Harem Reborn c1-297

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Harem Reborn c1-297 Page 72

by Author:Magic_

  "GRAH! AHHH, you men are all the same! Like a bunch of squirrels when there is more than one pretty smile to look at!"

  Carly was balling her fists and she started to stalk towards me. I had a moment when I really thought I was going to get one right in the kisser, but she grabbed my arm roughly and dragged me out the door. I could hear Mom laugh softly before I heard her speak.

  'You are improving, Dave! This time you don't have to chase her and she isn't crying! If she wasn't so mad, I would almost call it a win, hehe!' -Tequila.

  Oh, you're right full of the jokes, aren't you Mom?

  Carly was dragging me behind her, but I think I have had enough of this little tart's attitude. I was pretty sure Star Strider had felt the same because nothing tried to stop me from scooping Carly off her feet. I stopped and waited for her to stop hitting me, and squirming, but I was surprised to find that once the struggling had stopped, she was asleep.

  Silly girl was exhausted, and not a sparkling personality, to begin with, was a bad combo. I guess I was overreacting because I was about to put her over my knee and I had a sudden memory of Iona with Miss Grace over her knee and smiled. Well, I would just take this one to her room and test her later when she has had some rest. Space life was hard to get used to where there was no day or night.

  After laying Carly down, and putting a thin blanket over her, I headed back to the mess hall to grab Alex, then I would take Tsu.

  When I got back to the mess hall Alex was there alone, and he looked at me with surprise.

  "Back so soon?"


  "Ah, that's why she has been on edge, well sorry, I instigated that."

  "Try to not pester her, she is a good person, and prime, like all of you. We are all rough around the edge, and this isn't going to be easy for some. This mission does not have an exact end date; stepping from the realm of the immortals is catching at first, but you will be custodians."

  "We all know that and we agreed, but I do see what you mean, I am just more like Milo I guess, you know."

  "Let's go, I get it."

  Soon I was once again standing in the control room watching the monitor, watching Alex's reading, and making sure Cittidal synced properly. The readings all hit stable, so I placed my hand on the receiver and then I was inside the VR.

  Alexander stood in front of me with a spinning disc on his back of a platinum color, but flat, with no shine. We were on the sand of Prime, and Alex grinned at me.

  "Wanna Fight?"

  "I was waiting for you to get your panties on straight first!"

  I jump back a spear slammed into the sand where I stood before, so I materialize a long staff. I was barely in time to start spinning the long staff around me in a hurricane of speed, this Star Strider was good! I let the body do the work and let my body feel the motions, hoping it might help at another time.

  The spears soon stopped and Alex rushed me, but I had already materialized a great sword. I threw the staff at him, catching Alex off guard, and connected with his side with the flat side of the massive great sword, sending him flying. I watched Alex tumble across the sand and chuckled to myself about having to run him through some drills tomorrow.

  I dropped us out of VR and I walked out and waited for Alex to get out. He came out with a big smile and clapped my shoulder.

  "I was close!"

  "Mmm, no."


  "I didn't move once, but you still rushed me when I was using no ranged attacks."

  "What was I supposed to do? You were doing that hurricane defense thing with the staff!"

  "You underestimate Cittidal's power, make bigger spears, make me move so you can catch me off guard. We will work on more tactics in the next month. Let's head back, I have one more test today."

  "Yeah, you do!"

  "Don't be a child."

  "Oh, cause the great Star Strider is so mature, haha!"

  "Go get some sleep, Prime."

  "Hehe, sure thing, Boss!"

  I watched Alex jog down the hall and I smiled, okay he wasn't wrong I was excited about this meeting, but I had to act like I was a trainer and not some sex deviant, but Tsu was hot enough to boil water. I started to walk to her room when I saw a message come up. Ay Caramba!

  //Special New Harem Member Mission: Resist sexual intercourse with [Tsu] for 5 minutes without making her stop trying to advance on you for the duration to add [Tsu] as a HM and gain 1 HMSP and 1 SP

  Son of a bean basket blower! What was this nonsense! Mom! What the hell does this mean?

  'You can not enter her with your penis for five minutes, but she has to still want to have sexual intercourse after the timer is up.' -Tequila.

  'That's all?'

  'Yes?' -Tequila.

  Alright, crisis averted, this was more then fine; I cracked my knuckles and stretched my fingers out and got them loosened up. So, no Snu Snu for five minutes, but I had to keep her wanting more for five minutes? What if I went past the timer, would I get a bonus?

  Chapter 169: I...Want More After...Okay?

  I pondered as I walked to Tsu's room, was I supposed to test her before or after? That was the question, but I wasn't as soon as I opened the door to Tsu's room.

