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Harem Reborn c1-297

Page 6

by Author:Magic_

  "Is that from the room?"

  "Yes," I answered.

  Miss Grace turned to Lavender.

  "Let me see your AVATAR dear," the words were kind, but the tone meant business.

  Lavender gave her mother her right hand with the pinky extended. Miss Grace read the page more than three times before turning to me. The finger she motioned with felt magnetic, and I moved fast to raise my right hand and pinky.

  This time Tilly came close and was examining my sheet as well. When she came close, I realized that she must be very close to my level. She wore a green and white maid outfit, but Tilly wore a bonnet type hat that didn't fit everything else. The hat looked like an afterthought.

  "Incredible, In not even twenty-four hours, you can raise your level 8 times, but also advance my daughter to match you. Who are you? I know I keep saying it's destiny, but this feels like destiny. I must sound very confusing, and I'm sorry."

  "Miss, do you think I could work with Dave and Miss Lavender? If they improved so fast, then maybe I," but Tilly trailed off in her soft voice without finishing.

  We all turned in surprise at Tilly's soft voice, and she put her head down at all the direct attention. Miss Grace just smiled and then walked to Tilly. Putting an arm around Tilly, Miss Grace spoke.

  "You know what? I think that is a wonderful idea. You can help these two children stay out of trouble; I think you girls have a wonderful chance to learn from our Destiny-touched hero. Just don't try and take advantage of my little girls; I'll be watching," the last part came off menacing, but it felt like one of those mechanical things good parents are supposed to say.

  Miss Grace left us saying she had a meeting with some other nobles and would meet us home for dinner. Lavender let out a long and very audible sigh as she fell back into my bed. Tilly seemed more cheerful now, and I swear I can see that her hat has points, but it must be my imagination.

  Tilly and Lavender both noticed me looking, and the two girls smiled. Lavender nodded to Tilly. Till began untying her bonnet as Lavender started to explain.

  "Tilly is a mix-species, here that means a human and animal-kin, you know. So Tilly is a Cat-Kin, but because she was born without a tail and only ears to show, she hides them."

  As Lavender spoke, Tilly removed her bonnet, and two silver cat ears appeared from underneath. The soft, silver-grey fur was tipped with dabs of white. I automatically walk towards Tilly as I gawk.

  "Can I touch them?" I ask Tilly as I stop a couple of feet away.

  I can see that she is nervous, so I don't want to scare her.

  "Yes," Tilly's voice is nearly trembling as I walk closer.

  I reach my hand out to touch her ears. The soft fur sends warm shivers through my body, and I feel Till tremble under my touch. I stroke the silky texture, and a feeling of intense relaxation makes my knees turn to rubber.

  The sound of Lavender clearing her throat snaps me back to reality. Tilly rubbed into my chest as I stroked her ears. She had a larger chest than Lavender and through the pressure of them against me, I could feel a very low purring sound. Both of us jumped apart at Lavender's interruption. Tilly became completely red and started to apologize.

  "No, no, Tilly, that was my fault for getting lost in the softness of your ears. If you're going to be at a party with us, you're not allowed to wear that ridiculous bonnet to cover your majestic beauty. If anyone makes fun of you or calls you a name, they will deal with me."

  This comment made her smile, but her face got a little bit redder. Lavender signed as she got out of bed. She came and inserted herself between us, pushing closer to me. Now I could feel the warm and soft pressure coming from both sides.

  "Can I see your AVATAR, Tilly?" I ask her over Lavender.

  I led the girls back to the bed, and we sat down. I took Tilly's hand into mine, and I could feel her body tremble close to me.

  "Umm, yeah," Tilly's face was cooling down, but the connection of our touch again heated it back up.

  LEVEL: 9

  HP: 135/135

  MANA: 35/35

  NAME: Tilly Moonmane

  AGE: 15

  CLASS: Defender

  STATUS: Hungry

  WEALTH: Average

  HOME: Huntington Manor


  CONSTITUTION: 18 (+90)

  COMBAT: 10

  SPEED: 7


  MANA: 6 (+30)





  BLESSING OF PROTECTION+: Your aura projects defensive strength and resistance. Friendly creatures within 20 feet take 2 less damage from all sources.


  TAUNT+: Aggravate your foes and take the focus from your allies. Target up to three hostile creatures, and they must attack you for 1 minute.

  Defender? This AVATAR is a great build and look at that health! Tilly was a tank, the perfect addition to the group. I was interrupted by the AVATAR screen, shaking back and forth.

  I looked up to see Tilly's face nose to nose with mine with excitement. The screen was moving because she was dancing back and forth excitedly. I start to get nervous. I could feel her warm breath on my skin and the sweet smell of her scent.

  I think the moment I closed my eyes to breathe in her smell was the point Tilly realized she was way too close and rolled backward. Once I told her to leave the bonnet off, she was more carefree and relaxed, like she had been worried I would disapprove of her looks. Tilly was back on her feet, and she came to me again, but this time she kept her distance.

