French doors to the patio, and when he noted they weren’t out there, he turned his head toward the hall that led to the bedrooms.

; He started that way but stopped, eyes at the end to the opened door to their room, hearing the noises coming from there.

  Apparently, Mol and Mad were working out a different way.

  He turned back toward the kitchen, on his way to get a beer, when his eyes fell on Molly’s laptop on the island.

  He stopped again and stared at it a beat before reaching to the back pocket of his jeans and pulling out his phone.

  He went to texts, saw the group one on the top, in that position seeing as he’d told Molly and Maddox he was going to the gym after work, and they both replied in their ways (Mol: Okay, honey, see you when you get home. Mad: Right. Later).

  D went to the text under that, not a group text, that one just from Mad, and he opened it.

  It was a picture of a ring and a link to a website where you could buy it.

  Under it Maddox had texted, This is the fucking one.

  It had been a week and a half since Molly had gone down to Tucson.

  As expected, Maddox’s parents had been all in to float them a loan for Molly’s ring. In fact, D had another text string that was a lot of emojis of hearts, happy faces and blowing kisses from Erin, that was how excited she was they were buying Molly a ring and getting down to business.

  The picture on his phone was the fifth one Mad had sent to him in the last week and a half.

  And it was the only one that was perfect.

  A square diamond with the sides rounded off, elevated from the base, entirely surrounded by smaller diamonds, with even more of the stones embedded in the band as well as some scrollwork type stuff the website called “filigree.” It was classy, pretty, feminine, substantial without being flashy, and very Molly.

  It was also nearly thirteen thousand dollars.

  D moved to Mol’s laptop, opened it, powered it up and got a beer while it was chugging. He went back to it and put in her password.

  Then he logged into the websites he wanted.

  His bank account.

  And Maddox’s.

  Clicking between the two, he felt a weight hit his gut.

  Mad had nearly four K in savings.

  D had a little over two.

  Not only did this not equal thirteen thousand dollars, it clearly shared the discrepancy between his and Mad’s earning power.

  He logged out of both accounts, shut down the laptop, clapped it closed and turned his head to stare out the window over the kitchen sink after slugging back some beer.


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