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Harem Reborn c1-297

Page 49

by Author:Magic_

  After more passion-filled moments, we both climax and fell to the bed panting. Both of us were sweating from the exertions, so I got up to grab us each a towel and grabbed a water bag. I came back and sat down on our mat bed, handing Kyrina a towel before taking the cork out of the pouch to have a drink.

  After Kyrina had towelled off and cleaned herself, I passed her the water skin. She drank deeply, causing water to spill over her mouth's edge. I watch it trickle down her naked breast and wished I had more stamina to go again, but we had things to do.

  "What are we going to do? I mean, now that we know that those two are out there, working with the enemy?"

  "Nothing, not much we can do about them, yet. I need to talk to Dresnal and the others from this planet. If they know where we can find some more of those gems, we might have a chance in the race."

  "Do you think that we can still win with them against us?"

  I leaned over and kissed her, then I began to pull away, but she stopped me.

  "Before we go, I want to talk to you about something."

  Kyrina's expression was more serious now, and I started to get concerned, but then she spoke, and I was just plain old surprised.

  "Dave, I love you, and this has been a lot of fun. You have been a gentleman to me and have treated me like a princess, but you can't keep going like this. We all love you, and I can't stand to see how Iona looks at us, and I know Tilly is holding back. You know what I'm trying to say, right? I was talking to Maxine about it as she helped me get ready."

  As I listen to Kyrina, speak it all made sense, but it still made me wonder if Serina might have something to do with this. This kind of thing made me feel just like an actor in the story, and now knowing that I was didn't help. This was a relief, but the timing just made me more aware of the rails our lives were on.

  "I asked her what she thought about it all, and she just told me that we all had a happy life together when you were with all of them. So I love what you have done for me, but you have a job to do. And it's about more than just this race or the game. Tama and another person need you to form a connection, according to Tilly, so you can't spend all your time with just me."

  Well, things worked out, and that was one thing out of my mind, but it opened up a bunch of other exciting doors.

  "I'm glad you understand, I had been trying to figure out what I could do for Tama, but this helps with that. Let's get out there; we had a lot of things to do in three days. On the fourth day, we have to be at that starting line."

  We kissed again and then got our standard UW suits on that had been left in our tent for us. It felt good to get back into the standard-issue bodysuit I had gotten used to while training on the ship. Once dressed, we left the tent and found everyone sitting and talking at a setup table, and I could smell the grilling Catsect.

  We both walked over to sit down, but she pushed me to Tama and went to sit beside Tilly and Sasha. I tickled Tama to get her to move over and almost got stab when she whipped around with a dagger out! Woah! Her training must have been helping her; I was nearly stuck there!

  "SORRY! Jeez, you never do that! I could have stab you, idiot! What do you want?"

  "I was going to come and sit with you."

  "Oh? What about the wife? Yes, wife! What do you think of this?"

  Tama had hopped out of her seat and was pressing up against me. It took me back to the shower as she ran her hands up my chest in a suggestive manner while staring at Kyrina, who was trying to keep a straight face. I was about to sigh when Tama got too carried away with her last sentence and grabbed between my legs.

  Like a hammer was striking me directly in the brain. My eyes bulged, crossed, and then my knees tried to buckle. Damn, Tama was unbelievably strong; her grip left me feeling like I had swallowed a boulder. About two point five seconds after her hands delivered their crushing wickedness; she realized that mistakes had been made.

  Chapter 100: Cherry Red Under The Sun

  "Ermagerd, my balls!"

  "Shit Dave, I am so sorry!"

  Tama hopped back, waving her hands in apology as I brace my hands on my knees, panting. The girls at the table we all giggling, while Dresnal was laugh hysterically. The pain was still intense, but I was getting my breath back as I straightened up.

  "Sorry! I got a little excited, but seriously what's going on, Dave? What makes you want to come back now?"

  "Don't think he hasn't been thinking about you and each of the rest of you! We just talked, and I asked him to go back to spending more personal time with each of you like it was before."


  "Because Dave needs to form a connection with you, or when it comes to the end of the game, you won't be transported to the golden halls with us," Tilly explained.

  I snuck up behind Tama again and scooped her up. She struggled, but I turned to walk to the case exit tunnel. I called back to Kyrina to talk to them and figure out about the crystal. After we left the main cave and started walking to the cave entrance, I had come it with Kyrina and Dresnal a few days early.

  Tama had stopped struggling now and curled into me but staying quiet. Jill loaded a map to me, and accord to it, our MAS units would be here soon, so I wanted to go meet them and jump into Diamond Edge. I was missing the speed and mobility of the suit, and I was ready to start training with it.

  "What are we doing?"

  "Suits are coming down, so I wanted tome and meet them, so I thought you might want to," but my words were cut off as she pulled my face down into her lips.

