Harem Reborn c1-297

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Harem Reborn c1-297 Page 71

by Author:Magic_

  I turned to the next one in line, and my breath caught in my throat; for some reason, I had no memory of what she looked like, just the feeling that we had a deep connection. It was also hard for us to part, and now I knew why as I looked into the sparkling blue eyes of Tsu.

  Chapter 165: Carly and Tsu

  I, myself had never seen her before but my memories were added too so I could remember the magical night that I met her. I had fallen to the planet and dropped into the Xeno's ocean, plunging towards my target. I had a lock on her location, but when I had arrived the Hydroglobe was under attack.

  I killed the attackers to a man; I could feel the emotions that Star Strider had felt. Anger. These Wraiths were trying to put one of his future students at risk? That thought had fueled him as he tore the Wraiths apart. Afterward, I was allowed inside with cheers and loud shouts of joy; the Xenophin were not violent people and the Wraiths' jealousy was troublesome, but I wasn't able to interfere due to UW regulations on planetary struggles.

  Once inside I dropped down from Grath, my basic Large class MAS; I instructed him to keep watch and to intercede if the Wraiths try anything. I got a nod from him and I walked into the glowing dome heading straight to the building target that was targeted in the HUD before I got out. The people spread for me, I was wearing a special black UW skinsuit that could handle my discharges from my Core Lines, the green lines could help me connect to any MAS unit as a Meteorian.

  All the buildings were white-walled with a pearlescent shine and the building I was approaching was not a tall structure compared to the rest. You might even say that it was one of the smallest houses in the dome, but that just meant that there was just a single occupant. That would be good for me.

  When I got to the building, I placed my hand on the door and I felt warmth pass over my hand as a scan to a print and DNA test quick and then slid open. All doors opened for me because I designed and helped implement the first fifty cities as protection to offer the Xenophin something without causing an all-out war. Once inside the door closed again; nothing the Wraiths had could damage the structure, but they could get inside to the dome so if someone can't get to shelter then…

  "Who are you?"

  The voice belonged to a beautiful woman, Tsu, but that had been the first time I had met her.

  "I am Commander Star Strider of the Universal Watch. I am also in charge of a certain project that I want to offer you a place in."

  Tsu was sitting at a white table made out of the same material, all of these things had been made using special tower printers that used white clay and a special large clam that the Xenophin bred indoors. The mucus they produce mixed with the white mud made towers with my giant printer. This was the real defense and the Wraith could only hold their breath for so long inside the air-filled domes.

  I joined her and waited as she poured me an Earl grey type milk tea and wasn't horrible, but I preferred my own specially modified energy drinks. Wow! I guess that if a normal human were to try and drink one that it would be the same as them drinking battery acid! Gonna have to get that recipe, I wonder if Jill would ship me some down?

  "So, what kind of project do you have in mind, Mr. Star."

  The way she said my name, the slight body movements, the hungry look in her eyes, fuck I couldn't concentrate on what I wanted to be distracted by, and then my eye dropped and almost fell onto her miraculous cleavage. I sucked my eyes back into my head and gave a hard sniff and throat clear that made Tsu laugh, and I couldn't help thinking of how she even had a beautiful laugh.

  "Okay, so here is the deal, we have found two dead planets in the last five years, but they have had...something on them. They are calling themselves The Wrexallian's, but I just call them Unlife. No biological signatures and no sign of life, except the glowing yellow-green exposed sacks, seemed to move using only Negative Dynam. Somehow this energy is becoming sentient and it resurrects long-dead beasts that can travel planet side like ghosts with form."

  "And? What do you need me for?"

  "A Primal Planet Guard MAS, your job is to make sure that the Unlife don't even get to the core of the planet."

  "So, what makes you think I would do something like that? And what's the catch? You have been pretty vague."

  "Your life, and a life of servitude as the protector of your world."

  "Oh, you don't sugar coat things at all. Alright, what if I do say yes? What happens next? Do we rush off?"

  I could feel the suggestion in her tone as we both stood, and I took her into me...OWWWW!

  I was sent flying and crashed into the wall, getting knocked out of my memory right before the good part. I didn't even have to look to see how it was, there was only one more left, Carly, Human, and extremely violent if you slight here, but she was a violent tsundere, but she had a weird fixation with my feet, I hadn't got a chance to lay any pipe in this firecracker, and now I would make sure I put it on the todo list.

  "How long are you just going to stand there and stare at Tsu?! I am here to you dope!"

  "Must you always resort to violence? I was having a great vision and you interrupted it!"

  "Go be a pervert on your own time, I could see the...very large bulge push...ing against your suit…"

  Oh, well this is cute, great way to start off the first training session, but it didn't matter, no one was paying me to be good, this was my project to help with the problem.