  Inside it wasn't different than my room on Galantia; the bed might have been a bit bigger, but that wasn't important. No, the important thing was the naked Xenophin lying in her bed, waiting for me. No training yet, that would be later, or tomorrow, maybe even next week, fuck she was hot enough to melt the ice off a frozen planet and the aching shaft in my suit begged for me to tear this black body condom off myself.


  Five-minute strip tease? Just kidding, I was going to maybe my fish girl squirt like a freshwater stream! I smiled and crawled over the top of Tsu, kissing her soft blue lip. I could feel her hands grab for me, trying to get my suit open; calm down women! I pushed her hands away and slowly kissed from her neck and down to her breasts, letting her nipple slide between my teeth.


  I let my hand slide down Tsu's stomach and I slipped over her hairless crotch and I plunged my fingers into her wet slit. At the same time I bit down on her nipple and Tsu let out a breathy moan that didn't stop, as I moved my fingers down and slid inside her. When she gasped, I moved face down and started to lick her now soaking wet pussy as my fingers moved inside of her.


  Tsu's breaths were becoming quicker now and she was trying to crawl back from my mouth and I made her body shake, but I reached up and under her leg and grabbed her breasts after taking my fingers out of her. I buried my tongue deep inside of her as the juices started to run down my face. Tsu's moan was getting louder and the erotic sounds she made were almost enough to make me blow my load without taking my pants off.


  I moved my tongue faster and pressed down on Tsu's nipples making her pant open-mouthed. Her blue skin was covered in sweat and she rubbed wet hair out of her face, but then she suddenly grabbed my arm.


  Tsu's eyes went huge and I could taste her sweet juices as I felt her body shake against my mouth. Her eyes rolled back into her head and I could feel the juices come rushing into my mouth and down my mouth. I pulled back and then started to take my suit off, Tsu's looked up at me with a pink blush on her cheek; they looked hungry and I was ready to satisfy that need.


  I ignored the rest of the message, I got points, but this was way more important right now!

  After my suit was off I filled Tsu over and she was more than willing to put her ass in the air for me as I moved behind her on the cot. I pushed her head down as I entered her and felt her hot wet slit swallow my throbbing shaft. I took both her wrist in my one hand and pulled her into me, making her cry out in pleasure each deep thrust.

  Tsu started to get louder and she turned her head back as she started to gush around my dick as I pushed myself deep inside her shaking body.

nbsp; "Can…you fuck my ass, please?"

  I smiled down at her panting blue and pink face and pulled myself out of her soaking pussy, and let go of her wrist. She gasped, and I took her cheeks in my hands and spit into her ass, then on one of my hands. I lubed myself up and then pushed my tip slowly into her very tight asshole, making Tsu make a gurgling noise as she squeezed and bit into the pillow.

  I pulled Tsu up and took her throat in my hand as I sat back on my knees, letting her sit on my cock. I didn't squeeze hard, but I used my free hand to finger her dripping pussy as I fucked her ass. She started to move faster and I started to squeeze harder on her neck and Tsu's breathing became labored, but I could feel her starting to gush.

  I was almost done, but I pulled out and Tsu, turned around hungry, and sucked me with such force my knees almost buckled, but I pushed her back on her back and crawled on top of her, entering her and fuckering her until I could feel myself explode inside of her, making she scream out and arch her back. It was a perfect finish, Tsu was left dripping sweat and my fluid from her pulsing slit.

  I stood up and offered my hand to get up, but I was pulled back down to the bed. I relented and took Tsu in my arms. That was some great sex, and that line, god, too good. I could have laid with Tsu there for the rest of the night, but we had a test to do and regardless if either of us wanted to do it that wasn't the point. We could always come back after for some more fun.

  "Ready to go meet your partner, Oallicia?"

  "Yes, but we aren't finished here yet, I...want more after...okay?"

  "How could I ever say no to you Tsu? You are a Goddess incarnate, and I will do my best to serve your every need. After we finish this test, haha!"

  "Mmm, I guess I'll let you have an hour to recharge, but let's get it done fast!"

  "Yes, Beautiful!"

  The two of us made our way down to the core room and I got Tsu strapped in, and I kissed her passionately before heading into the control room. I watched the gauge and waited for everything to move into the acceptable range. When it finally did, I pushed my hand down on the hand plate, but I wasn't in the VR.

  I was back inside of Diamond.

  Chapter 170: Done Giving Me Attitude?



  Time started to move again and I could move Diamond again. I was back outside of the Hydroglobe again, what the hell? I was just about to go into VR with Tsu!

  That thought was interrupted by Aquina's voice screaming over the speakers.

  'Dave answer me!' -Aquina.

  'Hey, I was in a flashback sorry! Are you guys okay?'

  'We are fine, but everyone was frozen around us until just now. Do you know why that was?' -Kyrina.

  'I will explain inside, but I have a guest with me and I need a breathing suit for him. Sasha and Tilly, can you two hear me?'

