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Harem Reborn c1-297

Page 125

by Author:Magic_

  The problem with the System was that it made the player play out each of the games. They would be forced to focus on finding the girls and then doing things with them.

  The system was meant as a Pleasure Cruise System, not a fighting system. It could be used as one if necessary, Dave had proved that.

  'System check before we go into Demons and Dragons. What do you plan on using, my knight above shiny lights?' Tequila teased from inside Dave's head.

  Blank had given Tequila the ability to merge and emerge from Dave like the way a Nymph did. This allows her to be safe inside a pocket dimension. It sits in between the folds of Reborn, and is a copy of Dave's house that he grew up in.

  "I'll use the Game Master System, and I want you to use the Point Crafting System. These two will keep us moving at a steady pace and they will hopefully keep us from dying."

  'Yes, but you do get three lives on this one,' Tequila mentioned helpfully.

  "If I die, we lose our stuff if we can't get back to it, and any experience we received had since the last town. I built this as the last level, and it is going to take a lot of work no matter what system we use," Dave explained as the light below pulsed twice to Dave's System requests.

  The Eye of God had finished restarting, and recalibrating the worlds. Now, it was installing the Systems directly into Dave and Tequila.

  Doing this would fool the untampered with MainFrame, letting Dave use the second System. He would still get another System that would work separate from the Game Master System upon entering the world.

  'Will I be a Player too?' Tequila asked.

  "Yes, we will have the same style of System. This world only has one type, but it is an Unlimited System. That means there is no power cap, but that goes for everything else in the world. We will start as nobodies, and have to fight our way to the top," Dave explained.

  The world was almost finished loading and soon they would be dropping in. They would both start at the age of twenty-five, and it would not change while they were there.

  "So, all the other players are the Major's A.I. that he built? Why doesn't that make me feel better than having the ones that were infected? Didn't you just wipe everything?" Tequila asked Dave after emerging from his chest up to her shoulders.

  "What are you doing?" Dave asked, trying to hold back his smile.

  Dave had wiped everything, but the A.I. put in here by Blank would only get reset to the state they were entering. The only way to make sure was for Major Tim Knowles, Aka, Professor MTK, to swap out A.I. that he had created.

  "I would sooner look at you while we talked. This will also be a great way to introduce me to friends!" Tequila said, and then pulled her arms out.

  She pulled Dave down into a kiss, and Dave embraced her awkwardly.

  Suddenly, Tequila was forced the rest of the way out of his body. Dave helped her, but as he did, both of them started to pull apart.

  They were now downloading into the new world and soon Dave would begin his next journey. This time it would be without all but one distraction, and a person still needed a little bit of distraction.

  "I really hope this place we start has nice people and an inn. I want to have a bath," Tequila said with a smile as they had almost completely faded.

  "Nice? D&D? I don't think I put that word into this world," Dave said with a chuckle as the two disappeared.

  Dave and Tequila were now being inserted back into Reborn, and into the Demon's & Dragons World. The Eleventh and final stop before the final game world, where Dave would face off with MainFrame.


  Dave opened his blue eyes and had to push some of his sandy blonde mop of hair aside to see. Something never changed for Dave, but that was by his own design.

  As the creator of Reborn itself, Dave made sure that his avatars all share a similar likeness to himself for continuity's sake. Now he had entered the new game, and he was running through the messages from the Game Master System.

  "Everything looks good here, how are you feeling dear?" Dave asked Tequila, but the pair of men on the road in front of him stopped and turned.

  One of them was well over two meters tall with a red coat and blacks jeans that looked about Dave's size. The other was shorter and more obese, but both had guns, a pair of revolvers.

  "What the fuck did you just say to me?" The tall man with red hair sneered at Dave.

  Dave wasn't sure if the man actually wanted to hear it again or if this was one of those, don't need to answer things. Luckily for Dave, A message popped up from the Game Master System.

  [Encounter] Started!

  [First Quest]: Piece Full Dissed Arms: Complete this encounter without attacking.

  [Reward]: Skill: Advantage.

  'You don't want to waste your first life here. They might just wait, and spawn kill us! Do you want me to come out and help?' Tequila asked with no intention of helping.

  Dave had to think quickly but decided to roll with the punches and see where that got him. The two already looked like a strained partnership.

  "Ya, I thought it was strange as well, that's why I repeated it. You got a funny little man that talks to you like that, good for you too!" Dave said with an easy-going attitude.

  During this, Dave was scanning through his skill sheets and other things. Once he found Persuasion, Dave activated the skill at the end of this talk.

  "Hey! I never said something so stupid!" Cried out the short back hair man, but he pulled out his pistol at the same time.

