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Harem Reborn c1-297

Page 16

by Author:Magic_

  After kissing the girls goodbye, Tilly and I left and headed towards the stairs to room one. I somehow ended up having to kiss Iona on the forehead before we left as well. I hoped the three girls would be fine, but Tilly seemed to be in a wonderful mood today.

  She had changed from her typical leather apron into form-fitting chainmail that hung in all the right places and hugged the rest. Once we got to room one, I asked her to come and sit beside me so I could go over her AVATAR. Tilly's tail curled around me as she lay against my arm.

  I place my hand over hers, and I could feel the start of a low purr vibrating in Tilly's chest. To distract myself, I stared intently at her AVATAR screen. A couple of things had changed, but there was also a flashing bar that caught my eye.

  LEVEL: 12

  HP: 290/290

  MANA: 100/150

  NAME: Tilly Moonmane

  AGE: 18


  STATUS: Satisfied and Calm

  WEALTH: Average

  HOME: Huntington Manor


  CONSTITUTION: 46 (+230)

  COMBAT: 24

  SPEED: 15


  MANA: 18 (+90)


  LUCK: 18

  CHAIN REACTION: 100% (Ready To Activate)



  BLESSING OF PROTECTION+++: Your aura projects defensive strength and resistance. Friendly creatures within 25 feet take 12 less damage from all sources.

  MAGICAL ENHANCEMENTS: SPEED: All magical enchantments gain a bonus to SPEED.

  PEIRCE EVIL: People with evil intentions have black auras and are vulnerable to the HERO's LIGHT BLADE Skill.


  TAUNT+++: Aggravate your foes and take the focus from your allies. Target hostile creatures within 20ft, and they must attack you for 1 minute.

  TEMPERED FORGE PAWS: Forge metals into Weapons and Armor with speed anywhere you are. Effects depend on the quality of the consumed materials and consume 50 mana per/use.

  PURRFECT PAWS OF ENHANCEMENT+: Unlock the potential of a weapon or piece of armor. Temporarily increase stats of an item for 5 minutes, consumes 25 MANA per/item.


  Gain CHAIN REACTION STRIKE: When 2 or more good friends fill their CHAIN REACTION bar, activate to make a synchronized strike.

  "CHAIN REACTION, we haven't had a chance to use that yet. All your stats are looking good, Tilly! Do you mind if I asked what you crafted?" I asked Tilly after releasing her hand, and the screen dropped.

  "Hmm? Oh! Yes!" Tilly's eyes went glassy for a minute.

  Soon, a chest and shoulder set of plate armor appeared from nowhere and clattered down the three steps before resting on the main landing. Both of us got up to collect the armor. As we did, I noticed that the hole where the front door had been was gone someone, or thing had fixed it in the night.

  "What's all this, Tilly?" I questioned as we gathered the pieces up.

  "It's for you," Tilly said nervously and dropped a couple of pieces.

  "Really? Thanks, Tilly, that means a lot!" I praised while patting her head and ruffling the hair between those ever so soft ears.

  Tilly turned bright pink but didn't turn away. Instead, she made me raise my arms to the side, and she started to fit me with the armor. The metal was silvery and light like aluminum, but the metal looked far more tensile. After Tilly adjusted the last pauldron on my shoulder, and she stepped back.

  "How does it feel? Is it easy to move in?" Tilly asked as she made a circle around me on the landing.

  I stretched my arms and made a couple of windmills, followed by some turns and other movements. It fit like a glove, and none of my motions are restricted. It almost felt like I wasn't wearing any armor at all.

  "This stuff is amazing. You really are a superb craftswoman, Tilly! What did you make the armor out of?"

  "I went to see Master Darbon and told him about you being missing. So, he went into the back and brought me out a large chunk of Mythril. Master Darbon, Let me work on the piece to get my mind off Lavender and you being missing. After I was done, Master let me keep the piece, saying it would make a good gift when you returned. That helped me stay positive while you two were missing."

  "Well, I'm gonna have to thank Master Darbon when I get a chance. So, one more thing before we head into door number one," the last part I give a bit of an announcers flair. "That beautiful cape I gave you."


  "Yeah, I have no idea what it does. From what I read, you just reach behind yourself and grab for an item you need."

  "So, like this?" Tilly asked as she reaches back under the red cape.

  Tilly pulled out a book from behind herself. It was a red notebook with a thin piece of cloth marking the last read spot. I tried to examine it, but Tilly quickly put the book into her inventory, and it disappeared.

  "What was that?" I questioned the now extremely flustered and cherry red-faced Tilly.

  "N-N-N-Nothing, let's go!"

  Tilly turned to go, but I also heard something else as she went to room number one.

  "Why did it bring my journal??? I don't need that right now! If Dave saw what I wrote about him..."

