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Harem Reborn c1-297

Page 37

by Author:Magic_

  The hangar bay we walked into was more extensive than I could have ever believed, and I couldn't even make sense of what I saw. First, a row of three people-sized suits on both sides, after was a suit on either side that looked to be around seven meters tall. The thing that stopped us in our tracks was the sleek five-story tall Blue and silver MAS or whatever this thing was.

  "You like it?"

  We both turned to see that Sasha was waiting for us, and she motioned for us to follow her over to the set of three suits.

  "What is that giant thing?"

  "That is mine! The Glacial Dragoon, A Large MAS that uses the Beast Shyft System. This system allows the MAS to change shape! This one was created by one of the original Dragorian Shyfts, a race from the supergiant Knell!"

  "What is she talking About, Dave?"

  "I have no idea…"

  "Too Much? Sorry, let's start from the basics then," Sasha started to explain. "We have suits for each member, but that also means there are only two to choose from."

  She points to the pair of strange-looking suits in front of us and continues on with her explanation.

  "The first suit is Energy Lich, a suit designed to leech Energy from other suits and certain lifeforms, like myself that are Energy based. This Energy is then turned into shield power and melee speed."

  The suit was black with green lines, and the helmet looked like a dark king wore it before. Tendrils of braided metal cords draped from the back like chain cape—dual hand scythes attached to the hips in the same color scheme as the suit.

  "This looks pretty cool, but then is it dangerous to you?"

  "Not if you don't attack me with it, hehe!" Sasha giggled, making her jiggle as well.

  "What's this one?" Tama asked as she was looking around the next suit, examining the tinny hexagons covering the suit.

  "This is Diamond Edge. It also excels at hand to hand, along with being resistant to non-energy based attacks. When fully upgraded, the suit can even reflect energy attacks. The highlight of the suit is the system override that allows you to push past your normal limits."

  "Hmmm, It looks pretty, but I think the Energy Lich is a better fit for me," Tama said with her head in one hand, looking back and forth between the two suits.

  "That's fine, I like the sword this one has, and it seems like an up close and personal type of suit."

  "Yes, the Naginata can be charged with Dynam, giving different effects. Dynam or Dynamisms are Energy-based manipulations that can have various effects. Some, like me, are born with it, making us elemental/Energy-based beings. Others like Tama and you have to use harvested Dynam near the planet of Knell's sector."

  "Wow, this is a lot to take in all at once. Where is everyone else?" I asked while rubbing my head.

  "Mmmhmm!And when are we going to get something to eat around here?" Tama asked as her stomach growled audibly.

  Sasha looked at us with shock. I think she thought we would be more interested in the suits, but it was already well into the afternoon, and we had already been drinking. So, after the ride, then a shower, and then the ride in the shower, well, I was getting tired and hungry same as Tama. Sasha was quick on the uptake and let us out another door and down a long corridor.

  Unlike the landing craft we rode in, the ship had gravity to hold us down. Unfortunately, it was slightly more than the standard Tama, and I was used to, and after a short three hundred meter walk, we arrived at a set of double sliding doors. When Sasha stepped forward, and the door opened, I was greeted by familiar faces.

  "DAVE!" Tilly and Mikota both cried out as they ran to me.

  Even though they had reminiscent facial features and body shape, the two girls were not the Cat-Kin and Snake-Kin from before. Tilly had smooth teal skin with blue hair, and the bottoms of her ears were shaped into tips, like a reverse elf ear. Tilly also had what looked to be gills on her ribs that started just below her ample breast.

  Mikota, on the other hand, looked similar to a Japanese human from my world, except that she had very tanned skin. She was wearing a white kimono with a red sash, and her black hair was held up with a pair of black sticks, presumably chopsticks.

  Both girls jumped into my arms, and I held them close while I was showered with kisses. I was surprised that Mikota was so up close and personal with me since we had only gotten closer during the end of the MINI-GAME. Tama was led over to a machine covered in buttons, and a door on it was similar to a microwave, and after Sasha press some buttons, the door opened with a steak and potato and sides. I wasn't able to see clearly, so I dragged over the girls and asked for help.

  Both were more than willing to help, and I ended up getting a large plate of chicken and rice. As the microwave opened, the smell of freshly cooked food made my mouth water, and I walked with the girls over to sit across from Tama and Sasha. Tilly and Mikota moved to either side of me, and I dug into the food with gusto.

  "We are glad you are the first person we found, Jill, Mikota, and I were here on the ship, but Sasha was already on her way to get you when she woke up. I was really confused since Mikota and I woke up together, and it wasn't until Sasha confirmed her target was you. After that, we both said your name and turned to each other."

