Loose Ends

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Loose Ends Page 34

by Kristen Ashley

  That sure was right.

  “He . . . he told Mad about Tommy the other day. He’d never mentioned him to either of us before,” Molly felt it safe to share with her.

  “Maybe he’s working through some things,” Rebel replied distractedly.

  He was definitely doing that.

  “It’ll be good having you here, Rebel,” Molly said. “It’s been too long. And I know Diesel and Maddox will be excited.”

  And just maybe, with the way Rebel was, how she loved D for D, that might help solidify where it seemed Diesel was going so he’d feel safer with all of them to be who he was, knowing they loved him for all that.

  “Cool,” Rebel responded, and at least with that sounding like she was smiling.

  “But we do have a guestroom, you know,” Molly reminded her. “You don’t have to stay at the Valley Ho.”

  “Girl, you guys are fuck bunnies. When we met in Flag to ski that weekend and shared that big condo, I was all the way down the hall and I heard you going at each other. I love you guys. I love my brother. I love what you have together. But that was over a year ago and I still wonder if I should have my ears professionally cleaned.”

  Molly giggled, because it was funny, but she was still a little horrified.

  “Oh my God, were we that loud?” she asked.

  “Not you, or D, but Maddox’s voice carries.”

  Molly giggled again because that was totally true.

  “I’d say we’d refrain while you’re here, but Maddox and D would probably not like that much.”

  “I’m there for goodness, family time and fun, not to cramp your style, or theirs. And the Valley Ho rocks.”

  This was true.

  “Great. Make the plans,” Molly said. “I’ll tell the boys. And we’ll do it up big. Be sure to tell us when you get in. You know Diesel would lose his mind if he wasn’t at the terminal to greet you the minute you walked out.”

  “I’ll keep you in the know, text him so he knows I’m coming and we’ll do it up good.”


  “Now I’ll let you go. See you later, Mol. And love you, girl.”

  “Love you back and can’t wait. ’Bye, Rebel.”


  Molly ended the call and drove home, half excited, half weirded out.

  It was without question Diesel was working through things, and it seemed he was heading in the right direction.

  But that call from his mother about Thanksgiving could knock him back.

  And Molly didn’t know what to do.

  She’d talked to her mom about it, more than once.

  Molly wasn’t comfortable talking trash about Diesel’s family. Well, she was (because they deserved it), just not to Diesel. She felt with D she should tread cautiously. You didn’t say bad things about the people someone you loved loves.

  Her mother had different ideas.

  “You’ll learn, my sweet girl, that family priorities change as families change. You’re making your own family. And that will be your only focus.” At that, Helen Singer had shaken her head and amended, “No. That should be your only focus. What’s right for the man in your life is the only thing that’s right. And that’s just talking surface. What’s deeper is that they aren’t his real family if they can’t take him as God made him. So you should feel free to speak your mind if you have his well-being at heart. And I love that boy, he’s a good man, but he needs to learn that love, acceptance and loyalty should be rewarded with his love, acceptance and loyalty, anything less should not.”

  Her mom was right.

  Still, Molly couldn’t bring herself to go there.

  And that was her weakness.

  One she needed to fight.

  For Diesel.

  And not so they could really have him, even though she wanted nothing more than for Maddox to have him like Molly had him, fully and truly.

  What she wanted even more than that was for Diesel to feel free to be who he was with the two people in this world he was safest being just that.

  She made it home on heavy thoughts, which was a bummer since she’d started home on happy ones, hit the garage door opener and coasted in (not all the way because the back hatch couldn’t go up so she could get the groceries out, but as in as she could get).

  She popped the hatch, went back, grabbed the handles of some bags and moved inside.

  Molly saw Diesel was flat out on the couch as she walked in the back door.

  He stopped being flat out on the back couch the instant he saw she had bags in her hands.

  He got up, coming her way and stopping at the mouth to the great room.

  “Hey,” he greeted, dipping in to brush his lips against hers. He pulled back, asking, “There more?”

  “Just a couple,” she answered.

  “Keys,” he demanded, knowing her car would need to be pulled in and both of them knowing she would not be the one going out to do that.

  She adjusted the bags so she could hand him the keys she still held.

  He took them and moved off down the hall.

  She went to the kitchen and stopped dead.

  On the kitchen table, right in the center, there was a vase full of orange and red sunflowers.

  Seeing them, she slowly made a turn.

  Maddox had texted, saying he was hitting the gym after work.

  Molly had texted, saying she was hitting the grocery store after work.

  Diesel had texted that he received their texts, but he had not shared what he was doing after work.

  And she was seeing that it wasn’t just buying his Molly some sunflowers.

  If Friday came around and Mady or Molly were doing something, like the gym, drinks with friends, grocery store runs, this was what they came home to.

  Diesel had run the vacuum over the rug in the living room area.

  And she could not only see it with the bright, blinking clean of the granite, she could smell that he’d wiped all kitchen counters down with that scented countertop spray she liked.

  He’d also run the Swifter over the wood floors so they were gleaming.

