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Loose Ends

Page 38

by Kristen Ashley

  “Yeah,” Diesel grunted.

  That was when Maddox kissed him, wet, long, taking his ass faster, both men grunting against each other’s tongues.

  And then Mad broke the kiss, positioned for leverage and power, and fucked his boy hard.

  And his boy took it hard, not hiding how much he liked it.

  So that bought Maddox fucking him harder.

  “Need your hand,” D groaned.

  Maddox wrapped a fist around D’s cock and jacked.

  “Gotta come,” D huffed out.

  Maddox kept driving in. “Not without me.”

  D’s ass clamped around him and his dazed eyes semi-focused on Mad’s.

  “Get there,” he growled.

  “You ever gonna take another cock but your monster?” Maddox asked.

  Diesel’s head jerked.


  Jacking his cock, fucking his ass, Maddox dropped his forehead to D’s.

  “Is any cock but mine ever gonna be up this ass?” he demanded.


  “Answer me,” Maddox bit.

  “No,” D bit back.



  “Your dick gonna take any other pussy but Molly’s?”




  “Vow it, D.”

  “Let me come.”

  Maddox punished that red ass with his meat and commanded, “Vow it, Diesel.”

  All his limbs straining to hold back his orgasm, or break free in order to get away to escape the words, Diesel looked into Mad’s eyes.

  “It’s only you. It’s only her. Always,” he growled.

  “Go,” Maddox ordered.

  “Fuck,” D hissed, pissed he was there, pissed it was Maddox that took him there because he was pissed at Maddox, and pissed he couldn’t stop it, his head shot back, slamming into the headboard as he flooded up his chest and stomach and Maddox let go and shot his load up D’s ass.

  Maddox came down, resting inside, D’s dick to his stomach, chest to chest, but on a forearm to hold himself up so he could catch Diesel’s eyes when he stopped pulsing under him and came down to the Land of the Not Orgasming.

  But Diesel pushed his recovery, his eyes still vague when he righted his head and clipped, “Untie me.”


  “Fuckin’ untie me, asshole.”

  “I’m not done with you.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  “That’s my call,” Maddox reminded him.

  “Not right now. Right now I’m tellin’ you I’m done. So fuckin’” he jerked at his bounds, “untie me.”

  “Baby, I’m gonna eat me outta your ass and get you primed again and then Molly’s gonna come in and let you do your thing.”

  “Untie me.”


  “What game you playin’, Mad?”

  Wait a fucking second.

  That . . .

  Now that pissed him off.

  Enough to slide out and reach to undo the ropes.

  When he was done with both sides, Diesel, just like the motherfucker, totally able to hold back shit that was important, but had no problem with confrontation, simply sat up on his ass, planted his feet in the bed, knees cocked, spread open, fucking gorgeous, every goddamned inch.

  Even his face, which was ticked.

  “I got no game,” Maddox finally replied. “I’m just reacting and you know it.”

  “Reacting to what?” D asked.

  “You’re not leaving.”

  Diesel’s mouth clamped shut.


  “She’s terrified you’re gonna go,” Mad told him.

  D’s eyes slid to the door.

  “And so am I,” Maddox carried on.

  His eyes slid back to Mad.

  “It’s time to commit and that’s what’s terrifying you because it’s gonna all be out there. She loves you. I love you. We’ll fall apart without you,” Maddox told him.

  “You’d be fine,” Diesel said quietly.

  Maddox could not believe what he was hearing.

  Had he lost his fucking mind?

  “We’d be destroyed.”

  Diesel stared at him.

  Jesus Christ.

  “I’m done trying to fuck some sense in you, brother,” Maddox shared. “You are our world. We can endure anything, as long as we do it as our three. Take one part away from that, the rest vanishes. She’s not the same to me, without you. I’m not the same to her, without you. We’re just not right, at all, in any way, without you. And you know it. You know it. Talk to me. Talk to Mol. Talk to your sister. Talk to Sixx. Talk to somebody. But you are not fucking leaving.”

