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Harem Reborn c1-297

Page 35

by Author:Magic_

From my fragmented memories, I was sure that we always exited the game together, and then we would go to the Hall of Wishes, but something was different. The world was almost done now, and I was floating above a grey sphere, but then I started to be pulled down to the unremarkable globe. As I was drawn to the surface, I noticed that I was being dragged to the point that began to shape a fancy-looking Greek hall of sorts.

  Once I was closer, something inside me told me that this would not be fair, and Augusta's words of warning rang in my head. I plummeted into the building but slipped through the roof, causing no damage.

  Inside, the place was pitch black, with no light. Suddenly, light in front of me flashed on to reveal a man in a red and gold lined robe. I couldn't see his face, even after he stepped forward to some sort of podium.

  "Dave, player 000032, has been accused of cheating and will be disqualified from all winnings."

  Chapter 65: The Fate Of Your Actions

  "What are you talking about?

  Cheating? When? They can't consider using The Spear of Longinus cheating, can they?

  "You have been found using an illegal STAT BOOSTING MOD and an INFINITE MANA CONSUMPTION MOD."

  Only this guy in the red robe and me in the room, and I had a spotlight shining down on him and me, making it hard to see. I tried to look around the room, but everything else was in darkness. I turned back to the robed figure. His face was cast in a shadow from his hood, making it impossible to see his face.

  "I never used anything like that. I honestly don't know what you talking about."

  "Then how do you explain this!" The robed figure cast his hand out, and my AVATAR appeared in the air, blown up to make it easier to see.

  LEVEL: 22

  HP: 785/785

  MANA: 240/240

  NAME: Dave Huntington

  AGE: 29

  CLASS: Mountain Blade Dancer

  STATUS: Satisfied

  WEALTH: Wealthy

  HOME: Huntington Manor


  CONSTITUTION: 135 (+775)

  COMBAT: 117

  SPEED: 155


  MANA: 33 (+165)


  LUCK: 1000


  HEROIC GRACE: Remove any adverse magical effects or side effects from a party member. This ability has a 24-hour cooldown period between uses. (1/1 uses available)



  DUAL-WIELD: Wield two weapons proficiently

  MOUNTAIN SWORD DANCER: Lost art of 100-ton sword dance. Gain +20 to combat and +40 to speed while wielding MOUNTAIN BLADE.

  SKILL FUSION: Combine Skills with another party member with this Skill. Skills combinations may vary.

  STONEBLADE STYLE: Proficient at wielding stone weapons, and you are not affected by the weight of the weapon.

  MOLTEN SKIN: You have become invulnerable to metal. If you receive damage from a metal weapon, that damage is transferred back as heat to the weapon. A heated weapon loses durability fast and causes user FIRE damage.

  PEIRCE EVIL: People with evil intentions have black auras and are vulnerable to the HERO's LIGHT BLADE Skill.

  SELFLESS HERO: Magic item find increased by 250%


  MOUNTAIN BLADE: Activate to summon a blade of stone that weighs over 100 tons. This Spell consumes 0 MANA per/minute.

  HOLY BLADE: Activate to summon a blade of light. This Spell consumes 0 MANA per/minute.

  SOUL AVENGER: In the presence of demons, LIGHT BLADE will increase in size, but in this form, the blade only affects demons. A non-demonic creature struck by DEMON BRINGER receives no damage. Consumes 0 MANA per/min.

  SOUL BRINGER++: In the presence of demons, SOUL BRINGER will erupt with golden cleansing flames, and all stats with temporarily be boost against demons. Consumes 0 MANA per/min.

  "Do you see this? There is no way a level twenty-two could ever have stats like this with this system. I am the head designer over the LEVEL UP SYSTEM, so I know what each level is capable of. One-thousand luck and zero MANA consumption are impossible stats to obtain with this system, ever, no matter the level. This alone is more than enough to convict you of cheating! There is the matter of the CHARISMA as well; two-hundred at your level is also impossible!"

  I stood and listened to the charges this guy was laying on me, but I still couldn't believe it. Even I would accuse me of cheating if I didn't know any better after looking at these stats and skills. Although I had more than enough experience through this game to justify my bolstered CHARISMA stat!

  "How do you know I cheated?" I felt like this was a fair question, since so far he had shown me what I had already seen before and nothing proving that I was the cause of this.

  "It is clear! Look at you, AVATAR!"

  "No, that just says that it happened. It doesn't say that I was the cause or when it happened. How are you going to convict me on such circumstantial evidence?"

  "I AM THE GAME MASTER HERE PLAYER! I DECIDED WHO WHILE BE PUNISHED!" His voice boomed around me, but I wasn't going to let this maniac stop me from helping the girls.

  "I demand something! This isn't fair for you to force blame on me for something you have no proof I did!"

