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Harem Reborn c1-297

Page 88

by Author:Magic_

  I looked up and the monster and it was ever so slowly moving its large eyes to look at me, but it was late. I jumped after activating System Override again, straight at the bastard's face, and sticking my weapon deep into its neck. Then I activated the Gravity again at maximum, but I did it the wrong way, making the sword weightless and the aliens head explode off its shoulders.

  That was gross, but effective, I thought as I rode the headless titan to the ground. Thank you, friend; I tried to express my thoughts to Diamond, and I could feel him smile, but then when we were on the ground I was ejected from the suit. My hexagon covered black MAS Unit launched into the air, the only sound it made was when it broke the sound barrier.


  Ha! Suck it Mainframe!

  "Dave!" Both girls called as they ran over to me.

  The shower of black particles was raining down around me as I took both girls into my arms. That was another close call, but we came out on top only thanks to Ivan. I buried my face into blue and white hair, kissing the tops of both girls' heads.

  "So it was Irellia who betrayed us all?" Latisha asked as we all pulled apart.

  "Yeah, but she is locked in another game that I was able to leave before finishing, but we will be going back there. There are things that need to get down before we go back. Fate, Tyson, is frozen and his father, Reginold, who was a Game Master, was somehow put in the MainFrame. I don't know how to explain MainFrame and how he is controlling, but a lot of things have been changing since you died."

  "Ooooh! You are going to have to fill me in on the gossip, Where is Serina, Chelesa, and Bianca?"

  The name hit me like a bag of hammers. Every girl was special, but I had found her on a slave planet only by chance near the end of the game. We had spent two years on the game, and Bianca had been an abused slave the entire time. I hadn't spent enough time with her because once the betrayal happened, everything happened at lightspeed.

  "Dave? Are you okay? Where are the girls, Dave?"

  Latisha looked concerned, and I sighed.

  "Serina, and Chelsea are in the Hall of Gods watching right now, but I haven't found Bianca yet. It's been for games since you died, and I also went through an entire lifetime with no knowledge, system, or memories. I don't know if there were more missed then, I remember meeting people, but it's hard to say if they were…"

  "Dave! Stop, it's okay, you can't save us all," Latisha tried to comfort me, but I wasn't having it.

  "That's my job, the only one I have, every life I live. I just wish I knew the purpose of all of this. Our story started off with lies, and I still can't get a straight answer out of anyone. What I am told, is slowly making less and less sense as I hear little slip ups, here and there"

  Neither of the girls said anything, but it wasn't like I expected them to start spitting out some unknown info that would make everything okay. That would be to fucking easy. I turned away from them, and walked away, but a Small wooden hut burst from the ground almost right in front of me.

  The thing damn near scared the shit out of me, but luckily it was an outhouse, but the sign on the door was weird. My melancholy was put on hold as I examined the sign. It was a white silhouette of a man using the toilet as usual, but there were clouds coming up from the toilet seat. My interest was fully piqued, and I reached forward, opening the door.

  "Hands kind of rocky? Reloading speed a little sloppy? Get the heat, and burnt cheeks with Tacos Infernos Machine!"

  The machine was glowing red and I watched the Tacos Infernos perk light up in my HUD on the left side. There were two slots left that were not lit up, but I couldn't see any symbols in them. I turned back to the girls to see them both with their heads down, I can see why Aquina would be like that since I knew her and Mom were hiding something, but was Latisha hiding something too? Fuck it, I didn't care, I will just be a good little soldier and collect more, not like I had a choice.

  I noticed that there was a door on the side of the barn now, and I started to walk to it ignoring the girls.

  'It's not their fault.' -Tequila.

  'It's fine, I get it. I'm here to do a job, and that's what I will do.'

  'Dave…' -Tequila.

  I ignored her, and opened the door with Tenten following. I started to get my guns upgraded and ready for the next round. No more chances, or random bullshit; I upgraded my guns as far as they could go, and then heard the girls come in behind me. I didn't turn around, I wasn't ignoring them, but my head was focused and I knew what needed to be done. Get to the end of it all, and maybe then I will be able to find a nice asteroid like Greg.

  Chapter 204: They Are All The Same Person/All-Mother

  The Night Life game, I had played this my second game in Reborn, and Serina had been with me. The entire world consisted of streets with neon signs and lots of 'Other' things you might find windows lit up in red, but this time was a lot different. The main thing was that all the people were trying to kill us, people, not monsters, or zombies.

  I hesitated for only a second before firing, but when I did shoot, I was able to reset my brain back to game mode. I continued firing as men and women in Friday night club clothes exploded into showers of black particles. That was the only thing that made this somewhat okay.

  It wasn't like I had never killed anyone, I wasn't squeamish about pulling the trigger, but these were just normal people. It would be like sitting in a restaurant or a library and then having everyone get up and grab the closest things to them, then try to kill you with it. I was able to push through, but what if there was blood, and I was using Rip to fire into a crowded alley?