  With that, Maddox pushed off the bed and stalked to the walk-in.

  He was yanking on some boxer briefs when Diesel’s long, naked body filled the doorway.

  Leaning against the jamb, he asked, still going quiet, gentle, “When are you gonna be done dealing with my shit?”

  Maddox shoved one leg into his jeans, the other, hauled them up, straightened, and looked right at D.

  “Never?” he asked as answer. “How’s that work, D? I’m never gonna be done with your shit.”

  “And I’m supposed to believe that?” D asked back, not confrontational, again with the gentle.

  “That’s commitment,” Maddox educated him, doing his fly. “That’s a relationship. Until death do you part through the crab and lobster mac ’n’ cheese, rockin’ sex, being accosted at the mall about male skincare, annoying sisters-in-law, and all your partner’s shit.”

  “I got more shit than both of you,” Diesel pointed out.

  “So?” Maddox asked.

  “You’re gonna get sick of it.”

  “Don’t tell me what I’m gonna get sick of, D.”


  “Fuck, man, I’m in love with you!” he shouted.

  D went visibly solid.

  “Is that too tough for you to take?” Maddox demanded. “I got a cock, you got a cock, and this man with his cock is telling you he’s in love with you.”

  “I know that, Maddox. I’m in love with you too,” Diesel whispered.

  Maddox threw out both arms. “So what’s the fuckin’ problem?”

  “What about me?” Diesel asked preposterously.

  “What about you?”

  “I just got years of watchin’ you two deal with my shit?”

  Maddox’s spine snapped straight.

  “Babies,” Molly whispered, squeezing in beside Diesel’s naked frame, her arm around his waist at the back, her other hand at his abs, her eyes locked to Maddox. “Is everything okay?”

  Diesel pushed away from the jamb to wrap both arms around her and pull her to his body.

  Maddox watched, keeping his mouth shut, wondering what Diesel would say.

  Would he lie, even though Maddox was shouting and you could cut the air only using a hacksaw?

  Or were they finally going to have this shit out?

  “I’ve pissed Maddox off,” Diesel admitted, and the fact he did made Maddox feel so much relief, his fucking legs actually got weak.

  “How did that . . . uh, happen?” she asked, glancing at Diesel but turning to Maddox.

  “I told him we’re worried about him leaving,” Maddox shared.

  “Oh boy,” she murmured.

  “He thinks we’re gonna get sick of his shit,” Maddox continued.

  She looked up at D, her head tipped to the side. “What shit?”

  Diesel stared down at her, face blank, totally thrown, for long beats before his expression softened and he whispered, “Fuckin’ fuck, but I love you.”

  “I love you too, but what shit?” Molly replied.

  That was when Diesel stopped holding her and started trying to absorb her in his body, his face shoved in her neck, his embrace so tight, Maddox could see the muscles flexing and the veins standing out in his forearms.


  Were they getting through?

  Maddox moved their way and caught Diesel’s attention by curling a hand around his neck.

  He didn’t remove his hand when D’s grip on Molly loosened (but he didn’t let her go) and his head came up.

  “Just to say, I kinda like how you try to fuck sense into me,” he joked.

  “It sucks you’re so fuckin’ hot ’cause now is no time to joke and I still wanna tie you back to the bed,” Maddox returned.

  What he said next, the tone, the sudden look on his face, Maddox braced at the same time he felt Molly do it too.

  “I’ve got it good,” Diesel whispered, his voice pained. “So good. I hope like fuck you both know that I know that. So I hope you get how it’s not easy bein’ the one who doesn’t give the good back.”

  “What on earth are you talking about?” Molly asked, also sounding pained.

  Diesel looked down at her. “It’s always all about me. That’s gonna get tired, baby. And if it hasn’t already, I know it will.”

  “Shit, shit, fuck,” Maddox clipped, swaying D’s neck, and in doing so swaying D (and Molly) with each word.

  Therefore, both turned their eyes to him.

  “I said that pissed,” Maddox explained.

  “You said what pissed?” Molly asked.