  "You insolent child…"

  "He's not wrong, Victor. Looks like you stuck your nose into the wrong place here, oh great and powerful Game Master!"

  That was a familiar voice coming from behind me, and I turn to see Simon walking up with five other red-robed people and one person led behind them in chains. Simon smiled and winked at me as he walked up, but then turned his gaze back on Victor, crushing his smile.

  The chained person had a black bag covering his head. He was pushed to the front past me and up beside Simon, who was also in front of me.

  "Victor, you are looking for someone to convict of cheating, hmm? Well, what if I told you I found the person cheating, then what if I told you that the person that used the mods to cheat got them from a certain Game Master? Just to sweeten the pot, what if I also told you that they were related and this wasn't the first time it had happened?"

  The game master was stepping back from the podium now, but there was no place to go. Simon pulled off the hood of the chained prisoner to reveal Tyron's face, also known as Fate. I wasn't surprised, but the comment about this not being the first time started to sink in.

  Too many times had Fate almost got the scoop on me until he finally did get me, but something always had felt off. Like he had more information than possible, on top of that, I never really understood his fascination with me. There was only one time when we first met that really stood out to me, but It seemed so inconsequential at the time.

  During my third game, Tyron joined our party during my first EXA/SKILL-EVO game (existential/skill evolution), and we had partied up for a short while. The defining moment was when we found a village that was being attacked by a tier five Grackhorn monster. Usually, we would stay away from a nightmare of that level, considering our party ranks were no higher than tier three, but I said we needed to try.

  Tyron argued that it was the people's fate, and if we interfered, it would be ours as well. I convinced the party that we could do it and that we would not be able to sleep well if we didn't at least try. In the end, we were able to defeat the monster and save the village, but not without casualties.

  Tyron's body was torn to shreds by the beast when he had tried to run away instead of fighting like a coward. I tried to stop the creature, but I was batted away by its tail, unable to reach him in time. I would learn later this Tyron was actually the god Fate, and he was looking for a new Vassal. Instead, now I had an enemy for life, all because of his own cowardice.

  Now, all the pieces of the puzzle were falling into place, and the long-standing war would be over, I hoped.

  "Victor, you are accused of supplying illegal MOD and outside information to a player that was participating in an active game. You shall
be removed as Game Master and removed from the board at Reborn Incorporated. As of now, your position in Reborn has been terminated."

  Before Victor could protest, his avatar disappeared from view. Simon turned to the chained Tyron and pronounced judgment on him. Considering there was no way to remove him from the game, Tyron would go in stasis and provide his spark for ten MINI-GAMES. And after would be released back into the game as a lost soul again.

  Tyron shot a dark look in my direction as his body was dematerialized, but that was all that I saw as his body pulled apart, cubic bit by cubic bit. Once he was gone, I let out a sigh of relief. Finally, the evil and conniving Fate was gone. I would finally be able to enjoy my play without worry, kind of.

  "So, now that the bullshit has been dealt with, why don't head over to the Hall of Wishes?"

  "Just waiting for you, bro! And thanks. I'm really not sure what any of us would do without you!"

  "Don't mention it. We all have been trying to find actual evidence that Victor was working with his son, and after you were captured, I watched you and seen him using the boosts on you. We still had to wait until someone won to deal with this, but no one ever thought that he would beat us to the punch or even try to accuse you."

  "Well, I'm just glad that he's gone."

  "Don't relax, Dave. There will always be another fate, but for now, let's go see everyone. They are all impatiently waiting for you!"

  Chapter 66: Hall Of Wishes

  Like rockets, the five other Game Master's, Simon, and I all launched into the air. The Greek hall fell apart into digital scrap as we flew up into What I would assume to be space. Ahead was a floating golden orb the opened to let us fly in.

  Inside, the Hall of Wishes' gold shone brilliantly as we slowly touched down on the red carpet, one of the only things in the place that wasn't golden. Ahead I heard the voices of six excited girls calling out my name. I looked to see everyone running to me.

  Lavender, Tilly, Victoria, Iona, Irellia, and Trinity all ran over and surrounded me, pushing Simon off to the side.

  "Jeez, I wish someone was that happy to see me," Simon joked as the girls hugged me from all angles and planted kisses on every inch of bare skin from my neck up.

  "Well, I did just win, haha."

  Suddenly, the girls settled down, and I could feel the presence of the Tequila coming into the room. The girls spread out and formed a line on either side of me, Except for Trinity.

  "Mom!" Cried Trinity as she ran forward to Tequila.

  I may have forgotten to mention that both Trinity and Tequila are programs built into the game. Trinity plays at being Transmigration, but she is not allowed to take a Vassal. Instead, she can join games and help players as she pleases, but she can't help the same player each round. Only in every third game can she assist the same player.