  I decided to leave her alone and not torment her further. These rings were not really fair to them. Every time I asked a question, I got to hear what they were actually feeling. I needed to remember not to let my comment on their thoughts slip, or I would get myself into serious trouble. I followed Tilly into the room and gave her a small squeeze on the shoulders as we walked in.

  It was another dank and wet cave like the first one Lavender, and I visited on my first encounter with a demon. Well, I hadn't even known it was a demon, and Lavender had stubbled into the place by accident. This time would be different with Tilly, we had come prepared.

  Chapter 29: My Darling Kitty

  Stones and dirt lined the corridor we walked down. Tilly was wearing a pair of Katar-like claws, and I had the black sword, but we had yet to encounter anything after an hour of walking.

  "Where are all the snakes or monsters? I thought for sure we would be fighting snakes the whole way, but there aren't even moltings left anywhere."

  "You're right, but this is nice too," Tilly said with a smile beside me.

  "I agree, but it feels like something is off, you know? We haven't hit a single split in the path. For a labyrinth, it doesn't make much sense."

  "I guess you're right. I hadn't really thought about it. What do you think it means?"

  "Honestly, I have no idea. Not a lot we can do at this point but to keep walking. This path has to lead somewhere, but maybe we could try picking up the pace?"

  "Do you really think that's a good idea, Dave? If we move too fast, we could step on a trap or in a pit."

  I stopped, a bit taken back by Tilly's forethought and cautiousness. I had never really seen her in that light, and It made me look at her differently. The way we level and mature was hard to get ahold of sometimes.

  Tilly had noticed I had stopped to look at her and was frowning at me. The look was so cute! I had to walk up to her and ruffle the hair between her ears. Her tail began to twitch with excitement.

  "You really are adorable, but smart and kind as well. I'm really glad you join our party," I spoke, and Tilly moved closer, burying her face into my chest.

  I wrapped my arms around Tilly and hugged her close. The white tips of her ears brushed my face, and I couldn't stop myself from rubbing into them. I felt and heard the purring start as Tilly looked up into my eyes, filling me with warmth.

  The rose color in her cheeks wasn't the same deep red blush of embarrassment. Our faces moved closer, and I felt her warm breath on my face, and it sent shivers down my spine as our lips drew closer. As my hand slid up her back to her neck and I could feel her purring vibrations, a voice cut through the darkness with a hissing resonance.

  "Aren't you two getting comfortable? Come closer, you have come so far, and my pet can smell your warming bodies."

  Tilly and I separated before our lips could make the connection. The voice had been in my mind, and by her reaction, Tilly heard it as well. Both of us turned to the way we had been going, sure that was the direction the soundless voice had come.

  "Well, I guess that was our cue," I said, giving Tilly a look.

  Tilly slipped over and kissed me quickly, then turned to keep going. That left me with a smile, and I caught up with her. We didn't have far to walk until we reached a large cavern.

  "They really aren't that original with the demon hideout layout's," I joked as we walked into the giant cavern.

  As I said that, I noticed that the walls were filled with massive holes and gave the cave a honeycomb look. A low and menacing hiss came from in front of us, Then another above us and to the left. Both of us began backing to the entrance, but when I glanced back, I noticed It was closed off.

  "I think you better get you sword out, Kitty," I told Tilly as I summoned my LIGHT BLADE.

  As the piercing white blade grew, the pet name I just gave Tilly made me smile, and I couldn't wait to see what she thought after this fight. We could see the snakes now, black scales with yellow eyes. In the presence of the black miasma forming around them, revealed by PIERCE EVIL, DEMON BRINGER broke forth in my hands, and I screamed.


  The black marks on my arm and the one on my face erupted with black flames while DEMON BRINGER burned with golden ones. Tilly and I charged. She carried her greatsword in one hand with the other behind her back. I dash to the first snake with Tilly close behind.


  When the first snake was within less than a meter from making my lunch, Tilly activated taunt. The snake was forced to turn towards her at the last second and I sliced through the two-meter thick neck, taking the first snakes head off. The other snake backed off and slid back into the wall.

  "Are you all right?" I asked as I rushed over to Tilly's side.

  "Kitty?" She tilted her head at me while also squinting her eyes.

  I was slightly worried by her expression, but then we both heard that voice again.

  "You killed my child, but you are so young! I will," but the voice was cut off by my scream.

  Loneliness, pain, darkness...

  The demon's exile and confinement all became visceral pain that blocked the world out as I hit my knees.

  Then it stopped.

  I opened my eye to feel another mark close to the last one. I felt it sear into my flesh, but compared to the demon's pain, it was nothing. Tilly was at my side, rubbing my back. Then, it was gone, and I felt different, the pain was a distant memory, and I stood up.

  "Are you ok?" Tilly cautiously asked me as she stood up with me.

  "I don't think I can ever get used to that."

  "To what?"

  "Every time I kill one, I take on its pain and feelings, but I think that's what helps keep my SANITY stat low. I have to take in the pain, and not let myself become absorbed by it."

