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Harem Reborn c1-297

Page 70

by Author:Magic_

  //Special New Harem Member Mission: Make [Fiori] Fall in love with you within 72 hours to acquire 1 HMSP and 1 SP

  Bang, Bang, uh oh double mission! Well, maybe this would work out in my favor, I could do a little looking around wherever I was sent. I waited for her to speak, but she was silent for a moment, as if in thought.

  Suddenly, throwing her hands in the air, Fiori yelled out my mission. Her high-pitched voice was cute but by the end of the speech, I was ready to tear my ears off. Basically, she wanted me to travel halfway across the world and back in two days to find a special type of coral that only grew in a specific spot, on the other side of the world.

  I made an indigent face to the proposal, trying to make it seem like a hard task, but really I would be left with a ton of free time to go see the girls and explore before I got back, hehe. Still, I had to play this off as worried and unsure to let her feel supreme over me. I would let it slide for now, but in three days, I would be the one doing the sliding in her! Bad joke, but I wasn't kidding, I was gonna pound the shit out of this angry little sexy fish woman when I got back!

  "Fine, but I have no idea what the stuff looks like so I want to take one of your guards with me, the same one that brought me up to see you at the door there will do because I am just some lowly commoner with no knowledge of your fine and humble world! Please, see it within your power to grant me this one request!"

  Honestly, I just wanted to take Tanaak with me so I could drill him about Fiori and the other things going on. Like the attacks on the Xenophin Hyrdoglobe cities and what the Unlife were doing. I wasn't sure what she was going to say, but she took her sweet time saying it; I think Fiori had a flair for being dramatic whenever possible.

  While I waited, I was pondering another thing; the council members had been very quiet this entire time, not saying one word. It was kind of weird and it was making me think of a bunch more questions I needed to ask. Maybe it was because they underestimated me like Fiori did? Who knows, and it wasn't a problem to waste brainpower on right now, and then suddenly, like she was on cue and waited for the moment in my thoughts somehow to startle the shit out of me, making me jump in surprise.


  Then she hopped off her throne and bent her knee, then releasing like a coiled spring up and into a large hole in the roof of the room. Part of me wants to follow her and go paddle her ass for startling me, but I settled with getting back into Diamond and headed out of the room with Tanaak in behind me. Luckily he was a lot nicer than his little witch of a queen, and we left the room and started down the hallway.

  Once we dropped a level, I stopped and turned on Tanaak who was the one following me this time.

  "So, once we are outside I want you to tell me about some things, but for now, what's up with the council members? Should that have been trying to insult me and make me look bad in front of Fiori?"

  "No, they have learned her temper and know when and when not to push. To them, you are just as Fiori says, a commoner, no one because they are blind and can not see you are greater than them all. They think this task is an impossible one, and they are not wrong. There is no way we can make it to the spot in time and back!"

  "Haha, don't worry about that, if that's the reason those idiots were being quiet, then I was right, and this will make it all a lot easier!"

  "Are you not listening to me? It will take four days for us to reach there!"

  "Listen, Tanaak, I'm not normal, at all, not even a little bit. So, just trust me, plus we have to go visit some people after and we are all going to have a nice long talk."

  Tanaak looked like he wanted to say something, but I put up my hand and gestured for the door. He took the hint and let out a big bubbly sign, turning to lead the way. See, this was better, I lied to him to calm him down, and now we would make it out of the city away before I told Tanaak what my plan was. I was actually excited to see if a shark man could have a kitten, but even if she couldn't, he would soon, hehe!

  When we finally got outside, there was no sign of the bodies I had killed, and no part of me wanted to know where those went. Did they eat their own kind? Who would you ask? I thought of other stupid ideas on what could have happened to them, and soon we were far enough that you could barely see all the purple lights, so I stopped Tanaak, and got him to turn around and face me.

  "Hey, so, about those questions I wanted to ask, first off what's up with the Xenophin attacks?"

  "That is just the king's jealous legacy being carried on by the council."

  "So Fiori has nothing to do with it?"

  "She doesn't know; the council keeps her trapped up there like a caged animal, but hey answer her every wish and play her games to keep her entertained and blind."

  "Then how do you feel about them, the Xenophin, I mean?"

  "I have no problem with them, and most of the people feel the same way, but the king before was a jealous man, and now the council has taken his approach as well. You will need to convince the princess of what is going on because that is when the council will start to argue with you, and you will have to win to impress her."

  Win hey? I could do that. In fact, I was pretty good at it!

  "Don't sweat it, we have to make a quick pit stop to go see my ladies, so I am going to get bigger, and then you are going to hold on to something on my back. Make sure you use all four legs and hold on as tight as you can and stay as tight to my back as we travel."