  The person she calls 'mom,' on the other hand, is Tequila, God of Wishes. Her sole purpose is to reward the round winners and help direct them to the next game. Not only is the winner allowed to make a wish, but they can also choose up to two previous players to enter the game with them and guarantee that they will meet up.

  That was something I had only just remembered now, and I wasn't sure who to take, but since Trinity couldn't come and Irellia and Victoria would be ascending, there wasn't much choice to make. I turned to Lavender, who was standing beside me, and she smiled.

  "Another game won, Hero. Are you ready to do it again? The girls and I will be watching, so take good care of these two!" Lavender pulled Tilly and Iona in close for a hug and then came over to me.

  I put my hand up to her face as Lavender got closer and pulled her into a deep embrace. It was hard to say goodbye, even if it wasn't forever, but I knew she would be watching and cheering us all on. After we pulled apart, Irellia and Victoria came over next.

  "We didn't get to spend as much time as I wanted, so you better believe the game after this one I'll be coming down to join you again. We have a park date that was never fulfilled!" Victoria fell into my arms and hugged me tight as our lips connected, and I could feel the desire and passion coming from her, but then she stepped back and let Irellia in.

  "I was apprehensive after we all died in space, but you found me again and kept your promise you made to me so long ago. I a truly in your debt, Hero."

  Like the rest, Irellia stepped forward and stood on her toes to kiss me. Suddenly, I was taken back to that moment on the dance floor. The one that we dance together on our wedding night. I could still see her in that beautiful white dress. I wrapped my arms around her and picked her up. I held her for a moment before I set Irellia down, and we broke away from each other, and then the three stepped back.

  Trinity now stood Beside Tequila, and I stepped forward to make my wish.

  "Are you prepared to make your wish?"

  "Do you even have to ask anymore?"

  Tequila let out a soft lilting laugh that sent warmth coursing through my body. Tequila let her gaze fall on me, and I knew I needed to voice my wish. I took a deep breath before speaking, looking at Tilly and Iona.

  "I wish to ascend a pair to gods."

  "Who shall be the pair?"

  "Chelsea/Victoria and Emera/Irellia."

  It felt weird using their real names rather than the names are given in-game. I looked to the girls to see massive smiles plastered across their faces, and even Lavender couldn't hide her happiness at receiving two new sisters in the clouds.

  "Chelsea, you from this day forth shall be known as The God of Transformation. Emera, you from this day for shall be known as The God of Connection."

  Each girl was bathed, and a glowing golden light stripped the clothes from the girls and covered them in flowing golden dresses, similar to the one Tequila wore. Serina also had her placed on her with the other, being The God of Destiny.

  "Choose your vassals, new freshly mint Goddesses."

  "Well, I think we know whose going where already," Victoria said with a laugh as Tilly walked to her and Iona to Irellia.

  "So this is farewell, but it isn't goodbye, I wonted see you goddesses this round, but I hope to see you in the next game after!"

  "That all depends if you win!" Victoria retorted back to me with a smile.

  "Come on, it was one time, and he was cheating!"

  All the girls laughed, and we all embraced again. Soon, after each one stepped back, the girls all faded away, including Tequila and Trinity. I was left in the hall with Simon, who turned to me.

  "So, one rotten tomato out of the bunch, but our work isn't done if you ever want to relax!"

  "Ugh! Don't say it like that! For you, it's only been what? Three months since we came in? What that in this world?"

  "Don't ask if you don't want to become more depressed, but hey! Look at the bright side! You saved them and got rid of the nail that was always under your foot. Maybe this time try to make more male friends?"

  "Ha, you're funny. We tried helping a guy before, remember?"

  "Ok, you can't think all guys will be like Kail, you know he is a player now, and he is about to win his seventeenth game. Hopefully, you guys don't get pair in the future."

  "Don't say stupid shit like that, Simon! You just asking for me to get stuck with him!"

  "Meh, jizz what it is, regardless, enough of this boring talk. Let's get down to business! So next round! Exciting one, and you get to take those lovely women with you. We can't really pick anything this time, but the next round will be different if you win! You will get to pick the game mode and the world!"

  "That's pretty cool! So, what's the game this time?"

  "This one is a new one that one of our most recent Game Master created. It's a space setting in a galaxy with eight habitable planets! On top of that, The system is Mechs and Magicks, a new cool system that gets rid of the leveling and replaces it with standard progression and discovery of new things to help along the way."

  Well, this sounded like it was going to be a lot bigger world than this single city. In fact
, it was hard to call it a world since there were eight of them now, and who knows what else in space! I was already starting to get excited, and I turned to look at Simon.

  "What is it called?"

  "Universal Watch."

  Hey, everyone, Daniel Coulter here, the author! I really hoped you have enjoyed this book if you made it to the end! I have been working on this over the last two months, and it really has been an adventure, writing chapters every day and doing my full-time job! I hope you all will join Dave and I as I write his next journey to save them, damsels!


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