  She couldn’t tell, but he probably even dusted.

  Depending on time, all of this might, or might not, mean he cleaned the bathrooms. He was always careful to be stretched out on the sofa when she got home because he didn’t like her making a thing about it that he cleaned so he definitely didn’t let her catch him cleaning.

  What he did like, if they were both gone—and sometimes he got Maddox in on the act when it was just her that was gone—was that he could clean the house so none of them had to worry about doing it over the weekend.

  That was D.

  That was one thing his parents (probably his mother, she had to admit) gave to him.

  He was thoughtful.

  He did little things that meant a lot.

  Like, when she’d had that cold, he went out and bought out the entire cold and flu shelves, cough drops, sore throat lozenges, vapor rub, nighttime medicine, tissues with lotion. He did it quiet and got uncomfortable when she tried to make a thing about it.

  He was just taking care of his woman, and to Diesel Stapleton, that was the nature of things and no big thing needed to be made about it.

  The same with early on, after Molly had met them, when Maddox had been T-boned at an intersection. He hadn’t been hurt, but his body had taken a violent jolt. She wasn’t living with them yet, but she came over and Diesel made Maddox camp out, even ran him a bath with Epsom salts, brought him ibuprofen, made him drink tons of water.

  Because he was taking care of his man.

  Molly sometimes marveled at how it worked with the three of them. How they fit in with each other. How it was mostly Mady that did the handyman things around the house when stuff broke or wasn’t working right, because he liked doing that. How it was D who did the yard, because he liked doing it, but also Mad did yards for a living so it was a break from that for him. And how Molly did the laundry and kept the cupboards
stocked, because that was her thing, looking after her boys.

  And in all that, Diesel was the caregiver.

  Diesel went out and bought her tampons when she ran out. Diesel shook out the cocktail of pills when Maddox got one of his headaches.

  And Diesel bought her sunflowers just with her mentioning she liked them.

  She shook herself out of her All the Reasons to Love Diesel Stapleton stupor and moved to the island, dumping the bags. She was putting stuff away when she heard her keys hit the bowl on the table by the door and Diesel came in with the last of the groceries.

  The instant she caught his eyes, she smiled big at him.

  “The sunflowers are gorgeous, honey.”

  “Right, good,” he muttered, using putting the bags on the counter as an excuse to look away.


  So Diesel.

  You did not call attention to his kindness and that wasn’t about him thinking kindness was weak. It was about him thinking it was less of a kindness if he got something out of it. Even gratitude.

  As he started to pull things out of the bags, Molly let that go and announced, “I’m making a special dinner tonight.”

  D turned her way and she sucked in breath at the look on his face.

  “Sorry, baby, but you’ll probably be making whatever tomorrow night, ’cause you’re gonna leave the putting away to me, go back and get naked, waiting for me on your stomach in the bed.”

  She knew that particular look in his eye.

  She loved that particular look in his eye.

  But in that moment, she worried about that particular look in his eye.

  They had their roles in the house. They had their roles in bed. All of them were a natural fit, what they did, who they were, what they liked.

  In bed, Diesel and Maddox switched it up.

  She never did.

  She was their woman.

  And she was their sub.

  It was not rare Diesel got in the mood to dominate her.

  It was just, after last night and this morning, it was the first time she wondered at why he was in the mood.

  Did he need to center himself sexually through her?

  In making love with his man (twice), to equal that out, did he have to dominate his woman?

  “Okay, baby,” she said softly.

  That wasn’t a weakness, not asking him, not pushing him to explain.

  That was what Molly gave.

  And she gave it to the both of them.

  That being . . .

  Whatever they needed.

  Molly was flat on her belly, legs straight, thighs pressed tight together, head turned, cheek to the bed.

  And her arms were tied at the wrists behind her back with a wide, strong, pink satin ribbon.

  All the toys and bindings her men used on her were feminine because they let her pick them, but also because they liked her dressed up, trussed up or worked over with the things they felt defined her, not what defined them as her Doms.

  They didn’t want their Molly in leather.

  They wanted her in lace (and the like).

  So pink satin it was.

  She was biting her lip but the moans still came considering D was straddling her, his thighs splayed wide, a good amount of his power braced into his hands at her ass, his cock pounding hard inside her.

  He wasn’t going to let her come, not like this, she knew it. But the tight fit of her legs trapping her clit and his thick cock driving inside was torture.

  Molly loved it.

  It was hot.

  Beautiful pain.


  “Fuck me harder, big daddy,” she breathed.

  “Hmm?” D hummed.

  “Please,” she begged.

  The pads of his fingers dug into her flesh as he stroked deeper, but not harder.

  That worked for Molly.

  If he went harder, she’d come and that would be good, but it could also be bad.

  Though bad wasn’t ever bad, as such.

  Not with her boys.

  But now, she focused on her role as a sub (and as his woman). Giving him what he needed, clenching the walls of her pussy around his cock, keeping her legs tight together, holding back her excitement so he could ramp it up further, and get off doing it.