  "You were smiling really big, and I thought you saw something I must have missed. so I got close to see and..." Tilly's voice trailed off, but Lavender stepped over to her and patted her head, messing the hair between the ears.

  "Tilly is a Cat-Kin, so she is naturally curious, and she gets excited very easily. You will also notice that she is quiet most of the time, but at certain times of the day, she gets, well, hyper."

  Tilly was now dancing from foot to foot. I had better explain before she started to kneed me into me. The idea made me chuckle mischievously, but the girls gave me a questioning look, so I cleared my throat and explained.

  "Your stats are quite impressive, and your abilities will be a crucial part of our team. I think you will make a great addition to our team."

  "Really? I hope I can help," Tilly had placed her hands behind her back as she spoke, and she balanced on one leg, the other tucked behind.

  Ugh. The posture and the ears. I'm a mess inside. This girl is every shut-in otaku's dream, in my view, right now. I turn to Lavender, who is staring at me, a look burgeoning on violence. So I let my gazed continue onto the door.

  "So, Let's go see about another one of those doors," I say, trying to defuse the boiling point behind me.

  "No, we need to go down to Professor MTK. He will be waiting for us. You can come with us, Tilly."

  Lavender grabbed Tilly and stormed out of the room.

  "Trina thinks she is angry?"

  "I feel the same way, Trina. I see it, but I don't understand it."

  We followed the girls back to the main staircase. We went down to the bottom and headed towards the back of the house. We walked by the kitchen, and the smell of cooking food made mine and everyone else's stomaches growl and rumble. I looked at Tilly, and she seemed to read my mind, rushing into the kitchen and coming back with two large buns. She handed us each one, and we started moving again, but then I put my hand on Tilly's arm to stop her.

  "Why didn't you get yourself one?" I asked, staring into her brown eyes, which caused her ears drooped a bit.

  "I'm a maid, and I'm not hungry anyway."

  I knew it was a lie. Besides, Tilly's stomach growling in tune with ours, I had just looked at Tilly's character sheet and seen her hungry status. I tore the bun in half, and the center was a steaming meat mixture that smelled divine.

  I could see Tilly's eyes try and follow both pieces. H
er mouth was beginning to slide open, and I was worried if I wasn't fast, drool was about to form. Briefly, my mind transversed to a dark place in my mind, but I pushed it back down. I placed the steaming bun in Tilly's trembling hands, and she looked up at me with big eyes.

  "I want you to eat this, and I will be very disappointed in you if you don't eat it all. I don't want to hear any complaints about it," I said with finality.

  I could see Lavender give me a warm smile as I ruffled Tilly's hair between her ears. Tilly seemed to be the type to make sure everyone else was okay, but never thought of herself. I placed my hands on her hips and pushed her forwards, as we continued to the back garden.

  When we got to the backyard entrance, we walked out a pair of double sliding doors that seemed...random, but that was the name of the game. Walking out, I noticed a large tall black metallic figure that looked to be facing away from us. Once we all were out on the open grass area, the thing turned around.

  "Welcome, Lavender, I see you have brought a new student and the maid Tilly?"

  "Sorry, we are late, Professor MTK. Tilly will be joining us, and this is Dave," Lavender explained.

  "Ahh! Well, no matter! Prepare to defend yourselves!"

  Chapter 13: Just When You Thought

  "Defend our selves?" I echo the Professor.

  "Don't just stand there! Trina thinks this guy means business!"

  "Watch out! He is going to shoot slow projectiles, but a lot of them!" Lavender yelled to me as she and Tilly ran in different directions.

  "Activating Training Arena," MTK put his hands together, one with four fingers out and the other flat.



  While in the TRAINING ARENA, HITPOINTS and MANA spent do not affect outside of the TRAINING ARENA. All damage taken within the TRAINING ARENA is felt as it would be outside of the TRAINING ARENA.

  The message flashed onto my HUD in a pulsing red window. So, this was a training thing, but with full combat. I flex my gauntlet as I hear the girls telling me to move, but I had a plan.

  The black humanoid robot's shoulder plates shifted, and I couldn't count the holes from this distance. MTK had no expression, but it looks like he was glaring at me. He might feel like he needs to teach me a lesson for being overconfident. I smile just to get the party started.

  MTK charged towards me, dart projectiles pouring from his shoulders. The darts aren't much faster than him and easy to track. I raise the Gauntlet Of The Heart towards MTK and the darts.


  MTK registered my gauntlet to late as he tried to slow down from his robotically enhanced charge. Most of MTK's projectiles slammed back into him with greater force and speed. The darts tore into the jet black armor, ripping through circuitry and plates like plastic. MTK fell onto the floor in a heap of plates, sparks, and wires.

  "How? Nevermind, you need to get back right now!" Lavender called to me.