  'Yes.' -Sasha, Tilly.

  'Okay, I have Royal Guard Tanaak with me and he is on the shark type Wraith, so a big suit.'

  'Do you think that is a good idea?' -Sasha.


  I wasn't going to say more than that, I was going to sort this little mess out. I might have to do some house cleaning, but if the rest of The Watch planned on sitting with its feet up then I would fix it myself. But if I went alone and didn't take my girls there would be hell to pay, so Tanaak had to come for a visit to make friends with the locals.

  Tilly swam us out a suit that looked very...saggy. Tanaak, for his part, made no complaint and slipped into the suit, understanding what this could mean for everyone. Soon, Tanaak looked like a misshapen beach ball, but when we got into the massive airlock and all the water drained out, Tanaak's suit stayed full of water.

  Diamond opened up and I hopped out, to Instantly have Tilly in my arms. I was naked as usual, but she didn't care, so I hugged her back. When she finally pulled back I kissed her and then turned, to see the rest of the women running into the massive airlock.

  Guess what angry faced blue hair Tsundere was in the lead? Aquina looked furious, and Tilly backed off giggling as my little squirt came stomping over and slammed her fist on my chest. Aquina looked up at me with a dark look on her face.

  "Why did you make me wait for so long?"

  "Don't be like that! You are too scary looking, I didn't do it on purpose, but it's not something to talk about around other people. I am sorry, later, when we are off this planet I will make it up to you, okay?"

  "You had better, Dave"

  Aquina walked away from me after giving me one last cold look. Man, this girl was going to get it, but that made me think of Carly. Why Did the game kick me out so fast? The rest of the girls came around, but we didn't really have a lot of time, so I cut to the chase right away.

  "Okay, listen up, First we need to go get some coral, but if we see any Unlife we will crush them on sight. Tanaak, give me the quadrants for the coral, and then you are going to stay here and start to work on relations for your people, alright?"

  "What about Fiori?"

  "Don't worry, that's why you have to stay, I am removing the council and all the Unlife infected Wraith soldiers. You know it has to happen and then I will be putting you and your girlfriend in charge."


  "Oh, don't play silly with me, I bet you fancy the Princess's sister! She sounds like the perfect girl for you!"

  "Maybe, but we have never really talked…"

  "Have you two trained together?"

  "Of course! We practice every day!"

  "Does that make her smile when you do?"


  "Don't stew on it, You need to work things out here, I will pave the rest of the path. I need to purge this planet of the unclean spawn and make sure Tsu is okay."

  "WHO IS TSU!?"

  Ugh, why must I always do this!

  "The newest harem member, woo, everyone cheer!...no ones cheering...IT'S NOT MY FAULT THERE IS A GODDAMN LIST! I am trying to pump you all through as fast as possible, there is a lot to talk about! But it is not the time to talk about it! Let's go! Suit up girls and Tanaak I trust you will do your part, right?"


  Tanaak ran off in his sloshing and puffy suit and I turned back to the girls, they were all looking at me with a smile, except Aquina. She still looked like she wanted to fight, but Tilly came over and whispered some advice that left me completely shocked. I wasn't against trying new things and this might fix this, maybe.

  At the same time, I received a new harem quest.

  //Special Harem Member Mission: Change Emotional status of [Aquina] 2 SP

  Really? Was pissing her off more an option?

  'No.' -Tequila.

  Fine, I walked over and grabbed her hand and looked around to make sure the other girls had gone to suit up and I took Aqiana over to one of Diamond's large feet and sat down.

  "What are you doing…"

  I pulled her down to lay across my knee but she didn't struggle at first because I think she was confused about what was about to happen, but it was high time this girl learned some respect. I lifted my hand and then roughly struck her cheek, leaving a red mark, and making her cry out.

  "No! Stop!"

  Struck Aquina ass again, but not as hard as the first time, making her moaned and cry.

  "Are you done giving me attitude? Or do you want more?"

  There was a pause and then I noticed something the same time she spoke.

  "I'll listen, but can you take my panties off and do it again...please…"

  I froze with my hand up in the air, oh? I lower my hand and then her panties, leaving her bare ass and dripping slit expose. I raised my hand and doped it on her bare ass and she squirted a bit and moaned.


  Chapter 171: Salburst

  After I couple of harder slaps and some harder squirting, and I pulled her panties up and made her stand, as much as I would like to bend her over right here, I could hear the girls coming back. Sud
den, Aquina latched on to my arm and then transformed, sticking to my leg in her pistol form.

  //MISSION COMPLETED: Total Points: 1 [HMSP: Tsu]/ 5 [SP]

  Well, It wasn't like Aquina had her own MAS unit, she was essentially from a different game and ran off a different System. Maybe I could integrate her into...wait, Salburst was here…


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