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Harem Reborn c1-297

Page 43

by Author:Magic_

  "Mmhm, I really hope one of us can win, I know there will be a lot of people competing, but that just means we have to work hard, right?"

  "We will make it. We have more than just us. Remember, the other three teams will be there to help as well. Too bad we won't get to see them much before the race starts."

  "Yeah, but with all the dangers, this is our best plan. I think Irellia said there would be someone to meet us and take us to our hotel. After that, we can go start exploring the capital and maybe find some other clothes, haha. All I have to wear is my shirt and pants from when I got picked up. What are you going to wear?"

  "That is a surprise for tomorrow! Anyways," Kyrina turned, and I could feel her breast push into me as her face turned to mine. "I look better without a dress on, right?"

  Kyrina moved up my front, dragging her chest up mine and then slowly connecting with my lips. I was surprised by the questing tongue that reached for mine. As our lips press together and I pulled her body into mine. This time, I picked her up while we still kissed and started to walk back to my room.

  We each had separate rooms and had been using them, but I went mine and laid her on the bed. I then laid down with her and took her back in my arms.

  "Are you sure about this? I don't want to push you."

  "Is it OK if we just lay here with each other?"

  "Mhmm, I'm happy just to hold you in my arms; there is no rush," I spoke, looking into her beautiful eyes.

  Kyrina smiled and tucked herself into my chest. It was nice to actually take it slow with a girl for once, every other relationship I had with the other girls always ended with sex right away, so this was a change in pace. I pulled her closer into my arms and ran my hands over her body.

  We were both in our underwear, again, so I was able to run my hands over the spots that would have typically been covered. I was able to feel the mechanical parts and feel the smooth change between skin and metal. Each time I touched one of these spots, Kyrina's body would tremble, but I would kiss her and tell her it was alright, and I thought each part of her was beautiful.

  We spent the rest of the night relaxing in each other's arms. Before I fell asleep, thoughts of the race started to worry me. There was something different about Kyrina, and now I was beginning to feel more attached to her.

  I would protect her, but were these new feelings going to cause me problems in the future? Maybe it was best to keep everything chemical. It was too late for that now, I thought as I drifted off.

  The next morning, I was awoken by a kiss. Kyrina was leaning over the top of me in her UW issue navy blue bra and panties. No matter how straightforward the underwear was, the rest of Kyrina was far from basic. I gazed at her chest before pulling her in for more kisses, and we rolled around in bed until a green light went off, and a dinging sound got our attention.

  We pulled apart and gave each other large smiles and then sighed together. It was time to leave our private time behind until it was time to go back home again. I pulled myself up, kissed Kyrina again as I did, then grabbed her and spun, putting her between the bed and me. We shared another passionate kiss before she left the room to go get changed.

  Prime, this was going to be an exciting trip. I looked out my small viewing port, but my side was turned from the planet, but I could see thousands of floating space ships out in space. They were of all shapes and sizes, but none of them were much bigger than our own.

  I got my clothes on and then went back for a quick check to see if I could find the girl's shuttles, but there were too many ships to identify anyone. I turned and left my room, looking as I passed to see if I could catch a glimpse of Kryina, but the door was closed. Sighing, I headed back to the front of the ship to get a better look at Prime.

  Once I was up in the cabin, I was able to see the massive sandy planet below us. Small crafts were making trips up and down from the surface. They were docking at a large station not too far from where we had parked our ship. There wasn't a designated parking place, but small vessels were making trips to the other ship and back to the main building.

  I looked out at the planet, and I was a bit disappointed. The entire planet was a tan sand color, nothing like the blue and green world Tama and I had come from. I was still staring at the sandy sphere of Prime when I heard the cabin door slide open behind me.

  Chapter 83: Don't Take Her

  I turned around and found Kyrina there, but she looked terrific. Now, not to say that Kyrina wasn't a beautiful woman, to begin with, but this was a significant change. I was so used to seeing her in her underwear that I was left speechless. Then my eyes fell on her and started to trace the outlines.

  Kyrina was wearing a soft green sun dress that stopped just short of her feet. Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail, and I could see the lighter undertones of her reddish hair. My eye was drawn to the plunging neckline, and I had to pull my gaze back up to her face before I got lost.

  When our eyes connected, I was surprised to see the wry smile on her face.

  "You like what you see?"

  "Hmmm? Yeah, Kyrina, you look stunning! Where did you get that dress from? It looks perfect on you!"

  "Sasha got it for me."

  My eyes went back to her neckline, and I smiled. Yeah, this would be something that would also look good on Sasha, but it looked amazing on Kyrina right now. I walked over and took her in my arms, and we shared a kiss before pulling apart and going to check a now flashing green light on the switchboard.

  "Hey, this is the comm light. Who would be calling us? Kyrina asked me, looking at the flashing light.

