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Harem Reborn c1-297

Page 47

by Author:Magic_

  "You two can go; you both did well. Take the day off but be ready to go in the morning, so we don't have to repeat today! Hehe!" Dresnal joked, but I knew he was serious.

  Before we left, Maxine waved over to Kyrina and asked to talk to her. The two had a hushed conversation, and I seen Kyrina's expression light up and then her looking over to me with a smile before turning back. When the two finished, Kyrina came back over to me.

  I took Kyrina's hand and led her out of the tower, waving to the others before walking out. I found a place and took the cloak from her, revealing her naked body. She turned to me shyly, and I was struck by the beauty of her fully nude body.

  "I'm gonna change now, okay?"

  Kyrina unconsciously pushed her hair back in a nervous gesture, but it only made her look more alluring to me. I nodded to her and stepped back. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was excited to see the change or shift, as she called it.

  Suddenly, Kyrina began to change, her exposed gears started to whirl, and her body started to expand and pull apart. Soon thousands of moving parts were exposed, and her skin was flipped in sections to reveal the silver plating of her tiger form. Even her head pulled apart and transformed into that of the tigers.

  The entire process took no more than fifteen seconds to complete. Now the plates across Kyrina's body were settling down and into place. It was one of the most spectacular things I had ever seen.

  "So, what do you think?" Kyrina asked her in a synthesized voice.

  "Your beautiful; I'm very thankful I was able to see this. Your body is something else!"

  Kyrina looked away from me, and my words sink in, jeez talk about being forward. I think that this might have been off of those abilities Simon gave me, or maybe it was a case of the perpetual foot in my mouth? Well, nothing left for it now; I walked over to Kyrina and ran my hand across her smooth and sleek body.

  Kyrina rubbed against me, but the instructed me to get on her back and to hold on. I leaned forward after pulling my goggles on and adjusting my katana in its sheath at my side. Once I had a good grip, I signaled to Kyrina that I was ready to go.

  I didn't expect the force that would be exerted when Kyrina started to sprint from a standstill immediately. I nearly slipped off before getting my grip tighter. She put a cheetah to shame and was relentless in her pace. Not only did you move at breakneck speeds, but she leaped around to pass gaps and crevasses.

  As we moved, I noticed something in front of us. The sand looked like it was moving, so I tried to concentrate on it, but then it stopped moving. The sand was still, and I looked around to trying to find more sand like it until sand burst up directly in front of us.

  Chapter 94: A Promise For The Furture

  Suddenly a massive monster burst from the sand in front of us. It was an enormous centipede type monster about three meters tall loading from the sand. It struck at us, but I had my sword ready.

  When Kyrina turned to dodge, I leaped from her back, continuing to the monster. It pushed to me with a wide-open gaping maw filled with teeth. I moved with blinding speed and landed on the other side, running to catch up with Kyrina.

  Behind me, the monster's head had slid off, and it was spraying green ichor across the same in a fountain. I leaped to Kyrina's back and grabbed around her neck again. She took off also, but I was ready for it this time.

  "What was that about?" Kyrina scolded me in her synthesized voice.

  "We haven't had much practice like this, so I thought that I would take advantage of the situation. Don't you think it's a good idea? We don't have a lot of experience fighting like this, right?"

  She never replied. Instead, she just kept running, but something must have bugged her about me doing that. Maybe it was to do with me stopping and wasting time? It's not like she was worried for my safety, she knew I could handle it, so it had to be the time thing. I knew that she wanted to get back, but I didn't think she would skip out on a chance to train like this, something must be bugging, her so I left her to be as she ran.

  We saw a few more monsters on the way back, but I stayed holding tight to Kyrina. It didn't take us long to get around since the jog wasn't long. Once we were back in the camp, I got off Kyrina and let her change in our hut.

  Surprisingly the other girls made it back before Kyrina finished changing, so I went to help unload the meat we had collected for the dungeon. I saw Maxine go over to my hut and disappear, maybe Kyrina's worry was due to something Maxine had said and that's why she rushed back. I thought about this as I carried the Catsect corpses over to cook at his grill, I was rewarded with a large smile and skewers on the house for the rest of our stay; now that was a real reward!

  After I finished unloading, I went over to the hut since I had unzipped my suit and tired the arms around my waist. I had my bare chest that had filled out since I had been picked up. I knocked on the door to see what was taking so long, but Maxine yelled at me to go for a walk.

  I turned to see Iona standing by the cart, looking lost in thought, so I walked over to see what she was doing. Iona didn't notice me and just a little when I put my hand on her arm. She looked up at me in surprise, and I smiled down at her.

  "What do you want? And why are you seeking up on me like some creep?!"

  "Oh, don't be like that! I wanted to see if you wanted to come for a walk, that's all.

  "Hm? Why? Where's you, Darling?"

  "Who? Tilly? I think she stayed ot get somehting to eat."

