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Harem Reborn c1-297

Page 96

by Author:Magic_

  "I don't see the vibrators, so until then, keep your asshole to yourself. I don't want to hear your assumptions or opinions, I just want proof!"

  I walked out of the station, rubbing my ears. That man knew how to yell and loud, my ears were still ringing from the ear-splitting roars the man had let out. Even though the girls only god stern words, they still had to sit through my de-skinning. Still, we got what we needed, and now it was just a matter of getting the items, but the problem still was, how do we connect the Greasy Dry Cleaner with the Dildos?

  Maybe there was a sign-in sheet or a record of who rented the locker, and there were also hot tubs. I had many fond memories in hot tubs in my past lives, so maybe I could get some one on one time with Sandra if we could get this case closed. There had to be some way to link the guy to them, but, what if we were looking at the wrong person.

  Chapter 220: Take My Damn Money

  Besides not having a good alibi, there wasn't anything linking him to the case, other than my suspicions. I guess we could just wait after we confirmed that they were in there still. We could give the key to the front desk and when the person came back we could get them then.

  We decided that getting back to the place was our first priority, but somehow we ended up making a round trip back to the hotel to grab changes of clothes. Grace said it was a just in case kind of thing, but I figured nothing was going to get between her and a hot tub. The whole trip meant we didn't get back to the Dry Cleaners until almost lunchtime, not that that was a problem.

  No, the real issue would be if there were others in the hot tub area and they saw me pulling cheeseburgers from under my towel. We also stopped buying a gag store for Sandra and Aquina, they said that it would help out with catching the back guy. So while they looked for their supplies, the girls and I looked around quickly.

  After trying on a couple wigs and a couple masks, the sisters found us with a bag of things and pushed us out the door. We went up a set of stairs on the side of the building with arrows and signs that were just pictures of hot tubs that ran along the side of the building. When we got to the tops and got inside there wasn't a lot of room and there was only a glass window with holes in it. There was also a metal tray that ran under the window, similar to a Chequestop or a Money Mart.

  This place had a weird vibe, and this seems way too overkill to be just for hot tubs.

  "Excuse me, I am with the Shell Cops, and I would like to look at your records to see who rents a certain locker."

  I flashed my badge and my winning smile to the old lady with glasses as thick as bottle caps, and I got glared at.

  "Do you have a warrant?"

  "No, I just want to get a person's name!"

  "Then beat it!"

  "Well, that went great, why don't you let me talk to her?"

  "Don't bother, Titty Mcgee. If you want to use the hot tub, it's fifty gold per person, per hour!" The old lady barked through the window.

  "Are you kidding me? Fifty gold, per person? Per hour? We paid 50 gold for hotel rooms for a night!"

  "Then go sit in the bathtub!"

  "What is your problem, old lady? Is this how you treat all your paying customers?"

  "Yes! Except you haven't paid yet, so I don't have to smile yet. Now, in or out? Or I call the bouncers."

  "What the hell? Why do you have….nevermind, fine take my damn money you old bat!"

  I poured seven hundred gold coins from my inventory and dropped them in the tray, then got seven keys all similar to the one I had in my pocket. At least I was on the right path, but this ankle-biter was getting on my nerves, but she might have bouncers and the glass was about four times thicker than her glass. Plus knowing the game, this would be the one indestructible place.

  We all headed into the next room, and there were two doors, men and women, so I kissed my line of girls as they passed me to go get changed and then took a deep breath before going inside. There was going to be a locker full of some weird shit, and I had to hope it was still there. I also have the bag of stuff Sandra and Aquina got for me from the gag store.

  Inside the bag of things that were supposed to help us catch the person, without having to stand guard. First, I would move everything to my locker and then tape two exploding poop and puke packs, and three fart bomb packs together. Then I would tape two clear lines to the rip spot on the bags and then tape the pack to the back of the locker. Finally threading the lines out of the locker door to tie around the vent, and then I would drop the keys on the floor.

  Personally, I didn't think it would work that well, the most that should happen is we make a big mess of the lock and make the guy's bathroom sink. The sister's logic was that the packs would go off and the torrents of fake puke and shit would know him off his feet and then the intense smell would let us know while in the hot tub. The theory seemed good, but I didn't think that something like that would happen.

  Still, I was happy to find two out of three dildos, but the one missing was Hop-Hop. This was obvious, because one was just a normal vibrator, while the other had clothespins on leather cords attached to it. Okay, maybe I was being presumptuous, but I would assume Hop-Hop would be the size of a full-grown eggplant after I had seen Grena using that Linebacker's forearms to impale herself.

  The mental image made me give an involuntary shiver, as I transferred the items over to my locker and set the trap. After I was finished and I dropped the keys on the ground and then got changed. As I took my shirt off a man in glasses, a bucket hat, and a cheap-looking white suit entered.