  Both Tilly and Lavender pulled me back from the now moving body of MTK.

  "What's going on with him? Didn't we win?" I ask as the girls finally stop pulling me.

  Before the girls can answer, another warning message appears flashing red on my HUD.




  "So you have the Gauntlet Of The Heart? I didn't see that coming. This battle might become fun. It's been so long since I could really let loose," the voice came from the reassembling parts.

  What kind of Professor is this thing, guy, or robot-whatever? What does evolution mean? Small insects that were building more onto the old MTK caught my attention.

  They looked like six-legged metal spiders. More and more poured out of MTK, and I understood what evolution meant for this guy. I turned to Lavender, pulling at my arm.

  "I had only seen this one time two years ago. It was when mom brought MTK to train me. They had a training battle, and mom beat him the first time, and they only fought shortly to show how much he improved with each evolution. This guy is scary; we have to work together."

  The new midnight black crab-like MTK was almost done with his repairs, so I had to think quickly. I scan my memory and come up with a plan. Now it was time to test myself.

  "I'm ready for you this time, come!" The robot roared.

  "Circle the left side and Taunt him, Tilly. Lavender, you're with me!" I yell while invoking LIGHT BLADE and running head-on with the six-legged MTK.

  MTK raised a clawed arm to hit me, but Tilly turned his attention. Tilly's battle cry sounded, and MTK was forced to focus on her. This move left him wide open.

  "I'll cut into him, and you fill him with firebolts!"

  I didn't even look back to see if Lavender hear as I drove my light blade into the abdomen plate. Suddenly, I was thrown, my sword tearing a gouge in his side, but I heard Tilly cry out as my sword disappears. As I open my eyes, fire fills the air, and bolts double in size came from Lavender's fingers.

  Tilly lay on the ground behind MTK, not moving. The robot advances on Lavender, even as she fills the tear with firebolts. I run towards them, but the massive fist of MTK backhands Lavender.

  I'm still winded, but I exploded with speed, leaping from the ground. MTK tries to turn and face me, but I'm too fast. I plant both my hands on the burning gouge in his side, ignoring my melting and burning skin.

  "FIREBOLT!" I scream at the top of my lungs as my body floods with magic energy.

  Fire poured from my hands as I screamed in rage. My body begins to shake with shock from the unbearable pain from my hand. MTK starts to go limp, but he falls towards me. I can't do anything as the falling weight crushes me.

  "AHH! Oh, I'm not dead," I say, opening my eyes to both girls alive and Professor MTK back to his original form.

  An icon flashed a star on my HUD, but it could wait. I ran to both girls and grabbed them both into a fierce hug. I have seen them die, training or not. Both girls start to laugh but stop when I pull away with glassy eyes.

  "What's wrong? We are ok; it was just a simulation," Lavender tried to explain to me, but I was distracted as I shook my head.

  I turned to the Professor, and the robot bowed to me. I was startled by this. I didn't expect a bow.

  "Very well done, young master. No one has got this far yet. With more training, you could help me reach my final form. I do apologize for your friends, you are new to this, and I forget how real it can feel at the time."

  "Final Form? What is that supposed to be?" I ask MTK.

  "When I reach my final evolution step in training, I will keep that form even after the training simulation ends. In my final form, I will fuse with my exoskeleton and gain freedom."

  "It's the truth; Trina knows this one! Galaxsor Techknowledge's are intelligent small insectoid lifeforms that created a safe way for them to attain perfect forms without causing intergalactic wars!"

  "Well, in the future, I hope my party and I can help you," I say with a bow to MTK. "It was just a lot to take in for the first time."

  "I will go, but the kitchen has brought out some drinks and snacks for you all to enjoy. I'm impressed with your progress Lavender, and you did very well Tilly, I had no idea you had such potential."

  MTK left us, so we all went to the table and umbrella that had been set up. We all fell into our seats. I could feel the mental stress of the fight and the pain. I closed my eyes just to let everything soak in.

  I saw Tilly just lying there and not moving flashed in tandem with Lavender getting backhanded. The blood and the broken bodies were so real, and the images played faster and faster. My heart started to race, and I started breathing heavily.

  Suddenly, pressure and warmth surrounded me. I opened my eye's to Lavender and Tilly, hugging me tightly. They didn't say anything, and I could feel their bodies pressing against me, squeezing. My heart slowed along with my breathing, and I relaxed, my body sagging in relief.

  The girls didn't let go, and soon I was aware of the
parts clamping around each of my shoulders. My face began to flush as I looked down at each of my shoulders.

  Lavender was the first to notice the the redness of my face. Her face turned scarlet to match mine, and she pushed me into Tilly. Both of us fell onto the grass, and I landed on top of her, in what I could only assume must look like a compromising position from Lavender's angle.

  "Get off her!" Lavender yelled at me as she pulled me from on top of Tilly and began to shake me violently.


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