  "Look at all the sealed demons you hold, and yet you know nothing of their potential. I have had enough waiting, you killed my child, and I shall take my revenge," the voice cut into my mind again, and then I remembered something.

  "Let me see your ring," I asked Tilly.

  "Sure, I took the Earth Ring with brown jade," Tilly let me know as she gave me her hand.

  I kissed her hand, and she smiled at me. I turned it over and got her to put her pinky out so I could quickly look at the AVATAR card. Bingo! I glanced at Tilly's status, and it was as I thought.

  "Kitty, I'm gonna turn up the power on your ring. The other girls should be fine for a short fight, so we have to be quick."

  "Yes, Darling. I mean, since I have a pet name now, I should get to give you my own, right?"

  "Yeah, but maybe let's not use them around the other girls. Speaking of them, I actually meant to ask why you all are so keen on sharing me?"

  "Well," But Tilly was cut off by a massive eighteen meters long hooded black cobra that came rushing towards us.

  Both of us dived in the same direction, but the other smaller snake came at us from another direction. I quickly slid my finger on the Master Ring on earth and cranked Tilly's power to 60% and the ring to 30%. Hopefully, this act wouldn't put the other team at risk.

  Tilly started to give off a brown glow, and she turned to me with a wicked smile. She turned to the oncoming snake and used the flat of her greatsword to bat it away like a fly. The massive snake flew through the air, connecting awkwardly with the multiple holes in the wall and falling in a heap.

  "WHAT ARE YOU DO..." But the words cut off in my mind, as Tilly made a standing leap, rocketing towards the gigantic demon cobra.

  The demon tried to dodge below, but I was there, running on the ground behind Tilly's explosive advance. The cobra opened it's mouth to get me, but Tilly connected with the roof, making a smooth turn and rebound. She slammed down into the snakes back with her greatsword, and earthen spikes shot up, pinning it.

  With its body spiked down, the demon head was sent rearing up. I didn't waste the chance and leaped to drive DEMON BRINGER through the bottom of the demon's mouth. Golden flames boiled the yellow eyes, and the body exploded, along with the other snake, into black particles.

  "Is it over?" Tilly questioned while panting and looking around.

  "Almost," I said as I prepared myself.

  The particles were already swirling around me, and I knew this was going to be the worst to date. Suddenly, Tilly was at my side, walking me to one of the snake holes in the wall. She sat me down as I started to feel the emotions, and pain the same as before, but way more intense.

  "I'm not excited about this, nor am I ready," I smiled weakly to Tilly, but she just pushed my head into her lap.

  "Take a deep breath, and we will get through this."

  "Wait, I," the pain was starting to seize me now, but I was able to get the ring up to set back to normal.

  Tilly helped me as my body shook, and I cried out in agony and pain. She held my hand and wiped the sweat off my face with a cloth she had gotten out. After fifteen minutes, the pain left as though it had never been, and I was left with two marks the appeared on my shoulder.

  "Thank you, Tilly," I smiled up at her as she wiped the last bits of sweat from me.

  "But Darling, What about my pet name?"

  "Oh? You do like it then?"

  "Well, only because you gave it to me. I was a little put off at first, but then you made that cute smile you get when something makes you happy. It kinda melts me on the inside when you do," Tilly stroked my hair as she spoke to me.

  "Kitty, do you think we need to rush back just yet?" I asked, looking up into Tilly's beautiful eyes.

  I didn't wait for her to respond or another snake to interrupt us. Our lips met, and my hand reached up to pull her in close to me. I broke off the kiss to sit up and take her in my arms. Her tail surrounded us, and we became lost in each other's embrace.

  Chapter 30: Demon Desires

  "Are you ready yet?" Lavender asked Iona for the sixth time.

  "Yes, we can go now, you purple haired slave drive."

  Victoria sighed. The two of them had been like this since Dave and Tilly left to take care of the snake demon. It had been quiet for about an hour while Iona rested, but as soon as Iona got up, Lavender wanted to go.

  "Come on, Victoria," Lavender called as she pushed the struggling Iona out the door.

  "Unhand me, wench!"

  Lavender and Iona calmed down somewhat as they left the room. Victoria followed them to the door of the demon succubus. Lavender began to open the door, but Iona kicked it out of her hand.

  "Ouch! You little witch!" Lavender screamed as the door handle had been viciously ripped from her grasp by Iona's kick.

  "Hehe!" Iona giggled as she dodged Lavender's grapple
and ran into the liar.

  "Grrr, why did Dave leave her with us?" Lavender turned to question Victoria, who threw her hands up in defense.

  "You did suggest the idea to Dave, remember?" Victoria cautiously said.

  "That's only because it's Tilly. Even if we both don't get to spend this life with him, there are always more lives we can spend with him. All of us made that pact along time ago, but you know Tilly's different," Lavender's expression had softened.


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