  "Ya, since the last thing I could remember was that rock troll opening up and that guy crawling out. Then after he disappeared, we activated the soul crystals, wake up here right after. Then this girl Tilly said your name and I asked her how she knew you. After her explanation about this all being a game we play and so on, we have to go along well. This is a pretty interesting place compared to the last place we were. Just wait till you try the MAS units!"

  Mikota's eyes lit up with excitement when she mentioned the MAS unit, so between mouth fulls, I asked both girls about the units they used, and Mikota excitedly answered first.

  "I use Plague Strider. It's so cool! It uses micro-nano bots that can disassemble even steel at an atomic level. They can also be used to make moving clones able to use the extra pulse rifles it carries!"

  "Wow, that's crazy! What about your MAS, Tilly?"

  "Adaptamorph: Barrage, I can turn into a weapon once I get more experience, but it still is packed with countless types of rockets. I also specialize in using my rocket-boosted fist!" Tilly gave me a bright and warm smile with the last part, and I wasn't sure if she was excited about the suit or the destructive melee power it had."

  "So then what does Jill pilot?"

  "She can pilot any of them, but only would use the Glacial Dragoon in emergencies. Jill is the captain, and she works with Alta to chart courses to jump to and deploy defensive protocols. Jill's the big boss around here, but she is excited to see you, Dave," Sasha explained, and she looked like she would say more, but a green light started to flash along with an alarm.


  "What does that mean?" Tama asked, confused and worried by the sounding alarm and flashing lights.

  Before anyone could answer, the light turned red, and the alarm got worse.



  "What are we supposed to do?" I asked as we ran back down the hallway Sasha had led us up before.

  "Don't worry too much. Everything runs with your thoughts. All the MAS units are equipped with thrusters for mobility in space, but that won't be the problem. According to the message I just got from Alta, Wrexallian signatures are trying to get into the cabin area," Sasha explained as we reached the hangar bay.

  We entered the hangar and Tilly, and Mikota ran to the right side and put their hands to the helmet, and the suit opened up. Both turned and backed into the MAS units, Mikota was covered with gray plating, and then neon blue and hot pink lines ran through the skin-tight suit. On the other hand, Tilly's suit was black and red with more rocket ports than you could imagine
. The suit looked a lot heavier, but when they both stepped out of the racks, they were no difference in the way they moved.

  Sasha took us over to our MAS suits and directed us to do the same as the girls. Tama and I stepped up to our suits and place our hands on them. Both opened up to reveal a smooth interior of circuits and padding. I turned to look and see Sasha entering her black and white suit that was covered in small speakers and two larger ones facing forwards on her shoulders.

  I turned back to my suit, Diamond Edge, that was open and waiting for me. The MAS was solid grey with reflective hexagon lines covering the entire suit. Knowing that time was of the essence, I turned and backed into the suit.

  Darkness washed over me with the suit covering up, but then I could see clearly just as before. This time there was a light blue overlay HUD, but nothing was displayed on it for the moment. I stepped forward, and my movements felt more delicate, and I felt like I had a lot more strength in all my limbs.

  I turned to Tama, her suit was black with green stripes, and the menacing-looking helmet had braided metal tendrils coming from it. The suit looked really good on her, but I had no time to be thinking about that. I turned to Sasha, and she motioned for us to follow her, Tilly, and Mikota to another large door that was opening.

  Once we were all inside the room, the door closed, and I felt gravity let go of me.


  The message flashed twice in green and then disappeared, but I could move some was normality. While waiting for the exterior doors to open, Mikota showed me how, if I concentrated and was confident in my steps, I could walk anywhere. She demonstrated this by walking up a set of stairs that didn't exist, then Mikota walked around 360 degrees, like a backflip, but just walking around instead of jumping and turning.

  "What are Wrexallian's?" Tama asked when the door was almost open.

  "Creatures of Unlife, created and sustained by Dynam that has been fused with negative energy. I can't go into detail too much right now, but just know that they are dangerous and the enemy. Later, if we survive, I will explain more."

  With that, Sasha leaped forward, and jet streams powered her into space. Tilly and Mikota followed, and even Tama was already sailing into open space after them. I didn't want to get left behind, so I jumped and willed myself to follow them, and somehow I did!

  It was a weird feeling, but soon all thoughts of feelings left me as we move farther up the side of the ship. The form of a large ship, twice the size of the one we arrived in, was moving towards us. It looked to be in rough shape. Large tears in the ship's hull indicated that something massive had attacked this ship using some type of melee weapon, but then my sensors started to go off, and a sonar-like map appeared in the right corner of my HUD with a sizeable red blip on it.

  "What is that thing behind the ship?" Tama asked, her voice tinged with worry.

  I looked but couldn't see anything at first, but then my HUD zoomed in for me, and I could see the thing chasing the ship. A whale? No, but similar, like the metal bones of one with a bright green glowing core. Where did this thing come from?