  I let her down, but she didn't let go, pulling her body into mine. She gripped my suit and pulled it open, pushing her tongue in my mouth, tangling with mine. We were at the mouth, and Tama pulled me out of the cave and around to a short rock.

  I pulled over her suit and slid it off her pale skin, exposing her small breasts and slit with a small patch of hair. The sun blazed down and made the red of her little nipples look like cherry's as I took one between my teeth, teasing it as I took off my suit. As I exposed my thick shaft, Tama reached down and took it in her hand.

  She guided me into her wet hole, rubbing the tip up and then lifting her legs up, putting her feet at my neck. I pushed into her, and I watched her eyes roll back as she let out a gasp of pleasure, and I started to move. Tama gripped my hips as I began to thrust harder and faster, and then her moans turned to a scream of pleasure, but I wasn't finished with her yet.

  I pulled out of her, and she shook as I did, but I pulled her to stand as she was panting and shaking, turning her around.

  "M-m-more? Aaahh!"

  I could hear the sounds of something coming from the air, so I picked up speed, making Tama cry out in ecstasy as I took her from behind with my hand squeezing her throat. When I came, I could feel her entire body shake in my arms and around my gushing shaft.

  Tama shook more as I pulled out but turned to me with a hot looking face and panting. She wiped the drool from her mouth caused by the final orgasm that I could see still pulsing her body. I moved forward and kissed her, then grabbing both our suits because I could see our six MAS units flying down to meet us.

  After both of us dressed, Tama and I kissed until the MAS reached us. Only then did she pull away and run to Energy Lich, putting her hand to its faceplate to open her suit. I walked to Diamond Edge as Tama turned and backed into her suit, the plates and the glass closing over her face.

  I raised my hand to the faceplate and watched as the glass slid up and the suit opened. The other MAS units landed and walked into the cave. I turned and backed into a feeling I didn't know I missed as much as I did until my back pressed inside and the plates slid closed across my chest. Suddenly, I was astonished by multiple messages flashing across my HUD.

  //Are you ok?

  Your estranged wife has duped//us, and your new wife's mysterious brother is screwing the estranged wife, and now they are both gone! They took the mechs to so we have to keep our eyes peeled for those things; what a mess!

Alta, I'm ok. And I know about all of that, but it's worse than that! They are working with Wrexillia; you have to warn Jill!"

  //Done! But you know they took the crystals, right?! You guys can't handle them like this and do the race!

  "I know, I'm trying to figure that out right now, but I think that you can help with that. Where can I find those crystals on this planet?

  //Pure Dynam? Let me take a... Yeah, no

  "What do you mean, no?"

  //No, I am programmed so as not to send operatives into places that have less than a twenty-five percent chance of success. I can't send you to this place

  "Alta, this is for the protection of us all. If we don't try, we will just be killed in the race. Think about it, if we succeed, what kind of increase to the percent of us winning the race will it create?"

  //This is an extreme risk; I am not authorized to make this choice; I must speak to Jill... Confirmed... I shall comply with your request. The place is called The Glass Forge, a crack in the planet the melts the falling sand into glass and has some fearsome creatures.

  "So, The Glass Forge's monsters will give us pure Dynam? That doesn't sound that bad; what is our success percent if it is below twenty-five?"


  Chapter 101: Worries For The Future

  So our chance was great, but it wasn't like we had much choice. Irellia and Kyrin, plus all the others, would make it impossible to win the race, and we wouldn't make it back. I took Tama's suited hand, and we walked back inside.

  When we got there, the other girls had already suited up, and Kyrina was shifted into her tiger form. Dresnal was wrapped up in his rags and waited for me. I walked up to him in my suit, and we were almost the same size now, but he had a much broader chest.

  "So, The Glass Forge? Well, good luck, no way I'm going down there, and I worried about you taking my daughter there with you."

  "Sasha won't be coming with us, and neither will you, Kyrina or Maxine. Just the five of us will be going on this trip. You need to find a way into the city and learn anything about the racers that you can. Any information you gain is the difference between life and death, but you need to be careful. Your lives come before everything, understand?"

  I got nods from them, and I turned back to Dresnal, but he already had a hand up, waving it in my face.

  "Yeah, of course, I'm going to go watch and help them, don't worry," Dresnal said as he walked up to me; and I knew what was coming, and it didn't look like he would hold back this time.



  Both messages flashed across my HUD as the hand connected with the shiny plating rose to fill the hexagonal patterns across my MAS. I stood, but even as I felt the force spread out, the initial contact had still hurt. I focused and then turned to Dresnal so he could see my glare through the glass, but he was already laughing heartily.

  I just shook my head and stretched my shoulders. This guy, when I got back, I would give him a pat on the back! I turned with a hand on my suited neck and looked at the girls coming with me, we would have to take two buggies, and even then, it would be a full day ride, so we had to hurry. Time was getting to be a crunch right now; that's to the betrayal.