  I turned my back to the person and I changed into my swimwear and was about to close my locker when I heard the man speak, and froze.

  "Oh, thank goodness, my keys! I thought I had lost you, now I can get inside to see my treasures!"

  Oh shit, I need to be somewhere else, NOW! But it was already too late.


  Chapter 221: My Girls Can Be Very Creative

  There are moments in your life, no matter how many you live when you wish you could have been anywhere but where you were. I was at one of those moments, as I closed my locker and tried to leave the blast radius, but it was too late. The only thing I had time to do was look over my shoulder to watch the man in the cheap white suit open his locker.

  *Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop, Pop...ROAR*

  The scene was devastating, the man knocked clear out of his shoes, which were now filing while very realistic puke and shit. I only got about three-second of viewing time before it hit me like a bag full of rocks. A smell that could knock a dog off a pile of shit wagon hit my nostrils with the force of a five-megaton nuke.

  Instantly, my mouth filled with saliva, that moment before all things eating in the last sixteen hours leaves your body with a tidal wave of force. I couldn't stop it from coming, the smell was so bad that I was having trouble staying awake. I was able to pull my way out of the bath out into the hot tub area where the girls were already soaking.

  The girls all started to jump out of the water, but then they all got a whiff from the invisible killer. Each of the girls jumped back into them and then put their heads under the water. I found a towel and buried my face in it. Luckily, there was no one else around, but I didn't think the little barking dog at the front desk wasn't going to be too thrilled.

  I heard splashes and gasp, so I rolled over, keeping the towel pressed to my face. I saw that the girls now had towels wrapped around their face to black the pervasive smell that was still just as strong as when I had first smelled it. I looked at the girls and all of them looked like they were crying, but I knew it was just that the smell was so bad that it brought tears to your eyes. All seven of us slowly walked towards the men's changing rooms to investigate the results.

  I was actually worried that we might have killed him, and then we would have got in trouble, but we were lucky to find him covered head to toe in a brown paste that made me almost puke again. Kierra and Aquina both let out breakfast, so I shooed the girls out and the
n left the bathroom with them and closed the door. I focused on how convenient it would be to not have the place a complete disaster, and then the smell stopped as it had never been there before.

  "Wow, now that was something! Overkill will never do what happened in their justice, the word needs to be more, like You-Took-That-One-To-FarKill!"

  "Yes, now seeing the effect may be one less puke bomb, four seems a bit strong since he was knocked off his feet and out of his shoes," Sandra said as she dried herself off, the bikini she wore left nothing up to my imagination.

  Which was a good thing since I had used most of my imagination to think up proper words to describe the scene that had just unfolded before me. We all found Mr. Whitesuit laying on the ground, and unconscious, so the girls opened my locker and got out the tape from the bag. Then, we bound and gagged the perp and then tossed him in a corner of the hot tub room.

  There was no way I was going to waste all that gold, the son of a bitch was caught and taped up, so there was no reason to leave until we were ready. We also need to find out where the last vibrator, Hop-Hop, was being held, hostage. Still, we could do all of this, from the hot tub.

  The seven of us all slid into the water, Sandra, and Aquina both coming to sit on my knees, cuddling into me. I put an arm around each and leaned back, the other girls pushed in closer as well. I closed my eyes and let myself relax, not crazy thoughts or worries, just me, myself, and my girls, plus the dipshit in the corner.

  I was pretty confused about the thought, I guess he could be the type to do that. Even his comments before opening the locker left little doubt in my mind that he was the person to be blamed, but without the final piece to the puzzle, we still only had circumstantial evidence. Still, we had caught him in the act of opening the locker the vibrators were supposed to be in, now we just had to wait for the greaser to wake up.

  No sooner than my thoughts formed in my head, did I hear the man in the corner start to groan. I opened my eyes and kissed the sisters before getting up from my spot, and then waded over to the side of the hot tub that was closest to the thief. The man was struggling in a panic on the ground until she looked up at me in confusion.

  I got out and then removed the tape from his mouth and then got back into the water. I turned back around, expecting that the man would have already been yelling for us to let him go, but he wasn't. Instead, he was just laying there on the ground with a defeated look on his face, it almost made me feel sorry for him, but then I remembered why we were here.

  "So, are you going to tell us where the last one is? Or do I need the girls to throw you back in the bathroom? I think we still have some of the fart bombs left, and then we can see if you want to talk, and from there if you're difficult, who knows? My girls can be very creative if you haven't already noticed."

  Chapter 222: Who's Side Are You On?

  "Mmmm mmm mmmm"

  "Well, I guess that would make for a problem,'' I said after crawling out of the hot tub to remove the tape from his mouth.

  "Gah! What did you put in that locker?" The man in the cheap white suit asked. "And why?"