  "No, you idiot! Kyrina!"

  "Getting changed with Maxine."

  "Ah, and she told you to scram, hey?"

  "Do you want to go for a walk or not?"

  "Hmmm? Well, I guess, since I have nothing better to do, hmph!"

  Iona turned her head from me, so I grabbed her arm and pulled her along. I started to walk to the ponds I had walked with Kyrina. We walked in silence for a while until Iona spoke up.

  "I'm happy for Kyrina."

  "Oh? What makes you say that?"

  "I have just been hanging around the girls a lot more lately, and they told me about the place you went to rescue them all. They also told me about Kyrina and Kyrin, I know the others had bad stuff happen to them, but Kyrina was forced to have another person inside of her."

  "Yeah, I was hard for all of them, except Jill, who I had by my side from the start. Though, for her, she had to help me put some of the girls back together. We both worked doing different things, so none of it was easy for any of us."

  "I know that now, but I didn't before, so I don't know. I just felt like I was pushed to the back before in the last gave, and I guess I feel the same way now."

  I stopped and pulled Iona done, and we sat at the edge of a pond. Beetles were swimming in the water in some areas, and I watch one get swallowed as a weird insect-like fish stretched up and plucked it from the surface. I put my arm around Iona's shoulder and pulled her into my side.

  "Don't worry, there are just many of you that want my time, but I don't feel like it's right to keep going from woman to woman, is it?"

  "No, and I get that; I am happy you decided only to take off one pair of pants at a time now. I just wanted to let you know how I felt, in case you wanted to know."

  Iona spoke with her face forward, looking out at the water with a distant look in her eyes. I would have to make it up to her in the next game and then know what happened from there. I turned to Iona and took her chin in my hand, turning her head to mine, and I looked deeply into her eyes. I wanted her to feel my words as I spoke them so I could let her mind rest.

  "The next life we live, I will search you out and find you, I promise. Then we can spend that entire life side by side, okay?"


  Chapter 95: Blind Shotgun

  We sat there for a bit longer, but Iona was the first to pull away and stand up. She reaches out to give me a hand up, and I took it, standing back up and brushing my half-on suit off. I caught Iona checking me out, and she gave me a mysterious and mischievous
look, but I didn't give her a reaction, so she sighed.

  "Let's get you back to your Darling," Iona joked as she walked back to the camp, and I followed.

  "Don't let Tilly catch you are saying that; I'm her Darling. Don't think she is just some easy-going person just because she is quiet!"

  "Mmmm, I guess, but I still think Maxine should be done by now."

  "Done? What is she doing to Kyrina?"

  "Fufu, you wait and see!"

  Iona was closed-mouthed about it for the rest of our short walk back, so I just enjoyed the peacefulness. Soon we were back into the village, and the girls were sitting at the table near the grill with a large plate of skewers. I looked, but I couldn't see Maxine and or Kyrina, so I left Iona to join the others and headed back to my hut.

  When I got there, I could hear the girls inside, so I made some noise as I came up and knocked on the side of the door. I waited, and Maxine came out alone. She looked at me and then grabbed my wrist and a pail beside my hut and started to pull me to a nearby pond.

  "Hey! What's the big idea? Why are you dragging me?"

  "What do you think I have been doing?"


  I stopped and looked at Maxine with a confused look. To tell the truth, I wasn't sure what was going on inside that room. I shrugged, and Maxine form trembled; that must mean she was getting frustrated; what have I done wrong by not know.

  "You are not going to see her like this! You're a mess! And you stink, so get over to the water and take that suit off! I'm going to clean you up and make you presentable!"

  "For what? What is going on?"

  "You're getting married, now stop fussing and get over to the water!"

  "WAH? Since when? I don't remember proposing, did I?"

  "Call it an arranged marriage, but your gonna be the one to ask her!"

  "I am not disagreeing, but what is the big idea?"

  "Dave, you know what this race is, right? Don't play dumb; any of us could die, and you said it yourself. Do you want to wait until after something bad happens to do this? Or do you not want to get married?"

  "That's not it at all, and you know it!"

  "Well, then what is holding you back?"

  "I just thought that I would be the one to, I don't know, I have no complaints. It is all just a big surprise, I guess."

  Maxine gave me an understanding smile but then got serious again, gesturing for me to take my clothes off. I sighed and did as I was asked and went to get into the water. I sunk into it up to my waist, and Maxine came over, staying on the shore with the bucket.

  It wasn't long until I was rinsed off and had used sand to get off some of the tougher dirt. Maxine went ahead of me and met me halfway back with a towel and a set of right looking clothes. I looked at the clothes, and they looked like they would fit well, so I turned a questioning look to Maxine, who just smiled at me.

  I was left to change behind the hut, then I was supposed to go to the girls and wait. At this point, I was just rolling with the punches, so I did as I was told and got dressed. The clothes weren't a suit, but they were all in black. The clothing came with something like an overcoat, but the buttons were off to the side.