  "DAVE! Get in the game!" Latisha screamed at me as someone got close to me.

  I dropped Rip, cracking to get Ripperess, and a short burst made the man in a dress suit explode. He was coming in for over handed trash can lid slam, and there were more coming, but my gun tore through them like paper. The girls ran up firing beside me, and we cleared the street in moments.

  "What's up with you? You were just walking forward without shooting?" Aquina asked with concern, taking my arm.

  A small part of me wanted to pull away from her touch, but that wasn't fair. I just needed to get my head in the game. I dropped the Ripperess and patted Aquina's hand, then I leaned over to kiss her cheek.

  "Sorry, having all the people rush me in this place…was weird, just normal people, and I've been here before. It was all just a bit too surreal for me, but I have my bearings about me now."

  "Good, it has been a while, and I think you need some stress taken off you…" But Latisha was cut off by another blare from MainFrame.


  [Builder System Sequence One]-Armory, is now complete.

  [Armory] Acquired!

  'Armory gives you access to every weapon you or any Harem Member has used. There is an internal menu that allows you to scroll through, or you can call out the weapon's name out loud or with thought.' -Tequila.

  Finally, something useful, but no, MainFrame was still raging


  [Builder System Sequence One] Is now over, reverting back to Mating Sequence.


  Resuming in 3…

  That was a close one, but MainFrame was out of control.



  I was back in my room, finally. I didn't even see if one or more girls had joined me, I just went and laid face down in my bed. I couldn't get physically tired unless I wanted to, but the mental stresses lately were starting to give me a proverbial headache, since I could have those. I flopped face down, but I did hear the soft footsteps of someone walking over to the bed where I was lying down.

  I felt the pressure of her climb onto my back and I knew who it was before the white hair fell down to mix with mine.

  "Are you okay, honey?"

  "Just brain tired," I said in a muffled voice as I spoke into the bed.

  "Hm, well take off your shirt and I will use some oils to rub you back. I can try and loosen you up and let you rest for a bit. Your blue-haired darling, Aquina said she would wait for us," Latisha told me as I pulled my shirt over my head

  I felt her get off my back, but then returning to climb back on top of me, but this time she felt different. I could feel her smooth thighs slide along the sides of my waist as she pushed down on my back to shimmy forward. I could also feel the warmth from between her legs press down into the cent of my back, sending a warm sensation through my body.

  I felt the splash of oil on my back and then Latisha started to work it in. I tried to turn my head to get a peak, but I was met with a face full of pillow, so I just l put my face back into the bed. I could feel her hips slow-moving as she worked my muscles, they didn't hurt, but the feeling of the pressure of her fingers kneading into my back still gave me relief, pushing out the stress.

  Soon, Latisha rolled me over and I got my first view of her naked body in what seemed to be forever. Her white hair cascaded over her dark breast and then into my face and she leaned in. As our lips touched, my hands slid my pants off, and Latisha ground her now oiled up pussy aggressively on my rock hard shaft, moaning into my mouth.

  Latisha's hand-stretched down as she pulled her now dripping pussy off my now aching cock. I could see the juices drip down as she took me in her hand, guided herself down but only letting the tip go in. She stopped kissing me and straightened up, then slowly pushing down, letting her ebony slit swallowed me. As she went down, she let out a long open-mouthed moan with her head tipped back and both hands pushing her white hair back.

  I ran my hands up her waist and then took both her chocolate breast in my hands as Latisha started to ride me harder. I could feel her getting wetter as she bounced on my stiff cock until I lifted her off me and bent her over the end of the bed. I pushed into her and then gripped her ass cheeks in both hands, ramming my shaft deep inside her, making her back arch in a wordless cry of pleasure.

  Each thrust I pushed into Latisha's pussy seemed to make her cry for more louder until I felt her lips clamp tight around my near erupting cock. I filled her insides with my cum as her legs shook with an intense orgasm. Latisha's legs shook more as I pulled out and her lips twitched as a small stream of my semen trickled out of her soaking slit.

  She rolled over and I climbed back onto the bed with her, taking her into my arms after she climbed up to the pillows. Latisha rested her head on my chest and closed her eyes, while I was left to my thoughts. The last thing MainFrame had said to me about me having a bother was not burning a hole into my head.

  'Mom, do you know about my brother? I don't understand how I could have one unless my parents had one that I didn't know about.'

  'Yes, but something happened to him and he is now assaulting one of the Zodiac worlds with two others. For some reason, they were sent to the final world first and lost, but that sent then back in the world line.'- Tequila.

  Woah, that the most I have ever got from Mom.

  'So then, who are you to the girl?'

  'I am of the All-Mother. Your girls are all my children.'