  Diamond started to change into his larger form, and Tanaak hopped onto my back after I finished changing into the two-story version of Diamonds. Okay time to go, I checked on my time, and we had lots of time, so I asked Alta to set a course and set it on me to autopilot the Hydroglobe that the girls were landing at. I turned my speaker up and asked about the unlife.

  According to him, they were building something strange, and he didn't know how to put the things into words, other than giant massive beads on a net. The whole thing sounded like trouble, and I would have to deal with that as well. Maybe I wouldn't have to do everything on my list. If I can convince Fiori to stop the fight, then I could easily deal

  with the Unlife.

  "You think you can just deal with them?! These are unliving monsters seeking to destroy our planet, and you're just going to DEAL WITH THEM!?"

  I could hear his frustration through his words, and I just chuckled to myself; everyone called me stupid, but here go more people trying to set the bar a little higher, hehe!

  Chapter 163: Favorite student?

  "Alright, so, we are almost to the Hydroglobe city, Tearica. What caused your people to attack these cities and not give me crap about the old King. I get it, he was a bit of a stinker, but the attacks are still happening; why?"

  "The council, they are the ones that are controlling the armies."

  "And everyone else is okay with this? Sounds like your people don't have a lot of free will."

  "The old King was the ruler of our people for over three-hundred and fifty years, and he learned his hate of the mouth breathers from his father who ruled for three hundred years before that."

  "So, then this is the real question I want to know, how do you feel about Xenophins?"

  There was a short pause before I heard him speak.

  "I never understood why they attacked the colonies, none of it ever made any sense to me, but I never was forced to attack the settlements. I have been one of Fiori's royal guards since she was born, myself and her sister watch over her."

  "Woah, what are you doing here with me then?! Are you not worried about her? The way you have described the council, they all sound like they bloodthirsty...nevermind. And her sister is her guard? Did they not have enough people to pick from when Fiori was born, and if it was her sister, why the hell isn't she the Queen? She sounds like the proper choice for the job, no offense to your Queen."

  "Haha, well, I am sure you have noticed how different Fiori is from the rest of us. Before she was born, Mejia was slated to be the next ruler after the
King, but with the mysterious birth of a mouth breather child, he decided that the next Queen would be Fiori the day she was born. Mejia was asked to be her protector, and she accepted with excitement; I still remember the day fondly. Mejia never wanted to be Queen; she is a fighter and a damn good one at that!"

  "So then this Mejia is watching and protecting Fiori?"

  "Yes, always."

  "So where was she today?"

  "In the room above, Fiori and her sister share the Royal Empress Dome, so she is always guarded."

  "Wow, that's some true dedication! I couldn't imagine spending that much time with one person if I wasn't...involved in extracurricular activities. Okay, so I am sure you have figured out where I am going, are you going to be okay to come with me?"

  "The Xenophin might not like seeing someone like me, plus I can't breathe air like you."

  The air thing would be a problem, but I know Sasha might have a solution for this.

  "Okay, the air thing I think I can deal with, but you will have to wait while I go talk to my girls. As for the Xenophin, I happened to be very close to one, and I am the commander of Universal Watch! That has to count for something, plus I have this thing with people telling me no."

  "I don't know if it will be that easy, Star Strider, my people have…"

  "...Been forced to commit crimes against people that didn't deserve it! I know, they know, and you know that your people have done wrong, but what do you do when something goes wrong that you have no control over? You get control, and then you work to make it better with what you have, and what you have now is just yourself. A Wraith that has never taken part in any of the attacks and wants to work towards a better and peaceful future between your people, right?"

  "So, you think a simple apology will be enough?"

  "Pft, don't be stupid. Of course, that won't be enough! But it will be a start; have any of your people ever tried to do this before?"

  "Hehe, no, never."

  I could see a massive spherical structure floating in the distance, shining like a beacon in the dark water. At this depth, there was a little light that reached down, so the city was a torch in the dim light. Maybe, if they had found a way to mask the light they might not attract so much hate from the naturally nocturnal Wraiths.

  "So, okay then, we will start with this and work from here, or I will be doing more house cleaning than I had planned in your community. These constant pointless attacks on the Xenophins aren't my job to fix, but I love a certain Xenophin, so sue me if I decide to lay a hammer down on your people with a vengeance if they hurt any families family. So, do you know what that means Shark-man?"

  "That I need to try my best to fix this? But, I am only one, 'Shark-man' as you say, they won't listen to me!"

  "That's because you're not listening to me! Goddammit, stop worrying about it not working. These people will be angry at first, but I will placate them and make them see reason if they try to resist. So, are you going to try, or are we just going to head straight back, and I'll start thinning the herd. Because I am here to deal with your people about assisting a known enemy of Universal Watch; on top of that, you are working with them to destroy one of my favorite students, Xeno-Tsunami."