  Chapter 166: Tarnsa and Liegera

  I ran them all through the VR stress and endurance tests with no problems, everyone was in good shape. That meant we could move onto the next part of the test, Core testing. We had to make sure that each person was compatible with the core. Even though the people are picked to match the Core, some people give up after the first try, because of the nature of the test, I would only do one at a time, alone.

  I sent the group to go rest, but I took Milo first, who I knew wanted this more than the others. I wanted to start off with the most likely to succeed like I always did; I knew I had most of the control right now in the memories, but I couldn't stray from the beaten path. The Systems must only allow for interaction among the others to let the person feel like they are in control, but it must be like a single corridor set as my path with details around.

  Milo and I headed to the Core room and I sat him down and started to hook him up with special Dynam lines while exchanging small talk.

  "Are you excited?"

  "I will be relieved to be able to finally have a form that can handle my planet's gravity. I have had to get constant repairs because of my height, so yes I am very excited!"

  "That's the spirit and what Tarnsa wants to hear your spirit, it is just as important and your DNA compatibility. This is a test, but you will still feel like normal in VR, but I will also crank the Gravity to double Gargantua's four-point five."

  "What?! Nine G's?"

  "You should really take that wig off, I didn't think you were gonna get that one, hehe!"

  "Shut it man whore!"

  "Ouch, ooo, the pain, let me go find one of the girls to make me feel better,


  "Get out of here, pervert! Go run the test!"

  I skipped out of the room, Milo was a good guy and he and Tarnsa would make a good pair. I left the room and walked into the control room and pressed some buttons automatically, causing the Dynam line to light upon Milo, but he gave no outward reaction; that was a good sign. I moved over to a handprint and pressed my hand to it and then I was inside the VR with Milo.

  "Hey!, how can you walk so easily?"

  "Game Master privileges, hehe! How is it going? Can you feel the pressure?"

  "A little, but it's a hard gauge, I can barely feel the gravity now so there is no way now…"

  "Tarnsa, bring gravity field to fifty percent."

  Before he could say anything, Milo was being pushed downward by what seemed to be an invisible force at first, but like Tarnsa was built to do, the Primal reacted by transforming. It was
always my favorite according to my memories and I could see why; at least fifteen meters tall and over thirty meters long. Tarnsa was built like a T-rex with long arms; red, green, and white cover the plates that were stretching impossibly to create a metallic skin.

  "Okay, Tarnsu, drop the gravity shield and let him feel the full nine G's...how does it feel?"

  "RWAHAHA! Amazing!"

  "Okay, 3, 2, 1…"

  And I was back, I could see Milo open his eyes at the same time as me with a face splitting smile that was so big I was worried he would lose the top part of his head. I headed out and met Milo coming out of the Core room with an excited smile like a boy with a new toy. I clapped him on the back with my own smile.

  "Great job Milo! The first success is always great for the rest of the group. Thank you for paving the way for the rest, with your encouragement we will get through all of them with one-hundred percent success!"

  "That was amazing, thank you for this chance!"

  "Send me the WAIFU!"

  "Ey Ey Cappin!"

  I watched the large metal ginger jog off to go get my next dance partner and I retreated back into the core room to change the Cores around. Kadita was the next one on the list, and her core was Liegera, the fire lion. I switched out Milo's circular Core for Kadita's white, red, and yellow. I then turned to the sound of footsteps coming running down the halfway and I got a big grin on my face from the memories of the personality that was running into the room.

  "You still have clothes on?"

  "It's really not fair, you don't even have to touch yours to take them off, plus," I tapped a button on my black suit and it fell from my body but I was...red?

  I guess red made sense, but it made me look evil too, but that did not stop her as she jumped into my arms and wrapped her arms around my neck. I grabbed her ass with one and lifted up using the other to guide myself into her dripping slit. I don't know what made her wet, but I didn't care as she slid down my shaft, and then with a gurggle of her throat her eyes rolled back into her head with her tongue out.

  I had no idea why she did it, but it was hot as fuck, and I fucked her on the side of the Core cradle. She didn't shake like a normal girl but I knew when she orgasmed because she made me cum and fill her insides instantly, but then she slid down off me. Kadita cleaned me off, and it sent shivers down my body. I stood her up and kissed her before guiding her to her chair.

  Wow, I could do that again! I thought as I strapped Kadita into the chair and hooked up the Dynam lines, before giving her another kiss and heading to the control room. I set her in the VR program in the Dyson Sphere and slapped my hand on the print after checking that she was stable.

  Chapter 167: Like I Care About Breaking The System To Make A Promise

  I opened my eyes to a world that took a minute for my brain to catch up with. It was like being in a world that had been turned inside out. The Dyson sphere was built around a star and the construction of this certain one had taken over three hundred years. Time was nothing to any of the Galactor, the three variants of us are the oldest known biological intelligent species in the universe.