  He looked to her. “Diesel and me fought when you were in Tucson and I told him it was always all about him.”

  “Oh, Mady,” she muttered, sounding and looking disappointed.

  Yeah, he’d fucked up.

  He knew it back then, when he’d said it.

  But apparently it was huge.

  “It’s true,” Diesel said.

  Both of them looked back to him.

  “I was pissed and my mouth was running,” Maddox replied.

  “It’s still true,” Diesel pushed.

  “Brother, it isn’t. I was pissed you were holding back and I was letting off steam.”

  “I got that steam jacked up my ass, so that isn’t news,” Diesel returned.

  “And yeah, there was also that. I fucked you angry and I was pissed at myself for doing it and taking that out on you too,” Maddox told him.

  “So it’s all your bad?” D asked.

  “Uh . . . yeah,” Maddox answered.

  “That’s bullshit, Mad.”

  “Diesel, you a part of us hanging in the balance here, I’m not gonna bullshit you. It’s too important. You’re too important. I fucked up. You were pulling away after that scene with Sixx observing and I’m an asshole who doesn’t know how to talk shit out so I fuck shit out and I fucked you over doing that and our shit just got more jacked, apparently worse than I expected, and I knew it was bad. Now we’re here.”

  “We’re talking commitment,” D reminded him.

  “I know that,” Maddox confirmed.

  “And that means we’re headed for a shitstorm with my family. I’ve been putting you through my mindfuck about where I am with you in my heart, knowin’ where you are with me in yours, and what’s your reward I find my way to the other side of that? You gotta put up with my folks’ shit.”

  “It’s their shit, not yours,” Maddox pointed out.

  “They’re mine and I’m forcing that shit on you,” Diesel retorted.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake!” Molly shouted, yanking out of D’s arms, taking three big steps into the closet, and both men turned slowly to her at her uncharacteristic outburst. “Who cares?” she yelled at Diesel. “You’re so totally worth it! My God, Diesel, we love you. You. And because we do, we’re there for you, always, through anything. I have breasts. I can get breast cancer. Breast cancer is bad. Do you think for a second that I think that if I got breast cancer, either one of you wouldn’t be by my side every step of the way?”

  “I hope the fuck not,” Diesel growled.

  And at that, Molly moved right back in and shoved his chest with one hand in sheer frustration.

  “Of course not!” she snapped then shook a finger in his face. “So stop being stupid! I’ll put up with my men doing stupid men shit like, Mad,” she turned to Maddox, “could you please take your fucking workout clothes to the fucking laundry room and not dump that sweaty crap in the closet hamper so it stinks up our closet?”

  “Yeah, baby, absolutely,” Maddox murmured soothingly.

  She nodded sharply at Mad, looked back to D and kept raving.

  “What I won’t put up with is either of you being stupid. I’m done with it. And now you’re being stupid. I’m sorry, D. But you’re just being stupid. Get over it. You don’t get to look after us and buy my tampons and clean the house so we don’t have to bother and mow the yard so Mad doesn’t have to contemplate yet another blade of grass and give me rubdowns when those doctors work my last nerve and I get all tensed up without us getting to look after you too!”

  And with that, she shoved past Diesel and stomped out of the room so hard, they heard her bare feet on the wood stomping down the hall.

  Diesel had shifted out of the door and Maddox had moved into it to watch the bedroom doorway until they heard the back door slam shut behind her.

  They turned to each other.

  “Okay, well I guess Molly’s over my shit,” Diesel joked.

  And Maddox couldn’t hold it back.

  He burst out laughing.

  When it was dying down, he couldn’t begin to describe the relief at seeing D grinning at him like the old D, pre-scene with Sixx, open, easy and cocky.

  “How big a load did you shoot up me, asshole?” he asked when Maddox’s laughter stopped being verbal. “Feels like a river of cum is sliding outta my ass.”

  “Got a big dick, comes with big balls, brother. Not like you don’t know I shoot a big load,” Maddox replied.

  “Serious as fuck, it was not easy to have a world-rocking conversation with my people with an irritating trickle of cum running down my leg,” D told him.