  "More than likely, our ride to the main pavilion there. Let's check it out," I said as I reached out to activate the comm system.


  //This is shuttle bug one oh nine. I'm here to transfer your sorry behinds to the center platform so you can get shipped off to the sand ball!

  /OK, we will meet you at the docking port

  "Ready to go? Make sure we don't have anything to identify us as Universal Watch. The last thing we need now is to get the King's eye on us before we even make it down to the planet."

  "Yeah, I had to take my underwear off, so that doesn't show up."

  "Good, we don't wanna make mistakes early on. Also, even if we see them while at the Center Platform, we need to keep to ourselves and not talk to the other girls even if we see them. It might also cause problems if were show that we know each other."

  Kyrina nodded to me as she walked to the docking arm. The door was already green when we got there, meaning that the pilot had already docked safely, and it was OK to open the door. Once inside, a strange octopus-like man gave us a curt nod and turned back to the controls of his ship.

  The man didn't seem much for small talk, so we took our seats instead. The moment our bodies had hit the Acura-Gel, the pilot took off. Both of us were pressed back into the gel and became stuck in awkward positions until the ship's acceleration ceased. Our legs and arms were released from the death hold the seat had gripped us with, leaving my body slumped in the chair.

  I wanted to be mad, but one look at Kyrina's bright and smiling face made me squash any such feelings. She looked like she was having a great time with it all, so I sucked it up and smiled with her. It wasn't a long trip, but we held hands the entire way, talking about things we might do, but the whole time the drive kept silent.

  After docking and having the seats release us, Kyrina, and I got up to leave. Both of us thank the man, but he still didn't speak. I let Kyrina out first, and as I was about to go when a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

  "Don't take her."

  The words sent ice running through my body, and I turned around to look directly at the man and his steel expression. No emotions showed through like his face had been cast from metal. I stared at him before asking him what he had meant by that.

  "I was standing where you were three years ago. Both me and Dally were excited and ready to take the world on. No one could stop us or make us list
en to warnings. That was stupid of me. I should have listened to her, but now all I'm left with is this shitty job and her final words crying out to me. I love you... Every time I look at this godforsaken planet, I still hear them. Don't make the mistake I made, son. Nothing is worth the one you love."

  With that, The man turned around and walked back to his seat. I stayed there, standing and watching him before leaving to follow Kyrina. Once outside the ship, the light for the door turned red, signifying that the ship had already left. This place might be more dangerous than I had first thought; I would have to keep her close to me. The last thing I wanted was to lose someone.

  Kyrina was waiting for me, already waiting in the customs line. It looked like they were checking for illegal weapons and such. When it came to our turn, we were pressed through with no problems. Being part of the watch doesn't make us infallible for mistakes, but we had an image to uphold, so we wouldn't likely be trying to sneak things in.

  The thing was, we weren't in our uniforms, so no one knew that we were UW officers. This was why it was so nice to get through fast, but as we left, I notice Tama and Mikota were at the check-in another line, but they were being held up. I squinted at them and saw that the guard was taking a large number of sharp weapons off Both girls.

  "Do you see them?" I asked Kyrina as we walked away from them.

  "Yeah, they must have been bored; Tilly and Iona should have ridden with them to keep them in line. I wonder how much training they got done during the trip?"

  I groaned, thinking about it as we walked away. The next area we walked through was an open expanse, and it seemed to be some sort of meeting area, but since we were already together, we continued forward. Ahead of us was another checkpoint, but this one wasn't searching for people but dividing them into a different group. If I were to guess, I would say that this is the place to separate racers from tourists.

  We were directed to the right with a couple other pairs of people standing and waiting. Most of them were silent, but there was one pair that seemed far too excited about the race ahead. I ignored them and turned my focus to Kyrina, hiding my smile.

  As much as I would like to deny the race, I was more than excited. Being a week away, we still had time to prepare and hear other people's stories. Kyrina pinched my cheek, making me frown, and I leaned in to give her a quick peck on the lips.

  "You don't have to hide your excitement, Dave. The others won't get mad, hehe," Kyrina giggled while taking my hand and leaning into my shoulder.

  "I know, but then I see the pair over there acting giddy, and I have to wonder, will we see them after the race? I don't mean to bring us down, but this is a dangerous race, and there is no guarantee that we make it back alive, little lone win. I just don't want to get too excited and miss something that might save our lives later."

  "Hm, I know what you mean, I guess, but I don't want you sulking the whole time we are here! I want us to have fun!"

  I pulled her in close before taking her face in my hands and looking into her eyes. I wasn't going to lose her, no matter what. I couldn't protect them all, but Kryina was my partner, and I would keep her safe.

  At least, that was the plan.

  Chapter 84: Dresnal

  We moved to the shuttle that would take us down to the domed city of Centra on the surface of prime. There were a lot of interesting people, and we tried to take a back seat; there was not prearranged seating. Everyone seemed friendly enough, but I kept myself on guard regardless.