  "My name is Dave, and these fine women are my associates. We are with the Shell Cop Station, and the locker you opened was filled with vibrators before we switched things around. We found your key at the scene of the crime, and a receipt for the Dry Cleaners below at another location that you hit. Now, we just need to recover the last item, and that is where you come in."

  "...Do I get to make a phone call?"

  "Not my business, you can ask Branson when we book you, but, if you want to make things a bit easier, you will turn in the last vibrator without any more problems. That, or we do it the way I first suggested."

  "I don't have it, you can deal with my boss when he finds out that you caught me! You think you're so," The man tried to say, barefooted Grace landed a soccer kill to the side of the man's head that knocked him out cold, or at least I hoped he was knocked out.

  "Hey! Don't kill him! We need more info about this boss, and if you kill him...well, I don't know what will happen, but Branson made it clear that it was something that we wouldn't like!"

  "I didn't hit him that hard! I know how much force to use, Don't I guide you when using force?" Grace said, giving me her new signature eyebrow lift, with suggestions written all over her face.

  That was the moment when a door burst open that did not lead to either bathroom nor did it even have a handle. In the doorway stood two very large men in black suits and the ankle biter. Great, I bet she was here to throw us out for the noise or pervasive smell that was coming out of the men's bathroom before, but I was surprised when she turned to look at the pervert in the corner.

  "So, you figured it out," The small old lady turned back to me. "Our boss is not going to be happy with you and your group! Where are the vibrators? Hand them over and none of the girls have to get hurt!"

  You are kidding me? What the hell is going on? Grandma works for their mysterious boss pervert too?

  I snapped my single gate open and stepped forward. It didn't matter who they worked, for now, they threatened my girls. There are very few things in this world that will make me see red, but ninety percent of them involve threatening or hurting the people close to me.

  I reached out, plunging my hand into the rent-in space, wrapping my hand around the jet-ax, pulling back out of the tear. I have to give it to her, that old bag was fast, like inhuman fast. By the time the two monsters started to rush me, the woman had already grabbed and dragged the suspect into her room and slammed the door.

  Damn, but I didn't have time to think, the two black-suited men were rushing at me and about to...stop. Both of the men stopped rushing forwards and then started backing up.

  "Yeah you chicken shits, come get some!"

  "They aren't scared of you Dave,' Aquina said from behind me.

  I gave a quick look behind me and saw why they both had their hands up now. Every girl was standing in their swimsuits, holding a gun that was trained on the two bouncer/bodyguards. Well, that was less exciting than them backing up from me, but yet more exciting because all the girls were half-naked, and holding weapons, I was torn.

  "Go tape them up, but make sure they can walk, we are taking them and the dildo's to Branson right now before someone else tries to rescue these two!" Kierra said.

  I signed and then did as I was asked, or told. I would like to think of it as asked, but there was no question in the statement, so I did as I was told. While I did, the sisters went and collected the vibrators from the changeroom, and then we made our way to the station.

  I would have to say this must have been the strangest sight this city had ever seen. Six girls in bikinis, all holding guns trained on two men wearing black suits and shade. I was surprised that for the entire walk, no one bothered us, I thought for sure the cops would be called on us, and part of me wished someone would. I would have made this walk a lot less awkward, and shorter.

  It took us about thirty-five minutes, but only because one of the girls needed to use the bathroom, and then half of them needed to use the washroom, leaving me and the sister to watch over the men. Thankfully, no gang members or anyone else tried to give us any trouble during the twenty-minute wait for the girls to get back from the bathroom.

  After that, it was a short walk to the Shell Cop Station, but Branson was waiting for us outside of the station. And he looked pissed.

  "Let them go," Branson said in a gruff and angry voice.

  "What? Let them go? They are suspects and the women they were with took our suspect!"

  "Did I stutter? Release them now, they are free to go, this was all just a big mix-up, AND my Team Members will all apologize for any issues they might have caused you," Branson said in a more growling than speaking voice, as he glared at me.

  What the hell was going on here? Was Branson working for this pervert boss? Damn, I hate when the plot thickens!

  Chapter 223: The Better Brother!

cut the tape and let the grinning bodyguards go, but before I did, I ripped them both down to my eye level.

  "This isn't over, you may get away now because of this and that, but I will find you, and your boss."

  I let them both straighten up and then reached out and grabbed the sand sword to let them go. Both of them took off the remaining tape, but both remained straight-faced and walked away. A car pulled around the corner and picked both of them up.

  I whirled around to Branson, who already had his hands up.

  "Hold your horses. Don't get all crazy with me until you hear what I have to say. Let's go inside."

  I wanted to rip Branson a new asshole, but I held back and let the girls follow him in, while I glared at the black SUV that had just pulled up down the street. The thing had blacked-out windows, and no one got out, but they had turned the engine. I was about to go over and give them a piece of my mind, but Grace's voice stopped me.


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