  Maddox bit back laughter and shared, “You shoulda cleaned up before you got into it with me.”

  “Was worried there wasn’t time.”

  Maddox nodded. “Probably wasn’t.”

  D looked to the door Molly just flounced out of then back to Mad. “You think we should try to fuck some sense into Molly now?”

  Maddox grinned at him. “Not sure she’s in the mood.”

  “Yeah, we’ll let her burn out a bit before we attempt more dealing with our shit through orgasms.”

  Maddox started chuckling.

  D smiled at him when he did it.

  He wasn’t done doing it when D’s smile died.

  So Mad’s laughter died.

  “Straight-up truth, minute I clapped eyes on you, man, I wanted to suck your cock and I had no idea what kind of meat you were packing,” D said quietly. “And that’s what was in my head. But the next morning after we fucked the first time, I walked in to see you sitting at the kitchen table and I knew there’d never be another man for me. And that had not one thing to do with the meat you were packing.”

  Maddox’s throat felt tight when he forced out of it, “Jesus, D.”

  Diesel reached out with his big mitts and grabbed Maddox on either side of his head, dipping his face to Mad’s.

  “Don’t deserve you,” he whispered.

  “Shut it,” Maddox growled.

  “No. It’s cool.” His lips twitched. “Because you don’t deserve me either, seein’ as I’m so awesome.”

  Maddox shook his head in Diesel’s hold, his lips not twitching seeing as he was smiling.

  D kissed him and he stopped shaking his head.

  And smiling.

  Diesel broke it and let him go, muttering, “Now I really need to clean up this cum. Can’t even stick my tongue down my man’s throat without it irritating the shit outta me, breaking my concentration.”

  With that, he walked into the closet to get to the bathroom.

  Mad watched him go.

  Then he closed his eyes.

  After that, h
e took a deep breath.

  When he opened his eyes he was smiling again.

  And for the first time in weeks, maybe months, possibly years, he was breathing free.

  “How close to the rag is she?” he called to D.

  “Brother, do not go there,” Diesel called back. “Christ, she might cut you off from her pussy and transfer that to me just ’cause I got a dick.”

  “Maybe next time you go get Molly’s tampons, you buy her some Midol,” Maddox suggested.

  “Fuck off,” Diesel returned.


  He was about to go do what he could to smooth things out with Molly when he realized he had D’s dried cum on his chest.

  So he headed to the bathroom first.

  He cleaned up while D pulled on some jeans and a tee and Mad took that opportunity to throw on his own tee.

  And then her men went out together to smooth things over with Molly.

  Having It All


  DIESEL WALKED OUT the French doors toward the pool that Maddox was sitting in, and Molly was sitting on the edge opposite him, turned to the side, one leg bent, foot to the deck, the other leg down and dangling in the pool, her weight held in her hands behind her, her face tipped to the sun.

  She was in a little polka-dot bikini with ruffles on it.

  It was cute.

  It was Molly.

  It was also late Sunday afternoon. They’d sorted things out with Mol. Then they’d had a good, long session of fucking so they were all loosened up and on the same page.

  And now they were hanging at the pool, drinking beer, chilling out.

  D dropped Mol’s fresh beer in its koozie by her hip and put Mad’s in the hand he’d reached out before he slipped in the pool to sit on the shelf bench between Mad and Molly.

  “Sixx texted while we were fucking. Wants us to go to dinner at her and Stellan’s on Saturday,” he announced. “Think that’d be cool. Rebel would love Sixx. Sixx will dig Rebel. And according to Sixx, her man’s got some chops in the kitchen and their crib is tight.”

  “Works for me,” Maddox muttered.

  Molly didn’t say anything so D looked to her.

  “Sweetheart?” he prompted.

  She didn’t give either of them her gaze when she said softly, “I love it. All in the family.”

  Her tone, her words, hit D right in the gut and his eyes moved immediately to Maddox.

  Maddox was giving Molly a sharp look, eyes narrowed, face sinister, which meant he was concerned.


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