  "Dreadnought, great. This is really bad. There is no way we can fight that," Tilly said with worry.

  //Don't worry, I am on my way, go and deal with the ones on board. There are two of ours on there!

  That was Jill's voice, so I assumed everyone heard the same. With quick looks, we all turned to the oncoming ship.

  "Tilly, you slow the ship with me, and the rest head inside through the gash in the side."

  "Awe, I wanted to see Jill tear that thing apart!" Mikota complained to Sasha but turned back to us after. "Follow me and be on guard. All of our people are trapped in the cockpit, so don't hesitate, or we will all die."

  Mikota's words were severe, and I understood. Even though I might be new to this game, fighting for my life and the lives of others are nothing new to me! Mikota took off, and I could see dust particles that started to surround her.

  Soon, her MAS, Plague Strider, had made two more copies and had taken guns from the main body. Together the three were indistinguishable from the other, and we followed after. Within moments, we had reached the tear in the ship's hull.

  Mikota sent in her clones but motioned me to flow them, while Tama took up the rear with her. I pulled the Naginata from my back, and suddenly I felt the power from my suit go into the blade.


  The blade began to pulse with white and green as I descended. Red lights were flashing below, but in the vacuum, there were no sounds. Below, copies of Mikota were firing at something, and it wasn't until a got completely through the tear in the ship.

  Like the Dreadnought, these monsters looked like skeleton warriors with metallic bones surrounding glowing green cores.


  The hexagons covering my body suddenly began to fill with a clear liquid and then hardened into points. The must be my shielding. These things just activating alone are quite helpful! I started to run the rest of the way to the ground, no thinking, just do.

  The suit gave me the mobility I couldn't have dreamed possible, changing my direction even if I ran from the wall to the roof and back. The landscape tilted under my feet like it was painted on a cylinder and rotated at my will. I didn't even need the armor. My mobility alone made me unstoppable as my charged Naginata carved the light out of the Skeletons.

  I heard someone yell to me through the speakers to watch out, but they were too late. I was sent smashing into a corner and bounced off. Something heavy had just hammered me stupid.

  My mind and body were a mess, but I tried to pull myself back up. I could feel something come through the tremors on the floor. Where was the Naginata I just had in my hand?

  "Dave! ROLL LEFT!"

  That was Tama's voice, so I instantly rolled left and narrowly escaped getting pulverized by whatever got me the first time.


  Searing heat burned through my veins, making my vision white for a second, then I was on my feet, dancing back from another swing. I could finally see the skeletal ape thing with glowing eyes and core. The massive hammer the thing carried also glowed that sickly green color to match the rest.

  Suddenly a black and green streak was behind him, and then braided cords latched onto the exposed core. The ape tried to react, but Tama's dual hand scythes pulsing white and green cut through the arm bones like cake. Soon the lights went out, and Tama's green lines let off arcs of energy.

  "Thanks, I owe you!"

  "Yeah, you do, but I'll come collecting another day," Somehow, Tama's face glass became transparent, and she winked at me suggestively.

  "There is still on more ahead, but we need to be careful. The thing up ahead in the next room isn't a robot given life. The thing in there is a Necoria, they true Unlife, they are grown from dead planet cores, and they need negative energy to grow. After a planet dies, negative energy is released, and then they spawn all sorts of Unlife beings. I can't go into detail right now. Just know it won't die so easily."

  I looked at Tama after Mikota's explanation, and she just shrugged her shoulders.

  Chapter 71: Tried And Tested

  //We have stopped the ship and are going to help Jill. How are things with you guys?-Sasha

  Sasha's voice came over the speaker in my suit as I was getting sent flying across the room.


  /I'm fine, I think. We are just dealing with a bug problem down here

  Yeah, a bug problem, alright. This thing was a monster turned inside out. Just looking at it made me want to throw up in my suit. The thing had four arms, hundreds of teeth for a face, and weird organ things hanging outside its body. They were giving off that sickly green glow that I was growing less and less fond of seeing.

  //We got this, just go help Jill-Mikota

  Mikota's clones ran directly at the monstrosity with no weapons. I was co
nfused at first, but when they reached the Necoria, they turned to mist and then completely disappeared. Suddenly the monster screamed out, and I could feel it hit me like a physical wave, pushed me back a step.

  The Necoria's body started to deteriorate at an alarming speed. Within moments, the glow left the organs, and the form disappeared. Mikota walked forward to where the creature died and reached her hand out to have a trail of mist rise from the floor to her hand.

  /That's pretty scary

  //Only if you're on the receiving end, hehe!-Mikota

  //What now?-Tama

  //The ship is stopped and clear, and the life support systems are still functioning, so we need to go help Jill-Mikota

  //Yeah, we could use some help out here. There is no way something like this should be here!-Sasha


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