  Once dressed, I walked over to where the girls had been sitting, but the whole place had changed. There were strings of flowers hanging all around the site, and all the girls had transformed into lovely dresses. Tilly was the first to see me, and I walked over to her and hugged her. She had a happy look on her face, but I knew she wanted to be the one up there beside me.

  As we embraced, I was reminded of the craziness this game caused, but at the same time, if it gave us all chances to enjoy time together forever. I let go of Tilly and kissed her on the cheek before pulling away. She gave me a knowing smile and led me to the other girls that were waiting for us.

  So, this was the day I would marry Kyrina. The idea was daunting, but only because of the dangers that lie ahead was this really the right move. If I lost Kyrina, wouldn't it destroy me more? No, saying some words in front of fried can't make me love her more than I already do.

  Love, that was the first time I had put it and Kyrina together, but it was true. I loved her shyness and the cute smiles she gave me. She was always by my side through this, so why was it weird to say that I loved her? I guess I have just been doing this to save them, and I never considered love to be part of it.

  Now, I had it, but I was starting to realize that it was something I felt for every one of these girls. I would have to start taking these feelings with more consideration now that I knew what it was. Time spent, but not wasted, no matter how I looked at it, what I did saved all these girls from being the extras of the game.

  I looked at the girls standing around me with excited smiles, and I relaxed. Maybe I would have to make a point of finding Greg, he might be able to give me some advice. He had to be another like me, but I couldn't be sure if his motives were the same as mine, but that was for another day.

  "Well, as being the last to know, I would like to thank all you girls for helping set this up for us. I want you all to know that each of you means the world to me, and I love each one of you."

  Each one of the girl's eyes went very large, so big that I was worried I had said something wrong and started to get nervous. The girls began looking at each other but then fell on me like a tsunami. It was all I could do to keep standing under the pressure of each of them hugging me all at once.

  When everyone finally let go, and I was able to break away from them, I was arrested by the sound of a clearing throat. It came from behind me, so I turned around to see Maxine and...Wow!

  Chapter 96: Shocking Revelations

  I was frozen in place as the girls spread away from me in a half-circle. Kyrina stood in a beautiful short white dress that went just below her knees, and I could see the exposed gears on her legs. Her hair had been done up in a fancy bun, and she was now wearing make-up.

  "You... Your beautiful Kyrina," I was able to say as I regained control of my motor functions and walked to her.

  Kyrina blushed and smiled at me as I got closer, but she didn't look away. When I stood in front of her, I took her hands in mine and looked into her eyes. This was too perfect, and she was also perfect, so I took a breath and spoke.

  "I know that your the person I want at my side, and I love you, Kyrina. I'm not good at expressing myself through words, but your amazing, and I care about you. So, will you marry me?"

  "Yes! I'm really excited and worried about everything to come, but I think we will make it!"

  My heart was racing in my chest now, and Kyrina dabbed her eyes with a cloth Maxine passed to her. I wasn't sure what was going to happen next, but I didn't want to move. Luckily, Dresnal walked over to us, shaking his head.

  "You kids are sure something, well let get this show on the road! So, Dave, while I got you here! And you Kyrina, locked in his hands, for better or worse! Do you each promise to love, cherish, and protect each other for the rest of your lives?"

  "Yes!" We both said at the same time.

  "Well then, what are you waiting for? Kiss the damn girl!"

  I had a few weddings in my time, but Dresnals short and sweet version of the ceremony was great. It was just one step above going to Cityhall, but it was my favorite! I leaned in, and our lips pressed together as we kissed.

  This moment was short-lived as an explosion and an ear-shattering *POP* destroyed our calm. To perfect, I knew it, there was no way this lull could stay, but what happened? I looked to Dresnal, but he was already gone, so I tried to look up, but the sun and sky were blinding to my eyes now.

  "What happened to the dome?" I asked, pulling away from Kyrina.

  People were starting to yell and panic, but I couldn't figure out where all the noise came from. That's where Dresnal would be, so instead of waiting for an answer, I asked the girls to help get the people out of here and to escape, and we would follow. I grabbed Kyrina's hand and ran back to the hut with her.

wind had started to pick up inside the camp now with the barrier gone, and the sun was hot coming down. When we got to the hut, I grabbed my suit and went inside, letting go of Kyrina's hand. She still followed me in and asked if I could help her get out of her dress by pulling it up over her head.

  I helped her, and as I did, her naked body was revealed as I pulled the dress up and off her. The way Kyrina's breasts bounced and jiggled made me ready to do terrible things to the people that interrupted me from getting to experience this moment properly.

  Once I got the dress all the way of, I started to strip down quickly. Kyrina shifted, but once I had my suit fitted on, I grabbed a pack and stuffed it in her suit just in case and the red cloak. I tied it and then slung it over my shoulders by the straps and used another cord to connect the straps in the front.


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