  I turned to find Katita looking around and up the rising landscape; unlike a normal planet, we were walking on the inside, and instead of the horizon disappearing, it was more like the combo Halo rings in the last game I had played, EX-ODST or something like that, now that would be an interesting world to be dropped into. Maybe if the world was destroyed, copyrights on all the cool premade already thought up ideas would be void.

  As I watched Kadita finally notice me and run to me. Nah, these worlds were better anyways, the Forerunners were dicks and no one wants the Flood, eww. Kadita jumped into my arms and I kissed her while hugging her close; Halo didn't have WAIFU either, hehe!

  "Ready to start testing? Liegera and you are matching up well and your movements look good! Now, transform Liegera!"

  Kadita smiled and then planted her feet on my chest as she looked into my eyes with a brief smirk. As she pushed off and did a backflip, I was able to watch her body change impossible fast in the air. When Kadita had fallen to the ground, four metallic paws made contact.

  "Do I look sexy?"

  "If I was a giant metal tiger you would have already beaten me off you!"

  "Teehee, that's good! It's just…"

  "I know, but as much as it seems like forever, It's not, but you will no longer be the same as your friends and family. You will be the same as me, essentially immortal if someone doesn't kill you. This is a big step Kadita, but these worlds are our, The Galactor's creation. There are other places in the universe that have naturally evolved intelligence."

  "You're right, and you will visit me, right?"

  That last part hit me like a punch to the gut, and I had to hold myself with extreme focus.

  "I will try, you know what my job is, but I will try."

  That was a word for word recount of what Star Strider had said to her originally, but that was over seven hundred years ago. Damn! Why was this guy hooking up with these girls and abandoning them? Was this all just to get them to join?

  "No, I won't just try Kadita. I will come find you! Asdfaefwae…"

  /What the hell was that mom?

  Kadita was looking at me strangely as I tried to put my thoughts back together. I was like I just got my brain tossed into a paint shaker, my thoughts were jumbled, but fuck MainFrame, Stupid game designers never thought that these people would spend the next seven hundred years waiting for someone that might never come find them again.

  //MainFrame is trying to stop you from making promises -Tequila.

  Nope, fuck that bot.

  "I...pr...omise t-th...at I WILL COME BACK...FOR YOU!"

  I roared the words out and Kadita was startled, and I was left shaking. My brain was mush like a watermelon dropped from ten stories, just a mess. It didn't matter, I said it, and now things will have to flow differently I think.

  //Nothing big will change, but Star Strider will now visit Kadita multiple times over the years -Tequila.

  /That is a big change mom

  I dropped us out of the VR and met Kadita outside after she had unhooked. She was filled with a smile that filled more than her face; my words must have been the right thing to say because she latched onto my arm and pressed her lips into my shoulder before looking up at me.

  "Thank you, I really needed to hear that. I would have done it regardless, but knowing that you will come to visit me at some point helps out a lot. I know that the Dyson Sphere will have some intelligent life on it, but I'll never be able to share the connection that we have with anyone else."

  That was true and for the hundredth time, I wished I could make more of myself. Just split me up and pass me out, but that is what the founders planned on doing just in a far more invasive way than what I had just suggested. I am only one Dave, and I can only do what I can, but right now I can show this woman that she is worth more than just what the world values her at.

  I leaned down and kissed the top of her forehead and then started to walk down the hall. It was time to get something to eat now, and even though this was a memory, I still felt the same hunger pangs. It didn't take us long to get there, but when we got there we could hear the sounds of yelling coming through the closed mess hall door.

  "Uh-oh, That sounds like Alex and Carly! They are probably arguing about the color of the food again!"

  "Are you serious? Was this a problem on the trip over from headquarters?"

  "Problem? I guess if you call having to pry Carly's fingers from around Alex's throat, then yes, oh there were many problems!"

  "What about a reason, did she give one of those? I know Alex and I can see why she might act that way, but there has to be something else, right?"

  "Oh yeah! Bwahaha, Carly thinks Alex looks like her ex. So now she goes two hundred percent on him if he ever gives an opinion, and well…"

  "They fight all the time because Alex has a shoe stuck in his mouth permanently that he t
alks around, great."

  Chapter 168: Cracked My Knuckles And Stretched My Fingers

  I walked into the mess hall with Kadita on my arm, but she broke away before anyone noticed us. It wasn't needed, but I understood why. Regardless of that, my attention was turned to the situation in front of me.


  Carly froze mid-swing at Alexander, while Tsu sat quietly eating, but now smiling. I was momentarily distracted by Tsu's smile and just narrowly dodged the same tray that was aimed at Alex before my attention had slipped, god I was stupid.


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