  Woah! Tsunami was my favorite student? This was starting to get annoying; ANYTHING ELSE I DON'T KNOW ABOUT MYSELF?!!?!

  Ugh, Instantly, I knew way more than I bargained for, I deserved that. The information in my skull told me that Tsunami and I were a lot closer than just student and teacher. I could now remember...was that the right word? I never experienced any of these things, so maybe it would be better to think of them as knowing. Now I know that Tsunami and I were extremely close before…

  Suddenly, I was filled with the emotion of the memory of saying goodbye to a loved one; yup these were just as good as my own memories. I shook my head in my suit to clear away the heavy feelings accompanied by those memories. Star Strider had loved her, but they both knew that this time would come and tried to prepare, but now one can truly prepare for something like losing the person you love.

  Chapter 164: WAIFU









  Wow, what the hell? Was the Harem System going to break MainFrame? I wasn't sure if that was a good thing, yet; considering I had no idea if MainFrame kept the game going or not yet, so...please don't break! What if Main frame broke the Harem System?

  //MainFrame does run everything, but there is no way something like this could break MainFrame. It is just taking longer now because it has to figure out how to handle you and your other Harem Members since you and all current HM can not be frozen. Also the Harem System can not be touch by MainFrame or the Founders , now that it is coded into your spark. That was the only why Simon could keep it safe -Tequila.

  /You know, for someone that can't be frozen, I seem to be having some issues

  //You are not frozen, but your MAS unit is -Tequila.

  Well, that did make sense, but I would have a lot of explaining to do when I saw Aquina. I was sure that Kyrina would give her the basics, but it would be up to me to explain the finer details. Ugh, I dreaded talking to her about the mission, because that will bring up if I have done any yet, and then we will have to talk about the first mission and I will get yelled at. Joy.


  Then I a ship, like the Galantia, but not. I was standing in a corridor identical to Jill's ship, but I knew it wasn't. This corridor was my ship, the Star Splitter.

  I looked around, but suddenly I knew I was supposed to be going to meet the team in the simulation room for today's train, just like we did every day. I let my body autopilot and I turned to walk down the hall. I walked for about five mins in a straight line until suddenly I stopped at a door and turned to it as it slid open.

  Inside I was surprised to find a massive empty room, save for five people standing in the center of the gigantic area. As I walked in, my memories stirred as I looked over each person. The first I knew, it was hard to forget a Watabian like Alex, but the rest I only had names for and brief exchanges, and according to my brain, this was our first training session together.

  I received a small and fast download, telling me that my last group of primes had just been sent to the Kilatan six and this was my new batch, but I had met them before when I recruited them. Alex was a normal Watabian from Prime in the Karkos three that I had tracked down quite easily. He was also more than willing to get away from working as his father's trinket vendor, selling the things his father made. Honestly, it was really hard to believe someone so happy-go-lucky like him gained such a militaristic outlook.

  I tried to press my mind for more info, but nothing was coming up.

  //You can not search for things that have not happened yet -Tequila.

  /What do you mean? This is in the past, right? So, then how would it be considered for me to be looking into the future?

  //It is in the past right now, but for you, it is present, and how this plays out will affect the main game you are playing right now -Tequila.

  Hmm, Mom made sense; I would just have to wait and live the memory for myself. This memory, or whatever it was, really didn't seem a lot different than the mini-games, so I would just have to treat this as another game. I looked back at the group, and the next in line was a massive seven-foot-tall red-headed android, and wow, this really was a soulless bastard, all the puns and inuendos intended.

  Milo was from Gargantua, a super earth-class planet with 4.5Gs of gravitational pressure, and we designed Special AI units that had multiple designations on the planet. Milo was a
n AIFU, Artificially Intelligent Framing Unit. Not really that impressive, but the orange curly hair was a nice touch on the monster of a metal man. Now the next one was a different story, hoowee, she was a smoke show!

  Kadita was also from Gargantua, but unlike Milo, she was a WAIFU, Weaponized Artificially Intelligent Fighting Unit, and a far better choice as Gargantua's Prime, but she was slated to the Dyson Sphere in Dealtron five, one of the innermost galaxies in this system. Kadita was A LOT different than Milo, for one thing, she had skin, even though it was synthetic, I could remember feeling it, and...oh shit, you fox Star Strider, here I was thinking that I was the only one that bed hopped with gusto!

  My WAIFU, I mean Kadita, was short and a grease monkey at heart; always trying to upgrade herself. She had long brown hair and could change her body similar to a Kyrina, but I knew the similarities ended there. WAIFU and AIFU were able to change any part of their body being able to serve multiple functions; I was just that all of Kadita's upgrades put her leaps and bounds ahead of standard WAIFU, and WAIFU were not standard in any way shape, or form, to begin with.


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