  ...What? Wait a minute…

  'You had all these girls with Simon?!'

  'Simon is not my husband, I was forced by Mainframe to tell you that. Simon, Mr. Datum, and Dan all the same person. The same faceless god you met at the end of the first game with me, Dansei, your guide.' -Tequila.

  'Then, what about the earth? If he's all three then…'

  'It's the same world Tyson placed you, MainFrame holds a grudge against your brother for beating him and an overwhelming victory.' -Tequila.

  'Then why are you telling me this now?'

  'Your brother Hyde, gave his position away to MainFrame. Now MainFrame will be stuck in Game Master form and only basic restrictions are put in place. You don't know how long we have all wanted to tell you, but MainFrame waited for you after Hyde defeated him. Know this was the only way to do something to him.' -Tequila.

  'You're telling me I'm not from earth?'

  'None of us know and that's what we are fighting for. The world you knew was a figment created by MainFrame as a distraction to confuse you and make you play the games casually.' -Tequila.

  'And now I'm not being casual, and MainFrame thinks I am going to be my brother all over again. What is his problem? Isn't he a computer or something?'

  "That's an answer that we are trying to figure out, Dave,' Replied a man's voice from in front of me.

  I opened my eyes and I was sitting up, in the cafe, Chai tea latte steaming in front of me. Simon sat in front of me with a big grin on his face. I wasn't sure how to react.

  Part of me wanted to pull Tilly's Stone greatsword out over the top of his head and miss catching it. Then, I was just happy to finally understand what was going on, and I had a brother, so there was that. I wonder if he was a Harem Hero?

  'Harem Leader.' Tequila.

  Chapter 205: MainFrame

  "You know, this is kind of nice, how many games has it been since we met in the Hall of Wishes? Dansei asked as I sipped at my latte.

  "So you were the faceless god? Just how many people have you played?"

  "I was forced to play a weird position, every one of us has had to lie, but this isn't the first time we have done this. Last time...things didn't go well, we told you earlier like the others, but…it wasn't good for anyone, and you lost everything."

  "Woah, hold on! This isn't the first time, then what about all the souls? Was that a lie as well?"

  Small holes were starting to poke through my calm, this is too much to take in all at once. I stood up, but...whoever this thing actually was, didn't try to stop me. I left the coffee shop and started to run, I had never looked, but this city was also the one that I...was told I lived in...was I actually there? But, If it was all made up, then who was Serina? Why was she a part of it?

  'Serina is special to you somehow, but that is all I know, there is still so much that we don't know. Reborn keeps resetting, and then we are all forced to do this again without knowing what had happened. You are not alone in this fight, just behind the rest, but not by a lot.' -Tequila.

  I ran, but decided to grab a cab, and gave the driver some cash and directions. The man took the money wordlessly as I got into the back. There had been cash in my pocket when I checked before getting into the cab, but I was hardly surprised by anything anymore.

  'If I failed, shouldn't my brother, and the others be ahead of me by a lot?'

  'The also failed and had to go through all twelve worlds alone, this will be the only advantage you will have going in. Your brother, Hyde, was the first to report back of the three, but the other two will be a while before we hear from them. They don't have the same zeal as Him.' -Tequila.

  'What is he like? My brother?'

  'Hyde is always the strongest, and he is the only one of the five of you that didn't use the builder system. Fiercely loyal, and protective of his family, that's why he took MainFrame with him for you. I don't know why MainFrame is always so easily baited by you brother, but he will be surprised when he finds out what it's like in the Zodiac worlds.' -Tequila.

  'Do you know why MainFrame is acting like this? Isn't it supposed to be the watcher over the games to make sure we have fun or something like that?'

  'He is the only thing that we really know nothing about, the last game ended because he stopped us, but something changed this time. Hyde, Kiada, Bhan, and 69584 were all sent to Aihalla, the 13th Zodiac world, and they lost, but the biggest effect was them getting pushed back on their world lines, relative to your position.' -

  "Who? All those numbers, is that a person?'

  'Yes, 69584 prefers to go by this name, but he doesn't work with others, and it is hard to call him a Harem leader with only three partners, but he is the only one that hasn't failed
. 69584 as Already captured one of the game worlds. He is now pushing into the next with his trio, but each of you will have to finish your three before you can converge on the final world, Aihalla together.' -Tequila.

  I had finally arrived at the address I had asked for, and once the cab stopped I got out of the car. My head needed a break from the info dump, I partially wished I could just have it downloaded in, but that might be worse. I shook my head and looked at my old house, a normal white and green bungalow with a nice yard.

  I wasn't here to come to cry or to go visit my old home, I just needed confirmation, and now I had it. This was all more than just some game, or maybe that's exactly what it is, but why are we stuck in an endless loop? Not much of a game if you ask me, but complaining about it wasn't going to get me anywhere.


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