  "You greasy weasel Simon, I knew you were like that," The red-headed man said, he had drawn as well. "Funny you pulling a gun on me like that, if you didn't say anything."

  "Sorry, no disrespect. I just have never heard a man say that to another man. I am not from around here. Also, Simon, are you a greasy weasel? That's quite the accusation of your so-called friend and partner!" Dave said while holding down the persuasion skill with his mind.

  "Yeah! I ain't not a greasy weasel! He is right! Friend, yeah right! Walt, you say."

  *Bang, Bang!*

  Simon was cut off by a bullet to the chest, but that made him pull his own trigger. Walt staggered back, and both men dropped their guns, clutching their wounds.

  Dave stood with arms crossed, shaking his head as he watch the dying men sink to the ground. Both men shattered into black bits, and Dave let out a long sigh.

  He would not be getting that red coat, but he did receive his new skill.

  'What is the point of this skill?' Tequila asked.

  "It also allows me to re-roll the results of a conversation three times a day. It doesn't guarantee that it will be good and I have to stick with the results, but it could be very useful," Dave explained as he walked over, and picked up two brown pouches where the men had died.

  He opened it up, and there were some gold coins inside of it, the other was the same. Dave tucked the pouches into his blue jean pockets and turned on the road.

  Ahead was a small town, and there was a sign not too far from me for the town's name and population. Dave had to walk a bit before he could see it, but when he got close enough, Tequila started to laugh.

  'Wow, did you name this or was it the random name generator of lost hope and despair?' Tequila jokes.

  The sign that Tequila was joking about was a pair of brass metal posts with valves that had no apparent purpose, SteamPunk. The black billboard had the welcome painted on in white.

  [Welcome to The End]

  [Population: Varied]

  Chapter 292: Ch 2: Bottom Of The Food Chain

  "Seems like it could be a friendly place," Dave said as he walked past the sign for the town ahead.

  The town was small and all the buildings were made out of wood. The two looked very run down like the people didn't really care, they just tried to make it through each day.

  "I hope the people aren't all like the ones we just met or did you make this world filled with idiots?" Tequila asked by making her face appear on the side of his neck.

  Dave was a bit jaded when it came to humans. After all the havoc they cause in the real world, it was easy for Dave to make them the bad guys.

  "No, not everyone is mean, just most of them. Plus, you know that always makes humans the lesser species, but it's not like there won't be some good people and Demons," Dave explained as they entered the town.

  The first two buildings were just small wooden houses. Off two the right behind then there was a long apartment-style building that was a single story tall.

  The streets had some people milling about, but everyone kept themselves completely covered up. A couple humans were milling about uncovered, but they were few and far.

  "What do you make of the place?" Tequila whispered.

  "Hard to say, but the Demons here are being oppressed by the dragons. So, I would assume we will have to deal with that a lot," Dave explained.

  "Oppressed Demons? And you have to save them? Why does this sound like the punch line to a funny joke?" Tequila questioned Dave.

  They had just passed a general store on the left and there was a weapons shop on the right. The next building on the right caught Dave's eye and he head over two it.

  "No, not a joke. In this world, I made Demons the lowest race, and the dragons at the top. I mean, I thought it was funny at the time, and I still do," Dave said with a laugh as he stood in front of the nicest build he had seen in the town so far.

  The Dragon's Tax Hut. This was a place to register as an adventure or the person could get hunted down for tax evasion. Avoiding paying your taxes was a serious crime here in this world thanks to Dave.

  Dave had Made the Dragons ruthless in this world. He was going to be playing their game until he was strong enough to fight back.

  "We are going to go and register with the local Dragon Lord that is on staff today. Please keep hidden; the last thing that we need right now is for the Dragon Lord to think that I am some kind of Demon, okay?" Dave asked Tequila.

  "Fine, but I like to think that I only help," Tequila said while turning up her nose before fading back into Dave.

  Dave sighed. Yes, she would think that, but now it was time for Dave to put on his game face. Dragons were all about the money, and Dave designed them to be penny pinchers.

  Dave pushed open the wooden door to the build that had a large sign that was in gold lettering. Dragon's Tax Hut was riveted in gold on a sheet of black metal very similar to the one at the entrance of the town.

  Inside was a single small room that belied the size of the building. The room was spartan with only a desk and a door behind it.

  There was also a pair of old chairs sitting in front of the desk. So, Dave walked over and sat down it one to wait.

  There was no bell or anything to let the dragon know that he was here so Dave was forced to wait. Fortunately, Dave didn't have to wait too long, and the back door opened,

  A man with a scaled and pointed green draconic face appeared. He was wearing a white robe that was lined with gold trim that was more than likely made from actual gold.