  Not her noises. She didn’t hold back her noises, knowing he liked them, knowing he enjoyed hearing what he did to her.

  She was trying not to let it penetrate how good his cock felt driving inside, his weight pressed into her ass, her arms bound at her back, her vulnerability, the fact she was his however he needed to use her and how much she got off on that.

  And Molly was so into all of this, the thump took her by surprise.

  She whipped her head around and saw Maddox standing by the side of the bed.

  If D went to the gym, he showered before he came home and left his gym bag in the laundry room, as Molly wished it.

  If Mad went to the gym, he came home immediately, sweaty and in workout clothes, usually because he was then ready for another workout and he didn’t want the delay.

  And right then, he left them in no question that he was ready for his second workout.

  Molly whimpered when he pulled his loose muscle shirt off, exposing his chest, and yanked the elastic waistband of his long, loose workout shorts down to his thighs, exposing his huge, beautiful cock.

  A huge, beautiful cock which was fully erect.

  Molly’s mouth started watering.

  Maddox started stroking his cock, his dark eyes heated and roaming all over his man and woman and what they were doing in the bed.

  “Don’t let her come,” Mad’s voice growled out.

  A voice that Molly thought always sounded ferocious, which she also thought was cute because there was nothing ferocious about Maddox Vega, and she shivered full body at hearing it.

  Okay, there was nothing ferocious about him.

  Unless he was in the mood to seriously fuck.

  And she had the feeling he was in that mood.


  “I’m not gonna,” Diesel replied as Maddox shoved his shorts all the way down, still stroking his cock.

  He stepped out of them, moved like he was flipping off his shoes, and then he let his shaft go to crawl into bed.

  Molly watched, still getting fucked by Diesel, still loving being fucked by Diesel, and now the full-body shivers were coming strong and not stopping as she took in that big, powerful, furred body coming their way, the look on Mady’s face that made him appear villainous even though he was anything but, his big cock swaying like a huge tease as he moved.

  God, she hoped he made her suck it.

  And she had to bite her lip harder because just the thought of taking Maddox’s cock in her mouth could drive her over the brink.

  Mad came up, straddling Molly’s head and she cranked her eyeballs as far sideways as she could when she heard Diesel make a noise, felt his hands leave her ass and land hard in the bed at her sides.

  And then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Maddox feed his cock into Diesel’s mouth and start pumping inside in tandem with D’s cock moving in her pussy.

  How hot was that?

  Almost better than getting to suck him, getting to watch him make D suck him.

  Oh God, she was going to come.

  “Babies,” she whispered desperately.

  “Don’t you fuckin’ come, Molly,” Maddox ordered, shifting in a way she knew (because he’d done it to her, a lot), he was rubbing the head of his cock against the top of D’s mouth.

  She fisted her hands, digging her nails in, doing her best to ignore her quivering clit, her spasming pussy as she took her fucking, watched Maddox take Diesel’s face and saw through D’s expression how much he loved sucking Mady’s cock.

  Boy, she loved . . .


  The three of them.

  She so fucking loved them.

  Right when Molly knew she could take no more, thankfully Maddox
pulled out of Diesel’s mouth, murmured, “You’re out, I’m in,” and Diesel slid out of her pussy

  They switched, but as Maddox drove his huge dick inside her and Molly cried out in pleasure at the delicious stretch of taking it, Diesel lifted up her head and shoulders, positioning under her with his legs open, knees cocked.

  “Balls, baby,” he murmured gently when he had her cheek against his inner thigh.

  She sucked his balls in her mouth.

  “Yeah,” he groaned, stroking her hair and she watched as he wrapped his other fist around his dick and lazily pumped. “So pretty, takin’ Maddox like that,” he cooed, and her eyes drifted from his work at his cock up to his face to see his gaze was glued to her taking Maddox.

  He liked what he saw.

  She liked what she saw.

  Molly trembled.

  “Fuck this girl, our girl, she’s goddamned, fuckin’ everything,” Maddox murmured, pulled out to the head then thrust hard, like a stab, and she moaned as he grunted, “So,” he repeated the move, “hot.”

  And with that, Mad planted his hands in her ass like D had done and used her cunt hard, like it was his to do just that whenever he wanted.

  Because it was.

  Oh yes, she loved them.

  She sucked desperately at D’s balls, her eyes closing, fighting her orgasm at every beautiful stroke.

  “Brother, you need to finish up or our baby is gonna blow and she might take my balls with her when she does,” D warned.

  Maddox’s rhythm immediately increased in strength and velocity until he groaned, “You want my cum, Molly baby?”

  His fingers gently curling in her hair, Diesel pulled her mouth free of his balls so she could answer, “Yes, Mady. Please give me your cum, honey.”

  “You got it,” he grunted and then blew as she shuddered under him, taking his seed, panting through it, tightening around him to milk him and give him more, hearing his noises change as he felt it and showed her he liked it.

  He buried himself to the root, stretching her, filling her, and stilled his thrusts, but massaged her ass affectionately to share she’d performed well.


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