  Kyrina stayed close to me, holding my hand while I carried out the bag. There wasn't much in it; the plan was to buy things when we got settled. We got a back seat but had to share it with two tiger-like men.

  "Hey, come sit down; we don't bite, yet, hehe!" The closest Tigerman laughed, but the other one smacked him.

  "Can it! These seem like nice people. You know what this place does to those types, right? What's the point in making an idiot out of yourself before even talking to them?"

  The other tiger seemed to be the old and wiser of the two, but I still sat down first and got Kyrina seated by me. This wasn't ideal, but it would have to do; this place was probably filled with killers. I needed to calm down; no one was going to… Was that a yell I just heard?

  I turned to check on Kyrina, who was sitting in the seat next to me when I heard a roar come from upfront. Kyrina was fine, but I took her hand and watched around us while glancing towards the front. They were two men or something like that fighting with fists, and the Xenophin man was beating Beastman of some sort to death, but no one moved to stop it.

  After it was done, the crew cleaned up the dead body, and everyone took their seats. According to Kret, the younger Tigerman, the Badgerman started the fight, but the Fishman finished it. Tarclaw said it was a dumb fight, so no one stopped it. Why let someone like that come down to start trouble was their line of thinking, it seemed.

  This planet seemed to run outside the rules for these three months of storms. Though the UW has been sneaking us in to try and take that power all away from the King. That was our mission, to exploit his mistake; when he won, he only asked to be King of the world, that was all. Nothing about Alexander or his secrets.

  "Are you okay?"

  "Yeah, I kind of expected it to be like this, but not so soon. Hopefully, we can make it in without any more fights."

  "You can count on that! Grab your holy shit handles! Were goin in!" Kret half howled, half roared.

  The ship started to shake, and it shoved out bag between my legs and put my hand on Kyrina's far armrest. There was no seat belt, so I kept my arm to help hold her back as the ship shook violently. Most people stayed down in their seats, but some weren't so lucky.

  People were thrown around the interior and killed most likely, but I kept hold and watch for UFO's coming at us. After about ten minutes of brain-rattling vibrations and shaking, the ship settled back down. Now I could see why no one would bother to try attacking for the rest of the ride.

  The inside of the ship was putrid by the time we got inside the dome and parked. I wanted to race out, but I knew it was best just to let everyone else pile out like wild animals. The pair of tigers were fine to wait, they had put on some sort of thin face mask, and the smell didn't seem to bother them.

  Soon we got up and left the place, waving goodbye to Kret and Tarclaw as they disappeared into the crowd. The turned out to be not horrible yet, but that was only because we weren't a threat in their eyes, which was good. There was no reason to show our strength, but we didn't want to seem too weak.

  I left the terminal, and there was a bubbled floating platform with a man sitting on each. They had small glowing blue balls on stands that they had their hands over. So that must be the controls, and the rest is like a magic carpet with Dynam.

  "Want to go ride in the bubble car?"

  "Yeah! We can get a better look at the city," Kyrina said to me, grabbing my hand.

  I kept my eyes open as we walked to the taxi and noticed a man coming our way. He was human and looked to be overconfident like some jock with his overcoat on his shoulder but wearing a t-shirt that said, "Go hard." I tried to pick up the pace, pulling Kyrina along with me, but the guy intercepted us.

  "Hey, Hey, Hey, now! What's the big rush, guys? And gal too, hmmm."

  The man tried to step around me, but I stepped forward into him, hard, sending him stumbling back. The man straightened up and glared at me, but I just smiled and turned away. We started walking again, but I could hear the steps coming up from behind.

  I was surprised when Kyrina let go of my hand and turned, throwing a hard punch into the rushing man's side. He had his fist cocked, and he looked like he jumped to punch me, so he was knocked out of the air and off to the side. The was a round of gasps, but it was followed with a roar of cheers. Great, oh well, it wasn't her fault; she was just trying to protect me.

  The man stayed down, groaning, and wouldn't look at us as we walked to the bubble things. We were waved down by a cou
ple of the bubble drivers and choose the one closest to us. The bubble came down, and the man smiled at us, gesturing for us to get in.

  It looked like he didn't speak our language from his movements and pointing, but he pointed to a crystal-like display stand that had a picture of a nice hotel. He looked at me, and I shook my head; he nodded and flicked to the next one. After seven, we came to our hotel, and the man smiled but then tapped his wrist.

  Yes, payment; Irellia had given me a wrist band like a credit card, so I pointed to it, and he nodded and then pointed to a place in front of the crystal display. I placed my wrist on it, and the light flash, then he waved me back.

  I crawled into the cushioned back where Kyrina had already made herself comfortable. The driver, whom I know as a Sylica, waited till I was seated before taking off. I had only seen his face shift at the last moment before I turned to get into the back, but I had seen it, just like Maxine.


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