  "Hmm, I see, and new Demon scumbag coming into town to find work?" The dragon asked in his humanoid form.

  "What? Demon? No, I am a human!" I tried to complain, but the dragon put a hand up to stop me from continuing.

  "No, there are no humans in this world with blue eyes and blonde hair. Tell you what, I will kill you now, and then tomorrow when you are reborn as the same worthless Demon, we can try again? Does that sound better than accepting the license?" The dragon asked with an amused look.

  Dave was frustrated, but trying to get around this was just going to get him killed. Dave nodded his head to the dragon, and the green-skinned creature smiled a toothy and vicious grin.

  "Good, you look like you might do some good work and pay good taxes. We could use more of your type around here, but that usually makes the other jealous. Watch yourself in this town, Stranger, Everyone is looking for a chance to get ahead."

  The Dragon turned and was about to walk back through the door he had come through, but Dave called out to him.

  "What is your name? Just so I know who to give thanks to, right?"

  The dragon slowly turned around and stared at Dave for a moment, but then laughed in a strange way.

  "Bahamut is the only God that you are allowed to pray to, worthless Demon! My name is Dalzoro, and if you bring me bounties you could have a chance to progress further up in this world. There are many things a person could do with the right kind of influence," Dalzoro said suggestively, before turning and leaving the room, closing the door being him.

  "Look at that, you didn't even need my help! You're just born at the bottom of the food chain," Tequila laughed from his shoulder as I left the Tax Hut.

  "That definitely did not go as planned, but nothing hardly ever does," Dave said with a sigh.

  "Why didn't you use your new skill on him," Tequila asked curiously as Dave continued his way up the street.

  "I was worried about what would happen if it wasn't a good re-roll. If I would have gotten a bad response from someone like that, no amount of anything that I did would be able to help," Dave explained as he walked past the Town Hall.

  The Town Hall was nowhere near as nice as the Dragon Tax Hut. Though, if this was a Demon run town that would be expected.

  On the left-hand side was a Bakery and a clothing shop, but that shop had an out-of-business sign on the door. As he walked by, Dave could smell the freshly baked bread that made his mouth water.

  The last game Dave had played there had been no need to eat. Now, he could smell the fresh smells, and it was making his stomach start to rumble.

  Luckily, Dave had reached the Inn called The Last Stop. It was just on the other side of the town Hall and it was the biggest building in the town.

  "Do we have any coin, other than what I got from those two men?" Dave asked tequila as he walked up to the front door of the Inn.

  "No, you just have that, you don't even have a weapon or anything, so you have better save your money and only pay for one night! No beer and hookers! I am your hooker!" Tequila told him as he walked into the building, making

  Dave smiled.

  Inside the bar was on the immediate left and the rest of the room was filled with tall tables and bar stools, four to five at each table. The place was not clean, and from a quick look around the place, Dave could see that there was dust on everything.

  This also included the tables that people were sitting at. There were their patrons at them, and they all were sitting at different tables.

  "Haven't seen you around here before," a young man said slowly from behind the bar.

  Dave turned to look at the kid and smiled.

  "Yeah, just got into town and talked with the Dragon Lord Dalzoro. So, now I need a place to stay for the night. Maybe some food two if it doesn't cost that much," Dave explained to the young man, but the boy looked very confused and lost.

  "Uhh… MA!" The boy yelled and then ran into the back.

  A large woman with a ladle and apron on walked out from the door that led into the kitchen area. She looked angry at first, but then changed to a nicer expression when she looked at Dave's hair and eyes.

  "So, another poor Demon vagrant just came in to serve the big bad Dragon Lord, eh?" The large woman asked Dave.

  "Yeah, something like that," Dave said with a smile.

  Chapter 293: Ch 3: Whenever Never Happened

  "So, you need a room then? For just one?" The large Innkeeper asked eyeing Dave but jumped back as Tequila merged from his body.

  "Do I count as one person if I am inside of him most of the time?" She asked as she toyed with her black hair.

  Tequila had come out in a cute yellow dress. She had a small round face with a perfect tanned complexion and stubby legs.

  "You're not a demon? Why are you living in one?" The Innkeeper asked in surprise.

  "This is my husband, and he is not a demon, but I am not here to argue if a tomato is a fruit. We just w
ant a room and a meal, and a bath would be nice, Ma'am," Tequila told the Innkeeper.

  The Innkeeper looked the two of them up and down and then frowned. She then turned and yelled to the back for Pa to come up.

  "The name is Ma, and you can't just buy your way into a room around here. You need to be a qualified Adventure, and Pa will get you your card. After you touch the Class Rod you will be given a class and then Arsehole will show you to the basement," Ma explained.


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