  "Is everyone ready to go? Got lots of skewers?"

  The girls cheered, and Mikota held up a large bag, pulled a Catsect kebab out and tossed it to me. I caught it, and we all head the two sand carts brought out for us to use. Mikota and Tama hoped in one, and I was about to drive, but Iona kicked me out, so Tilly sat I my lap, and both of us activated our stabilizers to help us keep in our seats.

  /Let's go!

  I call it into the microphone in my helmet, and the girls cheer back and instantly regretted, not driving. The two girls raced out of the cave and out into a storm that had started. Mikota flew through the air with Tama holding on for her life, and Iona was close behind.

  I had one arm holding Tilly and the other grabbing the bar as we launched into the air after them. After about twenty more minutes and then Tilly finally screaming into the mic, the other two started to drive better. The storm was raging around us now, and it was hard to see, but we had tracker maps in our HUD to help us track the route, and the monsters left us alone.

  About midday, we stop at a cave to eat, trying to do it while driving in the storm, asked for a mouth full of sand. We pulled into the cave and got out of our suits to eat. We all just sat in the sand and talked about what we were going to find in the forge.

  "From the look of it on the map, it is a huge canyon with free moving lava at the bottom. Do you guys know anything more about it?"

  "Mostly that we shouldn't be going there. The place is supposed to hold creatures that don't even show up during the race. They are glass and crystal infused monsters that are deadly!" Mikota explained with some theatrics.

  Well, that was a simple enough explanation, and It was already what I figured. I took a bunch of skewers from the bag and left the three girls talking together. I had noticed Tilly was standing near the mouth of the cave, so I decided to bring her food.

  I moved up behind Tilly and wrapped my arms around her, and kissed her neck. Tilly gave a small jump, but I could feel her smile when I pressed my cheek into hers. I handed her the kebabs from my one hand and then transferred the rest between my hands so I could eat while holding her close to me.

  "Do you think we will make it to Xeno?"

  "Yeah, without a doubt."

  "What makes you so sure and confident?"

  "I know we will all try our best, and if we do, we do, but if we don't, well, we try again. Though I don't plan on doing anything that will risk us losing, so I believe we will win until we won't."

  "I guess that is a good way to look at it; I'm just worried Davey, I still find it hard to believe people we trusted betrayed us. My biggest concern right now what we are going to do about Iona? Now that we know Irellia is bad, Iona can't stay her Vassal."

  "I don't know how we are going to fix that right now, but we will figure it out, and I will keep you all safe. We have more than enough to worry about with The Glass Forge coming up, Tilly. So let's take it one step at a time, my Darling."

  Tilly turned in my arms with a bright smile at the mention of her pet name for me. We kissed and then turned back to look out at the storm as we finished eating.

  Chapter 102: Iona Want You To Be Happy

  I walked back with Tilly toward Mikota and Tama, who were finishing their food, while Iona had a far off look. I kissed Tilly on the light blue skin of her cheek and then squeezed her hand before breaking away to see Iona.

  Lost in thought, Iona didn't see me coming until I was right in front of her. When she did, a scowl crossed her blank face, and I received a harsh glare. Jeez! Kyrina was right, I needed to fix these things now, or I would end up with another Irellia on my hands in the future.

  "What do you want?"

  Her tone was harsh, but she was right to feel this way. She was probably thinking about why Irellia left me and what was keeping her from leaving me as well. I had to fix this now because there was no way I could fight against her, and that's what it would be if she joined the other side.

  "I wanted to see how you are doing. I know you must be going through a lot of different feelings right now, and I know I should have come to you first, but I needed to find out how you felt before I barged in and put my foot in my mouth like I always do."

  I sat down beside Iona and put my arm around her. I expected resistance, but there was none. Instead, she turned into me and laid her head on my shoulder. I brushed away the hair on her face and stroked her cheek.

  "I don't understand why she did that? What does she think she will get from doing this? She is already a god!"

  "Revenge for getting Fate locked up. They worked together for longer than I know, so this has to be because of Tyron getting frozen for cheating. If Irellia keeps this up, she will end up in the same place!"

>   Iona believed my words, but I held them at arm's length and took them for what they were, lies. They wouldn't get punished. Hell, this was probably scripted in. They needed a lousy person to push the story. I had to lie to these girls about the real purpose of Reborn and what was going on in the outside world.

  What would happen if the outside world failed? What if Reborn was destroyed from the outside? Simon said no one could hack in, but he had made a back door for himself that he said no one knew about. But what if that wasn't the case?

  What if they only let Simon believe he was the only one that knew? What if that were tracking all his movements inside the game, even during the freezes? If that was the case, then why were they letting him do it?

  There were way too many variables that couldn't be talked about or discussed. I needed to get to the bottom of this, but I also had Irellia, my girls, and now The Glass Forge. And that was just the proverbial tip of the iceberg, so to speak.


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